Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAMT. Page 1 of 2 →
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sentative to advise with the others on special occurrences , propound the views of the individual lodges , prevent excesses of authority on the part . of the Grand Lodges , facilitate a better understanding betiveen the Grand Lodges and their "daughter lodges , " and reduce the very extensive correspondence by means of friendly personal intercourse . This proposal Avas
at first by no means agreeable to our Grand Lodges , but it has since gained ground , and its realisation may be considered fully secured at present . The mutual relations have assumed a more favourable aspect in various parts . The amalgamation of the German Grand Lodges
into a " General German Masonic Grand Lodge Union" is a matter of special interest to us alone , aud its realisatisn a question of time . Most German Grand Lodges are fovourable to the idea ; but there are many other infiueuces at work to prevent itrealisation , most of the smaller Governments objects ing to it on political grounds , on account of its tending to further also the unity of public life . HOAVever , it is to be hoped that this view will soon
become obsolete . As an indispensable preliminary step , it would yet be necessary that the Prussian Grand Lodges rescind their illiberal ancl un-Masonic regulation , excluding all non-Christians from the Fraternity . The position of the Masonic press in Germany is likewise a question merely of internal policy . Some
Grand Lodges want to prevent the publication of lectures , reports , reviews , & c , in Masonic periodicals without previous authorisation , to which supererogation we naturally object , considering as we do the press as tlie organ of public conscience and means of general control , guarding against abuse of power and
excess of authority . In a future letter I shall request your jjermission to review those points of our programme in Avhich our English brethren are at issue Avith us , viz ., the question of the hi gh degrees , of atheism , and the place of the Bible in the lodge . Yours fraternally , A GEEMAN MASON IN TUBKET . Constantinople , July , 1866 .
AN INSURANCE RETROSPECT . —The public are now so much accustomed to the association of " success " Avith the name of tho Royal Insurance Company , that the results of business disclosed in the report read at the annual meeting of the shareholders , Avhich has just taken place , will not create any surprise , however much call there might be for that feelingif the and
, energy prudence exercised in the conduct of its affairs ivere not already known so ivell . ' It appears that during the year 1865 , in the life branch , an amount of business was rejected as ineligible , which would have formed a striking augmentation to the transactions of any smaller company , being no less than £ 189 , 000 of amount proposed . The sum actually accepted for new assurances on lives
during the twelve months was over £ 880 , 000 ; while in the fire department , the net premiums wore £ 414 , 000 . The losses in this branch were heavy , in common with those of all other offices , but a profit of over £ 9 , 000 was made on the whole fire business for tho year , ancl a dividend and bonus of 7 s . per share ( or 17-3 r per cent , on the original shares ) ivas cliviclccl aa usual during- the last feAv years , leaving not only a large reserve fund , but also a large undivided balance still in the profit and loss accounts .
THE MASONIC MIREOK * * All communications to he addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , Loudon , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
PROVINCE oi ? JBEBKS AXD BUCKS . —Agreeably to the annotmcGBicnt , which will be found in our advertising columns a Provincial Grand Lodge meeting will , by command of the R . W . A . Prov . G . M . Bro . JE . J . Mclntyre , Grand Registrar , be held in the Masonic Hall , Heading , on Thursday next , the 23 rd inst . at 12 noon . AVe refer our readers to our advertising
columns for the programme of the proceedings . The following is an outline of the business to be transacted as per the Agenda Paper , viz .: To confirm tlie Minutes of the Provincial Grand Loclge , held on the 23 rd of May , 1865 . To elect Provincial Grand Treasurer . Appointment and Investment of Provincial Grand Officers . Presentation of the Charity Jewel ( instituted
by H . R . H . the late Duke of Sussex , M . W . G . M ) to Bros . J . Blandy , Jenkins , ancl J . Devereux . To receive the report of tbe Finance Committee . Notice of Motion by Bro . Biggs , P . M ., 1 , 101 . That the Provincial Grand Chaplain be requested to write a letter of condolence to the widow of the late esteemed brother , W . H . Hole , the S . G . W . of the Province , to
express the sympathy of the Grand Lodge on her bereavement and the loss the province has sustained by the death of so worthy a brother . At the quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , held at Edinburgh on the 6 th instant , a communication from the R . W . Brother D . Murray Lyon , regarding the probable
date of the Second Charter granted by the Scottish Craft to Sir William St . Clair was read and ordered to be printed in tbe forthcoming annual circular ; and the Grand Secretary was instructed to convey to Brother Lyon the thanks of the Grand Lodge for his interesting paper .
Borne Loucffi ( No . 933 ) . —The summer festival of this lodgetook place at Bro . Bennyfield's , the Crown Inn , Broxbourne , on the Sth inst . The resources of this establishment as a place to spend a happy day among the beautiful gardens are too well known to be mentioned here . The dinner , which was of the usual recherche style , was served in the pavilion in the garden to a very select party , and presided over by Bro . W * Gilchrist , W . M . assisted by Bro . Eobottom , S . W ., and Bro . T . J .
Barnes , sen ., J . W , After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts the W . M . proposed "The Health of the Ladies , " remarking that he considered it their due to obtain such a recognition among the early toasts and not defer it until the brethren were departing . Ho was very proud to see around him such a goodly number of the wives , sisters , ancl sweethearts of . Freemasons , because ho thought it docs good to the cause of Freemasonry that the gentler sex should share the delihts of the brethren
g on every festive occasion . The toast was drunk with enthusiasm . Song— " Lovely woman , " by Bro . Saqui . Bro . George Roberts , of the Yarbro' Lodge ( 55-1 ) , in rising to return thanks for the ladies observed that for the nonce tlie W . M . and brethren ivould please to imagine him a lady , and in that character he begged on behalf of himself and sister to thank tho W . M . and brethren for the kind way in which they had drunk their health ; that
the ladies would always be very happy to come to a Masonic banquet , especially if it had the charm of being partaken of among , flowers . The toast of " The Visitors" was responded to by Bro . Vcny , of tbe Yarbro' Loclge ( 554 ) in a neat speech , expressive of the gratification be felt at being among the Doric brethren , and trusted lie might be enabled to do likewise upon their next festival . The health of the W . M . was proposed by Bro . Scurr ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
sentative to advise with the others on special occurrences , propound the views of the individual lodges , prevent excesses of authority on the part . of the Grand Lodges , facilitate a better understanding betiveen the Grand Lodges and their "daughter lodges , " and reduce the very extensive correspondence by means of friendly personal intercourse . This proposal Avas
at first by no means agreeable to our Grand Lodges , but it has since gained ground , and its realisation may be considered fully secured at present . The mutual relations have assumed a more favourable aspect in various parts . The amalgamation of the German Grand Lodges
into a " General German Masonic Grand Lodge Union" is a matter of special interest to us alone , aud its realisatisn a question of time . Most German Grand Lodges are fovourable to the idea ; but there are many other infiueuces at work to prevent itrealisation , most of the smaller Governments objects ing to it on political grounds , on account of its tending to further also the unity of public life . HOAVever , it is to be hoped that this view will soon
become obsolete . As an indispensable preliminary step , it would yet be necessary that the Prussian Grand Lodges rescind their illiberal ancl un-Masonic regulation , excluding all non-Christians from the Fraternity . The position of the Masonic press in Germany is likewise a question merely of internal policy . Some
Grand Lodges want to prevent the publication of lectures , reports , reviews , & c , in Masonic periodicals without previous authorisation , to which supererogation we naturally object , considering as we do the press as tlie organ of public conscience and means of general control , guarding against abuse of power and
excess of authority . In a future letter I shall request your jjermission to review those points of our programme in Avhich our English brethren are at issue Avith us , viz ., the question of the hi gh degrees , of atheism , and the place of the Bible in the lodge . Yours fraternally , A GEEMAN MASON IN TUBKET . Constantinople , July , 1866 .
AN INSURANCE RETROSPECT . —The public are now so much accustomed to the association of " success " Avith the name of tho Royal Insurance Company , that the results of business disclosed in the report read at the annual meeting of the shareholders , Avhich has just taken place , will not create any surprise , however much call there might be for that feelingif the and
, energy prudence exercised in the conduct of its affairs ivere not already known so ivell . ' It appears that during the year 1865 , in the life branch , an amount of business was rejected as ineligible , which would have formed a striking augmentation to the transactions of any smaller company , being no less than £ 189 , 000 of amount proposed . The sum actually accepted for new assurances on lives
during the twelve months was over £ 880 , 000 ; while in the fire department , the net premiums wore £ 414 , 000 . The losses in this branch were heavy , in common with those of all other offices , but a profit of over £ 9 , 000 was made on the whole fire business for tho year , ancl a dividend and bonus of 7 s . per share ( or 17-3 r per cent , on the original shares ) ivas cliviclccl aa usual during- the last feAv years , leaving not only a large reserve fund , but also a large undivided balance still in the profit and loss accounts .
THE MASONIC MIREOK * * All communications to he addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , Loudon , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
PROVINCE oi ? JBEBKS AXD BUCKS . —Agreeably to the annotmcGBicnt , which will be found in our advertising columns a Provincial Grand Lodge meeting will , by command of the R . W . A . Prov . G . M . Bro . JE . J . Mclntyre , Grand Registrar , be held in the Masonic Hall , Heading , on Thursday next , the 23 rd inst . at 12 noon . AVe refer our readers to our advertising
columns for the programme of the proceedings . The following is an outline of the business to be transacted as per the Agenda Paper , viz .: To confirm tlie Minutes of the Provincial Grand Loclge , held on the 23 rd of May , 1865 . To elect Provincial Grand Treasurer . Appointment and Investment of Provincial Grand Officers . Presentation of the Charity Jewel ( instituted
by H . R . H . the late Duke of Sussex , M . W . G . M ) to Bros . J . Blandy , Jenkins , ancl J . Devereux . To receive the report of tbe Finance Committee . Notice of Motion by Bro . Biggs , P . M ., 1 , 101 . That the Provincial Grand Chaplain be requested to write a letter of condolence to the widow of the late esteemed brother , W . H . Hole , the S . G . W . of the Province , to
express the sympathy of the Grand Lodge on her bereavement and the loss the province has sustained by the death of so worthy a brother . At the quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , held at Edinburgh on the 6 th instant , a communication from the R . W . Brother D . Murray Lyon , regarding the probable
date of the Second Charter granted by the Scottish Craft to Sir William St . Clair was read and ordered to be printed in tbe forthcoming annual circular ; and the Grand Secretary was instructed to convey to Brother Lyon the thanks of the Grand Lodge for his interesting paper .
Borne Loucffi ( No . 933 ) . —The summer festival of this lodgetook place at Bro . Bennyfield's , the Crown Inn , Broxbourne , on the Sth inst . The resources of this establishment as a place to spend a happy day among the beautiful gardens are too well known to be mentioned here . The dinner , which was of the usual recherche style , was served in the pavilion in the garden to a very select party , and presided over by Bro . W * Gilchrist , W . M . assisted by Bro . Eobottom , S . W ., and Bro . T . J .
Barnes , sen ., J . W , After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts the W . M . proposed "The Health of the Ladies , " remarking that he considered it their due to obtain such a recognition among the early toasts and not defer it until the brethren were departing . Ho was very proud to see around him such a goodly number of the wives , sisters , ancl sweethearts of . Freemasons , because ho thought it docs good to the cause of Freemasonry that the gentler sex should share the delihts of the brethren
g on every festive occasion . The toast was drunk with enthusiasm . Song— " Lovely woman , " by Bro . Saqui . Bro . George Roberts , of the Yarbro' Lodge ( 55-1 ) , in rising to return thanks for the ladies observed that for the nonce tlie W . M . and brethren ivould please to imagine him a lady , and in that character he begged on behalf of himself and sister to thank tho W . M . and brethren for the kind way in which they had drunk their health ; that
the ladies would always be very happy to come to a Masonic banquet , especially if it had the charm of being partaken of among , flowers . The toast of " The Visitors" was responded to by Bro . Vcny , of tbe Yarbro' Loclge ( 554 ) in a neat speech , expressive of the gratification be felt at being among the Doric brethren , and trusted lie might be enabled to do likewise upon their next festival . The health of the W . M . was proposed by Bro . Scurr ,