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interim the lodge was opened , in the third degree , and Bros . Moorehouse and McPherson were re-admitted properly prepared and duly raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons . The lodge wns then lowered to tlie second and first degree . Bro . Diver rose and said : Brethren , I have a most pleasing duty to perform this evening ; indeed , it is the pleasure of honouring a very worthy ancl highly esteemed brother of this lodo-e ; one who has worked with zeal for the good of Loclge
Concord for years past ; I allude to our worthy and indefatigable Secretary Bro . H . Prescott . The brethren , to mark the high sense of their esteem and fraternal regard for him , had voted a jewel , ivhich came to my hands by the last mail ; I have brought it with me , ancl shall now , with your permission , present the same to Bro . Prescot . 1 hope there are still better things in store for him . The W . M . then requested Bro . Prescott to advance to the daisancl presenting him with the jeweladdressed
, , him thus : Bro . Prescott , I am happy to be the medium of handing you this jewel , unanimously voted by the brethren of this lodge , and can conscientiously say that you havo well earned this honour ; for , to my own knowledge , you have truly worked hard for Concord ; tlie brethren , I know , will agree with me when I say that for the two years that I was in the eastern chair , tbe prosperity and success of this lodge was in a great measure due to your exertions . I hope and trust that
you will be long spared to be at your post amongst us , and that the blessing of God may be with you . Bro . Prescott after having been saluted by the brethren rose , and said : —Worshipful Bro . Diver and brethren all , I am overpowered with all the kindness I have received from you , but more especially that of th ' u evening , my heart is so full that I find it difficult to express my thanks as adequately as I could wish . I regret the absence from this meeting of two
worthy and distinguished brethren , I allude to Bro . A . King P . M ., and Bro . H . Wickliam , the Master of this lodge ; for tlie former proposed the presenting of this jewel to me , and the latter seconded the proposition , and which was so kindly and unanimously carried by the brethren of this lodge . However , I am proud and thankful to see Bro . Diver in the chair , for it was under this worthy brother that I bad served as Secretary for two years . It is true that tbe duties of Secretary of such a large
Lodge as Concord are hard , but I confess that in performing these duties I never looked forward for a reward ; it was a labour of love , I never thought of receiving such a valuable gift for those labours . I now feel doubly bound to Lodge Concord and to the brethren who take such an interest in it . The prosperity of the lodge cannot be attributed to my humble efforts ; we had able Worshipful Masters ancl officers to work for us , and above all the cordial support of the brethrenit is to this that we
; owe tbe prosperity of this lodge . The jewel presented to me tonight I shall prize most highly . I hope my conduct in after life will be such that it will prove to the brethren that the good of Lodge Concord has ever been my aim . If in the discharge of my cluty I have unwittingly given offence to any brother , let him remember , " to err is human , to forgive divine . " I have to thank the brethren individually for the kindness evinced towards b
me whenever I have called on them . I must now conclude y saying that 1 feel deeply grateful to the brethren for the kindness of this evening , which will never be effaced from my memory to the longest day I am spared . This jewel will be a valuable heir-loom in my family , and my children will look on it with feelings of pride and satisfaction . May Loclge Concord continue to flourish ; may brotherly love he the predominant feeling of the brethren towards each other ; may love , peace , and joy be always within these walls ; ancl may God bless you and
yours . Bro . Prescott then said he bad a most mournful cluty to perform , it was to inform the brethren that a worthy brother who had joined this lodge last month was now no more ; he alluded to Bro . Capt . J . Miller , who was suddenly removed from this world to the Grand Loclge above at a moment ' s notice . He wauld propose that a letter of condolence be sent to the widow of the departed brother , ancl to place a minute of condolence
on the lodge books . The proposition was carried in solemn silence . Bro . Prescott then brought forward the case of the widow of a brother of this lodge , and asked that the same be sent up for the consideration of the lodge . Committee ordered accordingly . Bro . the Rev . J . J . Farnham then intimated that a brother of the loclge was on the bed of sickness , ancl as he was an old member , he ivould ask for the sympathy of the brethren ; it was
then resolved to give that brother twenty-five rupees per month for three months . The minutes of the Standing Committee were then read aud confirmed . Read and recorded the letter of Bro . Senior Warden to Bro . the Rev . J . , T . Farnham on the subject of the Masonic Hall , and the reply thereto . Bro . Farnham then proposed that Bros . Dr . Diver and E . Parker should attend the meeting of the brethren
who are about to open a new Masonic Hall , and that they should represent this lodge . Bro . Avron seconded the proposition . Bro . Prescott said ho was sorry that he could not agree to the proposition . He would , therefore , propose as an amendment , "That the members of Lodge Concord are of opinion that the rooms they occupy are quite suitable as lodge rooms , they have , thereforeno desire to leave the house now in their occupation . "
, Bro . T . Proud seconded the amendment . After a great deal of discussion the Secretary asked that his amendment should be put to the brethren of the lodge ; it was accordingly put , when there were found thirty-one for the amendment and four for the proposition . Several gentlemen were then proposed for initiation and the meeting broke up in love ancl concord at 9 p . m .
LOD & E STAR OV INDIA , NO . 1 , 062 . The regular meeting of the above lodge was held at the Masonic Hall near Baboola Tank , on the 7 th June . The chair of K . S . was occupied by Bro . W . C . Penson , W . M . ; Rev . J . J . Farnham , P . M . ; Bros . ' E . Keily , S . W . ; F . D . Parker , J . W . ; J . Thomas . Sec . ; J . R . K . Johnson , Org . ; H . Binks , S . D . ; A . Swift , J . D . ; W . S . Wetherell , I . G . ; J . Duffy , Tyler , and a goodly muster of members and visiting brethren .
The lodge having been properly tyled was opened in tbe first degree , and the minutes of the hist regular meeting were read and confirmed . The first business before the meeting was to ballot for as an Honorary Member Bro . the Rev . J . J . Farnham . In a few words the Worshipful Master eulogised the important services rendered to Masonry in general , and to this lodge in particular . The ballot was then takenand Bro . the Rev . J . J . Farnham was
, unanimously elected . Bro . Farnham in a neat speech returned thanks for the honour done him . The Secretary read a letter which had been received from the District Grand Secretary on the subject of merging tbe Charity Funds of the various lodges into one Fund of Benevolence . Resolved , " That while the members of Loclge Star of India object to merging their Charity Fund entirely into that of the District Grand Lodge , they are willing to co-operate with the
committee of the District Grand Lodge by subscribing such a portion of their Charity Fund as may be hereafter determined on , provided the other lodges join in the movement , and that Bro . Penson ancl Bro . Keily be tlie representatives of this lodge . " The Secretary was directed to communicate the above resolution to the various lodges , and request them to favour him with their views on the subject . The ballot was taken for MrH . G . Tippeta candidate for
. , initiation , which proving clear , and that gentleman being in attendance , he was admitted properly prepared and initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The question of the intended Masonic hall was brought forward , when it was resolved "that this loclge is willing to cooperate in the scheme for the formation of a Masonic hall , and that Bro . Penson ancl Bro . Keily be named as representatives
of this lodge , with power to pledge this lodge to a fair proportion of the expenses . " It was also proposed that tho Scotch lodges be invited to join in the movement . Its . 25 were voted for a distressed brother . The Secretary was requested to thank tbe editors of the " History of Freemasonry" and the " Indian Journal of Freemasonry" for the book which each had presented the lodge . . There being no other business before the lodge , it was closed in peace and harmony at 8 p . m .
CEYLON . SPKISX LODGE , This loclge met on June 23 rd last , it being the eve of St . John ' s day , for the installation of Bro . Gorman , the W . M . elect . The loclge having been opened in the first degree , the minutes of the [ last ordinary ancl subsequent emergency meetings ivere
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
interim the lodge was opened , in the third degree , and Bros . Moorehouse and McPherson were re-admitted properly prepared and duly raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons . The lodge wns then lowered to tlie second and first degree . Bro . Diver rose and said : Brethren , I have a most pleasing duty to perform this evening ; indeed , it is the pleasure of honouring a very worthy ancl highly esteemed brother of this lodo-e ; one who has worked with zeal for the good of Loclge
Concord for years past ; I allude to our worthy and indefatigable Secretary Bro . H . Prescott . The brethren , to mark the high sense of their esteem and fraternal regard for him , had voted a jewel , ivhich came to my hands by the last mail ; I have brought it with me , ancl shall now , with your permission , present the same to Bro . Prescot . 1 hope there are still better things in store for him . The W . M . then requested Bro . Prescott to advance to the daisancl presenting him with the jeweladdressed
, , him thus : Bro . Prescott , I am happy to be the medium of handing you this jewel , unanimously voted by the brethren of this lodge , and can conscientiously say that you havo well earned this honour ; for , to my own knowledge , you have truly worked hard for Concord ; tlie brethren , I know , will agree with me when I say that for the two years that I was in the eastern chair , tbe prosperity and success of this lodge was in a great measure due to your exertions . I hope and trust that
you will be long spared to be at your post amongst us , and that the blessing of God may be with you . Bro . Prescott after having been saluted by the brethren rose , and said : —Worshipful Bro . Diver and brethren all , I am overpowered with all the kindness I have received from you , but more especially that of th ' u evening , my heart is so full that I find it difficult to express my thanks as adequately as I could wish . I regret the absence from this meeting of two
worthy and distinguished brethren , I allude to Bro . A . King P . M ., and Bro . H . Wickliam , the Master of this lodge ; for tlie former proposed the presenting of this jewel to me , and the latter seconded the proposition , and which was so kindly and unanimously carried by the brethren of this lodge . However , I am proud and thankful to see Bro . Diver in the chair , for it was under this worthy brother that I bad served as Secretary for two years . It is true that tbe duties of Secretary of such a large
Lodge as Concord are hard , but I confess that in performing these duties I never looked forward for a reward ; it was a labour of love , I never thought of receiving such a valuable gift for those labours . I now feel doubly bound to Lodge Concord and to the brethren who take such an interest in it . The prosperity of the lodge cannot be attributed to my humble efforts ; we had able Worshipful Masters ancl officers to work for us , and above all the cordial support of the brethrenit is to this that we
; owe tbe prosperity of this lodge . The jewel presented to me tonight I shall prize most highly . I hope my conduct in after life will be such that it will prove to the brethren that the good of Lodge Concord has ever been my aim . If in the discharge of my cluty I have unwittingly given offence to any brother , let him remember , " to err is human , to forgive divine . " I have to thank the brethren individually for the kindness evinced towards b
me whenever I have called on them . I must now conclude y saying that 1 feel deeply grateful to the brethren for the kindness of this evening , which will never be effaced from my memory to the longest day I am spared . This jewel will be a valuable heir-loom in my family , and my children will look on it with feelings of pride and satisfaction . May Loclge Concord continue to flourish ; may brotherly love he the predominant feeling of the brethren towards each other ; may love , peace , and joy be always within these walls ; ancl may God bless you and
yours . Bro . Prescott then said he bad a most mournful cluty to perform , it was to inform the brethren that a worthy brother who had joined this lodge last month was now no more ; he alluded to Bro . Capt . J . Miller , who was suddenly removed from this world to the Grand Loclge above at a moment ' s notice . He wauld propose that a letter of condolence be sent to the widow of the departed brother , ancl to place a minute of condolence
on the lodge books . The proposition was carried in solemn silence . Bro . Prescott then brought forward the case of the widow of a brother of this lodge , and asked that the same be sent up for the consideration of the lodge . Committee ordered accordingly . Bro . the Rev . J . J . Farnham then intimated that a brother of the loclge was on the bed of sickness , ancl as he was an old member , he ivould ask for the sympathy of the brethren ; it was
then resolved to give that brother twenty-five rupees per month for three months . The minutes of the Standing Committee were then read aud confirmed . Read and recorded the letter of Bro . Senior Warden to Bro . the Rev . J . , T . Farnham on the subject of the Masonic Hall , and the reply thereto . Bro . Farnham then proposed that Bros . Dr . Diver and E . Parker should attend the meeting of the brethren
who are about to open a new Masonic Hall , and that they should represent this lodge . Bro . Avron seconded the proposition . Bro . Prescott said ho was sorry that he could not agree to the proposition . He would , therefore , propose as an amendment , "That the members of Lodge Concord are of opinion that the rooms they occupy are quite suitable as lodge rooms , they have , thereforeno desire to leave the house now in their occupation . "
, Bro . T . Proud seconded the amendment . After a great deal of discussion the Secretary asked that his amendment should be put to the brethren of the lodge ; it was accordingly put , when there were found thirty-one for the amendment and four for the proposition . Several gentlemen were then proposed for initiation and the meeting broke up in love ancl concord at 9 p . m .
LOD & E STAR OV INDIA , NO . 1 , 062 . The regular meeting of the above lodge was held at the Masonic Hall near Baboola Tank , on the 7 th June . The chair of K . S . was occupied by Bro . W . C . Penson , W . M . ; Rev . J . J . Farnham , P . M . ; Bros . ' E . Keily , S . W . ; F . D . Parker , J . W . ; J . Thomas . Sec . ; J . R . K . Johnson , Org . ; H . Binks , S . D . ; A . Swift , J . D . ; W . S . Wetherell , I . G . ; J . Duffy , Tyler , and a goodly muster of members and visiting brethren .
The lodge having been properly tyled was opened in tbe first degree , and the minutes of the hist regular meeting were read and confirmed . The first business before the meeting was to ballot for as an Honorary Member Bro . the Rev . J . J . Farnham . In a few words the Worshipful Master eulogised the important services rendered to Masonry in general , and to this lodge in particular . The ballot was then takenand Bro . the Rev . J . J . Farnham was
, unanimously elected . Bro . Farnham in a neat speech returned thanks for the honour done him . The Secretary read a letter which had been received from the District Grand Secretary on the subject of merging tbe Charity Funds of the various lodges into one Fund of Benevolence . Resolved , " That while the members of Loclge Star of India object to merging their Charity Fund entirely into that of the District Grand Lodge , they are willing to co-operate with the
committee of the District Grand Lodge by subscribing such a portion of their Charity Fund as may be hereafter determined on , provided the other lodges join in the movement , and that Bro . Penson ancl Bro . Keily be tlie representatives of this lodge . " The Secretary was directed to communicate the above resolution to the various lodges , and request them to favour him with their views on the subject . The ballot was taken for MrH . G . Tippeta candidate for
. , initiation , which proving clear , and that gentleman being in attendance , he was admitted properly prepared and initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The question of the intended Masonic hall was brought forward , when it was resolved "that this loclge is willing to cooperate in the scheme for the formation of a Masonic hall , and that Bro . Penson ancl Bro . Keily be named as representatives
of this lodge , with power to pledge this lodge to a fair proportion of the expenses . " It was also proposed that tho Scotch lodges be invited to join in the movement . Its . 25 were voted for a distressed brother . The Secretary was requested to thank tbe editors of the " History of Freemasonry" and the " Indian Journal of Freemasonry" for the book which each had presented the lodge . . There being no other business before the lodge , it was closed in peace and harmony at 8 p . m .
CEYLON . SPKISX LODGE , This loclge met on June 23 rd last , it being the eve of St . John ' s day , for the installation of Bro . Gorman , the W . M . elect . The loclge having been opened in the first degree , the minutes of the [ last ordinary ancl subsequent emergency meetings ivere