Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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Craft Masonry.
ing prayer : —Great Architect of the Universe ., without whom , nothing is strong , nothing is holy , look down with mercy upon , us , thy servants , who now draw near to tiiiee , to offer up our thanks and ! praises for all thy past mercies 5 -and to beseech thy
blessing for the time to come . Mercifully grant that this lodge may be protected and preserved by thine Almighty power tor many future years . Grant that ifc may be the menus of promulgating the genuine tenets and principles contained iu thy Holy Law , and in the rules of that Order to which -we owe allegiance . May brotherly love , relief , and truth ever distinguish tlie conduct of the brethren of this lodge wherever they are placed ; and may the lodge itself prosper and flourish ., aud
hand down down the sacred traditions ef the Craft pure aud unpolluted , from generation to generation . And , finally , may we all meet hereafter in that Grand Lodge above , where thou , the Great Architect and Ruler of the Universe , dosfc live , stnd reign supreme . So mote ifc be . " The regular badness of the meeting having been concluded , the brethren , punctually at the appointed time , adjourned to the banquet , which was served in a style that ieffc nothing to be
desired . The usutl toasts were duly given and responded to in eloquent addresses , which we are compelled to omit for want of space . The musical arrangements were of a superior character , and were under the direction of Bro . Lawler , assisted by Bro . Carter and Messrs . Baxter , . Tekyll , and Coates .
STSOSO to LODGE ( N O . 45 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on the 3 r . dinsfc ., and was numerously attended . The lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , the W . M . proceeded to raise a candidate to the degree of M . M . „ after which Bro . Golley was presented to receive the benefit of installation as W . M . for the ensuing year . The proceedings which took place under most trying circumstances , were well
performed by Bro . Barton . The ceremony being completed , and the newly installed master having received the congratulations of his brethren , he proceeded to initiate three gentlemen—Messrs . Roberts , Richards , and Gow—into the mysteries of Masonry , accomplishing his tasl : in a most efficient manner . Bro . Colley afterwards made an admirable chairman at the banquet which followed . The usual Masonic toasts were given , and heartily responded to on behalf of Bro . Laing , an old P . M . of the iodge ,
who this evening- visited it after some years' absence Anion " the visitors were Bros . D . Rose , P . M . 73 ; Keeble , 73 ; Ruskh ? , S . D . 22 ; Andrews , 51 ; Pilbeam and Bryetfc , S 34 ; Allsopp and Glasspool , P . M ' s . S 79 ; A . Guvd , S . W . 879 ; Scotts , 879 : BarUeft J . W . 1 , 178 ; & o . VITRUVIAN LODGE ( NO . 87 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge took place ou Wednesday , at the White Hart , Collegestreet , Lambeth . Bro . Carey , W . M ., opened the lodge , the whole of his officers being present . After the minutes had been read affid confirmed , two gentlemen were initiated into the mysteries of the Craft . Two candidates wero passed to the
second degree , and one was raised to tho sublime degree of M . M ., the ceremonies being very creditably performed by the W . M ., after whidi Bro . E . Voi ' ley , PJ . L , S . W ., aud W . M . elect , was presented for installation . ' There were twenty visitors present : Bros . Binckes , P . M ., Secretary of the Boys ' Institution ; Terry , P . M ., collector for the Aged | Masons' Institution ; Watson , P . M " - Ough , P . M ., 749 ; Samuel May , P . M ., 7 S 0 , 22 , 101 ; Smith ' W . M ., 157 ; Littlowood , W . M ., 780 ; Farnfield , P . M ., 9 K 7-
Drew , S . D ., 890 ; Samuel May , jun ., 594 ; Walters , P . M ., 73 Bennett , and several others . The W . M , Bro . Vorley , invested his officers . Thirty guineas was voted unauimouslv to he placed on the list of tho W . M ., as Steward of the Bovs' " School . A P . M . ' s jewel was then presented to Bro . Cary . The " lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet at which the usual toasts were given . LODGE OP JUSTICE ( NO . 147 ) . —The regular meeting of this
lodge was held at the White Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford , on Monday , the 14 th inst . The following were present : — Bros . J . Percival , W . M . ; G . Bolton , S . W . pro ( em . ; II . Sadler , J . W . ; J . Liglitl ' oot , Treas . ; G . Chapman , See . ; II . Bartletfc ' S . D . ; C . G . Dilley , J . D . ; J . Roper , I . G . ; Bath , P . M . ; and Cavcll , P . M . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed ' . Bro . C . E Dilley , J . D ., worked the first section of the first lectureBro !
, H . Bavtlett working the second degree . There being no candidates present for initiation , passing , or raising , Bro . Bolton , P . M ., announced his intention to rtaiul as Steward for the GiyiS School , the lodge voting £ 5 5 s , to his list . 'The lod ge was njmm jvifcb solemn prayer . f ^ O / t
I DOMATIC LODGE ( NO . 177 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Friday , the 11 th inst . . There were present : Bros . J . R . Foulger , W . M . ; J . E . Walford , a . W . ; J . Ferguson , J . W . ; Tims , S . D . ; Kent , J . D . ; Everett , I . G . ;
J .. Smith , P . G . Purst ., P . M ., and Treas . ; J . Brett , P . M ., Assist . , Cv . . Purst . ; Carpenter , P . M . ; Thompson , P . M . ; Haydon , P . M . ; Simpson , P . M .: Elines , P . M . The visitors present were : Bros . Nestle , 229 ; Vino , 173 ; Lawrence , 291 ; Haines , J . D . 917 ; Asliby , ? , 056 ; Atkins , 890 ; Rippin , 167 ; Mann , P . M . 1 S 6 ; and Imhqf . JBros . Nasielski and Dyer were raised to the degree of M . M .. Bros . Halbam , Koller , Browne , and West , were passed to the second degree , aud Messrs . Price and Willing were
initiated in the . mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry . Bro . Tanner , Sec , veivomefe Shanks to the lodge for the handsome testimonial ,, consisting of a gold watch and chain and ten guinea jewel , which the lodge had given him . He also announced himself as a Steward for the Girl's School , and the lodge placed 50 guineason bis list to make the lodge vice-president . A capital evening was spent , the banquet being serving in Bro . Clemow ' s usual style .
LODGE OS Sr . JAITES ( N O . 765 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge took place on the 1 st inst . at the Leather Market Tavern , Bermondsey , the ehair being occupied by Bro . D . Boyce ,. W . M . Bro . E . Goodwin was raised to the degree of a M . M ., and . ihere being no further business , Bro . George Hyde , S . W ., of the lodge , and P . M . of the Lodge of Faith , No . 141 , was unanimously elected to the high office of W . M . A letter was read from Bro . G . Aldridge , who for some years has been Treasurer to the lodgo , intimating that from severe illness he was desirous
of resigning his responsible office . The announcement was received with great regret by the brethren , and it was ultimately settled that his resignation should stand over for the present . LILT LODGE OB RicmiosD ( No . S 20 ) .--The regular meet ; ing of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Greyhound Hotel , Richmond , on Wednesday , the 13 th insfc . The following brethren were present : —Bros . Townseud , W . M . ; E . Fenner ,
S . W . ; Cooper , P . M .. as J . W . ; W . Cockburn . S . D . ; Kennedy , I . G .,- Giles , P . M . and Treas . ; J . Cockburn , P . M ., Sec ; Carless , I . PM . ; J . S . Jolley , Mus . Dir . ; and Bros . Wbipham , Catlin , AVhite , Munro , Cotfcerell , Reynolds , Myers , Dawson , Millar , Sweet . Brewer , Cook , aud Noyce . The visitors were : —Bros . T . Potter , 27 ; G . Hill . 347 ; arid J . Wilson , 209 . Messrs . W . Foster Reynolds , W . H . Myers , and W . Dawson were proposed , and the ballot proving unanimous , were initiated by the W . M . ;
and Mr . G . Hamson was also inititiated as a serving brother . The Secretary was requested to call -a meeting of the Committee , of the Fund of Benevolence to take into consideration , aud to assist the widow of a deceased brother in dsstross . [ This lodge has a separate fund for benevolence , under the presidency of Bro . J . Nunn , G . SB . ] The banquet took place in the banqueting hall , adjoining the lodge room , aud was served in first-rate style by Bro . Noyce . A very pleasant evening was spent , enlivened with , excellent harmony from Bros . Tolley , Kennedy ,, Sweet , and Millar .
CHESHIRE . Al / rraNcrmi . —Stamford Lodge ( No . 1 , 045 ) . —On Monday last the members of the above lodge , met at the Town Hall , Altrincham , for the installation of Bro . Capb . Hardy , S . W . as W . M . The lodge was opened in due form at three o ' clock , by Bro . James Sudren , W . M ., after which . Mr . John Hunt was regularly initiated by Bro . Hardy , ( W . M . elect ) from the pedestal . The W . M . giving the corner stone , and Bro . Capt ,
Lathbury , P . M . and J . W . the working tools . The W . M . thenopened the lodge in the second degree , Bro . Hardy having assented to the ancient charges and regulations , the lodge was opened in the third degree . After which a Board of Installed Masters was formally opened by Bro . Jas . Sudren , W . M ., whowith Bros . Weston and J . A . Birch , conducted the installation . Seventeen Past Masters were present at the installation , which is an unusually large number for a country lodge . The W . M .. appointed as his officers : Bros . . Tolm Mort , S . W . ; Thomas IT , Kirk , , I . W . ; John Sidderly , S . D . ; Henry Kenyon , J . D . ; Robt . Ferguson , I . G . ; R . Heathcott , P . M ., Treas . ; R . Newhouse , P . M ., Sec ; Capt . Lathbury , P . M ., Org . The brethren to the
. _ jiumher of about fifty sat down to a sumptuous banquet , pro-!& 5 fevbv Bro . Harvey , of the Unicorn Hotel . Grace being said Try ^ krivXlie Rev . D . Barker , of Worthington , chaplain of tho ^ ATO-jlfijA Lodge , Manchester . The chair was taken by Bro . » D G E j ' r
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
ing prayer : —Great Architect of the Universe ., without whom , nothing is strong , nothing is holy , look down with mercy upon , us , thy servants , who now draw near to tiiiee , to offer up our thanks and ! praises for all thy past mercies 5 -and to beseech thy
blessing for the time to come . Mercifully grant that this lodge may be protected and preserved by thine Almighty power tor many future years . Grant that ifc may be the menus of promulgating the genuine tenets and principles contained iu thy Holy Law , and in the rules of that Order to which -we owe allegiance . May brotherly love , relief , and truth ever distinguish tlie conduct of the brethren of this lodge wherever they are placed ; and may the lodge itself prosper and flourish ., aud
hand down down the sacred traditions ef the Craft pure aud unpolluted , from generation to generation . And , finally , may we all meet hereafter in that Grand Lodge above , where thou , the Great Architect and Ruler of the Universe , dosfc live , stnd reign supreme . So mote ifc be . " The regular badness of the meeting having been concluded , the brethren , punctually at the appointed time , adjourned to the banquet , which was served in a style that ieffc nothing to be
desired . The usutl toasts were duly given and responded to in eloquent addresses , which we are compelled to omit for want of space . The musical arrangements were of a superior character , and were under the direction of Bro . Lawler , assisted by Bro . Carter and Messrs . Baxter , . Tekyll , and Coates .
STSOSO to LODGE ( N O . 45 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on the 3 r . dinsfc ., and was numerously attended . The lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , the W . M . proceeded to raise a candidate to the degree of M . M . „ after which Bro . Golley was presented to receive the benefit of installation as W . M . for the ensuing year . The proceedings which took place under most trying circumstances , were well
performed by Bro . Barton . The ceremony being completed , and the newly installed master having received the congratulations of his brethren , he proceeded to initiate three gentlemen—Messrs . Roberts , Richards , and Gow—into the mysteries of Masonry , accomplishing his tasl : in a most efficient manner . Bro . Colley afterwards made an admirable chairman at the banquet which followed . The usual Masonic toasts were given , and heartily responded to on behalf of Bro . Laing , an old P . M . of the iodge ,
who this evening- visited it after some years' absence Anion " the visitors were Bros . D . Rose , P . M . 73 ; Keeble , 73 ; Ruskh ? , S . D . 22 ; Andrews , 51 ; Pilbeam and Bryetfc , S 34 ; Allsopp and Glasspool , P . M ' s . S 79 ; A . Guvd , S . W . 879 ; Scotts , 879 : BarUeft J . W . 1 , 178 ; & o . VITRUVIAN LODGE ( NO . 87 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge took place ou Wednesday , at the White Hart , Collegestreet , Lambeth . Bro . Carey , W . M ., opened the lodge , the whole of his officers being present . After the minutes had been read affid confirmed , two gentlemen were initiated into the mysteries of the Craft . Two candidates wero passed to the
second degree , and one was raised to tho sublime degree of M . M ., the ceremonies being very creditably performed by the W . M ., after whidi Bro . E . Voi ' ley , PJ . L , S . W ., aud W . M . elect , was presented for installation . ' There were twenty visitors present : Bros . Binckes , P . M ., Secretary of the Boys ' Institution ; Terry , P . M ., collector for the Aged | Masons' Institution ; Watson , P . M " - Ough , P . M ., 749 ; Samuel May , P . M ., 7 S 0 , 22 , 101 ; Smith ' W . M ., 157 ; Littlowood , W . M ., 780 ; Farnfield , P . M ., 9 K 7-
Drew , S . D ., 890 ; Samuel May , jun ., 594 ; Walters , P . M ., 73 Bennett , and several others . The W . M , Bro . Vorley , invested his officers . Thirty guineas was voted unauimouslv to he placed on the list of tho W . M ., as Steward of the Bovs' " School . A P . M . ' s jewel was then presented to Bro . Cary . The " lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet at which the usual toasts were given . LODGE OP JUSTICE ( NO . 147 ) . —The regular meeting of this
lodge was held at the White Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford , on Monday , the 14 th inst . The following were present : — Bros . J . Percival , W . M . ; G . Bolton , S . W . pro ( em . ; II . Sadler , J . W . ; J . Liglitl ' oot , Treas . ; G . Chapman , See . ; II . Bartletfc ' S . D . ; C . G . Dilley , J . D . ; J . Roper , I . G . ; Bath , P . M . ; and Cavcll , P . M . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed ' . Bro . C . E Dilley , J . D ., worked the first section of the first lectureBro !
, H . Bavtlett working the second degree . There being no candidates present for initiation , passing , or raising , Bro . Bolton , P . M ., announced his intention to rtaiul as Steward for the GiyiS School , the lodge voting £ 5 5 s , to his list . 'The lod ge was njmm jvifcb solemn prayer . f ^ O / t
I DOMATIC LODGE ( NO . 177 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Friday , the 11 th inst . . There were present : Bros . J . R . Foulger , W . M . ; J . E . Walford , a . W . ; J . Ferguson , J . W . ; Tims , S . D . ; Kent , J . D . ; Everett , I . G . ;
J .. Smith , P . G . Purst ., P . M ., and Treas . ; J . Brett , P . M ., Assist . , Cv . . Purst . ; Carpenter , P . M . ; Thompson , P . M . ; Haydon , P . M . ; Simpson , P . M .: Elines , P . M . The visitors present were : Bros . Nestle , 229 ; Vino , 173 ; Lawrence , 291 ; Haines , J . D . 917 ; Asliby , ? , 056 ; Atkins , 890 ; Rippin , 167 ; Mann , P . M . 1 S 6 ; and Imhqf . JBros . Nasielski and Dyer were raised to the degree of M . M .. Bros . Halbam , Koller , Browne , and West , were passed to the second degree , aud Messrs . Price and Willing were
initiated in the . mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry . Bro . Tanner , Sec , veivomefe Shanks to the lodge for the handsome testimonial ,, consisting of a gold watch and chain and ten guinea jewel , which the lodge had given him . He also announced himself as a Steward for the Girl's School , and the lodge placed 50 guineason bis list to make the lodge vice-president . A capital evening was spent , the banquet being serving in Bro . Clemow ' s usual style .
LODGE OS Sr . JAITES ( N O . 765 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge took place on the 1 st inst . at the Leather Market Tavern , Bermondsey , the ehair being occupied by Bro . D . Boyce ,. W . M . Bro . E . Goodwin was raised to the degree of a M . M ., and . ihere being no further business , Bro . George Hyde , S . W ., of the lodge , and P . M . of the Lodge of Faith , No . 141 , was unanimously elected to the high office of W . M . A letter was read from Bro . G . Aldridge , who for some years has been Treasurer to the lodgo , intimating that from severe illness he was desirous
of resigning his responsible office . The announcement was received with great regret by the brethren , and it was ultimately settled that his resignation should stand over for the present . LILT LODGE OB RicmiosD ( No . S 20 ) .--The regular meet ; ing of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Greyhound Hotel , Richmond , on Wednesday , the 13 th insfc . The following brethren were present : —Bros . Townseud , W . M . ; E . Fenner ,
S . W . ; Cooper , P . M .. as J . W . ; W . Cockburn . S . D . ; Kennedy , I . G .,- Giles , P . M . and Treas . ; J . Cockburn , P . M ., Sec ; Carless , I . PM . ; J . S . Jolley , Mus . Dir . ; and Bros . Wbipham , Catlin , AVhite , Munro , Cotfcerell , Reynolds , Myers , Dawson , Millar , Sweet . Brewer , Cook , aud Noyce . The visitors were : —Bros . T . Potter , 27 ; G . Hill . 347 ; arid J . Wilson , 209 . Messrs . W . Foster Reynolds , W . H . Myers , and W . Dawson were proposed , and the ballot proving unanimous , were initiated by the W . M . ;
and Mr . G . Hamson was also inititiated as a serving brother . The Secretary was requested to call -a meeting of the Committee , of the Fund of Benevolence to take into consideration , aud to assist the widow of a deceased brother in dsstross . [ This lodge has a separate fund for benevolence , under the presidency of Bro . J . Nunn , G . SB . ] The banquet took place in the banqueting hall , adjoining the lodge room , aud was served in first-rate style by Bro . Noyce . A very pleasant evening was spent , enlivened with , excellent harmony from Bros . Tolley , Kennedy ,, Sweet , and Millar .
CHESHIRE . Al / rraNcrmi . —Stamford Lodge ( No . 1 , 045 ) . —On Monday last the members of the above lodge , met at the Town Hall , Altrincham , for the installation of Bro . Capb . Hardy , S . W . as W . M . The lodge was opened in due form at three o ' clock , by Bro . James Sudren , W . M ., after which . Mr . John Hunt was regularly initiated by Bro . Hardy , ( W . M . elect ) from the pedestal . The W . M . giving the corner stone , and Bro . Capt ,
Lathbury , P . M . and J . W . the working tools . The W . M . thenopened the lodge in the second degree , Bro . Hardy having assented to the ancient charges and regulations , the lodge was opened in the third degree . After which a Board of Installed Masters was formally opened by Bro . Jas . Sudren , W . M ., whowith Bros . Weston and J . A . Birch , conducted the installation . Seventeen Past Masters were present at the installation , which is an unusually large number for a country lodge . The W . M .. appointed as his officers : Bros . . Tolm Mort , S . W . ; Thomas IT , Kirk , , I . W . ; John Sidderly , S . D . ; Henry Kenyon , J . D . ; Robt . Ferguson , I . G . ; R . Heathcott , P . M ., Treas . ; R . Newhouse , P . M ., Sec ; Capt . Lathbury , P . M ., Org . The brethren to the
. _ jiumher of about fifty sat down to a sumptuous banquet , pro-!& 5 fevbv Bro . Harvey , of the Unicorn Hotel . Grace being said Try ^ krivXlie Rev . D . Barker , of Worthington , chaplain of tho ^ ATO-jlfijA Lodge , Manchester . The chair was taken by Bro . » D G E j ' r