Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
The banquet ofthe Brethren ofthe Province of Norfolk to their Right Worshipful Prov . G . M . Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell has been fixed for Friday , August 21 th . It will be held at the Royal Hotel , Norwich , and though the price of the tickets ( a guinea ) will necessarily preclude the presence of a large number ofthe Brethren who would otherwise have shown their respect and regard for Bro .
Cabbell , by their attendance on the occasion , we have little doubt but that the company will be such as to evince emphatically the admiration which is universally felt in the province at Bro . Cabbell ' s administration of his office . We cannot help regretting for the sake of the many Brothers who will be disappointed in their wish to testify their respect to Bro . Cabell thai the arrangements for the
banquet did not allow time for considering the suggestion which wo mentioned a week or two since , and which emanated from a Brother of high social station , as well as of eminence in the craft . The committee who made the arrangements do not appear to have entertained much confidence in tho feasibility of a subscription , by which the affair might have been rendered a really great demonstration , and were , no doubt , reluctant to undertake the ungracious task of raising the ways and means for such a irarpose .
BEADOJT LODGE ( NO . 002 ) . —This highly respectable summer suburban Lodge held its usual meeting at Bro . Rackstraw's Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge , Ealing , on Wednesday last . The Lodge was summoned for three o'clock , and at that hour a great number arrived either by rail or trap . The Lodge was immediately opened in the three degrees , by Bro . C . A . Collins , W . M . This being the usual day for the installation of W . M ., the minutes were read aud confirmed , as was the report of the audit committee .
This report showed the Lodge to be in a highly satisfactory state , owing to the care and attention paid by the W . M . during the past year , and the excellent manner the books had been kept by the Secretary , Bro . J . W . Adams , which reflected great credit upon him . The W . M . transferred his collar to Bro . G . States , Prov . G . D . for Bucks and Berks , and P . M . No . ICO , who proceeded with the installation of Bro . A . Avery . This solemn ceremony was performed in an impressive mannerand elicited hih encomiums from a
, g numerous board of installed Masters , among whom were Bros . Watson , C . Collins , Rackstraw , II . Potter , and Blackburn , members of the Lodge , and of visitors , Bro . Gladwin , W . M ., ( 25 ); Apted , Newton , Clements , Farmer , A . G . P ., P . M ' s , ( 25 ); Anslow , ( 165 ); Laing , ( 53 ); Levinson ( 167 ); Boyd , ( 169 ) . The hoard having been duly closed , the members and other visitors were admitted and saluted the new AV . M . in the prescribed form . Bros . AVest and Ravensheare having answered the usual questions , were raised to
the sublime degree of M . M ., and invested . Two gentlemen ( Messrs . Taylor and Swabcy ) , were initiated into tho Order . Tho ceremonies of the third and first degrees were most ably given , and obtained the admiration of the members , it being rather usual for a little timidity to be exhibited by so new a Master and comparatively young a Mason . Previous to the Lodge closing several gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next Lodge , so that we may fairly say the AVM . will have a most successful year . Nearly 50 Brethren set down to banquet , and those who know Bro . Rackstraw , are aware how excellent it was . The usual Masonic and other toasts
were given and responded to . The W . M m returning thanks for his health , said , the interest , honour , and comfort of the Lodge being placed in his hands , he would take care that neither should suffer during his year of office , and he felt assured that the officers he had appointed wore well qualified to fill their various positions , and he had no doubt that they would be attentive and regular in their attendance , for by their not being so the honour of Lod materiallsufferedThe officers
any ge y . appointed were Brothers Seaman , S . AV Quelch , J . AV ., Scott , Treas ., Blackburn , Sec , Bell , S . D ., J . A . Avery , J . D ., King , I . G ., and States , Steward . The gardens were in groat luxuriance , the harmony of the evening was enlivened by the vocal powers of Bros . J , W . Adams , Piatt , Mountain , & e . The remaining visitors were Bros . Scott , 3 JS ; B . and 0 . Averv , 198 ; Reynolds , 1 G 5 ; 1-orsyth , 1 , 082 ; Elgee , 201 ; Piatt , 1 GS ; and AV . Carter , 25 .
NEW COUCOED LODGE ( No 1 , 115 ) . —As a proof of the rsgifi progress which this offshoot of the Old Concord has made , it was determined to hold a summer festival in acknowldgement of fee hard work the W . M . and his officers have gone through , alt & o & gb it is barely six months since the inauguration of the Lodge . T © carry out the design with credit to the Lodge , a board of eighteen stewards was formed , and under their management it was decided to hold the festival at the Crystal PalaceThursdayAugust 6 being
, , , the day appointed . The A \ . M . resolved that it should be a Masonic meeting , and the Brethren were commanded to appear in . Crafi ; clothing . Five o'clock was named for the dinner , and some time previous there was a good assembly to greet Brother Emmens . The arrangements made by Bro . ' Strange for the accommodation of his guests are too well-known to need description . The Banquet was served in one of the beautiful new rooms
in the south gallery , about 70 Brethren being present . Bro . Emmens , the AV . M . ofthe Lodge , presided , supported on the left by the Rev . Bro . S . M . Laughlin , S . AV . of No . 201 , and Chaplain c-f both the Old and New Concord Lodge ; Bro . Henry Muggerhige , P . M ., No . 527 ; Bro . Swainstone , AV . M ., No . 201 ; Bro . Kenueety , P . M ., Wo . 201 , and P . G . Steward ; Bro . Per . X > . Shaboe ; Bra . Estwiekthe TreasurerBro"WildSecretaryand others : on the
, ; . , , right Bro . Crew , P . M ., No . 1 , and P . G . Steward ; Bro . R . Spencer , P . M ., No . 329 ; Bro . J . How , Prov . G . D . C ., Herts ; also Bro , Alfred Day , AA . M . ; Bro . Hastalow , P . M . ; and Bro . Farthing , S . W-, of No 118 ; Bro . Partridge , P . M ., No . 22 ; and other visitors , The cloth having been removed , a musical grace was sung by the vocal Brethren , Bros . George Tedder , Woollams , and Davis , whilst BroAmos presided at the iano . The AV . M . then rose and callc £
. p upon his wardens , Bro . Bertram sen ., and Bro . Swimiock jnm , to see that tho . Brethren were prepared to do honour to the fn-sfc toast " The Queen and the Craft . " The next toast was " Tho Health of the M . AV ., the Earl of Zetland , the Grand Master , " followed by " Lorf Panmnre , Deputy G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers . " The AA . M " . then said , to do justice to the next toast in a few words , was a matter of some difficultyit was " The Health of the Visitors . "
, There were so many distinguished Bi-ethen present , that he hai-tlb ? knew which to place first ; there were Masters and Past-Masters ot longstanding , and in giving them a cordial welcome , and thanking them for the honour they'had done , the New Concord by their presence , ho would not mention the name of any one to responOt , but left it to themselves . Bro . How said , as no other of tho
body of visitors presented himself to acknowledge the loud and hospitable reception given them , ho ventured on the pleasing task . The events in a Mason ' s career most likely to bo impressed upon his memory were his initiation , his arrival at the chair , and the witnessing the consecration of a New Lodge . Having , with many of the Brethren around him , been present and taken part in the consecration of the New Concord , he should ever view its career with degree of interestTho Lodbegan most triumphantl
some . ge y . and it already bid fair to rival its parent in tiie number of its - members . Its success was in a , great measure due to having , as its first chief , so practised a Master as Pro . Knvmcns , whilst the Wardens and other Officers were second to none . On behalf of : himself and the other visitors be tendered their heartfelt thanks to tho New Lodge of Concord for the cordial greeting given them . The AVMnext said it was a gratification to see himself so well supported
.. by the members of the Old Concord Lodge . He saw around him , the AV . M ., some Past Masters , the Senior Warden , and others , and it satisfied him of their good wishes for the offspring of the parent Lodge . He therefore proposed " The Health of the W . M . anil Members of the Old Concord Lodge . " Pro . Swainsion , W . M . of No . 201 , in acknowledging the toast said he felt inadequate to give expression to his feelings on the occasion . P . vo . Emmens , thft
AV . M . ofthe New Concord , was an old P . M . of the Old Concord , ami was still its Secretary , and while performing his duty as AV . M . of 1 , 115 he in no wise neglected the intere .-ii . sof 201 . For himself a-nriJ others included in the toast , whilst thanking the Brethren of this Lodge for the compliment , he assured them it would be their constant endeavour to carry out efficiently all the principles of the order . The Rov . Bro LAUGHLIN said that as he was temporarily armed with the gavel of authoritthey would all know the use
y , he would make of it . He had to propose a duplex toast "The health of the . AV . M ., and prosperity to the , £ tcw Concord Lodge . " He ( the Rev . Bro . ) entered Masoni-y at the instigation of their W . M . He was honoured by the appointment of Chaplain , in . the old "Concord Lodge , " and having joined the "New" chiefly in consequence of his high esteem for Bro . Em mens , had had the officeconferred himAs Officer of
same distinguished , upon . an the Lodge , ' he could say for himself and colleagues , that they would do their duty , and exert themselves to the utmost in support of their worthy Master . ( Cheers . ) 'The AV . M ., in reply , said , he . had endeavoured to do his best for the interests of the Lodsre , JUTIJ what had followed the consecration , the records of the Lodge wes ¥£ show . With regard to the gradual increase of its member * * im
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
The banquet ofthe Brethren ofthe Province of Norfolk to their Right Worshipful Prov . G . M . Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell has been fixed for Friday , August 21 th . It will be held at the Royal Hotel , Norwich , and though the price of the tickets ( a guinea ) will necessarily preclude the presence of a large number ofthe Brethren who would otherwise have shown their respect and regard for Bro .
Cabbell , by their attendance on the occasion , we have little doubt but that the company will be such as to evince emphatically the admiration which is universally felt in the province at Bro . Cabbell ' s administration of his office . We cannot help regretting for the sake of the many Brothers who will be disappointed in their wish to testify their respect to Bro . Cabell thai the arrangements for the
banquet did not allow time for considering the suggestion which wo mentioned a week or two since , and which emanated from a Brother of high social station , as well as of eminence in the craft . The committee who made the arrangements do not appear to have entertained much confidence in tho feasibility of a subscription , by which the affair might have been rendered a really great demonstration , and were , no doubt , reluctant to undertake the ungracious task of raising the ways and means for such a irarpose .
BEADOJT LODGE ( NO . 002 ) . —This highly respectable summer suburban Lodge held its usual meeting at Bro . Rackstraw's Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge , Ealing , on Wednesday last . The Lodge was summoned for three o'clock , and at that hour a great number arrived either by rail or trap . The Lodge was immediately opened in the three degrees , by Bro . C . A . Collins , W . M . This being the usual day for the installation of W . M ., the minutes were read aud confirmed , as was the report of the audit committee .
This report showed the Lodge to be in a highly satisfactory state , owing to the care and attention paid by the W . M . during the past year , and the excellent manner the books had been kept by the Secretary , Bro . J . W . Adams , which reflected great credit upon him . The W . M . transferred his collar to Bro . G . States , Prov . G . D . for Bucks and Berks , and P . M . No . ICO , who proceeded with the installation of Bro . A . Avery . This solemn ceremony was performed in an impressive mannerand elicited hih encomiums from a
, g numerous board of installed Masters , among whom were Bros . Watson , C . Collins , Rackstraw , II . Potter , and Blackburn , members of the Lodge , and of visitors , Bro . Gladwin , W . M ., ( 25 ); Apted , Newton , Clements , Farmer , A . G . P ., P . M ' s , ( 25 ); Anslow , ( 165 ); Laing , ( 53 ); Levinson ( 167 ); Boyd , ( 169 ) . The hoard having been duly closed , the members and other visitors were admitted and saluted the new AV . M . in the prescribed form . Bros . AVest and Ravensheare having answered the usual questions , were raised to
the sublime degree of M . M ., and invested . Two gentlemen ( Messrs . Taylor and Swabcy ) , were initiated into tho Order . Tho ceremonies of the third and first degrees were most ably given , and obtained the admiration of the members , it being rather usual for a little timidity to be exhibited by so new a Master and comparatively young a Mason . Previous to the Lodge closing several gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next Lodge , so that we may fairly say the AVM . will have a most successful year . Nearly 50 Brethren set down to banquet , and those who know Bro . Rackstraw , are aware how excellent it was . The usual Masonic and other toasts
were given and responded to . The W . M m returning thanks for his health , said , the interest , honour , and comfort of the Lodge being placed in his hands , he would take care that neither should suffer during his year of office , and he felt assured that the officers he had appointed wore well qualified to fill their various positions , and he had no doubt that they would be attentive and regular in their attendance , for by their not being so the honour of Lod materiallsufferedThe officers
any ge y . appointed were Brothers Seaman , S . AV Quelch , J . AV ., Scott , Treas ., Blackburn , Sec , Bell , S . D ., J . A . Avery , J . D ., King , I . G ., and States , Steward . The gardens were in groat luxuriance , the harmony of the evening was enlivened by the vocal powers of Bros . J , W . Adams , Piatt , Mountain , & e . The remaining visitors were Bros . Scott , 3 JS ; B . and 0 . Averv , 198 ; Reynolds , 1 G 5 ; 1-orsyth , 1 , 082 ; Elgee , 201 ; Piatt , 1 GS ; and AV . Carter , 25 .
NEW COUCOED LODGE ( No 1 , 115 ) . —As a proof of the rsgifi progress which this offshoot of the Old Concord has made , it was determined to hold a summer festival in acknowldgement of fee hard work the W . M . and his officers have gone through , alt & o & gb it is barely six months since the inauguration of the Lodge . T © carry out the design with credit to the Lodge , a board of eighteen stewards was formed , and under their management it was decided to hold the festival at the Crystal PalaceThursdayAugust 6 being
, , , the day appointed . The A \ . M . resolved that it should be a Masonic meeting , and the Brethren were commanded to appear in . Crafi ; clothing . Five o'clock was named for the dinner , and some time previous there was a good assembly to greet Brother Emmens . The arrangements made by Bro . ' Strange for the accommodation of his guests are too well-known to need description . The Banquet was served in one of the beautiful new rooms
in the south gallery , about 70 Brethren being present . Bro . Emmens , the AV . M . ofthe Lodge , presided , supported on the left by the Rev . Bro . S . M . Laughlin , S . AV . of No . 201 , and Chaplain c-f both the Old and New Concord Lodge ; Bro . Henry Muggerhige , P . M ., No . 527 ; Bro . Swainstone , AV . M ., No . 201 ; Bro . Kenueety , P . M ., Wo . 201 , and P . G . Steward ; Bro . Per . X > . Shaboe ; Bra . Estwiekthe TreasurerBro"WildSecretaryand others : on the
, ; . , , right Bro . Crew , P . M ., No . 1 , and P . G . Steward ; Bro . R . Spencer , P . M ., No . 329 ; Bro . J . How , Prov . G . D . C ., Herts ; also Bro , Alfred Day , AA . M . ; Bro . Hastalow , P . M . ; and Bro . Farthing , S . W-, of No 118 ; Bro . Partridge , P . M ., No . 22 ; and other visitors , The cloth having been removed , a musical grace was sung by the vocal Brethren , Bros . George Tedder , Woollams , and Davis , whilst BroAmos presided at the iano . The AV . M . then rose and callc £
. p upon his wardens , Bro . Bertram sen ., and Bro . Swimiock jnm , to see that tho . Brethren were prepared to do honour to the fn-sfc toast " The Queen and the Craft . " The next toast was " Tho Health of the M . AV ., the Earl of Zetland , the Grand Master , " followed by " Lorf Panmnre , Deputy G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers . " The AA . M " . then said , to do justice to the next toast in a few words , was a matter of some difficultyit was " The Health of the Visitors . "
, There were so many distinguished Bi-ethen present , that he hai-tlb ? knew which to place first ; there were Masters and Past-Masters ot longstanding , and in giving them a cordial welcome , and thanking them for the honour they'had done , the New Concord by their presence , ho would not mention the name of any one to responOt , but left it to themselves . Bro . How said , as no other of tho
body of visitors presented himself to acknowledge the loud and hospitable reception given them , ho ventured on the pleasing task . The events in a Mason ' s career most likely to bo impressed upon his memory were his initiation , his arrival at the chair , and the witnessing the consecration of a New Lodge . Having , with many of the Brethren around him , been present and taken part in the consecration of the New Concord , he should ever view its career with degree of interestTho Lodbegan most triumphantl
some . ge y . and it already bid fair to rival its parent in tiie number of its - members . Its success was in a , great measure due to having , as its first chief , so practised a Master as Pro . Knvmcns , whilst the Wardens and other Officers were second to none . On behalf of : himself and the other visitors be tendered their heartfelt thanks to tho New Lodge of Concord for the cordial greeting given them . The AVMnext said it was a gratification to see himself so well supported
.. by the members of the Old Concord Lodge . He saw around him , the AV . M ., some Past Masters , the Senior Warden , and others , and it satisfied him of their good wishes for the offspring of the parent Lodge . He therefore proposed " The Health of the W . M . anil Members of the Old Concord Lodge . " Pro . Swainsion , W . M . of No . 201 , in acknowledging the toast said he felt inadequate to give expression to his feelings on the occasion . P . vo . Emmens , thft
AV . M . ofthe New Concord , was an old P . M . of the Old Concord , ami was still its Secretary , and while performing his duty as AV . M . of 1 , 115 he in no wise neglected the intere .-ii . sof 201 . For himself a-nriJ others included in the toast , whilst thanking the Brethren of this Lodge for the compliment , he assured them it would be their constant endeavour to carry out efficiently all the principles of the order . The Rov . Bro LAUGHLIN said that as he was temporarily armed with the gavel of authoritthey would all know the use
y , he would make of it . He had to propose a duplex toast "The health of the . AV . M ., and prosperity to the , £ tcw Concord Lodge . " He ( the Rev . Bro . ) entered Masoni-y at the instigation of their W . M . He was honoured by the appointment of Chaplain , in . the old "Concord Lodge , " and having joined the "New" chiefly in consequence of his high esteem for Bro . Em mens , had had the officeconferred himAs Officer of
same distinguished , upon . an the Lodge , ' he could say for himself and colleagues , that they would do their duty , and exert themselves to the utmost in support of their worthy Master . ( Cheers . ) 'The AV . M ., in reply , said , he . had endeavoured to do his best for the interests of the Lodsre , JUTIJ what had followed the consecration , the records of the Lodge wes ¥£ show . With regard to the gradual increase of its member * * im