Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 2 →
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thirty , and some a hundred fold . Good deeds , continued the eloquent brother , have through all time been the legitimate manifestations of Freemasonry to the outward world , ancl wisely and well directed charity is its source of strengtli and influence now , both within ancl without its pale . He desired the brethren to understand that in addressing them as an honoured guest , or in writing to them as Prov . G . S ., he was indeed only with the best intentions in respect to Freemasonryand
, requested them to bear this fully in mind when digesting or replying to Lis letters . He concluded by paying a just tribute of respeet to Bro . Manoah Rhodes for the active interest he continued to take in the Masouic Charities , and thanking him for his able efforts in getting up , and contributing to , the subscription for the Boys' School , sat down amid the cheers of tfll the brethren .
Royal Arch.
METROPOIITAN . MomsT Zios CHAPEER ( No . 159 ) . —The last convocation was held on Monday , April 12 th , at Radley's Hotel , New Bridgestreet . Present—Comps . R . Favvan , M . E . Z . ; . J . How , P . Z . as H . ; A . Pratt , J . ; the several officers , P . Z . s , and others . A ballot was taken for the admission of three brethren of lodge 57 , and one , Bro . John lacey , being in attendance , he was exalted into this sublime degree , the whole ceremony being most efficiently gone through by the M . E . Z . and other officials . The chapter was closed until October , and the companions partook of their usual pleasant banquet in the large room of the hotel .
SCOTLAND . SUPREME ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER . Copies of the following circular have , within the last few days , been addressed to the members of Supreme Chapter , ancl distributed among the members of the order generally : — "Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland , Scribe ' s Chambers 50 G
-streetEdin-, , eorge , burgh , 13 th April , 1863 . "M . E . Sir and Comp ., —At a meeting of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland , held on l 7 th December last , it was found necessary to suspend four chapters , and thirteen companions of the Order resident in Glasgow , for insubordination ancl disobedience to the Supreme Chapter . " It appears than these thirteen suspended companions formed
themselves into what they were pleased to term a ' General Grand Royal Arch Chapter for Scotland and the Colonies ; ' and having prevailed upon a number of members of the suspended chapters to join them , they commenced issuing charters ancl working the Royal Arch degrees . This having been reported to the Supreme Chapter , that body , at a special meeting held on the 6 th inst ., expelled from tho Order of Royal Arch Freemasons the brethren whose names are contained in the annexed list .
" I am directed by the Supreme Chapter to communicate the sentence passed upon these brethren to all Chapters and Mark Master lodges holding of the Supreme Chapter , in order , that they may prohibit ancl discharge their members , in all time coming , from holding any communication with any of them on the subject of Royal Arch Masonry , or from admitting into their chapters or lodges any of these expelled brethren , or anyone exalted inor belonging to of the spurious chapters
esta-, , any blished by them . "I am also directed to intimate this to all sister Grand Chapters , and to request that the usual publicity may bo given to it among their daughter chapters , in order that these chapters may not , through ignorance , communicate with spurious chapters ancl expelled brethren . "And , lastly , I am directed to intimate this to the Royal Order of
Scotland , the Chapter General of tho Religious and Military Order of the Temple , and the Supreme Council of the 33 rd ancl last degree ofthe Ancient and Accepted Scottisli Rite , m order that these bodies may adopt such measures as regards those of the expelled brethren who may be members of them , as they may see fit . " I have , accordingly , in terms of these directions , sent you this notice
, which I have to request you will lay before your first meeting . " I am , M . E . Sir and Companion , yours fraternally , "h . MACKEKSV , G . S . E .
Royal Arch.
" list of brethren expelled from the Order of Royal Arch Freemasons by the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland , at a special meeting held in Freemasons' Hall , Edinburgh , on Monday , the 6 th of April , 1863 : — " 1 . Donald Campbell , 1 , Buchanan-street , Glasgow . " 2 . E . AV . Pritchard , M . D ., 11 , Berkley-terrace , Glasgow . " 3 . John laurie , 151 , Queen-street , Glasgow . " 4 . James Cowan 62 St . Vincent-streetGlasgow .
, , , " 5 . David H . Millar , 25 , St . Enoeh's-lane , Glasgow . " 6 . Robert AValkee , 45 , Renfield-street , Glasgow . " 7 . Charles Brown , 273 , George-street , Glasgow . " ( All belonging to the Glasgow Chapter , No . 50 . ) " 8 . James Muir , 16 , St . Enoch-square , Glasgow . " 9 . David Sutherland , 108 , Argyle-street , Glasgow . " 10 . Robert Clagstoue 21 Howard-streetGlasgow .
, , , " 11 . Henry Marshall , 543 , Gallowgate , Glasgow . " 12 . Neil B . Dalveen , 3 , Argyle-street , Glasgow . " ( All belonging to the Cathedral , Glasgow , Chapter , No . 67 . ) " 13 . James Bannatyne , 3 , Carrick-street , Glasgow . " 14 . Hutcheson Campbell , 64 , Argyle-street , Glasgow . ' ( Both belonging to the St . Andrew's , Glasgow , Chapter . )"
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
SUPREME GRAND COUNCIL . The half yearly meeting of the Supreme Grand Council was held at the London Coffee House , Ludgate-hill , on Wednesday last , when there were present : —Dr . leeson , M . P . S . G . Com . ; Col . Bowyer , M . Ih . Lt . G . Com . ; Col . Clerk , G . In . Gen . ; Col . Vernon , 111 . G . Treas . ; Dr . Kent , G . In . Gen . ; Winson , P . 30 ° . Bros . Hyde Pullen 32 ° Sec . Gen .: Dr . Goolden 32 ° Barker ;
, , , ; 32 ° ; Col . Dering , 32 ° ; Col . Boyle , 31 ° ; Keddell , 31 ° ; AV . S , Slaney , 31 ° ; R . Costa , 31 ° ; J . Goddard , 31 ° ; Maj . Finney , 30 ° ; R . Spencer , 30 ° ; Burrell , 30 ° ; Gallagher , 30 ° ; C . Beaumont , 30 ° ; Figg , 30 ° ; S . Smith , 30 ° ; M . H . Shuttleworth , 30 ° ; AA arren , 30 ° ; and many others . The first business was the raising Bro . Bollaert to the 31 ° . The following brethren were afterwards raised to the 30 ° . Brosthe Hon . G . B . Bruceand J .
, , Gihbs , Metropolitan Chapter ; C . Ratclifi ' e , Vernon Chapter ; A . II . Pearson and AA . E . Gumbleton , St . Peter and St . Paul Chapter ; J . Boldevson , jun ., J . Smith , and S . P . Leather , Palatine Chapter ; Donald Mclachlan , Vectis Chapter ; G . Lambert , Invicta Chapter . The whole of the ceremonies were beautifully performedafter which the M . P . S . G . Com . addressed the brethren on the
history of the Order , and the formation of the Supreme Grand Council . He denied that the degrees of Herodem had any connection with the Templar degrees , as maintained by some , and stated that he was in possession of original documents , which proved the existence of the Order , long before the first establishment of Masonic Knight Templars . At the conclusion of business a number of brethren adjourned to dinner , and spent a very pleasant evening in mutual conversation , only one toast being given , that of the health of Her Majesty . The brethren separated about . ten o ' clock .
Obituary .
BRO . JAMES WILDER ADAMS . It is with sincere regret we announce the death of this well known ancl respected brother , which took place on Monday last , at his residence , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , in his 44 th year . Bro . Adams was initiated in the Polish National Lodge ( No . 778 ) , on the 15 th May , 1848 ; joined the Prudent-Brethren Lodge ( No . 169 ) , in 1849 , and was Master in 1852 .
He subsequently joined the Globe Lodge ( No . 23 ) , the Robert Burn's Lodge ( No . 25 ) , the Royal Union Lodge ( No . 536 ) , Uxbridge , and was one of the founders of the Beadon Lodge ( No . 902 ) , and at the time of his death , a member of Nos . 25 , 169 , 536 , and 902 . He was exalted in the Polish Chapter ( No . 778 ) , in October , 1849 , ancl passed the three chairs , being Z . in 1855 . He was also a member of the Royal Union Chapter ( No . 536 )
, completing his year of office as Z . on the day of his death , and of the Crystal Palace Chapter ( No . 1044 ) . He was a liberal supporter and Past Steward of the various charities and a member of the Committee of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and their Widows . Bro . Adams was brought up
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
thirty , and some a hundred fold . Good deeds , continued the eloquent brother , have through all time been the legitimate manifestations of Freemasonry to the outward world , ancl wisely and well directed charity is its source of strengtli and influence now , both within ancl without its pale . He desired the brethren to understand that in addressing them as an honoured guest , or in writing to them as Prov . G . S ., he was indeed only with the best intentions in respect to Freemasonryand
, requested them to bear this fully in mind when digesting or replying to Lis letters . He concluded by paying a just tribute of respeet to Bro . Manoah Rhodes for the active interest he continued to take in the Masouic Charities , and thanking him for his able efforts in getting up , and contributing to , the subscription for the Boys' School , sat down amid the cheers of tfll the brethren .
Royal Arch.
METROPOIITAN . MomsT Zios CHAPEER ( No . 159 ) . —The last convocation was held on Monday , April 12 th , at Radley's Hotel , New Bridgestreet . Present—Comps . R . Favvan , M . E . Z . ; . J . How , P . Z . as H . ; A . Pratt , J . ; the several officers , P . Z . s , and others . A ballot was taken for the admission of three brethren of lodge 57 , and one , Bro . John lacey , being in attendance , he was exalted into this sublime degree , the whole ceremony being most efficiently gone through by the M . E . Z . and other officials . The chapter was closed until October , and the companions partook of their usual pleasant banquet in the large room of the hotel .
SCOTLAND . SUPREME ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER . Copies of the following circular have , within the last few days , been addressed to the members of Supreme Chapter , ancl distributed among the members of the order generally : — "Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland , Scribe ' s Chambers 50 G
-streetEdin-, , eorge , burgh , 13 th April , 1863 . "M . E . Sir and Comp ., —At a meeting of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland , held on l 7 th December last , it was found necessary to suspend four chapters , and thirteen companions of the Order resident in Glasgow , for insubordination ancl disobedience to the Supreme Chapter . " It appears than these thirteen suspended companions formed
themselves into what they were pleased to term a ' General Grand Royal Arch Chapter for Scotland and the Colonies ; ' and having prevailed upon a number of members of the suspended chapters to join them , they commenced issuing charters ancl working the Royal Arch degrees . This having been reported to the Supreme Chapter , that body , at a special meeting held on the 6 th inst ., expelled from tho Order of Royal Arch Freemasons the brethren whose names are contained in the annexed list .
" I am directed by the Supreme Chapter to communicate the sentence passed upon these brethren to all Chapters and Mark Master lodges holding of the Supreme Chapter , in order , that they may prohibit ancl discharge their members , in all time coming , from holding any communication with any of them on the subject of Royal Arch Masonry , or from admitting into their chapters or lodges any of these expelled brethren , or anyone exalted inor belonging to of the spurious chapters
esta-, , any blished by them . "I am also directed to intimate this to all sister Grand Chapters , and to request that the usual publicity may bo given to it among their daughter chapters , in order that these chapters may not , through ignorance , communicate with spurious chapters ancl expelled brethren . "And , lastly , I am directed to intimate this to the Royal Order of
Scotland , the Chapter General of tho Religious and Military Order of the Temple , and the Supreme Council of the 33 rd ancl last degree ofthe Ancient and Accepted Scottisli Rite , m order that these bodies may adopt such measures as regards those of the expelled brethren who may be members of them , as they may see fit . " I have , accordingly , in terms of these directions , sent you this notice
, which I have to request you will lay before your first meeting . " I am , M . E . Sir and Companion , yours fraternally , "h . MACKEKSV , G . S . E .
Royal Arch.
" list of brethren expelled from the Order of Royal Arch Freemasons by the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland , at a special meeting held in Freemasons' Hall , Edinburgh , on Monday , the 6 th of April , 1863 : — " 1 . Donald Campbell , 1 , Buchanan-street , Glasgow . " 2 . E . AV . Pritchard , M . D ., 11 , Berkley-terrace , Glasgow . " 3 . John laurie , 151 , Queen-street , Glasgow . " 4 . James Cowan 62 St . Vincent-streetGlasgow .
, , , " 5 . David H . Millar , 25 , St . Enoeh's-lane , Glasgow . " 6 . Robert AValkee , 45 , Renfield-street , Glasgow . " 7 . Charles Brown , 273 , George-street , Glasgow . " ( All belonging to the Glasgow Chapter , No . 50 . ) " 8 . James Muir , 16 , St . Enoch-square , Glasgow . " 9 . David Sutherland , 108 , Argyle-street , Glasgow . " 10 . Robert Clagstoue 21 Howard-streetGlasgow .
, , , " 11 . Henry Marshall , 543 , Gallowgate , Glasgow . " 12 . Neil B . Dalveen , 3 , Argyle-street , Glasgow . " ( All belonging to the Cathedral , Glasgow , Chapter , No . 67 . ) " 13 . James Bannatyne , 3 , Carrick-street , Glasgow . " 14 . Hutcheson Campbell , 64 , Argyle-street , Glasgow . ' ( Both belonging to the St . Andrew's , Glasgow , Chapter . )"
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
SUPREME GRAND COUNCIL . The half yearly meeting of the Supreme Grand Council was held at the London Coffee House , Ludgate-hill , on Wednesday last , when there were present : —Dr . leeson , M . P . S . G . Com . ; Col . Bowyer , M . Ih . Lt . G . Com . ; Col . Clerk , G . In . Gen . ; Col . Vernon , 111 . G . Treas . ; Dr . Kent , G . In . Gen . ; Winson , P . 30 ° . Bros . Hyde Pullen 32 ° Sec . Gen .: Dr . Goolden 32 ° Barker ;
, , , ; 32 ° ; Col . Dering , 32 ° ; Col . Boyle , 31 ° ; Keddell , 31 ° ; AV . S , Slaney , 31 ° ; R . Costa , 31 ° ; J . Goddard , 31 ° ; Maj . Finney , 30 ° ; R . Spencer , 30 ° ; Burrell , 30 ° ; Gallagher , 30 ° ; C . Beaumont , 30 ° ; Figg , 30 ° ; S . Smith , 30 ° ; M . H . Shuttleworth , 30 ° ; AA arren , 30 ° ; and many others . The first business was the raising Bro . Bollaert to the 31 ° . The following brethren were afterwards raised to the 30 ° . Brosthe Hon . G . B . Bruceand J .
, , Gihbs , Metropolitan Chapter ; C . Ratclifi ' e , Vernon Chapter ; A . II . Pearson and AA . E . Gumbleton , St . Peter and St . Paul Chapter ; J . Boldevson , jun ., J . Smith , and S . P . Leather , Palatine Chapter ; Donald Mclachlan , Vectis Chapter ; G . Lambert , Invicta Chapter . The whole of the ceremonies were beautifully performedafter which the M . P . S . G . Com . addressed the brethren on the
history of the Order , and the formation of the Supreme Grand Council . He denied that the degrees of Herodem had any connection with the Templar degrees , as maintained by some , and stated that he was in possession of original documents , which proved the existence of the Order , long before the first establishment of Masonic Knight Templars . At the conclusion of business a number of brethren adjourned to dinner , and spent a very pleasant evening in mutual conversation , only one toast being given , that of the health of Her Majesty . The brethren separated about . ten o ' clock .
Obituary .
BRO . JAMES WILDER ADAMS . It is with sincere regret we announce the death of this well known ancl respected brother , which took place on Monday last , at his residence , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , in his 44 th year . Bro . Adams was initiated in the Polish National Lodge ( No . 778 ) , on the 15 th May , 1848 ; joined the Prudent-Brethren Lodge ( No . 169 ) , in 1849 , and was Master in 1852 .
He subsequently joined the Globe Lodge ( No . 23 ) , the Robert Burn's Lodge ( No . 25 ) , the Royal Union Lodge ( No . 536 ) , Uxbridge , and was one of the founders of the Beadon Lodge ( No . 902 ) , and at the time of his death , a member of Nos . 25 , 169 , 536 , and 902 . He was exalted in the Polish Chapter ( No . 778 ) , in October , 1849 , ancl passed the three chairs , being Z . in 1855 . He was also a member of the Royal Union Chapter ( No . 536 )
, completing his year of office as Z . on the day of his death , and of the Crystal Palace Chapter ( No . 1044 ) . He was a liberal supporter and Past Steward of the various charities and a member of the Committee of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and their Widows . Bro . Adams was brought up