Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 3 of 3 Article TURKEY. Page 1 of 2 →
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was delivered by the Prov . G . Sec , Bro . Alpass . After the anthem , " Behold , bow good and pleasant it is for brethren to brethren to dwell together in unity , " the consecration prayer was given by Bro . Hamer , and the invocation hy the Prov . G . Reg ., Bro . T . Wylie . The lodgo board was then uncovered , and the four P . M . 's , Bros . Marsh , Wylie , Crane , and Alpass , carried the cornucopia , wine , oil , and salt , three times round the lodge ( solemn music being performed during the procession ) then
, halted in the east . The anthem , " Glory be to God on high , " was sung , and the censer was carried three times round the lodge by Bro . Alpass , P . M . ( solemn music being performed during the progress ) . The anthem , " Glory to God on High , " was then sung , and the Presiding Officer dedicated and constituted the lodge in a most solemn manner , the closing prayer being said b y Bro . Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . The anthem , " Hail 1
universal Lord" and the Hallelujah Chorus concluded the ceremony . Bro . W . Crane was then presented by Bro . Hamer to the Installing Master , Bro . T . Wylie . The charges were read by Bro . Alpass , Prov . G . Sec . Subsequently a Board of Installed Masters was formed , when the W . M . elect was solemnly installed W . M . ; of Lodge 1 , 299 . The Board having been closed , the M . M . ' s were admitted and saluted tho W . M ., who was proproclaimed on each occasion in the third degree . The W . M .
then appointed and invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year , viz : —Bros . W . Viner , P . M . ; J . Cook . S . W . ; J . Sellar , J . W . ; H . Clayton , Dir . of Cers . ; J . Clegg , Sec . ; J . Macmulldrow , S . D . ; E . Hughes , J . D . ; W . Jones , I . G . ; D . Saunders , Org . ; J . Daglish and Bartlett , Stewards . Bro . T . W ylie then delivered the whole of the charges in his usual correct manner . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation , after which the lodge was closed . The banquet , which was
served in Bro . Rawlinson ' s best style , was of a most sumptuous character , and did him great credit . The cloth having been withdrawn , the W . M . gave the usual loyal toasts , which were duly honoured . The W . M . then proposed " The M . W . G . M ., " " R . W . D . G . M . " "The R . W . Prov . G . M . " and " R . W . D . Prov . tr . M . '" wofg given , and Vei'C duly responded to by Bro . Alpass , Prov . G . Sec . " Our Masouic Charities" was then given , coupling with ifc the name of Bro . Marsh , who responded in feeling terms . The W . M . then proposed " The Health of Bro .
Thomas W ylie , the Consecrating- Master , " and in feeling terms alluded to the untiring zeal , disinterested devotion and active service in the cause of Freemasonry . Whenever there was a lodge to be founded , a question of Masonic jurisprudence to be arranged , or a charitable object to be supported in any way , Bro . Wylie was at his post of duty , exerting those talents with which God has blessed him , both to his glory and the good of his fellow-creatures . His hand was always guided by justice ,
and his heart expanded by benevolence . Ho ( the W . M . ) hoped they would do justice to the toast , which was drunk with every good feeling . Bro . T . Wylie in very feeling and appropriate terms , thanked the brethren for the honour they had conferred upon , him in drinking his heaUl \ as Consecrating Master of that day . "From the fullness of the heart the mouth speaketh ; " n his case he found his heart so full that his lips could not perform their office of conveying to them his deep sense of the
honour conferred upon him . He should bear in mind the kind manner in which his name bad been given to the brethren by the W . M ., Bro . Crane ; he hoped to live many years among his brethren in Freemasonry . After again thanking the brethren , Bro . Wylie resumed his seat , evidently much affected . Bro . Wylie then proposed " The Health of the W . M ., and said he rose with great pleasure to propose "The Health of the W . M ., "
he spoke of the many excellencies of Bro . Crane as a gentleman and as a Mason , and of his good working when Master of Lodge 249 . Bro . Crane , the W . M ., in reply , said he felt deeply grateful fa > Bro . Wylie for his kind eulogium , and fo the brethren for this manifestation of their goodwill and esteem in making him their first W . M . of the Pembroke Lodge , No . 1 , 299 . He could not deny that he was passionately devoted to Masonry ,
and only wished he had more time to give to the same ; ho then resumed his scat deeply all ' ected by the goodwill shown him . "The Officers of the Lodge" was then given . Bro . Cook , S . W ., responded , and thanked the W . M . and brethren for the honour of being their first S . W ., and trusted he would prove worthy of his post . " The Visitors" was then proposed , the name of Bro . Peck , of Lodge 241 , being coupled with the taut . Bro . Peck , in responding , said he was much pleased with the ceremonies of the day , which were very effectively given . He complimented the officers and brethren of the lodge , and acknowledged the princely hospitality ho had received . The
whole of the to . ists were given and received with that enthusiasm which they deserved . Letters apologising for non-attendance were received from Bros . Mott , P . Prov . G . D . ; Laidlaw , Prov . G . Purst . ; and Rev . Mr . Vernon , Prov . G . Chap . The clothing , jewels , and furniture were supplied by Bro . J . Wood , 18 , Nortonstreet , Liverpool , which were vory much admired , and gave great satisfaction for good workmanship and value . This lodge will meet every third Thursday , at five o'clock p . m .
WARWICKSHIRE . WABWICK . —Shakespeare Lodge ( No . 2 S 4 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Room , on Tuesday , the Sth inst . There were present : Bros . Mayett , W . M . ; Ridley , J . W . ; Rev . R . S . Harris , P . G . Chap .. S . D . ; Cutting , J . D . ; S . W . CookeP . Prov . S . G . W . Sec ; GoodchildP . Prov .
, , , G . Reg ., P . M . Bro . Hunter , of St . Tudno , Llandudno , was present as a visitor . Messrs . Brabazon , Campbell , and I . G . Moore were initiated . Bros . Thomas Hiron , and Shackan were passed ; aud Bros . Collier , and McDowell Skeeu p , were raised . YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) .
HULL . —Kingston Lodge ( No . 1 , 010 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on AVednesday , the 2 nd inst . There were present : Bros . C . James Todd , W . M . ; LI . W . Longstaff , J . P . G . W ., I . P . M . ; P . M . 's Bros . R . A . Marillier , C . Copland , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; R , E . Harrison ; Bros . J . Humphrys , S . W . ; J Pyburn , M . D ., J . W ., & c . The following were present as visitors : Bros . G . HardyP . M . P . Prov . S . G . D . W . M . No . 250 ;
, , , W . D . Key worth , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works , No . 57 ; F . A . Hopwood , P . Prov . G . S . B ., No . 237 ; A . Herschell , S . W ., No . 250 , and several others . Bro . Paul Stromer , Prov . G . Steward , read to the lodge an exceedingly interesting account of a visit he had paid to a lodge in Stettin . Ifc was resolved that the in . u . v . al , uS suiioit « i co ut-jiuie some DI'GMISF solemnly to dedicate the premises into which the lodge is about to move to
Masonic purposes , and that he be requested to direct that the ceremony should be performed at a special Provincial Grand Lodgo called for the purpose . The lodge will in future meet in most commodious premises in the Sculcoates Hall , Worshipstreet , Hull .
ENGLISH CONSTITUTION . CONSTANTINOPLE . District Grand Lodge . The meeting of vlie District G . Lodge of Turkey was held on the 17 th ult ., for the purpose of installing the R . W . Bro . Johu
Porter Brown , as D . G . M . The lodgo met in the new Masonic Hall , No . 4 , Rue Tepe Bachi , Pern , immediately adjacent the British Embassy . In consequence of the great interest attached to the event , and the high respect in which the R . W . D . G . M . is held by the Craft , there was a considerable attendance of the members of the D . G . Lodge . In opening the proceedings W . Bro . G . Laurie , P . D . G . S . W ., acting as senior officer of the districtpresided . The minutes of the last D . G . Lodge meeting of
, the 15 th October , were read and confirmed . W . Bros . Thompson and Evans , P . D . S . G . W . occupying the Warden ' s chairs . The Patent of the M . W . G . M . the Earl of Zetland , having been read hy W . Bro . R . A . Carleton , D . G . Sec , the R . W . Bro . J . P .. Brown was introduced with tho customary ceremonial and dul y invested as the D . G . M . On taking the chair the R . W . D . G . M . said conformably with the partiality which you brethren of the D . G . Lodge of Tmkey . and the other lodges in the district , have
been pleased to favour me in your unanimous recommendation of mo for the high honour which the M . W . G . M . has conferred upon nio as successor to your previous distinguished P . G . M ' s .,. Sir Henry Bulwer and Fuad Pasha . I feel fully sensible cf the great responsibility of the position I now occupy . 1 am well aware of the kind feelings which have prompted you to propose my humble self for so eminent a position in the Craft . I am nil the more flattered by your choice , knowing full well that there are many persons in this district far more worthy of it than myself . I beg you all to be assured that I am deeply grateful for the honour which you have thus caused to be conferred upou
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
was delivered by the Prov . G . Sec , Bro . Alpass . After the anthem , " Behold , bow good and pleasant it is for brethren to brethren to dwell together in unity , " the consecration prayer was given by Bro . Hamer , and the invocation hy the Prov . G . Reg ., Bro . T . Wylie . The lodgo board was then uncovered , and the four P . M . 's , Bros . Marsh , Wylie , Crane , and Alpass , carried the cornucopia , wine , oil , and salt , three times round the lodge ( solemn music being performed during the procession ) then
, halted in the east . The anthem , " Glory be to God on high , " was sung , and the censer was carried three times round the lodge by Bro . Alpass , P . M . ( solemn music being performed during the progress ) . The anthem , " Glory to God on High , " was then sung , and the Presiding Officer dedicated and constituted the lodge in a most solemn manner , the closing prayer being said b y Bro . Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . The anthem , " Hail 1
universal Lord" and the Hallelujah Chorus concluded the ceremony . Bro . W . Crane was then presented by Bro . Hamer to the Installing Master , Bro . T . Wylie . The charges were read by Bro . Alpass , Prov . G . Sec . Subsequently a Board of Installed Masters was formed , when the W . M . elect was solemnly installed W . M . ; of Lodge 1 , 299 . The Board having been closed , the M . M . ' s were admitted and saluted tho W . M ., who was proproclaimed on each occasion in the third degree . The W . M .
then appointed and invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year , viz : —Bros . W . Viner , P . M . ; J . Cook . S . W . ; J . Sellar , J . W . ; H . Clayton , Dir . of Cers . ; J . Clegg , Sec . ; J . Macmulldrow , S . D . ; E . Hughes , J . D . ; W . Jones , I . G . ; D . Saunders , Org . ; J . Daglish and Bartlett , Stewards . Bro . T . W ylie then delivered the whole of the charges in his usual correct manner . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation , after which the lodge was closed . The banquet , which was
served in Bro . Rawlinson ' s best style , was of a most sumptuous character , and did him great credit . The cloth having been withdrawn , the W . M . gave the usual loyal toasts , which were duly honoured . The W . M . then proposed " The M . W . G . M ., " " R . W . D . G . M . " "The R . W . Prov . G . M . " and " R . W . D . Prov . tr . M . '" wofg given , and Vei'C duly responded to by Bro . Alpass , Prov . G . Sec . " Our Masouic Charities" was then given , coupling with ifc the name of Bro . Marsh , who responded in feeling terms . The W . M . then proposed " The Health of Bro .
Thomas W ylie , the Consecrating- Master , " and in feeling terms alluded to the untiring zeal , disinterested devotion and active service in the cause of Freemasonry . Whenever there was a lodge to be founded , a question of Masonic jurisprudence to be arranged , or a charitable object to be supported in any way , Bro . Wylie was at his post of duty , exerting those talents with which God has blessed him , both to his glory and the good of his fellow-creatures . His hand was always guided by justice ,
and his heart expanded by benevolence . Ho ( the W . M . ) hoped they would do justice to the toast , which was drunk with every good feeling . Bro . T . Wylie in very feeling and appropriate terms , thanked the brethren for the honour they had conferred upon , him in drinking his heaUl \ as Consecrating Master of that day . "From the fullness of the heart the mouth speaketh ; " n his case he found his heart so full that his lips could not perform their office of conveying to them his deep sense of the
honour conferred upon him . He should bear in mind the kind manner in which his name bad been given to the brethren by the W . M ., Bro . Crane ; he hoped to live many years among his brethren in Freemasonry . After again thanking the brethren , Bro . Wylie resumed his seat , evidently much affected . Bro . Wylie then proposed " The Health of the W . M ., and said he rose with great pleasure to propose "The Health of the W . M ., "
he spoke of the many excellencies of Bro . Crane as a gentleman and as a Mason , and of his good working when Master of Lodge 249 . Bro . Crane , the W . M ., in reply , said he felt deeply grateful fa > Bro . Wylie for his kind eulogium , and fo the brethren for this manifestation of their goodwill and esteem in making him their first W . M . of the Pembroke Lodge , No . 1 , 299 . He could not deny that he was passionately devoted to Masonry ,
and only wished he had more time to give to the same ; ho then resumed his scat deeply all ' ected by the goodwill shown him . "The Officers of the Lodge" was then given . Bro . Cook , S . W ., responded , and thanked the W . M . and brethren for the honour of being their first S . W ., and trusted he would prove worthy of his post . " The Visitors" was then proposed , the name of Bro . Peck , of Lodge 241 , being coupled with the taut . Bro . Peck , in responding , said he was much pleased with the ceremonies of the day , which were very effectively given . He complimented the officers and brethren of the lodge , and acknowledged the princely hospitality ho had received . The
whole of the to . ists were given and received with that enthusiasm which they deserved . Letters apologising for non-attendance were received from Bros . Mott , P . Prov . G . D . ; Laidlaw , Prov . G . Purst . ; and Rev . Mr . Vernon , Prov . G . Chap . The clothing , jewels , and furniture were supplied by Bro . J . Wood , 18 , Nortonstreet , Liverpool , which were vory much admired , and gave great satisfaction for good workmanship and value . This lodge will meet every third Thursday , at five o'clock p . m .
WARWICKSHIRE . WABWICK . —Shakespeare Lodge ( No . 2 S 4 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Room , on Tuesday , the Sth inst . There were present : Bros . Mayett , W . M . ; Ridley , J . W . ; Rev . R . S . Harris , P . G . Chap .. S . D . ; Cutting , J . D . ; S . W . CookeP . Prov . S . G . W . Sec ; GoodchildP . Prov .
, , , G . Reg ., P . M . Bro . Hunter , of St . Tudno , Llandudno , was present as a visitor . Messrs . Brabazon , Campbell , and I . G . Moore were initiated . Bros . Thomas Hiron , and Shackan were passed ; aud Bros . Collier , and McDowell Skeeu p , were raised . YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) .
HULL . —Kingston Lodge ( No . 1 , 010 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on AVednesday , the 2 nd inst . There were present : Bros . C . James Todd , W . M . ; LI . W . Longstaff , J . P . G . W ., I . P . M . ; P . M . 's Bros . R . A . Marillier , C . Copland , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; R , E . Harrison ; Bros . J . Humphrys , S . W . ; J Pyburn , M . D ., J . W ., & c . The following were present as visitors : Bros . G . HardyP . M . P . Prov . S . G . D . W . M . No . 250 ;
, , , W . D . Key worth , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works , No . 57 ; F . A . Hopwood , P . Prov . G . S . B ., No . 237 ; A . Herschell , S . W ., No . 250 , and several others . Bro . Paul Stromer , Prov . G . Steward , read to the lodge an exceedingly interesting account of a visit he had paid to a lodge in Stettin . Ifc was resolved that the in . u . v . al , uS suiioit « i co ut-jiuie some DI'GMISF solemnly to dedicate the premises into which the lodge is about to move to
Masonic purposes , and that he be requested to direct that the ceremony should be performed at a special Provincial Grand Lodgo called for the purpose . The lodge will in future meet in most commodious premises in the Sculcoates Hall , Worshipstreet , Hull .
ENGLISH CONSTITUTION . CONSTANTINOPLE . District Grand Lodge . The meeting of vlie District G . Lodge of Turkey was held on the 17 th ult ., for the purpose of installing the R . W . Bro . Johu
Porter Brown , as D . G . M . The lodgo met in the new Masonic Hall , No . 4 , Rue Tepe Bachi , Pern , immediately adjacent the British Embassy . In consequence of the great interest attached to the event , and the high respect in which the R . W . D . G . M . is held by the Craft , there was a considerable attendance of the members of the D . G . Lodge . In opening the proceedings W . Bro . G . Laurie , P . D . G . S . W ., acting as senior officer of the districtpresided . The minutes of the last D . G . Lodge meeting of
, the 15 th October , were read and confirmed . W . Bros . Thompson and Evans , P . D . S . G . W . occupying the Warden ' s chairs . The Patent of the M . W . G . M . the Earl of Zetland , having been read hy W . Bro . R . A . Carleton , D . G . Sec , the R . W . Bro . J . P .. Brown was introduced with tho customary ceremonial and dul y invested as the D . G . M . On taking the chair the R . W . D . G . M . said conformably with the partiality which you brethren of the D . G . Lodge of Tmkey . and the other lodges in the district , have
been pleased to favour me in your unanimous recommendation of mo for the high honour which the M . W . G . M . has conferred upon nio as successor to your previous distinguished P . G . M ' s .,. Sir Henry Bulwer and Fuad Pasha . I feel fully sensible cf the great responsibility of the position I now occupy . 1 am well aware of the kind feelings which have prompted you to propose my humble self for so eminent a position in the Craft . I am nil the more flattered by your choice , knowing full well that there are many persons in this district far more worthy of it than myself . I beg you all to be assured that I am deeply grateful for the honour which you have thus caused to be conferred upou