Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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the province tins year , but it is highlv satisfactory to learn that the sum of nearl y £ 200 was given * to our various Masonic Charities upon the * occasion of the last Provincial Grand Meeting held at Sheerness , on the ISth nit ., under the presidency of the Prov . G . M ., Lord Viscount I-Iolmesdale , M . P . The exact amount is £ 193 2 s ., being made up and voted as follows , viz .: — From the Charity Fund , to constitute Ihe undermentioned lodges governors of the Aged Masons' Asylum , Erith , Lodge 615 , £ ' 20 ;
Sklcup ,. S 29 , £ 20 ; of the Boys' School , Sheerness , £ 21 ; Ramsjratc , 429 , £ 21 ; Dover , 190 , £ 21 ; Maidstone , 503 , £ 21 ; and f ,-om tlie Provincial Grand Lodge Fund , was voted to tho Girls ' School £ 53 10 s . ; half of tho sum collected at the church was given to the Sheerness National Schools , the other half to tho Masonic Boys' School , £ 16 12-.,- total £ 19 . 3 2 s . We havo pleasure in giving publicity to the pleasing fact of the contribution by the brethren of the province of so much money _ iu aid of our Charities , and trust it may serve as a stimulus to some of the other Provincial Grand Lodges to go and do likewise .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIVERPOOL—Temple Lodge ( No . 1 , 094 ) . —This lodge was -opened in due form by the W . M . Bro . Richard II . D . Johnson , assisted by his officers , Bros . Johnson , S . W . ; Smith , J . W . ; Sheldon , S . D . ; Winstanley , as J . D . ; Marsh , P . M . Sec ; Woods , Treas ., & c . Visitors : Bros . Jones , AV . M ., 219 ; Lunt , W . M . of the Everton Lodge ; Hamer , Prov . G . Treas ., & c , & c .
Mr . Boucher was duly initiated into Freemasonry . The charge was given by the S . W . and the lecture on tools by J . W . in a very impressive manner . Bro . Richard Danson war , raised to the degree of a M . Mason in the W . Master usual impressive -way . The lodge was then closed to first degree . A gentleman was proposed for initiation . Bro . Smith , J . W ., on behalf of Bro . Woods , Treas ., presented to the W . M . a very beautiful portrait iu oil in gold frame as a memorial of his ( Bro . Johnson ) being
the first W . M . of tbe Temple Lodge . Bro . Smith said he had a very pleasing duty to perform , it was to propose the health of their W . M ., who had the esteem and affection of all who know him ; all could bear testimony to tho zeal in the cause of Freemasonry and the devotion of Bro . Johnson , during his mastership
to the duties of his office in cultivating the moral and social virtues , and carrying out those principles of brotherly love , -relief , and truth , not only in letter but in the spirit . Bro . Smith then handed to Bro . Johnson a very beautiful portrait of himself in oil , having the following inscription , " Presented to Bro . R . IT . D . Johnson , first W . M . of the Temple Loclge as a slight recognition of his services to Masonry in general , Aug . 81 S 66 . " Bro . Smith hoped in common with bis brethren
, , that Bro . Johnson may be long with them and enjoy health , and that it may be an heirloom to his family for many generations . The W . M . Bro . Johnson , in very feeling and appropriate terms , thanked Bro . Wood for the honour lie conferred upon him , and having been taken by surprise , he trusted they would ni-akc some allowance for the state his mind and feeling at the present timefor it was a state of leasuresurpriseand gratitude . Bro .
, p , , Johnson again thanked them , and resumed his seat evidently much affected . Thanks were voted to Bro . Wood , Treas ., for his gift on behalf of the loclge . The brethren then enjoyed themselves with S'lig , sentiment , and toast , and the greatest harmony prevailed until 10 o ' clock , when they parted happy to meet again .
Royal Arch.
SurEEJIE GEAKD CHAATEB or ENG-IAND . A quarterly convocation of the Supreme Grand Chapter was held at the Freemason ' s Hall on the 1 st inst . Present : Comps . J . Havers , J ., as Z . ; F . Pattisnn , P . N ., as II . ; G . W . K . Potter , P . P . Soj ., as J . ; E . S . Snell , Sword Bearer ; A . Holman , Standard Bearer ; A . Walls , Dir . of Cer ? . ; B . Head , P . G . S . B . ; N . Bradford , P . Dir . of Cers . ; W . E . WalmisleyP . G . J . B . G . CoxP . G . S . B . ; and J .-SmithP . G .
, ; , , Dir . of Cers . Comp . W . Young , P . G . Dir . of Cers ., on the dais . The report of the Committee of General Purposes was brought and read ; it as follows -. — The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they have examined the accounts from the 17 th April to the 17 th July , 1866 , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows :
Cr . £ . s . d . To balance l 7 th April 359 3 6 ,, Subsequent receipts 2 S 5 1 6 £ 641 5 0 Dr . £ s . d . By Purchase of £ 300—3 per Cent Consols 261 7 6
„ Disbursements during the Quarter ... 13 . 9 4 4 390 11 10 „ Balance 250 13 2 £ 641 5 0 which balance is in the hands of Messrs . Willis , Percival , ancl
Co ., Bankers of the Grand Treasurer . The committee have also to report that they havo received t ' le following petitions , namely : — Istly . From Comps . I-I . Carrigg , as Z . ; S . P . Bidder , as H . ; G- F . East , as J . ; and six others , for a chapter to be attached to the Alexandra Lodge , No . 993 , Levenshulme , near Manchester , to bo called the Alexandra Chapter , to meet at tho Mile House , Levenshulme , on the third Wednesday in each alternate month .
Sndly . From Comps . S . Percy , as Z . ; D . Morns , as I-I . ; E . Nathan , as J ., and seven others for a chapter to be attached to the Derby Lodge , No . 1055 , Cheetham , Lancashire , to be called the Derby Chapter , to meet at the AVaterloo Hotel , Cheetham , Lancashire on the first Tuesday in each alternate month . The foregoing petitions being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted .
Tlie committee have also to report , that they have had under their consideration a resolution passed by the United Grand Lodge at the quarterly communication , holden on Wednesday , the 6 th June last , proposing to abolish the practice of paying the Grand Secretary , the clerks employed in his office , and the Grand Tyler , separate salaries from those paid by the Supreme Grand Chapter to the brethren by whom tho office business relating to the Royal Arch is performedand inviting the Grand
, Chapter to pay one-sixth of the salaries proposed to be paid according to the following scale : viz . — The salary of the Grand Secretary to commence at £ 450 to increase to £ 600 . Tlie salary of the First Clerk to commence at £ 200 to increase to £ 350 .
The salary of the Second Clerk to commence at £ 150 to increase to £ 200 . The salary of the Third and Fourth Clerks to commence at £ 100 to increase to £ 150 . . Your committee have well considered this proposal and finding that the sum now paid for office work by the Grand Chapter approximates very closely the proportion proposed to be paid , recommend for the adoption of the Grand Chapter the
following resolution— "That in future the Supreme Grand Chapter , instead of paying separate salaries to the Grand Scribe E ., the clerks in the office , and the Grand Janitor , shall pay onesixth of the salaries fixed by the Grand Loclge to be hereafter paid to the Grand Secretary and his clerks , and tho Grand Tyler . "
Your committee have lastly to report , they have investigated a complaint preferred by a member of the Oriental Chapter , No . GS 7 , Constantinople , against the First Principal of the said Chapter , for alleged irregularities . The circumstances of the case are as follow : —It appears from the statement made by the complainant , which is to a considerable extent corroborated by the explanation of the First Principal , that a meeting of the chapter was held on the 29 th day of March last , when it was
intended to ballot for and exalt certain candidates who had been proposed at a previous meeting of the chapter held on the 1 st clay of March . That on the ballot being taken for the first candidate he was rejected . That the Z ., in accordance with some arrangement that had been previously made , immediately adjourned the chapter ; ancl the proceedings for that day were abruptly terminated . That two days afterwards , namely on the 31 st of Marchanother meeting was heldrespecting th e
, , manner of convening which , contradictory statements are made by the complainant and the first Principal ; the former alleging that the companions were verbally called together , the latter o n the contrary , affirming that summonses were sent to all the members , the complainant included . The brother who was
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the province tins year , but it is highlv satisfactory to learn that the sum of nearl y £ 200 was given * to our various Masonic Charities upon the * occasion of the last Provincial Grand Meeting held at Sheerness , on the ISth nit ., under the presidency of the Prov . G . M ., Lord Viscount I-Iolmesdale , M . P . The exact amount is £ 193 2 s ., being made up and voted as follows , viz .: — From the Charity Fund , to constitute Ihe undermentioned lodges governors of the Aged Masons' Asylum , Erith , Lodge 615 , £ ' 20 ;
Sklcup ,. S 29 , £ 20 ; of the Boys' School , Sheerness , £ 21 ; Ramsjratc , 429 , £ 21 ; Dover , 190 , £ 21 ; Maidstone , 503 , £ 21 ; and f ,-om tlie Provincial Grand Lodge Fund , was voted to tho Girls ' School £ 53 10 s . ; half of tho sum collected at the church was given to the Sheerness National Schools , the other half to tho Masonic Boys' School , £ 16 12-.,- total £ 19 . 3 2 s . We havo pleasure in giving publicity to the pleasing fact of the contribution by the brethren of the province of so much money _ iu aid of our Charities , and trust it may serve as a stimulus to some of the other Provincial Grand Lodges to go and do likewise .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIVERPOOL—Temple Lodge ( No . 1 , 094 ) . —This lodge was -opened in due form by the W . M . Bro . Richard II . D . Johnson , assisted by his officers , Bros . Johnson , S . W . ; Smith , J . W . ; Sheldon , S . D . ; Winstanley , as J . D . ; Marsh , P . M . Sec ; Woods , Treas ., & c . Visitors : Bros . Jones , AV . M ., 219 ; Lunt , W . M . of the Everton Lodge ; Hamer , Prov . G . Treas ., & c , & c .
Mr . Boucher was duly initiated into Freemasonry . The charge was given by the S . W . and the lecture on tools by J . W . in a very impressive manner . Bro . Richard Danson war , raised to the degree of a M . Mason in the W . Master usual impressive -way . The lodge was then closed to first degree . A gentleman was proposed for initiation . Bro . Smith , J . W ., on behalf of Bro . Woods , Treas ., presented to the W . M . a very beautiful portrait iu oil in gold frame as a memorial of his ( Bro . Johnson ) being
the first W . M . of tbe Temple Lodge . Bro . Smith said he had a very pleasing duty to perform , it was to propose the health of their W . M ., who had the esteem and affection of all who know him ; all could bear testimony to tho zeal in the cause of Freemasonry and the devotion of Bro . Johnson , during his mastership
to the duties of his office in cultivating the moral and social virtues , and carrying out those principles of brotherly love , -relief , and truth , not only in letter but in the spirit . Bro . Smith then handed to Bro . Johnson a very beautiful portrait of himself in oil , having the following inscription , " Presented to Bro . R . IT . D . Johnson , first W . M . of the Temple Loclge as a slight recognition of his services to Masonry in general , Aug . 81 S 66 . " Bro . Smith hoped in common with bis brethren
, , that Bro . Johnson may be long with them and enjoy health , and that it may be an heirloom to his family for many generations . The W . M . Bro . Johnson , in very feeling and appropriate terms , thanked Bro . Wood for the honour lie conferred upon him , and having been taken by surprise , he trusted they would ni-akc some allowance for the state his mind and feeling at the present timefor it was a state of leasuresurpriseand gratitude . Bro .
, p , , Johnson again thanked them , and resumed his seat evidently much affected . Thanks were voted to Bro . Wood , Treas ., for his gift on behalf of the loclge . The brethren then enjoyed themselves with S'lig , sentiment , and toast , and the greatest harmony prevailed until 10 o ' clock , when they parted happy to meet again .
Royal Arch.
SurEEJIE GEAKD CHAATEB or ENG-IAND . A quarterly convocation of the Supreme Grand Chapter was held at the Freemason ' s Hall on the 1 st inst . Present : Comps . J . Havers , J ., as Z . ; F . Pattisnn , P . N ., as II . ; G . W . K . Potter , P . P . Soj ., as J . ; E . S . Snell , Sword Bearer ; A . Holman , Standard Bearer ; A . Walls , Dir . of Cer ? . ; B . Head , P . G . S . B . ; N . Bradford , P . Dir . of Cers . ; W . E . WalmisleyP . G . J . B . G . CoxP . G . S . B . ; and J .-SmithP . G .
, ; , , Dir . of Cers . Comp . W . Young , P . G . Dir . of Cers ., on the dais . The report of the Committee of General Purposes was brought and read ; it as follows -. — The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they have examined the accounts from the 17 th April to the 17 th July , 1866 , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows :
Cr . £ . s . d . To balance l 7 th April 359 3 6 ,, Subsequent receipts 2 S 5 1 6 £ 641 5 0 Dr . £ s . d . By Purchase of £ 300—3 per Cent Consols 261 7 6
„ Disbursements during the Quarter ... 13 . 9 4 4 390 11 10 „ Balance 250 13 2 £ 641 5 0 which balance is in the hands of Messrs . Willis , Percival , ancl
Co ., Bankers of the Grand Treasurer . The committee have also to report that they havo received t ' le following petitions , namely : — Istly . From Comps . I-I . Carrigg , as Z . ; S . P . Bidder , as H . ; G- F . East , as J . ; and six others , for a chapter to be attached to the Alexandra Lodge , No . 993 , Levenshulme , near Manchester , to bo called the Alexandra Chapter , to meet at tho Mile House , Levenshulme , on the third Wednesday in each alternate month .
Sndly . From Comps . S . Percy , as Z . ; D . Morns , as I-I . ; E . Nathan , as J ., and seven others for a chapter to be attached to the Derby Lodge , No . 1055 , Cheetham , Lancashire , to be called the Derby Chapter , to meet at the AVaterloo Hotel , Cheetham , Lancashire on the first Tuesday in each alternate month . The foregoing petitions being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted .
Tlie committee have also to report , that they have had under their consideration a resolution passed by the United Grand Lodge at the quarterly communication , holden on Wednesday , the 6 th June last , proposing to abolish the practice of paying the Grand Secretary , the clerks employed in his office , and the Grand Tyler , separate salaries from those paid by the Supreme Grand Chapter to the brethren by whom tho office business relating to the Royal Arch is performedand inviting the Grand
, Chapter to pay one-sixth of the salaries proposed to be paid according to the following scale : viz . — The salary of the Grand Secretary to commence at £ 450 to increase to £ 600 . Tlie salary of the First Clerk to commence at £ 200 to increase to £ 350 .
The salary of the Second Clerk to commence at £ 150 to increase to £ 200 . The salary of the Third and Fourth Clerks to commence at £ 100 to increase to £ 150 . . Your committee have well considered this proposal and finding that the sum now paid for office work by the Grand Chapter approximates very closely the proportion proposed to be paid , recommend for the adoption of the Grand Chapter the
following resolution— "That in future the Supreme Grand Chapter , instead of paying separate salaries to the Grand Scribe E ., the clerks in the office , and the Grand Janitor , shall pay onesixth of the salaries fixed by the Grand Loclge to be hereafter paid to the Grand Secretary and his clerks , and tho Grand Tyler . "
Your committee have lastly to report , they have investigated a complaint preferred by a member of the Oriental Chapter , No . GS 7 , Constantinople , against the First Principal of the said Chapter , for alleged irregularities . The circumstances of the case are as follow : —It appears from the statement made by the complainant , which is to a considerable extent corroborated by the explanation of the First Principal , that a meeting of the chapter was held on the 29 th day of March last , when it was
intended to ballot for and exalt certain candidates who had been proposed at a previous meeting of the chapter held on the 1 st clay of March . That on the ballot being taken for the first candidate he was rejected . That the Z ., in accordance with some arrangement that had been previously made , immediately adjourned the chapter ; ancl the proceedings for that day were abruptly terminated . That two days afterwards , namely on the 31 st of Marchanother meeting was heldrespecting th e
, , manner of convening which , contradictory statements are made by the complainant and the first Principal ; the former alleging that the companions were verbally called together , the latter o n the contrary , affirming that summonses were sent to all the members , the complainant included . The brother who was