Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 2 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 2 →
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THE MASONIC MIRROR . * * All communications to be addres seel to the EDIIOE , at No-19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems
THE UNIVERSAL MASOSIC CALENDAE is now in the press , and will shortly be published . We shall bo glad to receive ( up to the 26 th inst ., ) from our correspondents any information of alterations , so that it may be corrected up to the moment of going to press .
THE Fidelity Lodge of Instruction , hitherto held at the Yorkshire Grey , London-street , Fitzroy-square , will in future be held at the Goat ni : d Compasses , Huston-road , within a short distance of its old quarters . On the occasion of its removal * which will take place on Thursday , the 24 th March , the fifteen sections will be worked . Bro . T . A . Adams will take the chair
at seven o ' clock p . m . We are informed that the room is capable of comfortuhly accommodating seventy brethren . A large attendance of good working Masons is expected on the occasion , and any of our readers who desire a treat are recommended to attend .
ON Monday , tin- 7 th inst ., the brethren of Lodges Prudence and Amity dined at the Albion Hotel , Aldersgatc-strcet . COSMOPOLITAN LODGE dined at the City Terminus Hotel , Caimon-street , ou Tuesday , the 8 th inst . BUHLES - GTON LODGE and St . Michael ' s Lodgo held banquets at the Albion Tavern , on the same day .
TIIE brethren of Kent Lodge dined at the Guildhall Tavern , on Wednesday , the Oih inst . THE M . W . GIUICD MASTER has , on the recommendation of Bro . Lord Pelhaui , L'rov . G . M . Sussex , granted the application for a warrant for a new lodge in the town of Lewes , which will shortly be consocrated .
THE banquet of Athelstan Lodge took place ou Thursday , the 10 th inst . THE votes of tho brethren are solicited on behalf of Mary Cornwall Palmer , at the April Election of the Girls' School . The candidate is a daughter of the late Bro . W . J . Palmer , of Old Hall , in the parish of Pencoyd , Herefordshire , who died in
1 S 64-, leaving his wife and three children , aged 11 , 13 , and 15 , iu destitute , circumstances . Bro . Palmer was initiated in the Boscawen Lodge ( No . GOO ) , Chacewater , Cornwall , in 1 SG 1 . Proxies will be thankfully received b y Bros . II . Luckes , of Boss , and Thos . Domic , of the same town . The ease is strongly recommended b y numerous Prov . G . Officers in Hc-refoidshire , Monmouthshire , Somersetshire , and Gloucestershire .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
liitrcAsmo LODGE ( So . 33 ) . The regular meeting of this lodge was held at Freemasons ' Hall on the 11 th mst ., for the purpose of celebrating tho " eenten " , Zi . tUa Iwl ^ ' - " hcre was a vovy numerous attendance of brand Ofhcers and visiting brethren , as well as members of the lodge . Every arrangement had been made to tocure the comfort of the guestsand the whole of the conducted
, proceedings were with the most complete success . The following brethren were present ; -Bros . Shields , W . M ; Church , S . W .,- Glaisher , J . W . ; Cromhie Treas . ; Chubb , Sec ; Oliren , S , D . ; Sir W . A . Rose , J-D , ; G . England , sen ., P . M ., Dir . of Cers . ; Glegg , I . P . M . j
Craft Masonry.
Bridges , P . M . j Peirce , P . M . ; Strapp , P-M . ; Grissell , P-M . ; W Smith , P . M . ; and Bros . Euchas , Gale , Pinch , Fletcher , Gammon , WelKvin , Cope , Parker , Saward , Fergusson , Chcynowetb . Palmer , Pendred , Hodge , Paddon , Rowland , Ricks , Lloyd , Poster , Davis , Eastwood , J , Church , Young , Clonston , Finlay , Voile , Urlwin , Pawley , C . W . Turner , Beaman , Browning , HorsloySaundersBanisterTruscottStevensonBurke
, , , , , , Lewis , Jaft'rey , Sugg , Sparks , . Tames , Farmer , Snow , Spencer , Webb , Fairlie , Dixon , and Bohr . The visitors were -. —Bros . Rev . C . J . Marfcyn , G . Chap . ; Hervey , G . Sec . ; Brackstone Baker , G . D .: J . Nunn , G . S . B . ; Ough , G . Purst . ; Brett , Assist , G . Purst . ; Patten , P . G . S . B . ; Hubbuck , P . G . S- ; Biuckes , Sec . Boys' School ; Copeman , 959 ; Broomfield , ISO ; Bennett , 715 ; Walters , P . M . 73 ; Sharp , 410 ; Butter , 253 ; Thomson , 58 ,- E .
W . Poster , 587 ; Bridges , S . W . 772 ; Danvcrs , S . AV . 753 ; Godsell , S . D . 176 ; G . H . Paten , 58 ; Roe , 731 ; Palmer , 1063 ; Hallon-es , 709 ; Edwards ( Apollo ); Buss , P . M . 27 ; Kingsford , P . M . 26 ; Sugg , 4-52 ; W . E . Poole , 4-52 ; White , 262 ; Dallas , Lodge Star of Burmah ; Wilson , 143 ; Lacey , 149 ; Yaldon , 181 ; and Norfolk , 775 . The W . M ., Bro . Shields , gave a brief sketch of the history of the lodge , from the year 1730 to 1870- Ho stated Unit the
Britannic Lodge was one of those that were established in the early part of the ISth century , and that it was not till the 140 th . year of its existence that , the members had resolved to apply for permission of the G . M . to celebrate its centenary . The early records and minutes of the lodge had been lost , and it was only by a careful research from extraneous sources that the proof of its existence during that lengthened period had been established . The W . M . then proceeded to mention the various places of
meeting and the names and numbers which it had borne , which have already been given m our columns . The W . M . stated when that the construction of a Masonic hall was mooted , the Britannic was among the earliest and largest sub « scribers to the Hall Loan Fund , and was also one of the first of five lodges to abandon their claim for repayment , a fact which is recorded on a jewel appended to the Master ' s collar , which was presented with the thanks of Grand Lodge . Ha also mentioned the fact that the Britannic was the only lodge which had had the honour of initiating two members of tho royal family , and read
a long list of noble and distinguished brethren who first saw the Light within its portals . The W . M . concluded his remarks by stating that in 1 S 55 the Britannic received a large accession of members , chiefly belonging to the railway world , many of whom have filled its chair , ami since that time a large proportion of its members have been connected with engineering , scientific , and other kindred pursuits . The WMaster called Brothe RevCJMart '
. . upon . . . . yr , G . Chaplain , to invoke tho blessing of the Great Architect of the Universe , which the Rev . Bro . did in the following terms : — " W . M ., Officers , and Brethren—It has been deemed necessary , right , and proper that in the midst of this most interesting and solemn ceremony , I , as Grand Chaplain of the Order , should be requested hy your W . M . to address to you a few solemn words before asking you to join me in invoking the blessing of the
Great Architect of the Universe upon this lodge . Brethren , it has pleased the Most High to prosper the labours of those , who , from time to time , have presided over this lodge , and who have worked in this lodge , for many years . During the 140 years this lodge has been in existence , many noble names have been added to the roll of Masonic worthies , and not a few of them have either been initiated inor been members of this lod . Ami
, ge amongst all the changes and chances of upwards of 100 years —changes and chances , whose influence felt alike hy bodies and societies of men , and by individuals—ifc has pleased Him to preserve and to protect this lodge , and to bring it , through many vicissitudos , to the proud position in which we see it placed to-day . Great praise , undoubtedly , is due to those able brethren who have laboured hard to bring about this happy state
of tilings , but to the Great Architect of the Universe a ' one is it due , that those labours have been successful , and such an eminence achieved . Still , brethren , we must never forget , as anyone who studies carefully the volumes of the Sacred Law knows well , that the Most High is over pleased to work by means of human instruments , and that he will only help those who strive to helthemselvesaud thereforeI solemn iy and
p , , earnestly beg of you to pcrsevore in the practice and in the cultivation of the noble precepts and principles of our glorious Order . I will now ask you to join with me iu invoking a blessing upon all your undertakings . " The brethren then stood to order , and the G . Chaplain proceeded to oiler up the follow-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . * * All communications to be addres seel to the EDIIOE , at No-19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems
THE UNIVERSAL MASOSIC CALENDAE is now in the press , and will shortly be published . We shall bo glad to receive ( up to the 26 th inst ., ) from our correspondents any information of alterations , so that it may be corrected up to the moment of going to press .
THE Fidelity Lodge of Instruction , hitherto held at the Yorkshire Grey , London-street , Fitzroy-square , will in future be held at the Goat ni : d Compasses , Huston-road , within a short distance of its old quarters . On the occasion of its removal * which will take place on Thursday , the 24 th March , the fifteen sections will be worked . Bro . T . A . Adams will take the chair
at seven o ' clock p . m . We are informed that the room is capable of comfortuhly accommodating seventy brethren . A large attendance of good working Masons is expected on the occasion , and any of our readers who desire a treat are recommended to attend .
ON Monday , tin- 7 th inst ., the brethren of Lodges Prudence and Amity dined at the Albion Hotel , Aldersgatc-strcet . COSMOPOLITAN LODGE dined at the City Terminus Hotel , Caimon-street , ou Tuesday , the 8 th inst . BUHLES - GTON LODGE and St . Michael ' s Lodgo held banquets at the Albion Tavern , on the same day .
TIIE brethren of Kent Lodge dined at the Guildhall Tavern , on Wednesday , the Oih inst . THE M . W . GIUICD MASTER has , on the recommendation of Bro . Lord Pelhaui , L'rov . G . M . Sussex , granted the application for a warrant for a new lodge in the town of Lewes , which will shortly be consocrated .
THE banquet of Athelstan Lodge took place ou Thursday , the 10 th inst . THE votes of tho brethren are solicited on behalf of Mary Cornwall Palmer , at the April Election of the Girls' School . The candidate is a daughter of the late Bro . W . J . Palmer , of Old Hall , in the parish of Pencoyd , Herefordshire , who died in
1 S 64-, leaving his wife and three children , aged 11 , 13 , and 15 , iu destitute , circumstances . Bro . Palmer was initiated in the Boscawen Lodge ( No . GOO ) , Chacewater , Cornwall , in 1 SG 1 . Proxies will be thankfully received b y Bros . II . Luckes , of Boss , and Thos . Domic , of the same town . The ease is strongly recommended b y numerous Prov . G . Officers in Hc-refoidshire , Monmouthshire , Somersetshire , and Gloucestershire .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
liitrcAsmo LODGE ( So . 33 ) . The regular meeting of this lodge was held at Freemasons ' Hall on the 11 th mst ., for the purpose of celebrating tho " eenten " , Zi . tUa Iwl ^ ' - " hcre was a vovy numerous attendance of brand Ofhcers and visiting brethren , as well as members of the lodge . Every arrangement had been made to tocure the comfort of the guestsand the whole of the conducted
, proceedings were with the most complete success . The following brethren were present ; -Bros . Shields , W . M ; Church , S . W .,- Glaisher , J . W . ; Cromhie Treas . ; Chubb , Sec ; Oliren , S , D . ; Sir W . A . Rose , J-D , ; G . England , sen ., P . M ., Dir . of Cers . ; Glegg , I . P . M . j
Craft Masonry.
Bridges , P . M . j Peirce , P . M . ; Strapp , P-M . ; Grissell , P-M . ; W Smith , P . M . ; and Bros . Euchas , Gale , Pinch , Fletcher , Gammon , WelKvin , Cope , Parker , Saward , Fergusson , Chcynowetb . Palmer , Pendred , Hodge , Paddon , Rowland , Ricks , Lloyd , Poster , Davis , Eastwood , J , Church , Young , Clonston , Finlay , Voile , Urlwin , Pawley , C . W . Turner , Beaman , Browning , HorsloySaundersBanisterTruscottStevensonBurke
, , , , , , Lewis , Jaft'rey , Sugg , Sparks , . Tames , Farmer , Snow , Spencer , Webb , Fairlie , Dixon , and Bohr . The visitors were -. —Bros . Rev . C . J . Marfcyn , G . Chap . ; Hervey , G . Sec . ; Brackstone Baker , G . D .: J . Nunn , G . S . B . ; Ough , G . Purst . ; Brett , Assist , G . Purst . ; Patten , P . G . S . B . ; Hubbuck , P . G . S- ; Biuckes , Sec . Boys' School ; Copeman , 959 ; Broomfield , ISO ; Bennett , 715 ; Walters , P . M . 73 ; Sharp , 410 ; Butter , 253 ; Thomson , 58 ,- E .
W . Poster , 587 ; Bridges , S . W . 772 ; Danvcrs , S . AV . 753 ; Godsell , S . D . 176 ; G . H . Paten , 58 ; Roe , 731 ; Palmer , 1063 ; Hallon-es , 709 ; Edwards ( Apollo ); Buss , P . M . 27 ; Kingsford , P . M . 26 ; Sugg , 4-52 ; W . E . Poole , 4-52 ; White , 262 ; Dallas , Lodge Star of Burmah ; Wilson , 143 ; Lacey , 149 ; Yaldon , 181 ; and Norfolk , 775 . The W . M ., Bro . Shields , gave a brief sketch of the history of the lodge , from the year 1730 to 1870- Ho stated Unit the
Britannic Lodge was one of those that were established in the early part of the ISth century , and that it was not till the 140 th . year of its existence that , the members had resolved to apply for permission of the G . M . to celebrate its centenary . The early records and minutes of the lodge had been lost , and it was only by a careful research from extraneous sources that the proof of its existence during that lengthened period had been established . The W . M . then proceeded to mention the various places of
meeting and the names and numbers which it had borne , which have already been given m our columns . The W . M . stated when that the construction of a Masonic hall was mooted , the Britannic was among the earliest and largest sub « scribers to the Hall Loan Fund , and was also one of the first of five lodges to abandon their claim for repayment , a fact which is recorded on a jewel appended to the Master ' s collar , which was presented with the thanks of Grand Lodge . Ha also mentioned the fact that the Britannic was the only lodge which had had the honour of initiating two members of tho royal family , and read
a long list of noble and distinguished brethren who first saw the Light within its portals . The W . M . concluded his remarks by stating that in 1 S 55 the Britannic received a large accession of members , chiefly belonging to the railway world , many of whom have filled its chair , ami since that time a large proportion of its members have been connected with engineering , scientific , and other kindred pursuits . The WMaster called Brothe RevCJMart '
. . upon . . . . yr , G . Chaplain , to invoke tho blessing of the Great Architect of the Universe , which the Rev . Bro . did in the following terms : — " W . M ., Officers , and Brethren—It has been deemed necessary , right , and proper that in the midst of this most interesting and solemn ceremony , I , as Grand Chaplain of the Order , should be requested hy your W . M . to address to you a few solemn words before asking you to join me in invoking the blessing of the
Great Architect of the Universe upon this lodge . Brethren , it has pleased the Most High to prosper the labours of those , who , from time to time , have presided over this lodge , and who have worked in this lodge , for many years . During the 140 years this lodge has been in existence , many noble names have been added to the roll of Masonic worthies , and not a few of them have either been initiated inor been members of this lod . Ami
, ge amongst all the changes and chances of upwards of 100 years —changes and chances , whose influence felt alike hy bodies and societies of men , and by individuals—ifc has pleased Him to preserve and to protect this lodge , and to bring it , through many vicissitudos , to the proud position in which we see it placed to-day . Great praise , undoubtedly , is due to those able brethren who have laboured hard to bring about this happy state
of tilings , but to the Great Architect of the Universe a ' one is it due , that those labours have been successful , and such an eminence achieved . Still , brethren , we must never forget , as anyone who studies carefully the volumes of the Sacred Law knows well , that the Most High is over pleased to work by means of human instruments , and that he will only help those who strive to helthemselvesaud thereforeI solemn iy and
p , , earnestly beg of you to pcrsevore in the practice and in the cultivation of the noble precepts and principles of our glorious Order . I will now ask you to join with me iu invoking a blessing upon all your undertakings . " The brethren then stood to order , and the G . Chaplain proceeded to oiler up the follow-