Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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Knights Templar.
Esq ., F . S . A ., F . G . S ., Lancashire ; Col . G . A . Vernon , Staffordshire ; Capt . AV . J . Bury M'Leod Moore , Canada ; Lietit .-Col . AVilliam Pitt Macdonald , Madras , East Indies ; Charles John Vigne , Esq ., Dorsetshire ; Henry J . Vernon , Esq ., AVorcestershire ; James Randolph , Esq ., Somersetshire ; the Earl of Lincoln , Nottinghamshire ; Henry Atkins Bowyer , Esq ., Oxfordshire ; AV . AV . B , Beach , ( Esq ., ilf . P ., Hampshire ; If . J . Hinxman , Esq ., M . D ., Kent ; Capt . Hugh Somerville S . Burney , Essex ; Benjamin Archer KentEsq . Australia ; Hugh DSandeman
, , . , Esq ., H . E . I . C . S ., Bengal , East Indies ; Samuel Bryant , Esq ,, M . D ., Gloucestershire , and City of Bristol ; the Rev , Edward Chaloner Ogle , Northumberland and Bei-iviuk ,-Col . Alex . Gordon , R . B ., Berkshire ; the Hon . Alexander Keith , Nova Scotia , St . John ' s , Newfoundland , New Brunswick , and Prince Edward ' s Island ; George Fearnley , Esq ., M . B ., AVest Yorkshire ; Gustavus Septimus Judge , Esc-., Bombay , East Indies . Representatives from and to the Grand Conclave of England and AVales : —To
the M . E . Grand Master and Grand Encampment of the United States ; James Alexander Henderson , Esq ., of Kingston , Canada AVest , Past Grand Sub-Prior of Grand Conclave . From the M . E . Grand Master and Grand Encampment of the United States to the Grand Conclave of England and AVales ; John Masson , Esq ., Grand Chancellor . The M . E . Grand Master appointed as members of the Committee—Frs . Francis , Heme , Moore , and Spiers ; and the Conclave elected Frs . Dueaiie , Ranger , Ridgway , Slight , and AVeymott .
ran BASqUET . At six o ' clock most of the Knights assembled at the banquet , which was added to by tha usual present of some excellent venison from the venerable Grand Master . The V . E . Fr . AVilliam Stuart , Deputy Grand Master presided , the vice chairs beingfilled by Frs . John Barker and Georgo Francis . After flaying duo honour to the healths of " The Queen , " and'" The Royal Famil" FrStuart proposed " The MEand Grand MasterCol
y , . .. Supreme , . Tynte , " with sincere wishes for his restoration to health . Beloved us he was by the ' body over which ho had presided for so many years , words were not necessary to obtain a warm response to the toast . AVe need scarcely say it was received with enthusiasm .
Fr . II . A . Bowyer rose and said that few words wero required of him in giving the next toast . He was happy it was in his power to pay a tribute to ouo who had clone good service for Masonry in every phase , and who , he hoped , would live many more years to contiime his support . He asked bhe Knights to join him in the toast , " Health and long life to Sir Knight Stuart , " who had that day with so much dignity presided over then . ( Cheers . ) The D . Cf . M . Stuart briefly returned thanks , and suggested , that if he was con . sidored to have any merit , it was but a reflected light which ho received from the venerated chief whoso satellite he was .
" The Army and Navy" ivas responded to b y Fr . Major Burney . " The Provincial Grand Commanders" was acknowledged by Fr . Bowyer , who referred to tho general prosperity of thc Order in tho provinces ; ho trusted they would all continue their exertions , so that in years to come they might meet with as much satisfaction as on the present occasion . To thc toast of ' ¦ ' The Knights Templar of Scotland and Ireland , " Fr . Major Du Cane , of the Royal Artillery , in reply said , that although au Englishman by birth , it so happened that twelve years ago he was admitted to tho degree under the
Scottish Constitution . He referred to tho hi gh esteem iu which tho degree was held by the army . Many officers of rank considered it to have added additional value to Masonry . _ With reference to the peculiar object of tho toast , he expressed a hope that the different countries would soon be united in practice . To the toast , " The Grand Officers appointed that day , " tho Kev . Fr . Moore replied , that from the position he held he was brought into communication with Masons from all parts of the globe ; and in reference to the degree in which they were then assembled , ho remarked that there was present a member of an
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Knights Templar.
Esq ., F . S . A ., F . G . S ., Lancashire ; Col . G . A . Vernon , Staffordshire ; Capt . AV . J . Bury M'Leod Moore , Canada ; Lietit .-Col . AVilliam Pitt Macdonald , Madras , East Indies ; Charles John Vigne , Esq ., Dorsetshire ; Henry J . Vernon , Esq ., AVorcestershire ; James Randolph , Esq ., Somersetshire ; the Earl of Lincoln , Nottinghamshire ; Henry Atkins Bowyer , Esq ., Oxfordshire ; AV . AV . B , Beach , ( Esq ., ilf . P ., Hampshire ; If . J . Hinxman , Esq ., M . D ., Kent ; Capt . Hugh Somerville S . Burney , Essex ; Benjamin Archer KentEsq . Australia ; Hugh DSandeman
, , . , Esq ., H . E . I . C . S ., Bengal , East Indies ; Samuel Bryant , Esq ,, M . D ., Gloucestershire , and City of Bristol ; the Rev , Edward Chaloner Ogle , Northumberland and Bei-iviuk ,-Col . Alex . Gordon , R . B ., Berkshire ; the Hon . Alexander Keith , Nova Scotia , St . John ' s , Newfoundland , New Brunswick , and Prince Edward ' s Island ; George Fearnley , Esq ., M . B ., AVest Yorkshire ; Gustavus Septimus Judge , Esc-., Bombay , East Indies . Representatives from and to the Grand Conclave of England and AVales : —To
the M . E . Grand Master and Grand Encampment of the United States ; James Alexander Henderson , Esq ., of Kingston , Canada AVest , Past Grand Sub-Prior of Grand Conclave . From the M . E . Grand Master and Grand Encampment of the United States to the Grand Conclave of England and AVales ; John Masson , Esq ., Grand Chancellor . The M . E . Grand Master appointed as members of the Committee—Frs . Francis , Heme , Moore , and Spiers ; and the Conclave elected Frs . Dueaiie , Ranger , Ridgway , Slight , and AVeymott .
ran BASqUET . At six o ' clock most of the Knights assembled at the banquet , which was added to by tha usual present of some excellent venison from the venerable Grand Master . The V . E . Fr . AVilliam Stuart , Deputy Grand Master presided , the vice chairs beingfilled by Frs . John Barker and Georgo Francis . After flaying duo honour to the healths of " The Queen , " and'" The Royal Famil" FrStuart proposed " The MEand Grand MasterCol
y , . .. Supreme , . Tynte , " with sincere wishes for his restoration to health . Beloved us he was by the ' body over which ho had presided for so many years , words were not necessary to obtain a warm response to the toast . AVe need scarcely say it was received with enthusiasm .
Fr . II . A . Bowyer rose and said that few words wero required of him in giving the next toast . He was happy it was in his power to pay a tribute to ouo who had clone good service for Masonry in every phase , and who , he hoped , would live many more years to contiime his support . He asked bhe Knights to join him in the toast , " Health and long life to Sir Knight Stuart , " who had that day with so much dignity presided over then . ( Cheers . ) The D . Cf . M . Stuart briefly returned thanks , and suggested , that if he was con . sidored to have any merit , it was but a reflected light which ho received from the venerated chief whoso satellite he was .
" The Army and Navy" ivas responded to b y Fr . Major Burney . " The Provincial Grand Commanders" was acknowledged by Fr . Bowyer , who referred to tho general prosperity of thc Order in tho provinces ; ho trusted they would all continue their exertions , so that in years to come they might meet with as much satisfaction as on the present occasion . To thc toast of ' ¦ ' The Knights Templar of Scotland and Ireland , " Fr . Major Du Cane , of the Royal Artillery , in reply said , that although au Englishman by birth , it so happened that twelve years ago he was admitted to tho degree under the
Scottish Constitution . He referred to tho hi gh esteem iu which tho degree was held by the army . Many officers of rank considered it to have added additional value to Masonry . _ With reference to the peculiar object of tho toast , he expressed a hope that the different countries would soon be united in practice . To the toast , " The Grand Officers appointed that day , " tho Kev . Fr . Moore replied , that from the position he held he was brought into communication with Masons from all parts of the globe ; and in reference to the degree in which they were then assembled , ho remarked that there was present a member of an