Article YORKSHIRE (NORTH). ← Page 2 of 5 →
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Yorkshire (North).
, Sec . ; Charles B . Payne , G . Tyler . The following Past Grand Officers were present , and acted in the place of Grand Officers absent—John Havers , P . S . D . ( acting as J . G . Warden ); Gavm E . Pocock , P . G . SworcPBearer ( acting as S . G . Deacon ); and R . A \ . Hollon , Prov . Grand Treasurer , ( acting as Grand Treasurer . ) The ¦ following Brethren of "North York Lodge , 876 , " acted as substitutes for Grand Officers—J . S . Peacock , P . M ., Prov . G . D . of C . for the North and East Ridings ( acted as G ) ThosAtkinson
. Reg . ; . , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . AA orks ( acted as G . Supt . of Works ); John P . Hornung , P . M . ( acted as G . Organist ); John Richardson , P . M ., P . Prov . G . D . ( acted as J . G . D . ); John Brooker , ( acted as G . Pursuivant ) ; and the Rev . R . Bradley , Chaplain , and J . W . ( acted as G . Chaplain ) . The following Brethren were also present : Newcastle Lodge , Newcastle , ( No . 24 ) , R , Gillespie , W . M ., AVm . Smith , Ralph Hopper . Lodge of IndustryGateshead ( 56 ) John DobsonAV . M .,
, , , , C . J . Banister ( also of the Lodge of Harmony , Garston , Lancashire ) , P . M ., P . Prov . G . D . Durham , and Prov . S . G . AV . Lancashire . Royal Naval Lodge , London , ( 70 ) , J . Craig . St . John's , Sunderland , < 95 ) , John Crossby ( also of 114 and 959 ) , P . M ., and Past G . Treasurer , & c . Phoenix , Sunderland , ( 111 ) , Joseph Glaholm , A \ . M ., J . T . Stiles , S . AV ., George Hudson , J . AA' ' ., G . R . H . Gihnore , S . D ., P . Hafekost , . J . D ., A . Collins , I . G ., John Collings , Tyler , M . Davis , J . Coltis , W .
Adamson , P . Karrison . Palatine , Sunderland , ( 111 ) , John Crowe , P . M ., P . Prov . G . D . C ., John M'Ewan , AVm . Adamson , Henry Berton ( and of 379 ) . Restoration , Darlington , ( 128 ) , H . A . Hammarbom ( and of 771 ) , P . M ., P . Prov . G . D . C ., John MacNay , S . W ., Thos . Turner , J . W ., John AWightson , Stephen Carlton , AV . AVhitwell . Lennox , Richmond , ( 144 ) , B . AVilson , P . M ., Geo . Smurtbwaite , Prov . J . G . AV ., George Milne , P . M ., C . Pallise , John Harland , P . M ., P . Prov . G . W . GranbyDurham ( 1-iG ) Charles AshtonJos . AValker
, , , , , George Taylor , Win . Sewell , J . D . Perseverance , Sidmouth , ( 190 . ) John AVright , John Robinson . Old Globe , Scarborough , ( 236 ) , Robt , Lincoln , AV . AVilliford . Lodge of Nine Muses , London , ( 2 S 6 ) , J . W . AVooclall , AV . M . Union , York , ( 287 ) , E . J . Newton , P . M ., AV . B . Richardson , AV . M ., R . Buckle , John March , P . M ., Prov . S . G . AV ., Thos . Cooper , Sec , P . J . Monkhouse , A . T . Atwood , John E . A ates . St . John ' s , Leicester , ( 348 ) , AV . B . Baker . Northern Counties Lodge , Newcastle , ( 5 S 6 ) , R . B . Brown , W . M ., George Lambton , J . AV ., < aIohn
T . Trotter . St . George's , North Shields , ( 624 ) , W . J . Taylor . Tees Lodge , Stockton , ( 749 ) , J . J . Wilson , AV . M ., Joseph Dodds , P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . W , AVm . Best , P . M ., J . Robinson , P . M ., A . Knowles , S . AV ., J . ( i . Thompson , Secretary , J . H . Close , S . D ., John Htmton ,
I . G ., AVebster Cuthbert , Tyler , John Settle , G . It . Gartborne ( and of 311 , Hull ) , AV . Nelson , M . Cadle , C . B . Dinsdale , Thomas NTelson , John Maddison , R . T . Hall , T . Aylan , J . Ashby , T . R . York John . Wrightson , T . "Whitwefl , Howard Head , George . Jacques , F . Robinson , Fairer , Lisle , M . Malthouse . St . Helen ' s , Hartlepool , ( 774 ) , Simpson Armstrong , AV . M ., James Groves , S . W ., John Gallon , Treasurer , David Cunningham , Secretary , B . It . Huntley , J . T > ., AV . I . Sivewright , Richard Varlow , James Brown ,
A . G , Dalziel , T . AV . Hearon , A . Nathan . Lodge de Lorraine , Newcastle , ( 793 ) , T . B . AA inter , J . AV ., Robert Smaile , Secretary , J . Robinson Cleveland Lodge , Stockesley , ( 725 ) , George Marwood , II . Prov . G . M ., AVm . Bruce , P . M ., AVilliam Martin , AV . M ., T . Weather-ill , Win . Harrison , J . Fidle . Zetland Lodge , Guisbrough , ( 820 ) , AV . AA . Thomas , AV . M ., G . Hanson , S . AV ., AV . A \ etherill , Treasurer , AV . Burrows , I . G ., AV . Robinson . North York Lodge , Middlesborough ( 876 ) JAMannersAVMHThompsonPM
, , . . , .., . , .., P . Prov . S . G . AA ., T . G . Robinson , P . M ., AV . Doughty , S . AA ., I . Booth , S . D ., J . Story , J . D ., AV . Rigdon , J . J . Hopkins , M . G . Collingwood , J . P . Pease , C . E . Armstrong , Secretary , Jos . Gibson , Jas . Green , AA m . Rayner , . las . Ingram , jun ., AV . AV . Carter , H . Sutton , John Jordidson , J . Spence , B . C . Robinson . Camalodimum Lodge , New Malton , ( 958 ) , R . Jones , P . Prov . G . D . Fawcett Lodge , Seaham Harbour ( 959 ) J . AyresAV . M . D . E . PinkneyJ . AV . AVm .
, , , , , , Atkinson , Treasurer . Northumberland Lodge , Newcastle , ( 985 ) , C . Hodgson . Harbour of'Refuge , AVest Hartlepool , ( 1 , 066 ) , John SutcliJle , AV . M ., S . E . Clark , S . W ., AVm . Etching , J . AV . Henry Rank , S . D ., AVm . Hall , F . English , R . A . Leonard , Jas . Perry ( and 379 , Scotland ) , A . Brown . The Lodge having been opened in due form , the Brethren walked from the Town-hall to the Parish ¦ Church , where a sermon was preached by the Bishop of Ripon .
The Rev . It . BKADLEY , minister of the Church , read the Litany , the responses of which were audibly joined in by those present . An anthem was sung by the choir , Mr . T . J . Taylor , of AVest Hartlepool , presiding at the organ . The Sermon , of which the following is a brief outline , was listened to with great attention . His Lordship selected for his text the 8 th verse of the 49 th Psalm— " For the redemption of the soul is precious & c . " The primary allusion of the Psalmisthe said
, , , was to the event of temporal death—the separation of the body and soul . " It is appointed unto all men once to die . " Death is that rustless enemy which no man can resist , and which , wherever it comes , brings desolation . If such is the primary sense of the passage , nothing can forbid its application to life in its noblest
sense—the life of what we emphatically term the soul . The textspeaks ofthe preciousness ofthe soul ' s redemption , also the warning suggested by the fact that our time of opportunity once gone can never be recalled . There is a two-fold method in which to demonstrate the value of the soul's redemption : the nature of the soul , and the actual cost at which the' ransomed are saved from ruin . That ruin is described in God ' s word under the imagery of death , and the recovery of it by the metaphor of a resurrection .
I pass on to the consideration of the soul ' s nature . AVhat is the soul ? AVhat is its origin ? AVhat are its properties ? And what is its destiny . No one can define what the soul really is . It is indeed mysterously connected with matter , inhabiting a curiously wrought tabernacle . But the soul is not material : it has a separate independent existence ; and it survives the mutilation and even the destruction of the tabernacle . Man is compounded of a body over whichhi the appointment of Goddeath so triumphs that
, , he may say to corruption "Thou art my father , " and to the worm " Thou art my mother . " But this corruptible body bears abotit a deathless and incorruptible soul , over which no tyrant can sway his dominion , and death can assert no victory . The human race wore by creation a resemblance to God , but this similitude must have been in the soul . At the conclusion of the discourse , a collection amounting to close
upon £ 50 was made on behalf of the funds of the infirmary , and the congregation departed . In the afternoon at half-past one o ' clock a procession was formed , and proceeded from the Town Hall to the site of the new infirmary , situated in the suburbs of the town , and adjoining the new road to Stoekton-upon-Tees . It is not our custom to give the order of procession—one being generally so like to another—but we do so on the present occasion to mark its incongruity for a Masonic ceremony .
ORDER OF PEOCESSSOIT . Police Officer . Odd Fellows' Band of Music . Independent Order of Odd Fellows , Manchester Unity . Free Gardeners . United Order of Odd FeUows , Sheffield Unity . Foresters and Druids . Police Officer . Band of Music of the Volunteer Avtillei-y Corps . The Four Companies of the Volunteer Artillerv Corps of the
North Riding of Yorkshire . The Bishop of Ripon and the Clergy . Magistrates of the North Riding . Life Governors , Governors , and Subscribers of the Infirmary . The Corporation Band of Music . The Mayor and Corporation of Stockton . The Mayor and Corporation of Middlesborough . Superintendent of Police .
Police Officers . Operative Freemasons . Band of Music . Two Grand Stewards with their Rods . The AA ardens , Past Masters , and Masters of the several Lodges present according to Rank , Juniors walking first . Officers and Members of the North York Lodge , Middles . borough ( No . 876 ) . The Grand Superintendent of AVorks , with the Plans . A Cornucopia , with Corn borne by Grand the Master of a Lodge . Grand Stewards . Two Ewers , with AVine and Oil , borne Stewards .
by Masters of Lodges . The Grand Pursuivant . Past Grand Organist . Grand Organist . Silver Trowel borne by a Mallet borne by a P . M . as G . Director P . M . as A . G . Director of Ceremonies of Ceremonies . Past Grand Sword Bearers .
Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies . Past Grand Director of Ceremonies . Past Grand Deacons . Past Grand Secretary . Grand Secretary , bearing the Plate with the Inscription for the Foundation Stone . Past Grand Registrars . Grand Registrarbearing the Great Seal .
, The Grand Treasurer , bearing a Phial , containing the Coins to be deposited in the Stone . Past Grand AVardens . Past Provincial Grand Masters . Provincial Grand Masters . The Corinthian Light , borne by the Master of a Lodge .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Yorkshire (North).
, Sec . ; Charles B . Payne , G . Tyler . The following Past Grand Officers were present , and acted in the place of Grand Officers absent—John Havers , P . S . D . ( acting as J . G . Warden ); Gavm E . Pocock , P . G . SworcPBearer ( acting as S . G . Deacon ); and R . A \ . Hollon , Prov . Grand Treasurer , ( acting as Grand Treasurer . ) The ¦ following Brethren of "North York Lodge , 876 , " acted as substitutes for Grand Officers—J . S . Peacock , P . M ., Prov . G . D . of C . for the North and East Ridings ( acted as G ) ThosAtkinson
. Reg . ; . , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . AA orks ( acted as G . Supt . of Works ); John P . Hornung , P . M . ( acted as G . Organist ); John Richardson , P . M ., P . Prov . G . D . ( acted as J . G . D . ); John Brooker , ( acted as G . Pursuivant ) ; and the Rev . R . Bradley , Chaplain , and J . W . ( acted as G . Chaplain ) . The following Brethren were also present : Newcastle Lodge , Newcastle , ( No . 24 ) , R , Gillespie , W . M ., AVm . Smith , Ralph Hopper . Lodge of IndustryGateshead ( 56 ) John DobsonAV . M .,
, , , , C . J . Banister ( also of the Lodge of Harmony , Garston , Lancashire ) , P . M ., P . Prov . G . D . Durham , and Prov . S . G . AV . Lancashire . Royal Naval Lodge , London , ( 70 ) , J . Craig . St . John's , Sunderland , < 95 ) , John Crossby ( also of 114 and 959 ) , P . M ., and Past G . Treasurer , & c . Phoenix , Sunderland , ( 111 ) , Joseph Glaholm , A \ . M ., J . T . Stiles , S . AV ., George Hudson , J . AA' ' ., G . R . H . Gihnore , S . D ., P . Hafekost , . J . D ., A . Collins , I . G ., John Collings , Tyler , M . Davis , J . Coltis , W .
Adamson , P . Karrison . Palatine , Sunderland , ( 111 ) , John Crowe , P . M ., P . Prov . G . D . C ., John M'Ewan , AVm . Adamson , Henry Berton ( and of 379 ) . Restoration , Darlington , ( 128 ) , H . A . Hammarbom ( and of 771 ) , P . M ., P . Prov . G . D . C ., John MacNay , S . W ., Thos . Turner , J . W ., John AWightson , Stephen Carlton , AV . AVhitwell . Lennox , Richmond , ( 144 ) , B . AVilson , P . M ., Geo . Smurtbwaite , Prov . J . G . AV ., George Milne , P . M ., C . Pallise , John Harland , P . M ., P . Prov . G . W . GranbyDurham ( 1-iG ) Charles AshtonJos . AValker
, , , , , George Taylor , Win . Sewell , J . D . Perseverance , Sidmouth , ( 190 . ) John AVright , John Robinson . Old Globe , Scarborough , ( 236 ) , Robt , Lincoln , AV . AVilliford . Lodge of Nine Muses , London , ( 2 S 6 ) , J . W . AVooclall , AV . M . Union , York , ( 287 ) , E . J . Newton , P . M ., AV . B . Richardson , AV . M ., R . Buckle , John March , P . M ., Prov . S . G . AV ., Thos . Cooper , Sec , P . J . Monkhouse , A . T . Atwood , John E . A ates . St . John ' s , Leicester , ( 348 ) , AV . B . Baker . Northern Counties Lodge , Newcastle , ( 5 S 6 ) , R . B . Brown , W . M ., George Lambton , J . AV ., < aIohn
T . Trotter . St . George's , North Shields , ( 624 ) , W . J . Taylor . Tees Lodge , Stockton , ( 749 ) , J . J . Wilson , AV . M ., Joseph Dodds , P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . W , AVm . Best , P . M ., J . Robinson , P . M ., A . Knowles , S . AV ., J . ( i . Thompson , Secretary , J . H . Close , S . D ., John Htmton ,
I . G ., AVebster Cuthbert , Tyler , John Settle , G . It . Gartborne ( and of 311 , Hull ) , AV . Nelson , M . Cadle , C . B . Dinsdale , Thomas NTelson , John Maddison , R . T . Hall , T . Aylan , J . Ashby , T . R . York John . Wrightson , T . "Whitwefl , Howard Head , George . Jacques , F . Robinson , Fairer , Lisle , M . Malthouse . St . Helen ' s , Hartlepool , ( 774 ) , Simpson Armstrong , AV . M ., James Groves , S . W ., John Gallon , Treasurer , David Cunningham , Secretary , B . It . Huntley , J . T > ., AV . I . Sivewright , Richard Varlow , James Brown ,
A . G , Dalziel , T . AV . Hearon , A . Nathan . Lodge de Lorraine , Newcastle , ( 793 ) , T . B . AA inter , J . AV ., Robert Smaile , Secretary , J . Robinson Cleveland Lodge , Stockesley , ( 725 ) , George Marwood , II . Prov . G . M ., AVm . Bruce , P . M ., AVilliam Martin , AV . M ., T . Weather-ill , Win . Harrison , J . Fidle . Zetland Lodge , Guisbrough , ( 820 ) , AV . AA . Thomas , AV . M ., G . Hanson , S . AV ., AV . A \ etherill , Treasurer , AV . Burrows , I . G ., AV . Robinson . North York Lodge , Middlesborough ( 876 ) JAMannersAVMHThompsonPM
, , . . , .., . , .., P . Prov . S . G . AA ., T . G . Robinson , P . M ., AV . Doughty , S . AA ., I . Booth , S . D ., J . Story , J . D ., AV . Rigdon , J . J . Hopkins , M . G . Collingwood , J . P . Pease , C . E . Armstrong , Secretary , Jos . Gibson , Jas . Green , AA m . Rayner , . las . Ingram , jun ., AV . AV . Carter , H . Sutton , John Jordidson , J . Spence , B . C . Robinson . Camalodimum Lodge , New Malton , ( 958 ) , R . Jones , P . Prov . G . D . Fawcett Lodge , Seaham Harbour ( 959 ) J . AyresAV . M . D . E . PinkneyJ . AV . AVm .
, , , , , , Atkinson , Treasurer . Northumberland Lodge , Newcastle , ( 985 ) , C . Hodgson . Harbour of'Refuge , AVest Hartlepool , ( 1 , 066 ) , John SutcliJle , AV . M ., S . E . Clark , S . W ., AVm . Etching , J . AV . Henry Rank , S . D ., AVm . Hall , F . English , R . A . Leonard , Jas . Perry ( and 379 , Scotland ) , A . Brown . The Lodge having been opened in due form , the Brethren walked from the Town-hall to the Parish ¦ Church , where a sermon was preached by the Bishop of Ripon .
The Rev . It . BKADLEY , minister of the Church , read the Litany , the responses of which were audibly joined in by those present . An anthem was sung by the choir , Mr . T . J . Taylor , of AVest Hartlepool , presiding at the organ . The Sermon , of which the following is a brief outline , was listened to with great attention . His Lordship selected for his text the 8 th verse of the 49 th Psalm— " For the redemption of the soul is precious & c . " The primary allusion of the Psalmisthe said
, , , was to the event of temporal death—the separation of the body and soul . " It is appointed unto all men once to die . " Death is that rustless enemy which no man can resist , and which , wherever it comes , brings desolation . If such is the primary sense of the passage , nothing can forbid its application to life in its noblest
sense—the life of what we emphatically term the soul . The textspeaks ofthe preciousness ofthe soul ' s redemption , also the warning suggested by the fact that our time of opportunity once gone can never be recalled . There is a two-fold method in which to demonstrate the value of the soul's redemption : the nature of the soul , and the actual cost at which the' ransomed are saved from ruin . That ruin is described in God ' s word under the imagery of death , and the recovery of it by the metaphor of a resurrection .
I pass on to the consideration of the soul ' s nature . AVhat is the soul ? AVhat is its origin ? AVhat are its properties ? And what is its destiny . No one can define what the soul really is . It is indeed mysterously connected with matter , inhabiting a curiously wrought tabernacle . But the soul is not material : it has a separate independent existence ; and it survives the mutilation and even the destruction of the tabernacle . Man is compounded of a body over whichhi the appointment of Goddeath so triumphs that
, , he may say to corruption "Thou art my father , " and to the worm " Thou art my mother . " But this corruptible body bears abotit a deathless and incorruptible soul , over which no tyrant can sway his dominion , and death can assert no victory . The human race wore by creation a resemblance to God , but this similitude must have been in the soul . At the conclusion of the discourse , a collection amounting to close
upon £ 50 was made on behalf of the funds of the infirmary , and the congregation departed . In the afternoon at half-past one o ' clock a procession was formed , and proceeded from the Town Hall to the site of the new infirmary , situated in the suburbs of the town , and adjoining the new road to Stoekton-upon-Tees . It is not our custom to give the order of procession—one being generally so like to another—but we do so on the present occasion to mark its incongruity for a Masonic ceremony .
ORDER OF PEOCESSSOIT . Police Officer . Odd Fellows' Band of Music . Independent Order of Odd Fellows , Manchester Unity . Free Gardeners . United Order of Odd FeUows , Sheffield Unity . Foresters and Druids . Police Officer . Band of Music of the Volunteer Avtillei-y Corps . The Four Companies of the Volunteer Artillerv Corps of the
North Riding of Yorkshire . The Bishop of Ripon and the Clergy . Magistrates of the North Riding . Life Governors , Governors , and Subscribers of the Infirmary . The Corporation Band of Music . The Mayor and Corporation of Stockton . The Mayor and Corporation of Middlesborough . Superintendent of Police .
Police Officers . Operative Freemasons . Band of Music . Two Grand Stewards with their Rods . The AA ardens , Past Masters , and Masters of the several Lodges present according to Rank , Juniors walking first . Officers and Members of the North York Lodge , Middles . borough ( No . 876 ) . The Grand Superintendent of AVorks , with the Plans . A Cornucopia , with Corn borne by Grand the Master of a Lodge . Grand Stewards . Two Ewers , with AVine and Oil , borne Stewards .
by Masters of Lodges . The Grand Pursuivant . Past Grand Organist . Grand Organist . Silver Trowel borne by a Mallet borne by a P . M . as G . Director P . M . as A . G . Director of Ceremonies of Ceremonies . Past Grand Sword Bearers .
Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies . Past Grand Director of Ceremonies . Past Grand Deacons . Past Grand Secretary . Grand Secretary , bearing the Plate with the Inscription for the Foundation Stone . Past Grand Registrars . Grand Registrarbearing the Great Seal .
, The Grand Treasurer , bearing a Phial , containing the Coins to be deposited in the Stone . Past Grand AVardens . Past Provincial Grand Masters . Provincial Grand Masters . The Corinthian Light , borne by the Master of a Lodge .