Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 7 of 10 →
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ivhen he took tho government of the province , and nolieed the extinction of two Lodges , Guildford being one , which he had the satisfaction of seeing now restored . An anthem , Psalm oxxxiii ., in verse , set by Stephens , was sung , and at its conclusion the Rev . Bro . AVills , Prov . Grand Chaplain , made au appropriate prayer , a response being chanted by the brethren . The Prov . Grand Master offered tho invocation , and the Lodge being uncovered , Bros . Wilson . White , and Francis bearing the consecrating elements ( the Grand Lodge vessels being lent for the occasion )
, , proceeded round , solemn music aceompaniiig the ceremony ; the sanctus , " Glory be to Thoe , 0 Lord , " was chanted , and after a second prayer from the Prov . Grand Chaplain , the anthem , "Glory be to God on high , " followed . The Lodge was then solemnl y dedicated and constituted , and the ceremony was concluded with the Hallelujah chorus . The ceremonial was arranged under the siiperiiiteml-mce of Bro . S . B . Wilson , the musical arrangements being managed by Bro . Edtiey , who was assisted by Bro .
Elton AVilliams aud the Misses Edney . The Prov . Grand Master then resigned the chair to Bro . S . B . AVilson , and Bro . Dr . George Harcourt , I ) . Prov . G . M ., was presented for installation , IUK ! after he had been inducted into tlio chair , the AVardens named iu the warrant were placed iu their respective positions , vi / ..: — Bro . Samuel Haydon , S . AV ., and Bro . AVilliam Edmund Ell-ins , J . W . The accustomed address to the AVorshipful Master was delivered by Bro . Wilson , to which Bro . Harcourt modestly replied ; he acknowthe arduous task he had
ledged undertaken in raising a new Lodge , but trusted that , with the aid of Iiis AVardens and the other members , he should be able to raise a structure creditable to themselves , and beneficial to the institution . The installation and investment of officers was concluded by Bro ; AVilson addressing the brethren . . Mr . Thomas Hughes was then introduced and initiated into Masonry ; some new members were proposed for a Lodge to bo held a month hence , when thc different officers will be appointed . All business being ended , the Lodge was closed in due form .
_ At six o ' clock the brethren assembled at thc banquet . Bro . Harcourt presided , there being also present Bro . Dobie , Prov . G . M . ; Bro . S . B . AVilson , P . G . D . ; Bro . Beaumont , G . Steward ; Bros . Harris and W . 0 . Smith , P . G . Stewards ; Bro . Geo . Francis , P . Prov . D . G . M . ; Bro . Geo . AVhite , Prov . S . G . AV . ; Bro . Blenkin , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; Rev . Bro . Hills , Prov . G . Chaplain ; Rev . Bro . G . B . Portal , Prov . G . Chaplain , Hants ; Bro . Greenwood , Prov . ( , ' . Sec . ; Bros . Meymott aud Mowatt , Prov . G . Deacons ; Bros . Barrett , Spencer , Davey , & c . Bro . Hoiv , P . Prov . D . C ., was the acting Director of Ceremonies .
The cloth having been removed and grace having been sung , the Worshipful Master proposed " The Queen and the Craft , " making a slight allusion to the present state of affairs in Europe . Thc Worshipful Master next gave , "The Earl of Zetland , M . W . Grand Master . " He remarked , we were accustomed to any , that tho sun was always at its meridian in Masonry , and assuredly , considering the spread of the British dominions , and the Lodges raised in our colonies , we might fairly assert , that the sun never set on English Masonry . For fifteen years Lord Zetland had been continuously elected to preside over an intelligent and influential body , and had he not been the best fitted for his office , the Masons of England would not so constantly have reelected him .
The AVorshipful Master thou proposed " The Deputy Grand Master aud the rest of the Grand Officers , past and present . " They had with them on the occasion an important member of that body , Bro . S . B . Wilson ; in the present toast he should not allude to Bro . Dobie , but confine his observations to Bro , AVilson . It ivould boa work of supererogation to tell what that worthy brother hud done for Masonry , but he might freely assert that the good ho had performed would live long as Freemasonry lasted . In the arrangements of tho clay ' s proceedings , Bro . AVilson had rendered him personallgood servicefor which he tendered him his best thanks
y , . Bro . Wilson said , it gave him unfeigned pleasure iu being instrumental in placim ; in the chair of tbe Royal Alfred Lodge a brother so well calculated to further the great principles of Freemasonry . In reference to the toast , he spoke of Lord Banmurc ' s cpialifications for the high office he held ; and without particular remark 3 P 2
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ivhen he took tho government of the province , and nolieed the extinction of two Lodges , Guildford being one , which he had the satisfaction of seeing now restored . An anthem , Psalm oxxxiii ., in verse , set by Stephens , was sung , and at its conclusion the Rev . Bro . AVills , Prov . Grand Chaplain , made au appropriate prayer , a response being chanted by the brethren . The Prov . Grand Master offered tho invocation , and the Lodge being uncovered , Bros . Wilson . White , and Francis bearing the consecrating elements ( the Grand Lodge vessels being lent for the occasion )
, , proceeded round , solemn music aceompaniiig the ceremony ; the sanctus , " Glory be to Thoe , 0 Lord , " was chanted , and after a second prayer from the Prov . Grand Chaplain , the anthem , "Glory be to God on high , " followed . The Lodge was then solemnl y dedicated and constituted , and the ceremony was concluded with the Hallelujah chorus . The ceremonial was arranged under the siiperiiiteml-mce of Bro . S . B . Wilson , the musical arrangements being managed by Bro . Edtiey , who was assisted by Bro .
Elton AVilliams aud the Misses Edney . The Prov . Grand Master then resigned the chair to Bro . S . B . AVilson , and Bro . Dr . George Harcourt , I ) . Prov . G . M ., was presented for installation , IUK ! after he had been inducted into tlio chair , the AVardens named iu the warrant were placed iu their respective positions , vi / ..: — Bro . Samuel Haydon , S . AV ., and Bro . AVilliam Edmund Ell-ins , J . W . The accustomed address to the AVorshipful Master was delivered by Bro . Wilson , to which Bro . Harcourt modestly replied ; he acknowthe arduous task he had
ledged undertaken in raising a new Lodge , but trusted that , with the aid of Iiis AVardens and the other members , he should be able to raise a structure creditable to themselves , and beneficial to the institution . The installation and investment of officers was concluded by Bro ; AVilson addressing the brethren . . Mr . Thomas Hughes was then introduced and initiated into Masonry ; some new members were proposed for a Lodge to bo held a month hence , when thc different officers will be appointed . All business being ended , the Lodge was closed in due form .
_ At six o ' clock the brethren assembled at thc banquet . Bro . Harcourt presided , there being also present Bro . Dobie , Prov . G . M . ; Bro . S . B . AVilson , P . G . D . ; Bro . Beaumont , G . Steward ; Bros . Harris and W . 0 . Smith , P . G . Stewards ; Bro . Geo . Francis , P . Prov . D . G . M . ; Bro . Geo . AVhite , Prov . S . G . AV . ; Bro . Blenkin , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; Rev . Bro . Hills , Prov . G . Chaplain ; Rev . Bro . G . B . Portal , Prov . G . Chaplain , Hants ; Bro . Greenwood , Prov . ( , ' . Sec . ; Bros . Meymott aud Mowatt , Prov . G . Deacons ; Bros . Barrett , Spencer , Davey , & c . Bro . Hoiv , P . Prov . D . C ., was the acting Director of Ceremonies .
The cloth having been removed and grace having been sung , the Worshipful Master proposed " The Queen and the Craft , " making a slight allusion to the present state of affairs in Europe . Thc Worshipful Master next gave , "The Earl of Zetland , M . W . Grand Master . " He remarked , we were accustomed to any , that tho sun was always at its meridian in Masonry , and assuredly , considering the spread of the British dominions , and the Lodges raised in our colonies , we might fairly assert , that the sun never set on English Masonry . For fifteen years Lord Zetland had been continuously elected to preside over an intelligent and influential body , and had he not been the best fitted for his office , the Masons of England would not so constantly have reelected him .
The AVorshipful Master thou proposed " The Deputy Grand Master aud the rest of the Grand Officers , past and present . " They had with them on the occasion an important member of that body , Bro . S . B . Wilson ; in the present toast he should not allude to Bro . Dobie , but confine his observations to Bro , AVilson . It ivould boa work of supererogation to tell what that worthy brother hud done for Masonry , but he might freely assert that the good ho had performed would live long as Freemasonry lasted . In the arrangements of tho clay ' s proceedings , Bro . AVilson had rendered him personallgood servicefor which he tendered him his best thanks
y , . Bro . Wilson said , it gave him unfeigned pleasure iu being instrumental in placim ; in the chair of tbe Royal Alfred Lodge a brother so well calculated to further the great principles of Freemasonry . In reference to the toast , he spoke of Lord Banmurc ' s cpialifications for the high office he held ; and without particular remark 3 P 2