Article NOTES ON LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND ART. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTES ON LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND ART. Page 2 of 2 Article Poetry. Page 1 of 1
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Notes On Literature, Science, And Art.
determined to establish , four are to be open to competition . The practical effect of this alteration is , that in April of each year there ¦ will be a competitive examination , for two foundation scliolarships instead of one , as of late years , to all boys between the ages of thirteen and fifteen who have been at least one year in the school . For the last nine years £ 1 , 200 a year has , by order of the Court
of Chancery , been set apart out of the income of Downing College , Cambridge , for the purpose of raising a fund to enlarge it . Part of the college has lately been destroyed by fire ; and it being therefore absolutely necessary to expend in repairs of the college considerably more than the ordinary repairing fund would allow , a petition was recently presented to Vice-Chancellor Stuart that the £ 1 , 200
which would otherwise have been added to the building fund in respect of the year 1 S 60-61 , should be allowed to be laid out in repairs of the college . His Honour has made an order in accordance with the prayer of the petition . It has been determined ( says the Lancet ) by the College of Physicians , with consent of the next of kin of the illustrious
discoverer of the circulation of the blood , to restore the tomb at Hampstead Church in such a manner as to secure his remains from the desecration and destruction to which they are now exposed . The Illuslrirte Zeilnng states that an interesting museum of articles relating to Luther , collected by an inhabitant of Halberstadt , has recently been purchased by the Prince Regent and
removed to Wittenberg , where it will be preserved in the house once occupied by the great Reformer . Though the collection is extensive and valuable , the collector ' s heirs sold it for the moderate sum of 3 , 000 thalers , knowing that its late owner was most anxious that it should be preserved at Wittenberg , for the benefit of
posterity . Prince Lucien Bonaparte has recently visited Norfolk for the purpose of taking " rubbings" of the monumental brasses in some of the churches . The prince , it will be remembered , has also devoted much attention to the peculiarities of the provincial dialects of England , where he is a permanent resident . "We hear that the Trustees of the British Museum have at once
allowed the justice of the claims of tho petitioning officers , so far as regards vacation . This point was strongly recommended b y Mr . Panizzi and Mr . Winter Jones . The officers are to have an additional fortnight of holiday in the year . Tho most important subject of an increase of salaries remains under consideration of the Lords of her Majesty ' s Treasury .
The Rev . R . Main , tho President of the Royal Astronomical Society , has been appointed Radclilfe Observer . Mr . Main will be succeeded in the office of the First Assistant at Greenwich by E . J . Routh , Esq ., Fellow and Tutor of St Peter ' s College , Cambridge . Tho sum of £ 1 , 600 which appeared on the Parliamentary estimates for two statues of British Sovereigns , was withdrawn
on Friday week , after ail animated discussion between various members , on the policy and taste of erecting a statue to Oliver Cromwell , the expense of a scries of statues , as proposed , and the state of the public commission given to Messrs . Ward , Maclise , Herbert , and l ) yce . Funds for a worthy memorial to Joseph Sturge , the noble
Quaker , have as yet , to the shame of wealth y Birmingham , fallen short of the amount required for the proposed statue and fountain . The committee having decided upon requesting three sculptors to send in designs or models for the statue and fountain proposed to lie erected , the three gentlemen selected are , — -Mr . Peter Hollins Mr . John Thomas , and Mr . E . B . Stephens .
The clay model of the proposed statue , at Glasgow to the memory of the late Mr . James Lumsden , in the studio of Mr . Mossman , will probably be despatched to London , to be executed in bronze . The figure appears with a loose overcoat . The statue is 8 ft . in hei ght , and is intended to he placed on a pedestal of 12 ft . It is to lie erected on the esplanade iu front of the infirmary , of which institution he was treasurer for many vears .
Notes On Literature, Science, And Art.
The success of the exhibition of Mr . Holman Hunt's picture , " The Finding of Our Saviour in the Temple , " now in the German Gallery , has been signal . We understand the receipts from admissions alone have almost repaid to Mr . Gambart the whole of the purchase-money . The artists and amateurs of Rome continue to visit and re-visit the celebrated masterpiece , Raffaelle's " Apollo and Marsyas . "
Among others , Professor Pietro Teuevani , who stands in the fit-strank of living sculptors and unrivalled in Rome ,- an accomplished connoisseur , moreover , of classic art , has also inspected it . After remaining long wrapt in admiration before it , lie declared that great as had been his expectations from the reports of Professor Minardi and others , he came quite unprepared to see so splendid a work ,
one so pre-eminently characteristic of Rafl ' aelle in all its parts .. The sensation created by the "Apollo and Marsyas" is without precedent . Messrs . J . Sabin and Co ., of New York , ( a firm of which one of the partners has been visiting this country with a business object ) announce that "they propose to hold a sale by auction of English
books in the month of November next , and respectfully suggest tosuch English publishers who may be desirous of increasing the sale of their books in the United States , that their facilities and longexperience enable them to offer great inducements for the shipmentof books to the American market . "
Ihere will be an election at Magdalen College , Oxford , in October next , to three Demyships , one for mathematics , one for natural science , and one for Greek aud Latin literature , each Demyship being of the value ( room , rent , and tuition included ) of £ 75 per annum , and tenable for five years from the day of election . No person will he eligible who shall have attained tho age of twenty years , and ( in the case of the Mathematical and Natural Science Demyship ) , who
is not sufficiently instructed on other subjects to matriculate as a member of the college . Bro . Jordison , of Middlesbro ' -on-Tees , commences a new weekly penny newspaper , on the first of September , under the title of The Middleslro' Times . We believe that it is Bro . Jordison ' s intention to make his newspaper a sort of model penny print , and have no doubt that it will command a wide circulation in North Yorkshire and South Durham . Mr . Walsh , an able reporter , is to be ensaced as its conductor .
Poetry .
HURRAH FOR OUR RIFLEMEN ! Hurrah for our Riflemen ! men of the land , AVho have sprung with a brave-hearted yearning ; Not willing nor eager to kindle War's brand , But to guard what the brand might set burning . They have limbs for a march , they have fronts for a blow ; Shew them laurels , and see how they'll win them ;
They have hands for a trigger , and eyes for a foe , That will prove the true Briton is in them . Then here ' s to the Grey , and the Green , and the Blue ; Never heed in what colour you find them ; But be sure they'll be dyed a Blood-red , through and through , Ere the chain of a Despot shall bind them . Let them come from the loomfrom the ploughand the forge
, , ; Lot their bugles ring louder and louder ; Let the dark city-street , and the deep forest gorge , Prove that Labour makes Valour the prouder . " Let them dwell in sweet Peace , till a moment may come When the shot of an enemy rattle ; And the spirits that cling the ' most fondly to home "Will be first to rush forth in the battle
. Then , here ' s to the Grey , and the Green , and the Blue ; Never heed in what colour you find them ; But be sure they'll be dyed a Blood-rel , through and through , Ere the chain of a . Despot shall bind them . ELIZA COOK .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notes On Literature, Science, And Art.
determined to establish , four are to be open to competition . The practical effect of this alteration is , that in April of each year there ¦ will be a competitive examination , for two foundation scliolarships instead of one , as of late years , to all boys between the ages of thirteen and fifteen who have been at least one year in the school . For the last nine years £ 1 , 200 a year has , by order of the Court
of Chancery , been set apart out of the income of Downing College , Cambridge , for the purpose of raising a fund to enlarge it . Part of the college has lately been destroyed by fire ; and it being therefore absolutely necessary to expend in repairs of the college considerably more than the ordinary repairing fund would allow , a petition was recently presented to Vice-Chancellor Stuart that the £ 1 , 200
which would otherwise have been added to the building fund in respect of the year 1 S 60-61 , should be allowed to be laid out in repairs of the college . His Honour has made an order in accordance with the prayer of the petition . It has been determined ( says the Lancet ) by the College of Physicians , with consent of the next of kin of the illustrious
discoverer of the circulation of the blood , to restore the tomb at Hampstead Church in such a manner as to secure his remains from the desecration and destruction to which they are now exposed . The Illuslrirte Zeilnng states that an interesting museum of articles relating to Luther , collected by an inhabitant of Halberstadt , has recently been purchased by the Prince Regent and
removed to Wittenberg , where it will be preserved in the house once occupied by the great Reformer . Though the collection is extensive and valuable , the collector ' s heirs sold it for the moderate sum of 3 , 000 thalers , knowing that its late owner was most anxious that it should be preserved at Wittenberg , for the benefit of
posterity . Prince Lucien Bonaparte has recently visited Norfolk for the purpose of taking " rubbings" of the monumental brasses in some of the churches . The prince , it will be remembered , has also devoted much attention to the peculiarities of the provincial dialects of England , where he is a permanent resident . "We hear that the Trustees of the British Museum have at once
allowed the justice of the claims of tho petitioning officers , so far as regards vacation . This point was strongly recommended b y Mr . Panizzi and Mr . Winter Jones . The officers are to have an additional fortnight of holiday in the year . Tho most important subject of an increase of salaries remains under consideration of the Lords of her Majesty ' s Treasury .
The Rev . R . Main , tho President of the Royal Astronomical Society , has been appointed Radclilfe Observer . Mr . Main will be succeeded in the office of the First Assistant at Greenwich by E . J . Routh , Esq ., Fellow and Tutor of St Peter ' s College , Cambridge . Tho sum of £ 1 , 600 which appeared on the Parliamentary estimates for two statues of British Sovereigns , was withdrawn
on Friday week , after ail animated discussion between various members , on the policy and taste of erecting a statue to Oliver Cromwell , the expense of a scries of statues , as proposed , and the state of the public commission given to Messrs . Ward , Maclise , Herbert , and l ) yce . Funds for a worthy memorial to Joseph Sturge , the noble
Quaker , have as yet , to the shame of wealth y Birmingham , fallen short of the amount required for the proposed statue and fountain . The committee having decided upon requesting three sculptors to send in designs or models for the statue and fountain proposed to lie erected , the three gentlemen selected are , — -Mr . Peter Hollins Mr . John Thomas , and Mr . E . B . Stephens .
The clay model of the proposed statue , at Glasgow to the memory of the late Mr . James Lumsden , in the studio of Mr . Mossman , will probably be despatched to London , to be executed in bronze . The figure appears with a loose overcoat . The statue is 8 ft . in hei ght , and is intended to he placed on a pedestal of 12 ft . It is to lie erected on the esplanade iu front of the infirmary , of which institution he was treasurer for many vears .
Notes On Literature, Science, And Art.
The success of the exhibition of Mr . Holman Hunt's picture , " The Finding of Our Saviour in the Temple , " now in the German Gallery , has been signal . We understand the receipts from admissions alone have almost repaid to Mr . Gambart the whole of the purchase-money . The artists and amateurs of Rome continue to visit and re-visit the celebrated masterpiece , Raffaelle's " Apollo and Marsyas . "
Among others , Professor Pietro Teuevani , who stands in the fit-strank of living sculptors and unrivalled in Rome ,- an accomplished connoisseur , moreover , of classic art , has also inspected it . After remaining long wrapt in admiration before it , lie declared that great as had been his expectations from the reports of Professor Minardi and others , he came quite unprepared to see so splendid a work ,
one so pre-eminently characteristic of Rafl ' aelle in all its parts .. The sensation created by the "Apollo and Marsyas" is without precedent . Messrs . J . Sabin and Co ., of New York , ( a firm of which one of the partners has been visiting this country with a business object ) announce that "they propose to hold a sale by auction of English
books in the month of November next , and respectfully suggest tosuch English publishers who may be desirous of increasing the sale of their books in the United States , that their facilities and longexperience enable them to offer great inducements for the shipmentof books to the American market . "
Ihere will be an election at Magdalen College , Oxford , in October next , to three Demyships , one for mathematics , one for natural science , and one for Greek aud Latin literature , each Demyship being of the value ( room , rent , and tuition included ) of £ 75 per annum , and tenable for five years from the day of election . No person will he eligible who shall have attained tho age of twenty years , and ( in the case of the Mathematical and Natural Science Demyship ) , who
is not sufficiently instructed on other subjects to matriculate as a member of the college . Bro . Jordison , of Middlesbro ' -on-Tees , commences a new weekly penny newspaper , on the first of September , under the title of The Middleslro' Times . We believe that it is Bro . Jordison ' s intention to make his newspaper a sort of model penny print , and have no doubt that it will command a wide circulation in North Yorkshire and South Durham . Mr . Walsh , an able reporter , is to be ensaced as its conductor .
Poetry .
HURRAH FOR OUR RIFLEMEN ! Hurrah for our Riflemen ! men of the land , AVho have sprung with a brave-hearted yearning ; Not willing nor eager to kindle War's brand , But to guard what the brand might set burning . They have limbs for a march , they have fronts for a blow ; Shew them laurels , and see how they'll win them ;
They have hands for a trigger , and eyes for a foe , That will prove the true Briton is in them . Then here ' s to the Grey , and the Green , and the Blue ; Never heed in what colour you find them ; But be sure they'll be dyed a Blood-red , through and through , Ere the chain of a Despot shall bind them . Let them come from the loomfrom the ploughand the forge
, , ; Lot their bugles ring louder and louder ; Let the dark city-street , and the deep forest gorge , Prove that Labour makes Valour the prouder . " Let them dwell in sweet Peace , till a moment may come When the shot of an enemy rattle ; And the spirits that cling the ' most fondly to home "Will be first to rush forth in the battle
. Then , here ' s to the Grey , and the Green , and the Blue ; Never heed in what colour you find them ; But be sure they'll be dyed a Blood-rel , through and through , Ere the chain of a . Despot shall bind them . ELIZA COOK .