Article TEE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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Tee Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . The Lodge of Economy (! N " o . 90 ) , AA'inchester—the oldest in Hampshire—ivill have a grand festival on the 29 th inst ., on AA-hich day the centenary of the issue of its warrant is completed , it being dated January 29 , 1 SG 1 . It is proposed to strike a medal , commemorative of the event , and the requisite Masonic authority has
been applied for . The neiv AA ' . M . will be installed on the occasion by Bro . Biggs , of Nos . 90 , 217 , and 9 G 1 , Prov . G . Beg . of AA'ilts ; and Bro . Everett , No . 90 , P . Prov . G . S . B . The Belgrave Lodge ( 1051 ) will , in future , meet at the Thatched House Tavern , St . James ' s Street . The Freemasons of AA ai-Avieksb . ire are laudably exerting
themselves to relieve the distress of the Coventry ribbon-Aveavers ; and on the Sth of next month a grand ball is to take place , in ivhich the ladies are to appear in Coventry ribbons . In Monmouthshire the brethren are equally laudably engaged in endeavouring to relieve the families of the unfortunate men who lost their lives by the Bisca colliery explosion .
GRAXD STEWARDS' LODGE . —The first meeting of this lodge for the year AA-as held at the Ereemasons' Tavern on AVednesday last , . under the presidency of Bro . H . G . AVarren , AA . M ., supported by Bro . HoAA-lett , P . M ., and the whole of the officers , with the exception of the Treasurer , ivho AVUS unavoidabl y absent . Some Tontine business having been disposed of , Bro . Dr . Hinxman was elected AA . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Johnston , P . M ., elected Treasurer .
Exocn LODOE ( NO . 11 ) .- —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge took place on AA ednesday , the Oth inst ., at the Ereemasons ' Tavern , Ai-hen the S . AA ., Bro . Charles John AVatson , was installed AV . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Peter Matthew's , the esteemed Secretary to No . 11 , most ably and gentlemanly ivent through the ceremony of installation , receiving well-deserved encomiums from the Board of P . M . ' s . The UOAV AV . Af . then appointed the folloiving officers : —AV . J . Euel to be SW . ; . Henry Garrod , J . W . ; AV .
Williams , Treas . ( ivho through indisposition ivas absent ) ; Peter Matthews , Sec .,- Frederic Ledger , Steward ; J . "Williams , S . D . ; AV . F . C . Moutrie , J . D . ; Gilbert Heard , I . G . ; —Crawley , Tyler . A brother being prepared for passing , the AA . M ., Bro . C . J . Watson , immediately went into harness , and acquitted himself most satisfactorily , giving convincing proofs of his perfect proficiency in Masonry and thorough capability to perfectly fulfil his honourable position . A jeivel AA-as proposed for the retiring P . M ., Bro . G . E .
Sewell , ivhich AA-as unanimously agreed to ; and , after the business , the brethren adjourned to a handsome and liberal banquet , provided and served up in Messrs . Shrewsbury and Elk ' mgton's nonwell knoivn and unrivalled style , the ivines especially being of a quality that connoisseurs and good judges could properly appreciate . Above forty were present , including the folloiving array of visitors : Bros . Francis Crew , A . liosenthal , F . Binckes , AA'illiiim ' Paas , George Mills , George Coutivell , A \ illiam Ostell , G . AV . Arliss , F . Clemo ' w , H . AVills , Thomas Beeton , Henry AVebb , Dr . O'Connor , Paul Bedford , AA'illiam Carter , and E . W . Glover . The W . M . was not a
novice m presiding at the festive board , and his vocal talent ( as well as Bros . F . Creiv ' s , Paul Bedford's , and Garrod ' s ) added not a little to the enjoyment of a most agreeable , sociable , and happy evening . \ Ye must not forget to mention that Bro . Garrod wrote most admirably , and sang- most humourousl y , a now song especially for the occasion , dedicated fco the new AV . Af .
LODGE or BEGUEAIUIT ( NO . 10 S ) . —The members of this lodge met at the Freemasons' Tavern on Thursday , January 10 th . B ; o . Pankhurst was unanimously elected AV . JI . for the ensuins vear and Bro . McC ' allum ivas unanimously re-elected'Treas . The visitors were Bro . Hyde PiiUen , D . P . G . M ., 999 ; Gade , j . AV ., I 1 G ; and Bro . Hayivard , formerly of Trinity Lodge . EASXEHX STAB LODGE ( N O . 112 ) .- —The regular meeting of this iodge was held on AVednesdavOth Januaryat the Hose and
, , Crown , Bromley , near Bow . Bro . Edward AVilliam Davis , AA ' . M ., presided , and after the minutes of the preceding lodge Avere confirmed , Bros . Ayres and Middlemist were raised to the third degree . Mr . Hobson was initiated into Alasonry , The brethren * lien proceeded to the election of AV . M . and Treas ., the result heiiv by unanimous vote . Ib-o . F . 1 . Sharp , S . \ A ., was elected Master
Bro . Wenfcivorth Davis re-elected Treasurer ; and Bro . Speight re-elected Tyler . All business ended , the lodge was closed , and the brethren assembled around the AV . AI . at the banquet . The usual routine of toasts having been loyally and Masonically disposed of , Bro . Marriott , P . M ., in proposing the health of the present AA . M ., said it gave him , as one of the oldest members , great pleasure to see one so able in the chair conducting the ceremonies in a way that reflected great credit ou the lodge . Looking
hack at past years , and remembering the position of the lodge at one time , its alternations of decay and prosperity , it was to him most gratifying to witness the accession to the chair of one who had proved by his excellence IIOAV well prepared he came to undertake the important duties of his position , that night after night they had seen him regular at his post . As this ^ vas the last occasion of Bro . Davis presiding at the banquet , he was sure the toast would be most enthusiastically welcomed . ( It was drunk
musical chorus . ) The AA . M ., after thanking the brethren for the kind expression of their feelings toivards him , said he first came among them with some , diffidence , but when honoured with office he felt called upon to exert himself and he trusted in each office he had g iven token of his earnestness . He could hardly avoid saying ho should quit the chair with some regret ; he felt proud of being placed in his high position , and he hoped ho filled it to the satisfaction of all . He trusted his successor would be equally
successful , and as he knew- Bro . Sharp ' s ability , he felt some confidence in his Mastership . —The AV . M ., in proposing the health of the neivly-initiated brother , said they must thank Bro . Hobson for having selected the Eastern Star for his admission to the fight of Masonry . Bro . Hobson having briefly expressed his thanks , expressed a hope he should be found a good and worthy Mason . — The A \ . M . said the next toast w-as one they seldom had occasion to omit at the Eastern Star— " The A isitors . " They had but two then
present , and they were a host . In Bro . Emmens , AV . AI . of the NBAV Concord , he welcomed one whom he had knoivn some years , and whose ability was chosen by the rapid growth of that lodge , whilst Bro . How was one well knoivn and gladly welcomed by all . —Bros . Emmens and How acknowledged the toast . —The health of the P . M . ' s was responded to by Bro . Marriott , and after greeting the AA . AI . elect and ofiicers , the Tyler ' s toast concluded an agreeable meeting .
LODGE or HOXOUR AXD GEXEROSITY ( N O . 191 ) . —This lodge met at the London Tavern , on Tuesday , loth January . Bro . Nichols ivas passed to the degree of Felloiv Craft , and a gentleman AA-as initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . It being the annual period of election , the brethren unanimously re-elected Bro , Behrens , AA . M ., and Bro . AVesfcall , Treasurer for the ensuing year . The visitors were , Bro . Slight , P . J . G . D . ; Bro . It . Ledger , " P . M ., 109 ; Bro . N . Home , 109 ; Bro . Dohree , 255 ; and Bro . H . Home , G 55 .
Sr . JAMES ' S UXIOX LODGE ( No . 211 ) . —The installation meeting of this flourishing lodge took place on Tuesday evening , the Sth instant- The summons set forth the work to be done in the folloiving order : —Four raisings , four initiations , installation , and appointment of ollicers . The retiring AV . AI ., Bvo . A . H . Stacey , performed the ceremonies ivith that perfect knowledge of his business that is one of his chief characteristics . He also most excellently installed his successorBro . Charles Jackson , S . AV ., before a
, board of no less than thirteen Masters , somo of them of considerable eminence in the Craft , all of whom testified to his correct and beautiful rendering of the ceremony . On the re-admission of the brethren , the AA . M . AVUS pleased to appoint and invest the folloiving as his ofiicers for the coming year , viz .: —Simpson , S . AA . ; Francis , . T . AA . ; Sedgivick , Sec . ; John Gurton , P . M ., re-invested Treas . ;
Robinson , S . D . ; Miles , J . D . ; and Cockcraft , I . G . There were about sixty brethren present , comprising tbe folloiving visitors : —Bros . G . H . Nelson , 2 ; Gear , 19 ; AV . AVatson and Jlatthew Cooke , 23 ; Grant and Cobham , 11 G ; Lieut . Gorham , AA . JI ., 17 S ; Lippman , 218 ; Tomkins , 275 ; Biggs , 630 ; Co ' pus and Musgrove , 752 ; Marshall , 1055 ; Britten , 1070 , and Edmund Kendall , P . M . of the Hiram Lodge of Copiapo , Chile , S . America . AA'hen the lodgo had been closed the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet served in
Alessrs . Elk ' mgton ' s best style , and ivorthy of the palmiest days of the Freemasons' Tavern . After the cloth ivas cleared , and grace had been execrably sung by two ladies and their assistants , the AV . AI . rose and said that as that AVUS his lirst attempt from the Master ' s chair , he claimed their indulgence for his shortcomings . The first toast was one they always received with enthusiasm , and lie did not think that was likely to be lessened if what he hud heard from a side ivind Avas trueviz ., that the Prince of AA ales was likely
, soon to be made a member of the Craft ( vehement applause ;) but be it so or not , as Masons they never forgot to render their first homage to "Tbe Queen . " —The AV . JI . then proceeded to give "The M . AV . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , " which was received with nil the honours . This was folloived by "The Health of the D . G . AI ., Lord Panmure , " UOAV Marquis of Daihousie . —The AV . JI . said the next AVUS
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Tee Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . The Lodge of Economy (! N " o . 90 ) , AA'inchester—the oldest in Hampshire—ivill have a grand festival on the 29 th inst ., on AA-hich day the centenary of the issue of its warrant is completed , it being dated January 29 , 1 SG 1 . It is proposed to strike a medal , commemorative of the event , and the requisite Masonic authority has
been applied for . The neiv AA ' . M . will be installed on the occasion by Bro . Biggs , of Nos . 90 , 217 , and 9 G 1 , Prov . G . Beg . of AA'ilts ; and Bro . Everett , No . 90 , P . Prov . G . S . B . The Belgrave Lodge ( 1051 ) will , in future , meet at the Thatched House Tavern , St . James ' s Street . The Freemasons of AA ai-Avieksb . ire are laudably exerting
themselves to relieve the distress of the Coventry ribbon-Aveavers ; and on the Sth of next month a grand ball is to take place , in ivhich the ladies are to appear in Coventry ribbons . In Monmouthshire the brethren are equally laudably engaged in endeavouring to relieve the families of the unfortunate men who lost their lives by the Bisca colliery explosion .
GRAXD STEWARDS' LODGE . —The first meeting of this lodge for the year AA-as held at the Ereemasons' Tavern on AVednesday last , . under the presidency of Bro . H . G . AVarren , AA . M ., supported by Bro . HoAA-lett , P . M ., and the whole of the officers , with the exception of the Treasurer , ivho AVUS unavoidabl y absent . Some Tontine business having been disposed of , Bro . Dr . Hinxman was elected AA . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Johnston , P . M ., elected Treasurer .
Exocn LODOE ( NO . 11 ) .- —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge took place on AA ednesday , the Oth inst ., at the Ereemasons ' Tavern , Ai-hen the S . AA ., Bro . Charles John AVatson , was installed AV . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Peter Matthew's , the esteemed Secretary to No . 11 , most ably and gentlemanly ivent through the ceremony of installation , receiving well-deserved encomiums from the Board of P . M . ' s . The UOAV AV . Af . then appointed the folloiving officers : —AV . J . Euel to be SW . ; . Henry Garrod , J . W . ; AV .
Williams , Treas . ( ivho through indisposition ivas absent ) ; Peter Matthews , Sec .,- Frederic Ledger , Steward ; J . "Williams , S . D . ; AV . F . C . Moutrie , J . D . ; Gilbert Heard , I . G . ; —Crawley , Tyler . A brother being prepared for passing , the AA . M ., Bro . C . J . Watson , immediately went into harness , and acquitted himself most satisfactorily , giving convincing proofs of his perfect proficiency in Masonry and thorough capability to perfectly fulfil his honourable position . A jeivel AA-as proposed for the retiring P . M ., Bro . G . E .
Sewell , ivhich AA-as unanimously agreed to ; and , after the business , the brethren adjourned to a handsome and liberal banquet , provided and served up in Messrs . Shrewsbury and Elk ' mgton's nonwell knoivn and unrivalled style , the ivines especially being of a quality that connoisseurs and good judges could properly appreciate . Above forty were present , including the folloiving array of visitors : Bros . Francis Crew , A . liosenthal , F . Binckes , AA'illiiim ' Paas , George Mills , George Coutivell , A \ illiam Ostell , G . AV . Arliss , F . Clemo ' w , H . AVills , Thomas Beeton , Henry AVebb , Dr . O'Connor , Paul Bedford , AA'illiam Carter , and E . W . Glover . The W . M . was not a
novice m presiding at the festive board , and his vocal talent ( as well as Bros . F . Creiv ' s , Paul Bedford's , and Garrod ' s ) added not a little to the enjoyment of a most agreeable , sociable , and happy evening . \ Ye must not forget to mention that Bro . Garrod wrote most admirably , and sang- most humourousl y , a now song especially for the occasion , dedicated fco the new AV . Af .
LODGE or BEGUEAIUIT ( NO . 10 S ) . —The members of this lodge met at the Freemasons' Tavern on Thursday , January 10 th . B ; o . Pankhurst was unanimously elected AV . JI . for the ensuins vear and Bro . McC ' allum ivas unanimously re-elected'Treas . The visitors were Bro . Hyde PiiUen , D . P . G . M ., 999 ; Gade , j . AV ., I 1 G ; and Bro . Hayivard , formerly of Trinity Lodge . EASXEHX STAB LODGE ( N O . 112 ) .- —The regular meeting of this iodge was held on AVednesdavOth Januaryat the Hose and
, , Crown , Bromley , near Bow . Bro . Edward AVilliam Davis , AA ' . M ., presided , and after the minutes of the preceding lodge Avere confirmed , Bros . Ayres and Middlemist were raised to the third degree . Mr . Hobson was initiated into Alasonry , The brethren * lien proceeded to the election of AV . M . and Treas ., the result heiiv by unanimous vote . Ib-o . F . 1 . Sharp , S . \ A ., was elected Master
Bro . Wenfcivorth Davis re-elected Treasurer ; and Bro . Speight re-elected Tyler . All business ended , the lodge was closed , and the brethren assembled around the AV . AI . at the banquet . The usual routine of toasts having been loyally and Masonically disposed of , Bro . Marriott , P . M ., in proposing the health of the present AA . M ., said it gave him , as one of the oldest members , great pleasure to see one so able in the chair conducting the ceremonies in a way that reflected great credit ou the lodge . Looking
hack at past years , and remembering the position of the lodge at one time , its alternations of decay and prosperity , it was to him most gratifying to witness the accession to the chair of one who had proved by his excellence IIOAV well prepared he came to undertake the important duties of his position , that night after night they had seen him regular at his post . As this ^ vas the last occasion of Bro . Davis presiding at the banquet , he was sure the toast would be most enthusiastically welcomed . ( It was drunk
musical chorus . ) The AA . M ., after thanking the brethren for the kind expression of their feelings toivards him , said he first came among them with some , diffidence , but when honoured with office he felt called upon to exert himself and he trusted in each office he had g iven token of his earnestness . He could hardly avoid saying ho should quit the chair with some regret ; he felt proud of being placed in his high position , and he hoped ho filled it to the satisfaction of all . He trusted his successor would be equally
successful , and as he knew- Bro . Sharp ' s ability , he felt some confidence in his Mastership . —The AV . M ., in proposing the health of the neivly-initiated brother , said they must thank Bro . Hobson for having selected the Eastern Star for his admission to the fight of Masonry . Bro . Hobson having briefly expressed his thanks , expressed a hope he should be found a good and worthy Mason . — The A \ . M . said the next toast w-as one they seldom had occasion to omit at the Eastern Star— " The A isitors . " They had but two then
present , and they were a host . In Bro . Emmens , AV . AI . of the NBAV Concord , he welcomed one whom he had knoivn some years , and whose ability was chosen by the rapid growth of that lodge , whilst Bro . How was one well knoivn and gladly welcomed by all . —Bros . Emmens and How acknowledged the toast . —The health of the P . M . ' s was responded to by Bro . Marriott , and after greeting the AA . AI . elect and ofiicers , the Tyler ' s toast concluded an agreeable meeting .
LODGE or HOXOUR AXD GEXEROSITY ( N O . 191 ) . —This lodge met at the London Tavern , on Tuesday , loth January . Bro . Nichols ivas passed to the degree of Felloiv Craft , and a gentleman AA-as initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . It being the annual period of election , the brethren unanimously re-elected Bro , Behrens , AA . M ., and Bro . AVesfcall , Treasurer for the ensuing year . The visitors were , Bro . Slight , P . J . G . D . ; Bro . It . Ledger , " P . M ., 109 ; Bro . N . Home , 109 ; Bro . Dohree , 255 ; and Bro . H . Home , G 55 .
Sr . JAMES ' S UXIOX LODGE ( No . 211 ) . —The installation meeting of this flourishing lodge took place on Tuesday evening , the Sth instant- The summons set forth the work to be done in the folloiving order : —Four raisings , four initiations , installation , and appointment of ollicers . The retiring AV . AI ., Bvo . A . H . Stacey , performed the ceremonies ivith that perfect knowledge of his business that is one of his chief characteristics . He also most excellently installed his successorBro . Charles Jackson , S . AV ., before a
, board of no less than thirteen Masters , somo of them of considerable eminence in the Craft , all of whom testified to his correct and beautiful rendering of the ceremony . On the re-admission of the brethren , the AA . M . AVUS pleased to appoint and invest the folloiving as his ofiicers for the coming year , viz .: —Simpson , S . AA . ; Francis , . T . AA . ; Sedgivick , Sec . ; John Gurton , P . M ., re-invested Treas . ;
Robinson , S . D . ; Miles , J . D . ; and Cockcraft , I . G . There were about sixty brethren present , comprising tbe folloiving visitors : —Bros . G . H . Nelson , 2 ; Gear , 19 ; AV . AVatson and Jlatthew Cooke , 23 ; Grant and Cobham , 11 G ; Lieut . Gorham , AA . JI ., 17 S ; Lippman , 218 ; Tomkins , 275 ; Biggs , 630 ; Co ' pus and Musgrove , 752 ; Marshall , 1055 ; Britten , 1070 , and Edmund Kendall , P . M . of the Hiram Lodge of Copiapo , Chile , S . America . AA'hen the lodgo had been closed the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet served in
Alessrs . Elk ' mgton ' s best style , and ivorthy of the palmiest days of the Freemasons' Tavern . After the cloth ivas cleared , and grace had been execrably sung by two ladies and their assistants , the AV . AI . rose and said that as that AVUS his lirst attempt from the Master ' s chair , he claimed their indulgence for his shortcomings . The first toast was one they always received with enthusiasm , and lie did not think that was likely to be lessened if what he hud heard from a side ivind Avas trueviz ., that the Prince of AA ales was likely
, soon to be made a member of the Craft ( vehement applause ;) but be it so or not , as Masons they never forgot to render their first homage to "Tbe Queen . " —The AV . JI . then proceeded to give "The M . AV . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , " which was received with nil the honours . This was folloived by "The Health of the D . G . AI ., Lord Panmure , " UOAV Marquis of Daihousie . —The AV . JI . said the next AVUS