Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
METROPOLITAN . BKITAIWIC LODOE ( NO . 36 ) . —This important lodge met on I'riday , thellth inst ., at half-past three o ' clock , at the Freemasons ' Tavern ; Bro . Wm . Smith , CIS ., W . M . The amount of business appearing upon the summonses was something unusual , there being four raisingstwo passingsand one initiationandbesides
, , , , the usual . routine business of the lodge , the reading of various reports and communications , there was likewise the election of W . M . and Treas . for the ensuing year . The lodge was very numerously attended by the influential and highly scientific brethren comprising its well-filled ranks , numbering as this lodge does amongst its members many of the great names known to the world as engineers , mechanicians , and scientists , and others
who are known to preside over and administer the affairs of the great railway , naval , and mercantile ocean steam and marine companies , and the great iron and other manufacturing and industrial operations of Great Britain . Thanks to the very efficient aid of Henry Bridges , D . Prov . G . M . Somerset , the whole of the business was got through , and at half-past seven the members and visitors sat down to a magnificent dinner in the great hall . Amongst tho visitors
present were Bros . W . Simpson , S . G . D ., Jerusalem Lodge ( No . 97 ) j W . R . Woodman , Grenadiers' ( No . 6 G ); P . G . Hangman , St . John ' s ( No . 96 ); Foster Newton , Fitzroy ( No . 569 ) ,- It . J . Joseph . Joppa , Cape of Good Hope ( No . 86-1 ) ; and Hallo wes , Invicta ( No . 709 ) . The W . M ., Bro . William Smith , C . E ., after proposing the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , alluded to the great prosperity of the lodge , to the great pleasure it afforded the members to receive such distinguished visitors in the lodge and at banquet , to the accessions to their lodge and to the Craft by the recent initiation of gentlemen of such distinguished scientific attainments as Bro . James Glaisher , the
eminent scientific observer and astronomer , and Bros . Gale , Voi ! e , Evcritfc , Chyuoweth , Horsley , and Young , to the election of so able a successor to the chair of the lodge in the person of Bro . Pierce , C . E ., the J . W ., in whose favour the unanimous votes of the lodge elected him W . M . for the ensuing year , and to various other topics of general interest . The wellknown musical quartets , Messrs . Shuhridge , Young , Yielding , and Hallowcs , added to the enjoyment of the evening .
MOPST LEBANON LODUE ( NO . 73 ) . —This prosperous lodge held an emergency meeting on Friday , March 11 th , at the Green Man Tavern , Tooley-stieet , Southwark . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . E . N . Levy , W . M ., Bro . Frederick Walters , P . M ., presided , assisted by Bros . C . R . Dean , P . M . ; E . Harris , P . M ., Sec ; II . Moore , S . W . ; N . Lake , S . D . ; R . Hurrell , J . D . ; T . Hopton , I . G . ; Nunn , Marshall , and others , opened the lodge . The only business was the initiation of Mr . Henry Prouten
, who ivas declared lobe unanimonsly elected . Bro . E . N . Levy , W . M ., assisted at the ceremony , which was commenced previous to his arrival , but he , in his usual able manner , finished it . He then requested Bro . F . Walters , P . M ., to give an explanation of the tracing board in the first degree . It was proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously that a vote of thanks be given to Bro . F . Walters , P . M ., and recorded in the lodge minute-book
for the able manner he gave the illustration of the tracing board that evening . Bro . F . Walters , P . M ., returned his thanks for . the compliment , and regretted he had not practised that portion of the work for nearly a year , as he might have been able to render it better than he bad clone ; but as he was called on to Xierfonn it at a moment's notice he did his best , for he had not the slightest idea that he would be selected from amongst the number of able Past Masters he saw present then .
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE . WoiVEltTON . —Scientific Lodge ( No . 810 ) . —This lodge held its visual monthly meeting at the Victoria Hotel on tho 15 th inst ., Bro . D . Stevenson , W . M ., at which a goodly number of the brethren wove present , it being the night of installation of the W . M . and appointment of officers . The lodge having been opened by the W . M ., and the minutes read and confirmed , the ballot having been taken , sundry motions , of which due notice had been
given , were discussed ancl carried . The candidate for the second degree was introduced and passed , and the two candidates for initiations were then introduced—the one being Mr . Webber , the son of a member of the lodge , himself one of the earliest initiates , and the other Mr . Wales , formerly a pupil of Bro . J . C . M'Connell , C . JE ., D . Prov . G . M . Berks and Bucks and P . M . of the Scientific Lodge . Both candidates were then duly initiatedBrothe RevRichard Norris RussellM . A . Rural
. . . , , Dean of Bucks , the W . M . elect , was then formerly introduced by Bro . W . Watson , Grand Steward ' s Lodge , to the presiding Master , Bro . William Smith , C . K , a P . M . of the lodge , to receive from him the benefit of installation . A Board of Installed Masters having been formed , Bro . W . Smith proceeded to install Bro . Russell , which having been done , and the brethrenreadmitted , the appointment and investiture of the officers to serve for the closed
ensuing year then took place , after which the lodge was . This was considered one of the most successful meetings ever held in the county . The members and visitors then proceeded to the banquet , which was provided by Bro . Hicks . The cloth having been withdrawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , to the great satisfaction of the brethren . The health of Bro . Russell , the W . M ., was given in a very effective manner by
the I . P . M ., and was drunk with great pleasure . The health of the Immediate Past Master , Bro . Stevenson , and that of Bro . W . Smith , C . E ., P . M ., the founder of the lodge , were next given by Bro . Russell , who , in a short address , replete with feeling and brotherly love , presented Bro . Stevenson with a very handsome gold P . M . 's jewel . Bro . D . Stevenson responded , assuring the brethren how gratified he felt at such a token of iven
their regard . "The Health of the Visitors" was next g , to which Bro . Watson replied . The Tyler ' s toast concluded tlfe evening's festivities , at 8 . 20 , the railway arrangements not permitting the London brethren to remain later .
DEVONSHIRE . Monies Tows , DEVONPORT . —Lodge St . Aiibyn ( No . 954 . ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the evening of Tuesday , the 8 th inst ., at half-past six . The minutes of the last regular and an emergency meeting were read and confirmed . A ballot was then taken for the four candidates proposed at the last lodge meeting , which resulted in their election . The lodge was then raised to the second degree , and Bros . Bennu and Jones having satisfactorily proved their efficiency in the first degree , were passed to the second . Two of ths four candidates above named were then introduced and
duly initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . Bro . Kent , S . W ., delivered the symbolic meaning of the tools , and Bro . Spry , J . AV ., delivered the charge . Among tbe visitors were the W . M . of Lodge Fidelity ( No . 230 ) , and other brethren of the same lodge ; the W . M . of Lodge Friendship , his S . W ., and several members of that lodge ; ancl representatives of many other sister lodges of the locality . After the transaction of some minor business and the proposal of a joining member
, the brethren adjourned to the refreshment saloon , when the usual toasts were drank and responded to , that of the visitors by the XV . il . of 230 , Bro . Linde , and several other brethren . On the following evening a lodge of emergency was convened to raise four brethren lo the third or Master ' s degree , and to initiate a person ballotted for at the last regular lodge meeting , the whole of which ceremonies were most ably performed by
the W . M ., Bro . Chappie . At the refreshment hoard the visitors , in returning thanks for the compliment paid them in the usual toast of " The Visitors , " expressed themselves highly pleased at their reception , and paid a well-merited tribute to those officials connected with the lodge for their skill , ability , and the energy displayed in the adornment of their spacious and elegant room . The W . M ., in replying to the toast of his health , said he could
not pass over the opportunity of returning his personal thanks to his Senior and Junior Wardens for the manner in which they supported him in carrying out the duties of the degrees , and hoped that when his chair was filled hy his successor , he may have officers who displayed the same zeal as those who are at present in office . The Wardens respectively having returned that . ks , the toasts were shortly after closed , and the brethren dispersed .
KENT . ASHEOBD .---Invicta Lodge ( No . 709 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Friday , the 4 th inst ., under presidency of Bro , Greenhill , W . M ., supported by Bros . Bastes
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
METROPOLITAN . BKITAIWIC LODOE ( NO . 36 ) . —This important lodge met on I'riday , thellth inst ., at half-past three o ' clock , at the Freemasons ' Tavern ; Bro . Wm . Smith , CIS ., W . M . The amount of business appearing upon the summonses was something unusual , there being four raisingstwo passingsand one initiationandbesides
, , , , the usual . routine business of the lodge , the reading of various reports and communications , there was likewise the election of W . M . and Treas . for the ensuing year . The lodge was very numerously attended by the influential and highly scientific brethren comprising its well-filled ranks , numbering as this lodge does amongst its members many of the great names known to the world as engineers , mechanicians , and scientists , and others
who are known to preside over and administer the affairs of the great railway , naval , and mercantile ocean steam and marine companies , and the great iron and other manufacturing and industrial operations of Great Britain . Thanks to the very efficient aid of Henry Bridges , D . Prov . G . M . Somerset , the whole of the business was got through , and at half-past seven the members and visitors sat down to a magnificent dinner in the great hall . Amongst tho visitors
present were Bros . W . Simpson , S . G . D ., Jerusalem Lodge ( No . 97 ) j W . R . Woodman , Grenadiers' ( No . 6 G ); P . G . Hangman , St . John ' s ( No . 96 ); Foster Newton , Fitzroy ( No . 569 ) ,- It . J . Joseph . Joppa , Cape of Good Hope ( No . 86-1 ) ; and Hallo wes , Invicta ( No . 709 ) . The W . M ., Bro . William Smith , C . E ., after proposing the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , alluded to the great prosperity of the lodge , to the great pleasure it afforded the members to receive such distinguished visitors in the lodge and at banquet , to the accessions to their lodge and to the Craft by the recent initiation of gentlemen of such distinguished scientific attainments as Bro . James Glaisher , the
eminent scientific observer and astronomer , and Bros . Gale , Voi ! e , Evcritfc , Chyuoweth , Horsley , and Young , to the election of so able a successor to the chair of the lodge in the person of Bro . Pierce , C . E ., the J . W ., in whose favour the unanimous votes of the lodge elected him W . M . for the ensuing year , and to various other topics of general interest . The wellknown musical quartets , Messrs . Shuhridge , Young , Yielding , and Hallowcs , added to the enjoyment of the evening .
MOPST LEBANON LODUE ( NO . 73 ) . —This prosperous lodge held an emergency meeting on Friday , March 11 th , at the Green Man Tavern , Tooley-stieet , Southwark . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . E . N . Levy , W . M ., Bro . Frederick Walters , P . M ., presided , assisted by Bros . C . R . Dean , P . M . ; E . Harris , P . M ., Sec ; II . Moore , S . W . ; N . Lake , S . D . ; R . Hurrell , J . D . ; T . Hopton , I . G . ; Nunn , Marshall , and others , opened the lodge . The only business was the initiation of Mr . Henry Prouten
, who ivas declared lobe unanimonsly elected . Bro . E . N . Levy , W . M ., assisted at the ceremony , which was commenced previous to his arrival , but he , in his usual able manner , finished it . He then requested Bro . F . Walters , P . M ., to give an explanation of the tracing board in the first degree . It was proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously that a vote of thanks be given to Bro . F . Walters , P . M ., and recorded in the lodge minute-book
for the able manner he gave the illustration of the tracing board that evening . Bro . F . Walters , P . M ., returned his thanks for . the compliment , and regretted he had not practised that portion of the work for nearly a year , as he might have been able to render it better than he bad clone ; but as he was called on to Xierfonn it at a moment's notice he did his best , for he had not the slightest idea that he would be selected from amongst the number of able Past Masters he saw present then .
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE . WoiVEltTON . —Scientific Lodge ( No . 810 ) . —This lodge held its visual monthly meeting at the Victoria Hotel on tho 15 th inst ., Bro . D . Stevenson , W . M ., at which a goodly number of the brethren wove present , it being the night of installation of the W . M . and appointment of officers . The lodge having been opened by the W . M ., and the minutes read and confirmed , the ballot having been taken , sundry motions , of which due notice had been
given , were discussed ancl carried . The candidate for the second degree was introduced and passed , and the two candidates for initiations were then introduced—the one being Mr . Webber , the son of a member of the lodge , himself one of the earliest initiates , and the other Mr . Wales , formerly a pupil of Bro . J . C . M'Connell , C . JE ., D . Prov . G . M . Berks and Bucks and P . M . of the Scientific Lodge . Both candidates were then duly initiatedBrothe RevRichard Norris RussellM . A . Rural
. . . , , Dean of Bucks , the W . M . elect , was then formerly introduced by Bro . W . Watson , Grand Steward ' s Lodge , to the presiding Master , Bro . William Smith , C . K , a P . M . of the lodge , to receive from him the benefit of installation . A Board of Installed Masters having been formed , Bro . W . Smith proceeded to install Bro . Russell , which having been done , and the brethrenreadmitted , the appointment and investiture of the officers to serve for the closed
ensuing year then took place , after which the lodge was . This was considered one of the most successful meetings ever held in the county . The members and visitors then proceeded to the banquet , which was provided by Bro . Hicks . The cloth having been withdrawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , to the great satisfaction of the brethren . The health of Bro . Russell , the W . M ., was given in a very effective manner by
the I . P . M ., and was drunk with great pleasure . The health of the Immediate Past Master , Bro . Stevenson , and that of Bro . W . Smith , C . E ., P . M ., the founder of the lodge , were next given by Bro . Russell , who , in a short address , replete with feeling and brotherly love , presented Bro . Stevenson with a very handsome gold P . M . 's jewel . Bro . D . Stevenson responded , assuring the brethren how gratified he felt at such a token of iven
their regard . "The Health of the Visitors" was next g , to which Bro . Watson replied . The Tyler ' s toast concluded tlfe evening's festivities , at 8 . 20 , the railway arrangements not permitting the London brethren to remain later .
DEVONSHIRE . Monies Tows , DEVONPORT . —Lodge St . Aiibyn ( No . 954 . ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the evening of Tuesday , the 8 th inst ., at half-past six . The minutes of the last regular and an emergency meeting were read and confirmed . A ballot was then taken for the four candidates proposed at the last lodge meeting , which resulted in their election . The lodge was then raised to the second degree , and Bros . Bennu and Jones having satisfactorily proved their efficiency in the first degree , were passed to the second . Two of ths four candidates above named were then introduced and
duly initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . Bro . Kent , S . W ., delivered the symbolic meaning of the tools , and Bro . Spry , J . AV ., delivered the charge . Among tbe visitors were the W . M . of Lodge Fidelity ( No . 230 ) , and other brethren of the same lodge ; the W . M . of Lodge Friendship , his S . W ., and several members of that lodge ; ancl representatives of many other sister lodges of the locality . After the transaction of some minor business and the proposal of a joining member
, the brethren adjourned to the refreshment saloon , when the usual toasts were drank and responded to , that of the visitors by the XV . il . of 230 , Bro . Linde , and several other brethren . On the following evening a lodge of emergency was convened to raise four brethren lo the third or Master ' s degree , and to initiate a person ballotted for at the last regular lodge meeting , the whole of which ceremonies were most ably performed by
the W . M ., Bro . Chappie . At the refreshment hoard the visitors , in returning thanks for the compliment paid them in the usual toast of " The Visitors , " expressed themselves highly pleased at their reception , and paid a well-merited tribute to those officials connected with the lodge for their skill , ability , and the energy displayed in the adornment of their spacious and elegant room . The W . M ., in replying to the toast of his health , said he could
not pass over the opportunity of returning his personal thanks to his Senior and Junior Wardens for the manner in which they supported him in carrying out the duties of the degrees , and hoped that when his chair was filled hy his successor , he may have officers who displayed the same zeal as those who are at present in office . The Wardens respectively having returned that . ks , the toasts were shortly after closed , and the brethren dispersed .
KENT . ASHEOBD .---Invicta Lodge ( No . 709 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Friday , the 4 th inst ., under presidency of Bro , Greenhill , W . M ., supported by Bros . Bastes