Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 10 →
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The minutes of the Prov . Grand Lodge of the Sth January , 1859 , having been read and partially confirmed , the R . AA " . Prov . Grand Master moved " That a fund be established by private subscription , to be called ' The Devon Masonic Educational Fund / for the education , clothing , and advancement of the children of Brethren of inadequate means within the province . " The resolution was carried . The It . AA . Prov . Grand Master next moved " That the whole of the increased payments 011 fees of honour and annual dues from members of Lodgesbe applied
, to the said fund , pursuant to the resolution of the Prov . Grand Lodge on the 20 th of October , 1858 . " This resolution was also carried . It was next resolved unanimously "That the thanks of the Prov . Grand Lodge be given to the committee on the subject of tho Fund of Benevolence , " and the following brethren were appointed a committee to revise the scheme of the educational fund , and to report to a future Lodge - . —The R . W . Prov . Grand Master , The E . AV . Deputy Prov . Grand Master , Bros . T . J . Bromridge , Hon . J . B . Yardo
Bailor , C . J . Laidmau , J . It . Chanter , Rev . AV . Y . Daykin ; with power to add to their number . On reading the petition of Elizabeth Hooper , widow of AVilliam Hooper , late a brother of Lodge No . 238 , a donation of £ 10 was ordered to be made ; to which the Prov . Grand Master added £ 1 , and on a motion duly made and seconded , a donation of , £ 10 was awarded to Bro . Thomas Gregory , formerly Prov . G . Tyler ; to which the Prov . Grand Master added £ 1 . Tho R . AV . Prov . Grand Master announced his intention to hold a Prov . Grand Lodge on AVedncsday in the next sessious week , viz ., the 29 th of . June . The Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed in ancient form with solemn prayer .
DORSETSHIRE . ^ wojNMiUfi . —ZaZffc , —Thursday , May 26 th , St . Mary's ( 1009 ) , Bull Inn , Bridport , at 7 . DURHAM . Amowmmms . —Lodges . —Monday , May 23 rd , Industry ( 56 ) , Grey Horse , Gateshead , at 7 ; Thursday , 26 th , Palatine ( 114 ) , Bridge Hotel , Bishop AVearmouth , at 7 ; liestoration ( 123 ) , Town JIall at 7
, Darlington , , ESSEX . AproiNTiiisi , — j JiMMiupiiieii .. —Wednesday , May 25 ( li , Temple Crossing , George Hotel , Colchester , GLOUCESTERSHIRE . APPOINTMENT . —Lodge , —AVedncsday , May 25 tli , Foundaliou ( 07 ) , freemasons' Hall , Chellen * ham , at ..
HAMPSHIRE . AproiST-iMfT .. —Zo /^ ms . —AVedncsday , May 25 ih , Economy ( 00 ) , Black Siran , Winchester , at 7 ; Phrerix ( 31 S ) , Private Rooms , Portsmouth , at 7 . Sovnunrios . —Royal Gloucester Lodge ( No . 152 ) . —This Lodge assembled on Thursday , the 12 th inst ., at six p . m ., the AV . M ., Bro . F . Perkins , in the chair , supported by Bros . C . E . Deacon , D . Prov . G . M . ; Passenger , S . AV . ; G . Perkins , J . AA * . ;
Philips , S . D . ; Pearce , J . D . ; Collis , I . G . ; Fletcher , AV . M . of Lodge Peace and Harmony ; Lungley , AV . M . of the Southampton Lodge ; and Stebbing , AA ' . M . of the new Lodge of Twelve Brothers . There was a very numerous attendance of brethren . The Lodge having been opened in due form , and tho minutes of the last meeting confirmed , the AV . M . proceeded to pass Bros . Lomer , Emanuel , and Johns to the second degree , after which Bro . Stevens was raised to the degree of Mark Master . Several candidates for initiation wore proposed and tho Lodwas
ge closed in harmony soon after niue o ' clock . The AV . M . having invited all the visitors to the banquet , nearly sixty brethren soon afterwards sat down , the AV . M . presiding , supported by tbe R . AV . D . Prov . Grand Master and a long array of P . Ms , of this Lodge , and visiting Masters of other Lodges of the province . The usual toasts ivere given with the AV . M . ' s usual eloquence , aud were responded to in a
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The minutes of the Prov . Grand Lodge of the Sth January , 1859 , having been read and partially confirmed , the R . AA " . Prov . Grand Master moved " That a fund be established by private subscription , to be called ' The Devon Masonic Educational Fund / for the education , clothing , and advancement of the children of Brethren of inadequate means within the province . " The resolution was carried . The It . AA . Prov . Grand Master next moved " That the whole of the increased payments 011 fees of honour and annual dues from members of Lodgesbe applied
, to the said fund , pursuant to the resolution of the Prov . Grand Lodge on the 20 th of October , 1858 . " This resolution was also carried . It was next resolved unanimously "That the thanks of the Prov . Grand Lodge be given to the committee on the subject of tho Fund of Benevolence , " and the following brethren were appointed a committee to revise the scheme of the educational fund , and to report to a future Lodge - . —The R . W . Prov . Grand Master , The E . AV . Deputy Prov . Grand Master , Bros . T . J . Bromridge , Hon . J . B . Yardo
Bailor , C . J . Laidmau , J . It . Chanter , Rev . AV . Y . Daykin ; with power to add to their number . On reading the petition of Elizabeth Hooper , widow of AVilliam Hooper , late a brother of Lodge No . 238 , a donation of £ 10 was ordered to be made ; to which the Prov . Grand Master added £ 1 , and on a motion duly made and seconded , a donation of , £ 10 was awarded to Bro . Thomas Gregory , formerly Prov . G . Tyler ; to which the Prov . Grand Master added £ 1 . Tho R . AV . Prov . Grand Master announced his intention to hold a Prov . Grand Lodge on AVedncsday in the next sessious week , viz ., the 29 th of . June . The Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed in ancient form with solemn prayer .
DORSETSHIRE . ^ wojNMiUfi . —ZaZffc , —Thursday , May 26 th , St . Mary's ( 1009 ) , Bull Inn , Bridport , at 7 . DURHAM . Amowmmms . —Lodges . —Monday , May 23 rd , Industry ( 56 ) , Grey Horse , Gateshead , at 7 ; Thursday , 26 th , Palatine ( 114 ) , Bridge Hotel , Bishop AVearmouth , at 7 ; liestoration ( 123 ) , Town JIall at 7
, Darlington , , ESSEX . AproiNTiiisi , — j JiMMiupiiieii .. —Wednesday , May 25 ( li , Temple Crossing , George Hotel , Colchester , GLOUCESTERSHIRE . APPOINTMENT . —Lodge , —AVedncsday , May 25 tli , Foundaliou ( 07 ) , freemasons' Hall , Chellen * ham , at ..
HAMPSHIRE . AproiST-iMfT .. —Zo /^ ms . —AVedncsday , May 25 ih , Economy ( 00 ) , Black Siran , Winchester , at 7 ; Phrerix ( 31 S ) , Private Rooms , Portsmouth , at 7 . Sovnunrios . —Royal Gloucester Lodge ( No . 152 ) . —This Lodge assembled on Thursday , the 12 th inst ., at six p . m ., the AV . M ., Bro . F . Perkins , in the chair , supported by Bros . C . E . Deacon , D . Prov . G . M . ; Passenger , S . AV . ; G . Perkins , J . AA * . ;
Philips , S . D . ; Pearce , J . D . ; Collis , I . G . ; Fletcher , AV . M . of Lodge Peace and Harmony ; Lungley , AV . M . of the Southampton Lodge ; and Stebbing , AA ' . M . of the new Lodge of Twelve Brothers . There was a very numerous attendance of brethren . The Lodge having been opened in due form , and tho minutes of the last meeting confirmed , the AV . M . proceeded to pass Bros . Lomer , Emanuel , and Johns to the second degree , after which Bro . Stevens was raised to the degree of Mark Master . Several candidates for initiation wore proposed and tho Lodwas
ge closed in harmony soon after niue o ' clock . The AV . M . having invited all the visitors to the banquet , nearly sixty brethren soon afterwards sat down , the AV . M . presiding , supported by tbe R . AV . D . Prov . Grand Master and a long array of P . Ms , of this Lodge , and visiting Masters of other Lodges of the province . The usual toasts ivere given with the AV . M . ' s usual eloquence , aud were responded to in a