Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 2 of 2 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 3 →
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Royal Arch.
rejected on the 29 th , as well as the other candidates who had not been ballotted for at that meeting , were then ballotted for and exalted . Your committee are of opinion that the First Principal had no power to adjourn the meeting of the 29 th March ancl to call the companions together two days afterwards ; ancl that consequently all the proceedings of the 31 st March are irregular , and the exaltations that then took place void . That the omission
to record on the minutes tho result of the ballot on the 29 th March is a serious irregularity , ancl that the conferring the degree of a Royal Arch Mason on the 31 st of March on the brother who had been rejected on the 29 th , is deserving of the gravest censure . The committee have refrained from inflicting on the chapter the full amount of punishment merited , but they have on this occasion censured ancl reprimanded the Principals and cautioned
them to bo more careful for the future . They wish , however , to draw the attention of the Grand Chapter to the series of irregularities that have been committed by this chapter from its first establishment in 1863 . Since this period its proceedings have several times been brought under the notice of , and been severely censured by Grand Chapter ; and your committee fear that the feeling that has hitherto been shown will , if continued , render it necessary for Grand Chapter to adopt severe measures
with reference to this continually offending chapter . —( Signed ) WM . PULTEKRY SCOTT , President . The several petitions above-mentionod were granted ; and the resolution of the committee , based upon the resolution of the
United Grand Loclge at the quarterly communication of June last , proposing to abolish tbe practice of paying the Grand Secretary , the clerks employed in his office , and the Grand Tyler , separate salaries from those paid by the Supreme Grand Chapter to the brethren by whom the office business relating to the Royal Arch is performed , and inviting tbe Grand Chapter to pay one-sixth of the Salaries proposed to be paid according to the scale above quoted , was also carried .
With reference to the complaint preferred by a member of the Oriental Chapter , Ne . 687 , Constantinople , no action was taken on this , but Comp . Pulman , P . Z ., of GS 7 , explained the peculiar situation of the chapter at some length . PANAIUBE LODGE . —The usual quarterly convocation of this chapter was held on Monday , tlie 13 th inst ., at the Loughhoro ' Hotel , Brixton , under the presidency of Comp . Stevens , M . E . Z . Comps . Nuiin , il . ; and Thomas , J . Comp . Levander , of Chapter
76 , was admifted a joining member , and Bros . Smetzer and Ramsay , both of Lodge No . 720 , were duly exalted to the R . A . degree . At the banquet which followed the business of the chapter , Ihe M . E . Z . proposed the loyal and R . A . toasts in his usual effective manner , after which his own health was proposed by Comp . Eeid , P . Z ., ancl suitably acknowledged . Comp . Ramsay returned thanks on behalf of the newly-exalted companions ; and at the request of the M . E . Z ., Comp . Hodges , P . S .,
proposed " The Health of the Newly-accepted joining Member , " for which Comp . Levander expressed his thanks . A very pleasant evening was passed , several of the companions having contributed greatly by their vocal strains to ensure that result .
HAMPSHIRE . LTJII & 'G-TOS . —New Forest Chapter ( No . 319 ) . —A Royal Arch chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , on Tuesday , the 14 th inst ., M . E . Z Rankin Stebbing , Z ., presiding , and lie ivas re-elected for the ensuing year . Comps . J . Milner was elected H . j and the Piev . Dr . Bradshaw , P . Z ., as J . The members of the loclge and chapter joined in a most agreeable banquet in the
evening , many distant brethren meeting together on the beautiful borders of the New Forest . CAPE OF GOOD HOPE , CoXSECBATIOIT OF THE ClIAPTEK OP COXCOBD , ATTACHED TO HIE ZETIAKD LODGE ( NO . 608 ) , Four BEAUFORT . The great success and careful management which has attended
the Zetland Lodge since its foundation in 1853 , induced its members to petition the Supremo Grand Chapter of England to grant a warrant for holding a Royal Arch Chapter , which charter was obtained a few months ago , and on Thursday , the 21 th of May ( Her Majesty's birthday ) , the consociation ancl installation of tho principals took place . Those duties were most ably performed by Comp . Board , Chapter 711 , M . E . Z ., assisted by Comps . Fail-bridge ancl Hume , of Chapter 711 , Levey , Street ,
Royal Arch.
Nettletori , ancl Ball , who kindly came from a great distance to conduct those imposing ceremonies . At 10 a . m . the chair of Z . was assumed by Comp . Board , supported by Comps . Hume as IT ., and Fail-bridge as J . ; ancl the M . E . Z . called upon Comp . Painter to read the warrant of constitution . The principals were then duly installed , aftv , r which six brethren of Loclge 608 , viz ., Bros . T . Ward , P . M . ; J .. P .
Pearson , W . M . ; H . Wieuand , Sec ; W . Estmont , Treas . ; W . C . Henman , S . W . ; and J . Vigne , Dir . of Cers ., were exalted by the visiting principals , the ceremony being most creditably performed . The greatest credit reflects on Comp . Board for the masterly manner in which he went through this arduous task , for those who are acquainted with Royal Arch Masonry well know that it is no easy task to consecrate a chapter , and also to perform three distinct installations , ancl six exaltations . Our
grateful thanks are due to all the companions who came from a great way to assist us . Three other brethren of Lodge 608 were subsequently exalted by the newly-installed principals , viz ., Bros . Blakeway , S . W ., Story , andNiland . In tho evening the companions and several brethren dined together at Bro . Bishop ' s , who deserves great credit for the manner in whicli the repast was furnished . The usual loyal ancl Royal Arch toasts were duly honoured .
Knights Templar.
ESSEX . ROMFORD . —Temple dressing Encampment . —At a meeting of this rapidly advancing encampment , holden at the Field of Encampment , White Hart Hotel , on Friday , the 19 th instant , the Registrar , Sir Knt . Farran , P . E . C , in a most impressive manner , installed Comp . H . F . Smith of the Royal York Chapter , No . 7 ; Sir Knt . F . W . Mitchell , 2 nd Captain , ably assisting as Prelate . Several propositions for installation at the
November meeting were received ; among the visitors we noticed Sir Knt . Major Du Cane , and the members were much gratified by the presence of Sir Knt . Capt . Biron , just returned from , foreign service . Altogether the meeting was of a gratifying character . The Sir Knts . afterwards adjourned to their banquet room , from which , after a most excellent dinner , they retired in peace and sroodwill .
BOMBAY . LODGE COXCOBD , NO . 757 . A regular meeting of this well conducted and flourishing lodge was held on the 16 th June , Bro . Br . Thomas Diver , I . P . M . acting as W . M . ; Rev . J . J . Farnham , P . M . ; Bro . E . Parker , S . W . ; T . Proud , J . W . ; J . Thomas , Treas . and Org . ; H . PrescottSecH . FreemanS . D . II . E . GabelerJD
, ; , ; , .. ; J . Powell , I . G . ; J . Jones , Tyler . There was a numerous attendance of the members of the lodge and of- visiting brethren . The loclge having been properly tyled , was opened in the first degree . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Rev . J . J . Farnham was then elected an honorary member of tho lod
ge . Bro . Farnham in a few words returned thanks for the high honour conferred on him by the brethren . The ballot was taken for Bros . D . Campbell and E . Taylor as joining members , and the result in each case was announced clear . The ballot was next taken for Messrs . W . Eainbridge and R . S . Ellington , as candidates for initiation , and the result was
announced in each case clear . Messrs . Baiubridge and Ellington , being in attendance , were introduced properly prepared and initiated in due and ancient form into the secrets and privileges of our holy Order . The lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bros . T .. McPherson and A . S . Moorehouse were examined as to their proficiency as Fellow Craftsmen , and having satisfactorily acquitted themselves , were passed out for preparation . In the .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
rejected on the 29 th , as well as the other candidates who had not been ballotted for at that meeting , were then ballotted for and exalted . Your committee are of opinion that the First Principal had no power to adjourn the meeting of the 29 th March ancl to call the companions together two days afterwards ; ancl that consequently all the proceedings of the 31 st March are irregular , and the exaltations that then took place void . That the omission
to record on the minutes tho result of the ballot on the 29 th March is a serious irregularity , ancl that the conferring the degree of a Royal Arch Mason on the 31 st of March on the brother who had been rejected on the 29 th , is deserving of the gravest censure . The committee have refrained from inflicting on the chapter the full amount of punishment merited , but they have on this occasion censured ancl reprimanded the Principals and cautioned
them to bo more careful for the future . They wish , however , to draw the attention of the Grand Chapter to the series of irregularities that have been committed by this chapter from its first establishment in 1863 . Since this period its proceedings have several times been brought under the notice of , and been severely censured by Grand Chapter ; and your committee fear that the feeling that has hitherto been shown will , if continued , render it necessary for Grand Chapter to adopt severe measures
with reference to this continually offending chapter . —( Signed ) WM . PULTEKRY SCOTT , President . The several petitions above-mentionod were granted ; and the resolution of the committee , based upon the resolution of the
United Grand Loclge at the quarterly communication of June last , proposing to abolish tbe practice of paying the Grand Secretary , the clerks employed in his office , and the Grand Tyler , separate salaries from those paid by the Supreme Grand Chapter to the brethren by whom the office business relating to the Royal Arch is performed , and inviting tbe Grand Chapter to pay one-sixth of the Salaries proposed to be paid according to the scale above quoted , was also carried .
With reference to the complaint preferred by a member of the Oriental Chapter , Ne . 687 , Constantinople , no action was taken on this , but Comp . Pulman , P . Z ., of GS 7 , explained the peculiar situation of the chapter at some length . PANAIUBE LODGE . —The usual quarterly convocation of this chapter was held on Monday , tlie 13 th inst ., at the Loughhoro ' Hotel , Brixton , under the presidency of Comp . Stevens , M . E . Z . Comps . Nuiin , il . ; and Thomas , J . Comp . Levander , of Chapter
76 , was admifted a joining member , and Bros . Smetzer and Ramsay , both of Lodge No . 720 , were duly exalted to the R . A . degree . At the banquet which followed the business of the chapter , Ihe M . E . Z . proposed the loyal and R . A . toasts in his usual effective manner , after which his own health was proposed by Comp . Eeid , P . Z ., ancl suitably acknowledged . Comp . Ramsay returned thanks on behalf of the newly-exalted companions ; and at the request of the M . E . Z ., Comp . Hodges , P . S .,
proposed " The Health of the Newly-accepted joining Member , " for which Comp . Levander expressed his thanks . A very pleasant evening was passed , several of the companions having contributed greatly by their vocal strains to ensure that result .
HAMPSHIRE . LTJII & 'G-TOS . —New Forest Chapter ( No . 319 ) . —A Royal Arch chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , on Tuesday , the 14 th inst ., M . E . Z Rankin Stebbing , Z ., presiding , and lie ivas re-elected for the ensuing year . Comps . J . Milner was elected H . j and the Piev . Dr . Bradshaw , P . Z ., as J . The members of the loclge and chapter joined in a most agreeable banquet in the
evening , many distant brethren meeting together on the beautiful borders of the New Forest . CAPE OF GOOD HOPE , CoXSECBATIOIT OF THE ClIAPTEK OP COXCOBD , ATTACHED TO HIE ZETIAKD LODGE ( NO . 608 ) , Four BEAUFORT . The great success and careful management which has attended
the Zetland Lodge since its foundation in 1853 , induced its members to petition the Supremo Grand Chapter of England to grant a warrant for holding a Royal Arch Chapter , which charter was obtained a few months ago , and on Thursday , the 21 th of May ( Her Majesty's birthday ) , the consociation ancl installation of tho principals took place . Those duties were most ably performed by Comp . Board , Chapter 711 , M . E . Z ., assisted by Comps . Fail-bridge ancl Hume , of Chapter 711 , Levey , Street ,
Royal Arch.
Nettletori , ancl Ball , who kindly came from a great distance to conduct those imposing ceremonies . At 10 a . m . the chair of Z . was assumed by Comp . Board , supported by Comps . Hume as IT ., and Fail-bridge as J . ; ancl the M . E . Z . called upon Comp . Painter to read the warrant of constitution . The principals were then duly installed , aftv , r which six brethren of Loclge 608 , viz ., Bros . T . Ward , P . M . ; J .. P .
Pearson , W . M . ; H . Wieuand , Sec ; W . Estmont , Treas . ; W . C . Henman , S . W . ; and J . Vigne , Dir . of Cers ., were exalted by the visiting principals , the ceremony being most creditably performed . The greatest credit reflects on Comp . Board for the masterly manner in which he went through this arduous task , for those who are acquainted with Royal Arch Masonry well know that it is no easy task to consecrate a chapter , and also to perform three distinct installations , ancl six exaltations . Our
grateful thanks are due to all the companions who came from a great way to assist us . Three other brethren of Lodge 608 were subsequently exalted by the newly-installed principals , viz ., Bros . Blakeway , S . W ., Story , andNiland . In tho evening the companions and several brethren dined together at Bro . Bishop ' s , who deserves great credit for the manner in whicli the repast was furnished . The usual loyal ancl Royal Arch toasts were duly honoured .
Knights Templar.
ESSEX . ROMFORD . —Temple dressing Encampment . —At a meeting of this rapidly advancing encampment , holden at the Field of Encampment , White Hart Hotel , on Friday , the 19 th instant , the Registrar , Sir Knt . Farran , P . E . C , in a most impressive manner , installed Comp . H . F . Smith of the Royal York Chapter , No . 7 ; Sir Knt . F . W . Mitchell , 2 nd Captain , ably assisting as Prelate . Several propositions for installation at the
November meeting were received ; among the visitors we noticed Sir Knt . Major Du Cane , and the members were much gratified by the presence of Sir Knt . Capt . Biron , just returned from , foreign service . Altogether the meeting was of a gratifying character . The Sir Knts . afterwards adjourned to their banquet room , from which , after a most excellent dinner , they retired in peace and sroodwill .
BOMBAY . LODGE COXCOBD , NO . 757 . A regular meeting of this well conducted and flourishing lodge was held on the 16 th June , Bro . Br . Thomas Diver , I . P . M . acting as W . M . ; Rev . J . J . Farnham , P . M . ; Bro . E . Parker , S . W . ; T . Proud , J . W . ; J . Thomas , Treas . and Org . ; H . PrescottSecH . FreemanS . D . II . E . GabelerJD
, ; , ; , .. ; J . Powell , I . G . ; J . Jones , Tyler . There was a numerous attendance of the members of the lodge and of- visiting brethren . The loclge having been properly tyled , was opened in the first degree . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Rev . J . J . Farnham was then elected an honorary member of tho lod
ge . Bro . Farnham in a few words returned thanks for the high honour conferred on him by the brethren . The ballot was taken for Bros . D . Campbell and E . Taylor as joining members , and the result in each case was announced clear . The ballot was next taken for Messrs . W . Eainbridge and R . S . Ellington , as candidates for initiation , and the result was
announced in each case clear . Messrs . Baiubridge and Ellington , being in attendance , were introduced properly prepared and initiated in due and ancient form into the secrets and privileges of our holy Order . The lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bros . T .. McPherson and A . S . Moorehouse were examined as to their proficiency as Fellow Craftsmen , and having satisfactorily acquitted themselves , were passed out for preparation . In the .