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them , two of the Past Masters unhesitatingly expressed regret . Bro . O'Mealy alone refused to retract . He ( Bro . O'Mealy ) asserted that- the by-law , the provisions of which had been violated under his advice , was a new rule , and he maintained that he had acted rightly , adding that if his explanation was not deemed satisfactory , his avocations and inclination did not admit of his saying more in his defence . The amendments and the original proposition being
successively put to the vote , the result was as follows : — Twenty-five votes for the adoption of the committee's recommendation . Three votes for Bro . Piffard's amendment . Twenty-two votes for the immediate expulsion oE Bro . O'Mealy . The committee's recommendation was accordingly adopted . Read the report of the Finance Committee . The balance in hand of the District Grand Lodge Fund amounted to 1 , 319 rupees , and of the Masonic Fund of Benevolence to 4317
iupe . es . The committee proposed to meet the increased rent demanded for the Freemasons' Hall by assessing the lodges meeting at the hall at 12 annas per mensem for each member , instead of 8 annas , and raising the amount paid by the sub-tenants , Messrs . Sagriell and Co ., from 80 rupees to 125 rupees per mensem , The sub-tenants protested against the latter part of this proposal , but the Provincial Grand Master ruled that the
grounds-set forth by them should previously be taken into consideration by the finance committee . Meanwhile the committee's suggestion was adopted . The committee had observed a heavy list of outstandings due by lodges in Calcutta for rent , & c . It was resolved that an urgent call for payment should be made , and the result reported at the next meeting of the finance committee . A report on the case of Lodge Himalayan Brotherhood at
Simla was read ; but the consideration of it was postponed , in consequence of the Provincial Grand Secretary having , in the course of the day , received a letter from Bro . Thomas Wood , the Master of the lodge , containing matter which was not before the finance committee when they drew up their report . In that letter Bro . Wood explained that , on being elected Master for 1 S 62 , he had found the records in confusion and the lodge in debt , and had therefore proposed to the
Provintial Grand Master , the late General Boileau , to place the lodge in abeyance . The Provincial Grand Master had , thereupon , appointed a special committee , "for the purpose of adopting steps for the future well-working of the lodge . " After the committee had finished their work , Bvo . Wood had called his first meeting , and since then he had paid off nearly 3 , 000 rupees of the debts of the lodge . Bvo . Wood added , that if the finance committee would assess what fees were dne for 1861 which he
, was himself unable to ascertain from the manner in which the minutes had been kept by his predecessor , he would he glad to remit the amount at once . The Provincial Grand Treasurer reported the result of the collection at church to be as follows : — The Provincial Grantl Master Rs > . 100 0 0 Lodge St . David in the East ( Scotch ) „ 50 0 0 Cash and cards „ 380 11 6
Rs . 530 11 6 The District Grand Lodge was closed in duo form , and with solemn prayer ; and the brethren then proceeded downstairs to a sumptuous bangnet . The town band were playing their first air , and the brethren were taking their first spoonful of soup , when our reporter retired from the hall , thus avoiding the duty of responding to the toast of the Masonic press .
CALCUTTA . LODGE INDUSTRY AND PERSEVERANCE . —A regular meeting was held on Friday , the 18 th December . Present : Bros . Hugh D . Sandeman , Prov . G . M . of Bengal ; Jennings , D . Prov . G . M . ; John Wm . Brown , Prov . S . G . W . and P . M ., presiding ; C . T . Davis , P . M . ; Dr . Frank Powell , P . M . 486 ; Linton , P . M . 551 ; Dickson , S . W . ; Wm . Parry Davis , as J . W . ; Baxter , Sec . ; Chandler , Treas . The S . W . V . W . Bro . Thomas DicksonW . M .
, , elect , was installed by Bro . Brown , as W . M . for the ensuing twelve months . Bro . Fenn was appointed S . W ., and Bro . Wm . Parry Davis , J . W . Bro . Chandler was re-elected Treasurer by acclamation , and Bro . Daniel , Tyler . Bro . Boulton succeeds our useful and painstaking Bro . Baxter as Secretary . Bro . C T . Davis was nominated by the W . M . as P . M . Another
meeting was held on Saturday , the 2 nd January . Present : —Bros . Thos . Dickson , W . M ., presiding ; John Wm . Brown , 1 I . P . M . ; Dr . Frank Powell ; Fenn , S . W . j Wm . Parry Davis , J . W . ; Boulton , Sec . ; Chandler , Treas . ; Bros . Lowndes and Dufour , of the Scotch Lodgo ( No . 404 ) , were elected joining members . Bros . Stark and Vose were raised by Bro . Brown . Bro . Dr . Frank Powell was elected an honorary member . Bro . Vose was appointed J . D . and Bro . RitchieI . G .
, LODOE SAINT JOHN . —A meeting was held on Saturday , the 26 th December , for the purpose of installing Bro . E . W . Pittar , Master elect , for the ensuing twelve months . The ceremony was performed by Bro . Dr . Frank Powell , the retiring W . M . The following brethren , having accepted office , were invested with the moveable jewels of their respective offices . Bros . PiffardS . W . ; FennJ . W . ; W . G . BaxterSec . and Treas . ;
, , , M . Rosamond ( v . c ) , S . D . ; George Chisholm , J . D . ; A . M . Merriott , I . G . ; Daniel , Tyler . Allusion was made to the recent death of Bro . the Rev . Doctor Linstodt , the late Junior Warden of the lodge , and it was resolved that tin expression of the regret of the brethren be recorded , and a letter of condolence written to the widow . Another regular meeting of this lodge had been fixed for the 8 th of January ; but owing to the
Cambridge and Oxford Dinner at the Town Hall on that evening , the meeting was appointed for Satarday , the 3 th January , when it was duly convened . Present : —Bros . Pittar , W . M ., presiding ; Dr . Frank Powell , P . M . ; John William Brown , P . M . ; Fenn , S . W . ; Rosamond ( v . c ) , J . W . ; Baxter , Sec ; Boulton , as S . D . ; Carrington , C . F ., as J . D . ; Brooks ( H . M . ' s 13 th L . I . ) as Inner Guard ; and Bro . Daniel , Tyler . Relief was voted to the wife of a Freemason , and the case was referred to the permanent committee to see what could he done further in the applicant ' s behalf .
BAILLIE GUARD MEMORIAL , LUCKNOW . The foundation stone of the Bailie Guard Memorial was laid at Lucknow on the 2 nd January . Lodge Morning Star was opened at the Lai Bnraduvrie , and a procession was formed , under a dispensation from the Provincial Grand Master . Among the brethren who were present were the W . M ., Bro . Major Baring ; Bros . Sir George Coupe :-Bart . ; W . C . Capperwith
, , the Square ; J . F . Macgrennan , bearing the Volume of the Sacred Law ; Goode , S . W . ; Macleavy , J . XX . ; DeMichel and Nusserwanjee , Deacons ; Bleuman , Sec , with the "Book of Constitutions" ; Marsh , Treas ., with coins ; Mumford , I . G . ; Captain Pemberton , with the plan ; Serjeant Gilfor , with the banner of the lodge ; Major Pester , Blaney , Lieut . Inglis , MackenzieLieut . TokeGardnerMurrayWilliamsSinclair
, , , , , , Crovnmelin , Joyce , & a . The following clergyman walked behind the W . M .: —Reverend Messrs . Burge , Moore , Menge , Baume , Felix and Paul . The Masonic body was followed by General MacDuff and his Staff , the Civil and Military Officers of Government , and the rest of the community . The surviving members of the Baillie Guard garrison who were not Masons walked at the head of all . The troops present were H . M . ' s 107 th
regiment , a wing of the 5 th Lancers , and a brigade of Royal Horse Artillery , with three guns . The hand of the 107 th regiment played a slow step from " Faust , " and the procession moved from the Lai Baradurrie to the old Baillie Guard Gate . On reaching the spot , the troops formed on either side , and the three guns took up a position on the site of Gubbin ' s battery . After General MacDuff and his Staffand the principal members of the Masonic bodhad
, y taken their places round the stone , prayers were offered up by the Rev . Mr . Burge , the responses being given by several in the crowd . After prayers , the architect , Bro . Pemberton , being called upon by the W . M ., produced the plan of the Memorial , the cement was laid by Sir George Couper , the bottle containing the coins of the realm were placed by the Treasurer in the
receptacle prepared for it , and the stone was lowered , while the band played a solemn air . The Worshipful Master , assisted by his Wardens and the Past Master , then proved the stone with the plumb-rule , level , and square , and handed over the mallet to Bro . Sir George Couper , who addressed the assembly in a speech , of which we take the following report from the Oude Mail : —
He was well aware , he said , of the difficult task that lay before him , and trusted that if he fell short in his duty , they would excuse it . He believed it was chiefly on account of the intimate relation he once bore to those left there , that he had .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
them , two of the Past Masters unhesitatingly expressed regret . Bro . O'Mealy alone refused to retract . He ( Bro . O'Mealy ) asserted that- the by-law , the provisions of which had been violated under his advice , was a new rule , and he maintained that he had acted rightly , adding that if his explanation was not deemed satisfactory , his avocations and inclination did not admit of his saying more in his defence . The amendments and the original proposition being
successively put to the vote , the result was as follows : — Twenty-five votes for the adoption of the committee's recommendation . Three votes for Bro . Piffard's amendment . Twenty-two votes for the immediate expulsion oE Bro . O'Mealy . The committee's recommendation was accordingly adopted . Read the report of the Finance Committee . The balance in hand of the District Grand Lodge Fund amounted to 1 , 319 rupees , and of the Masonic Fund of Benevolence to 4317
iupe . es . The committee proposed to meet the increased rent demanded for the Freemasons' Hall by assessing the lodges meeting at the hall at 12 annas per mensem for each member , instead of 8 annas , and raising the amount paid by the sub-tenants , Messrs . Sagriell and Co ., from 80 rupees to 125 rupees per mensem , The sub-tenants protested against the latter part of this proposal , but the Provincial Grand Master ruled that the
grounds-set forth by them should previously be taken into consideration by the finance committee . Meanwhile the committee's suggestion was adopted . The committee had observed a heavy list of outstandings due by lodges in Calcutta for rent , & c . It was resolved that an urgent call for payment should be made , and the result reported at the next meeting of the finance committee . A report on the case of Lodge Himalayan Brotherhood at
Simla was read ; but the consideration of it was postponed , in consequence of the Provincial Grand Secretary having , in the course of the day , received a letter from Bro . Thomas Wood , the Master of the lodge , containing matter which was not before the finance committee when they drew up their report . In that letter Bro . Wood explained that , on being elected Master for 1 S 62 , he had found the records in confusion and the lodge in debt , and had therefore proposed to the
Provintial Grand Master , the late General Boileau , to place the lodge in abeyance . The Provincial Grand Master had , thereupon , appointed a special committee , "for the purpose of adopting steps for the future well-working of the lodge . " After the committee had finished their work , Bvo . Wood had called his first meeting , and since then he had paid off nearly 3 , 000 rupees of the debts of the lodge . Bvo . Wood added , that if the finance committee would assess what fees were dne for 1861 which he
, was himself unable to ascertain from the manner in which the minutes had been kept by his predecessor , he would he glad to remit the amount at once . The Provincial Grand Treasurer reported the result of the collection at church to be as follows : — The Provincial Grantl Master Rs > . 100 0 0 Lodge St . David in the East ( Scotch ) „ 50 0 0 Cash and cards „ 380 11 6
Rs . 530 11 6 The District Grand Lodge was closed in duo form , and with solemn prayer ; and the brethren then proceeded downstairs to a sumptuous bangnet . The town band were playing their first air , and the brethren were taking their first spoonful of soup , when our reporter retired from the hall , thus avoiding the duty of responding to the toast of the Masonic press .
CALCUTTA . LODGE INDUSTRY AND PERSEVERANCE . —A regular meeting was held on Friday , the 18 th December . Present : Bros . Hugh D . Sandeman , Prov . G . M . of Bengal ; Jennings , D . Prov . G . M . ; John Wm . Brown , Prov . S . G . W . and P . M ., presiding ; C . T . Davis , P . M . ; Dr . Frank Powell , P . M . 486 ; Linton , P . M . 551 ; Dickson , S . W . ; Wm . Parry Davis , as J . W . ; Baxter , Sec . ; Chandler , Treas . The S . W . V . W . Bro . Thomas DicksonW . M .
, , elect , was installed by Bro . Brown , as W . M . for the ensuing twelve months . Bro . Fenn was appointed S . W ., and Bro . Wm . Parry Davis , J . W . Bro . Chandler was re-elected Treasurer by acclamation , and Bro . Daniel , Tyler . Bro . Boulton succeeds our useful and painstaking Bro . Baxter as Secretary . Bro . C T . Davis was nominated by the W . M . as P . M . Another
meeting was held on Saturday , the 2 nd January . Present : —Bros . Thos . Dickson , W . M ., presiding ; John Wm . Brown , 1 I . P . M . ; Dr . Frank Powell ; Fenn , S . W . j Wm . Parry Davis , J . W . ; Boulton , Sec . ; Chandler , Treas . ; Bros . Lowndes and Dufour , of the Scotch Lodgo ( No . 404 ) , were elected joining members . Bros . Stark and Vose were raised by Bro . Brown . Bro . Dr . Frank Powell was elected an honorary member . Bro . Vose was appointed J . D . and Bro . RitchieI . G .
, LODOE SAINT JOHN . —A meeting was held on Saturday , the 26 th December , for the purpose of installing Bro . E . W . Pittar , Master elect , for the ensuing twelve months . The ceremony was performed by Bro . Dr . Frank Powell , the retiring W . M . The following brethren , having accepted office , were invested with the moveable jewels of their respective offices . Bros . PiffardS . W . ; FennJ . W . ; W . G . BaxterSec . and Treas . ;
, , , M . Rosamond ( v . c ) , S . D . ; George Chisholm , J . D . ; A . M . Merriott , I . G . ; Daniel , Tyler . Allusion was made to the recent death of Bro . the Rev . Doctor Linstodt , the late Junior Warden of the lodge , and it was resolved that tin expression of the regret of the brethren be recorded , and a letter of condolence written to the widow . Another regular meeting of this lodge had been fixed for the 8 th of January ; but owing to the
Cambridge and Oxford Dinner at the Town Hall on that evening , the meeting was appointed for Satarday , the 3 th January , when it was duly convened . Present : —Bros . Pittar , W . M ., presiding ; Dr . Frank Powell , P . M . ; John William Brown , P . M . ; Fenn , S . W . ; Rosamond ( v . c ) , J . W . ; Baxter , Sec ; Boulton , as S . D . ; Carrington , C . F ., as J . D . ; Brooks ( H . M . ' s 13 th L . I . ) as Inner Guard ; and Bro . Daniel , Tyler . Relief was voted to the wife of a Freemason , and the case was referred to the permanent committee to see what could he done further in the applicant ' s behalf .
BAILLIE GUARD MEMORIAL , LUCKNOW . The foundation stone of the Bailie Guard Memorial was laid at Lucknow on the 2 nd January . Lodge Morning Star was opened at the Lai Bnraduvrie , and a procession was formed , under a dispensation from the Provincial Grand Master . Among the brethren who were present were the W . M ., Bro . Major Baring ; Bros . Sir George Coupe :-Bart . ; W . C . Capperwith
, , the Square ; J . F . Macgrennan , bearing the Volume of the Sacred Law ; Goode , S . W . ; Macleavy , J . XX . ; DeMichel and Nusserwanjee , Deacons ; Bleuman , Sec , with the "Book of Constitutions" ; Marsh , Treas ., with coins ; Mumford , I . G . ; Captain Pemberton , with the plan ; Serjeant Gilfor , with the banner of the lodge ; Major Pester , Blaney , Lieut . Inglis , MackenzieLieut . TokeGardnerMurrayWilliamsSinclair
, , , , , , Crovnmelin , Joyce , & a . The following clergyman walked behind the W . M .: —Reverend Messrs . Burge , Moore , Menge , Baume , Felix and Paul . The Masonic body was followed by General MacDuff and his Staff , the Civil and Military Officers of Government , and the rest of the community . The surviving members of the Baillie Guard garrison who were not Masons walked at the head of all . The troops present were H . M . ' s 107 th
regiment , a wing of the 5 th Lancers , and a brigade of Royal Horse Artillery , with three guns . The hand of the 107 th regiment played a slow step from " Faust , " and the procession moved from the Lai Baradurrie to the old Baillie Guard Gate . On reaching the spot , the troops formed on either side , and the three guns took up a position on the site of Gubbin ' s battery . After General MacDuff and his Staffand the principal members of the Masonic bodhad
, y taken their places round the stone , prayers were offered up by the Rev . Mr . Burge , the responses being given by several in the crowd . After prayers , the architect , Bro . Pemberton , being called upon by the W . M ., produced the plan of the Memorial , the cement was laid by Sir George Couper , the bottle containing the coins of the realm were placed by the Treasurer in the
receptacle prepared for it , and the stone was lowered , while the band played a solemn air . The Worshipful Master , assisted by his Wardens and the Past Master , then proved the stone with the plumb-rule , level , and square , and handed over the mallet to Bro . Sir George Couper , who addressed the assembly in a speech , of which we take the following report from the Oude Mail : —
He was well aware , he said , of the difficult task that lay before him , and trusted that if he fell short in his duty , they would excuse it . He believed it was chiefly on account of the intimate relation he once bore to those left there , that he had .