Article TURKEY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article TURKEY. Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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me , and of my earnest desire to shew myself worthy of your confidence and fraternal good will so generously bestowed up in me . 1 thank you very sincerely for the very kind manner with which you have been pleased Co receive me this evening : perhaps no circumstance in my life—certainly none iu my Masonic lite , —could possibly make so deep an impression on my heart and affections as it has done . I most ardently hope that I may be one more link in that vast , chain of the most ancient and
honoured of Fraternities , to bind us all together in one bond of brotherhood . I shall , indeed , he disappointed , if this be not the case ; and I have no doubt hut that the M . W . G . M . of England would equally regret so unfortunate a circumstance . Although the D . G . Lodge has not ceased to exist since the appointment of my honoured predecessor ; still , from various circumstances , much has been left undone by it to promote the interests and
welfare of the grand charity in the East . These will now call for our immodiate attention . The D . G . Lodge has no by-laws for its own administration and government , and the Grand Secretary will now read a project which I have drawn up lor submission to you . It may need additions and modifications , suitable to the peculiar circumstances of the district and the distance which soparate some of its lodges from the capital . I invite your particular attention to the formation of these by-laws , and
hope you will he able to construct such as will satisfy all the lodges , and command the perfect respect of all the brethren . The committee of general purposes will be formed as early as possible , iu conformity with the principles laid down in the Constitutions of the G . L . of England . As I shall be so much assisted iu my labours hy this committoe , I hope that the selection to be made by you of a portion of its members will enable ine to benefit hy their superior knowledgeand they fully
repre-, sent the wishes and interests of each ot the lodges . Iu all things let us be strictly guided by the principles laid down in the Book of Constitutions of the G . L . of England , and actuated by those fraternal sentiments of Benevolence which are the basis of our tinie-hOnOnOured institution . Fr ? e ™; 0 ! irY un - : I feel assured ; a vast field of usefulness before ifc in the East , and its blessings will depend greatly upon the unity and harmonv of the lodges ,
and the character and conduct of each of the Fraternity . After some further eloquent remarks on the prospects of Masonry in 'Turkey , the R . W . D . G . M . resumed his seat . W . Bro . G . Laurie briefly addressed the D . G . Lodge , expressing the hope that its future proceedings would contribute to the greatest advantage of the Craft . The members of the D . G . Lodge having duly saluted the
R . W . D . G . M ., W . Bro . F . W . Smyth , P . M . Bulwer Lodge , No . 891 , was elected D . G . Treasurer , and W . Bro . C . Green , P . M . Deutscher Bund Lodge , No . 891 . as D . G . Tyler . The R . W . District Grand Master then invested the following brethren as D . G . officers for the ensuing year : —W . Bros . G . Laurie , Deputy D . G . M . ; C . E . Tilley , P . M . Oriental Lodge , 6 S 7 , ns DGSW .: ; A . W . MountainP . M . Oriental Lodge " 6 S 7 as
... , , , D . G . J . W . ; II . Harvey , P . M . Bulwer Lodge , 891 , as D . G . Beg . ; R . A . Carleton , Oriental Lodge , D . G . Sec ; C . A . Theodoridi , P . D . G . S . B ., as D . G . S . D . ; W . B . Hopper , W . M . Oriental Lodge , 687 , as D . G . Dir . of Cers . ; A . Z .-igiel , D . G . S . B . ; Sillennan , S . W . 819 , as D . G . Purst . ; II . Krasnopolski , W . M . 812 as D . G . Supt . of Works ; A . de Castro , S 19 , as D . G . Org . ; H . Woods , J . W ., Spandoni , Lafontaine , and Marshall , 891 , Stock , 687 , and
Murrudi , 1 , 041 , as D . G . Stewards . The patent of the R . W . D . G . Master appointing W . Bro . G . Laurie , as his Deputy , having been read , W . Bro . W . B . Hopper officiated to the wording of the patent , as it conferred the fullest powers of the K . W . D . G . Master on his Deputy . W . Bro . Harvey , D . G . Reg ., considered the wording should be inserted "during pleasure , " in accordance with the provisions of the Book of Constitutions .
The R . W . D . G . Master , said , that it was intended by him that the Deputy D . G . M . should only act during his absence and during pleasure . The patent would be withdrawn for amendment . The roll of the lodges of the district having been called , the following were represented , No . 0 S 7 , SOC , 819 , S 91 , S 96 , 1 , 014 , and 104-1 : the following had no representatives present 952
, , , 978 , and 1 , 015 . The proposed code of by-laws having been read by the D . G . Sec , W . Bro . A . Thompson moved , and W . Bro . D . G . Reg . seconded , -that they be referred to tho Committee of General Purposes . The resolution was carried .
The W . Bro . Dep . D . G . M . moved , and W . Bro . A . Thompson seconded , that the sc : de of fees in the by-laws be adopted . Moved by W . Bro . A . Thomson , seconded by W . Bro . Hopper , "that the Committee of General Purposes , consist of the R . W . D . G . M . and his Deputy , the G . W- 's , a President , five members to be chosen by the D . G . M ,, and seven to be elected by the D . G . Lodgefive to form a quorumto meet quarterlythe
, , , whole to elect a vice-president from this number . The resolution was curried unanimously . The following brethren were then appointed by the R . W . D . G . M ., as members of the Committ . ee of General Purposes , W . Bro . A . Thompson , President , W . Bros . I-I . Harvey , Smythe , Scoulondi , I ' eppeii and Hopper , and the following were duly elected by the D . G . Lodge , W . Bros . W . W . Evans , Theodoridi , Mirza , Stab ,
J . O'Connor , E . Ioby , Spiegvlthal . The charity box collection amounted to 109 Turkish piasters . The D . G . Lodge was closed in form at half-past 10 p . m .
Royal Arch.
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND . MELTON - MOYVURAY . —De Mowbray Chapter ( No . 1 , 130 )—A eonvocation of this flourishing young chapter , attached to the Rutland Lodge , was held at the George Hotel , on Thursday , tho 10 th inst ., the following com millions being present -. —Rev . W . Langlev , M . E . Z . ; F . Peru Newcome , H . ; W . Kelly , P . Z . and P . G . Supt . J . BrownE . ; Fastas N . ; DouglasPrin . Soj . ;
, ; , , , Bright , A . S . ; Adcock , Treas . ; Duucomb , Selby , Chester Newcome , Petty , and Turville . After the chapter had been opened , and the minutes road and put for confirmation , a ballot took placo for Comp . Captain W . Ilartopp , of tho Windsor Castle Crater , Y , Z . Til , mid Oovrin . E . T . Or < b-l , Past Scribe E . of tint United Pilgrims Chapter , No . 507 , as joining members , and for Bros . Wm . White Goode and Henry Deane , of the Howe and
Charuwood Lodge , No . 1 , 007 . Loughborough ; Edward Browning , of the Lodge of Merit , No . 4 G 6 , Stamford ; S . W . Johnson , S . W . of the HiTCward Lodge , No . 1 , 233 , Bourne ; and Rippin and Snodin , of the Rutland Lodge , No . 1 , 130 ; all of whom were unanimously elected . Bros . Goode . Deane , and Johnson were then regularly exalted into the sublime order , the ceremony being most efficiently and impressively performed by the Rev . Comp .
Langley , M . E . Z ., and Comp . Douglas , Prin . Soj ., asisted by the other officers , Tho historical lecture was given by Comp . Kelly , the symbolical by Comp . Douglas , and the mystical by the M . E . Z . A ballot " having taken place for officers lor the ensuing year , the following were elected : —Comp . Newcome , Z . ; Orford , H . ; Douglas , J . ; Dr . Ashforth , E . ; Adcock , N . ; Fast , Prin . Soj . ; Rev . W . Langley , Treas . ; Bright , A . S . ; Dmieimb , A . S . ;
Deane , Dir . of Cers . ; Goode and Johnson , Stewards ; Turville , Janitor . Several candidates having been proposed for oxaltation , the chapter was closed with solemn prayer , aud the companions adjourned to refreshment .
Mark Masonry.
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . MAVCMESTER . —St . Andrew's Lodge of M ' . irk Masters ( No . 28 , S . C . )—A meeting of this recently established and flourishing lodge was held at the Masonic Temple , Cooper-street , Manchester , Bros . C . Fitzgerald Matior , G , Steward of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , ' R . W . M . ; Wayne , S . W . ; Whyatt , J . W . Bros . Impaley , Smith , and Pratt , were duly advanced to the
degree of Mark Master Mason , besides one other brother , whose name we failed to obtain . At the close of the evening , the Prince Rhodocanakis , 30 ° , proceeded to address the lodge , remarking that this was the first occasion ou which he had bean enabled to visit a Mark Lodgo since his own advancement in Scotland , expressing his gratification at witnessing the excellent working of the lod and the success it had achieved in so
ge , short a space of time , and concluding by presenting their esteemed R . W . M ., Bro . Charles Fitzgorald Matter , with a handsome Templar sword , as the founder of the first Scottish Mark Master ' s lodge in Manchester . The lodge was then closed , and tho brethren adjourned to banquet , the following toasts being duly given and honoured : — "The Queen , " " H . R . H . the Prince-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
me , and of my earnest desire to shew myself worthy of your confidence and fraternal good will so generously bestowed up in me . 1 thank you very sincerely for the very kind manner with which you have been pleased Co receive me this evening : perhaps no circumstance in my life—certainly none iu my Masonic lite , —could possibly make so deep an impression on my heart and affections as it has done . I most ardently hope that I may be one more link in that vast , chain of the most ancient and
honoured of Fraternities , to bind us all together in one bond of brotherhood . I shall , indeed , he disappointed , if this be not the case ; and I have no doubt hut that the M . W . G . M . of England would equally regret so unfortunate a circumstance . Although the D . G . Lodge has not ceased to exist since the appointment of my honoured predecessor ; still , from various circumstances , much has been left undone by it to promote the interests and
welfare of the grand charity in the East . These will now call for our immodiate attention . The D . G . Lodge has no by-laws for its own administration and government , and the Grand Secretary will now read a project which I have drawn up lor submission to you . It may need additions and modifications , suitable to the peculiar circumstances of the district and the distance which soparate some of its lodges from the capital . I invite your particular attention to the formation of these by-laws , and
hope you will he able to construct such as will satisfy all the lodges , and command the perfect respect of all the brethren . The committee of general purposes will be formed as early as possible , iu conformity with the principles laid down in the Constitutions of the G . L . of England . As I shall be so much assisted iu my labours hy this committoe , I hope that the selection to be made by you of a portion of its members will enable ine to benefit hy their superior knowledgeand they fully
repre-, sent the wishes and interests of each ot the lodges . Iu all things let us be strictly guided by the principles laid down in the Book of Constitutions of the G . L . of England , and actuated by those fraternal sentiments of Benevolence which are the basis of our tinie-hOnOnOured institution . Fr ? e ™; 0 ! irY un - : I feel assured ; a vast field of usefulness before ifc in the East , and its blessings will depend greatly upon the unity and harmonv of the lodges ,
and the character and conduct of each of the Fraternity . After some further eloquent remarks on the prospects of Masonry in 'Turkey , the R . W . D . G . M . resumed his seat . W . Bro . G . Laurie briefly addressed the D . G . Lodge , expressing the hope that its future proceedings would contribute to the greatest advantage of the Craft . The members of the D . G . Lodge having duly saluted the
R . W . D . G . M ., W . Bro . F . W . Smyth , P . M . Bulwer Lodge , No . 891 , was elected D . G . Treasurer , and W . Bro . C . Green , P . M . Deutscher Bund Lodge , No . 891 . as D . G . Tyler . The R . W . District Grand Master then invested the following brethren as D . G . officers for the ensuing year : —W . Bros . G . Laurie , Deputy D . G . M . ; C . E . Tilley , P . M . Oriental Lodge , 6 S 7 , ns DGSW .: ; A . W . MountainP . M . Oriental Lodge " 6 S 7 as
... , , , D . G . J . W . ; II . Harvey , P . M . Bulwer Lodge , 891 , as D . G . Beg . ; R . A . Carleton , Oriental Lodge , D . G . Sec ; C . A . Theodoridi , P . D . G . S . B ., as D . G . S . D . ; W . B . Hopper , W . M . Oriental Lodge , 687 , as D . G . Dir . of Cers . ; A . Z .-igiel , D . G . S . B . ; Sillennan , S . W . 819 , as D . G . Purst . ; II . Krasnopolski , W . M . 812 as D . G . Supt . of Works ; A . de Castro , S 19 , as D . G . Org . ; H . Woods , J . W ., Spandoni , Lafontaine , and Marshall , 891 , Stock , 687 , and
Murrudi , 1 , 041 , as D . G . Stewards . The patent of the R . W . D . G . Master appointing W . Bro . G . Laurie , as his Deputy , having been read , W . Bro . W . B . Hopper officiated to the wording of the patent , as it conferred the fullest powers of the K . W . D . G . Master on his Deputy . W . Bro . Harvey , D . G . Reg ., considered the wording should be inserted "during pleasure , " in accordance with the provisions of the Book of Constitutions .
The R . W . D . G . Master , said , that it was intended by him that the Deputy D . G . M . should only act during his absence and during pleasure . The patent would be withdrawn for amendment . The roll of the lodges of the district having been called , the following were represented , No . 0 S 7 , SOC , 819 , S 91 , S 96 , 1 , 014 , and 104-1 : the following had no representatives present 952
, , , 978 , and 1 , 015 . The proposed code of by-laws having been read by the D . G . Sec , W . Bro . A . Thompson moved , and W . Bro . D . G . Reg . seconded , -that they be referred to tho Committee of General Purposes . The resolution was carried .
The W . Bro . Dep . D . G . M . moved , and W . Bro . A . Thompson seconded , that the sc : de of fees in the by-laws be adopted . Moved by W . Bro . A . Thomson , seconded by W . Bro . Hopper , "that the Committee of General Purposes , consist of the R . W . D . G . M . and his Deputy , the G . W- 's , a President , five members to be chosen by the D . G . M ,, and seven to be elected by the D . G . Lodgefive to form a quorumto meet quarterlythe
, , , whole to elect a vice-president from this number . The resolution was curried unanimously . The following brethren were then appointed by the R . W . D . G . M ., as members of the Committ . ee of General Purposes , W . Bro . A . Thompson , President , W . Bros . I-I . Harvey , Smythe , Scoulondi , I ' eppeii and Hopper , and the following were duly elected by the D . G . Lodge , W . Bros . W . W . Evans , Theodoridi , Mirza , Stab ,
J . O'Connor , E . Ioby , Spiegvlthal . The charity box collection amounted to 109 Turkish piasters . The D . G . Lodge was closed in form at half-past 10 p . m .
Royal Arch.
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND . MELTON - MOYVURAY . —De Mowbray Chapter ( No . 1 , 130 )—A eonvocation of this flourishing young chapter , attached to the Rutland Lodge , was held at the George Hotel , on Thursday , tho 10 th inst ., the following com millions being present -. —Rev . W . Langlev , M . E . Z . ; F . Peru Newcome , H . ; W . Kelly , P . Z . and P . G . Supt . J . BrownE . ; Fastas N . ; DouglasPrin . Soj . ;
, ; , , , Bright , A . S . ; Adcock , Treas . ; Duucomb , Selby , Chester Newcome , Petty , and Turville . After the chapter had been opened , and the minutes road and put for confirmation , a ballot took placo for Comp . Captain W . Ilartopp , of tho Windsor Castle Crater , Y , Z . Til , mid Oovrin . E . T . Or < b-l , Past Scribe E . of tint United Pilgrims Chapter , No . 507 , as joining members , and for Bros . Wm . White Goode and Henry Deane , of the Howe and
Charuwood Lodge , No . 1 , 007 . Loughborough ; Edward Browning , of the Lodge of Merit , No . 4 G 6 , Stamford ; S . W . Johnson , S . W . of the HiTCward Lodge , No . 1 , 233 , Bourne ; and Rippin and Snodin , of the Rutland Lodge , No . 1 , 130 ; all of whom were unanimously elected . Bros . Goode . Deane , and Johnson were then regularly exalted into the sublime order , the ceremony being most efficiently and impressively performed by the Rev . Comp .
Langley , M . E . Z ., and Comp . Douglas , Prin . Soj ., asisted by the other officers , Tho historical lecture was given by Comp . Kelly , the symbolical by Comp . Douglas , and the mystical by the M . E . Z . A ballot " having taken place for officers lor the ensuing year , the following were elected : —Comp . Newcome , Z . ; Orford , H . ; Douglas , J . ; Dr . Ashforth , E . ; Adcock , N . ; Fast , Prin . Soj . ; Rev . W . Langley , Treas . ; Bright , A . S . ; Dmieimb , A . S . ;
Deane , Dir . of Cers . ; Goode and Johnson , Stewards ; Turville , Janitor . Several candidates having been proposed for oxaltation , the chapter was closed with solemn prayer , aud the companions adjourned to refreshment .
Mark Masonry.
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . MAVCMESTER . —St . Andrew's Lodge of M ' . irk Masters ( No . 28 , S . C . )—A meeting of this recently established and flourishing lodge was held at the Masonic Temple , Cooper-street , Manchester , Bros . C . Fitzgerald Matior , G , Steward of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , ' R . W . M . ; Wayne , S . W . ; Whyatt , J . W . Bros . Impaley , Smith , and Pratt , were duly advanced to the
degree of Mark Master Mason , besides one other brother , whose name we failed to obtain . At the close of the evening , the Prince Rhodocanakis , 30 ° , proceeded to address the lodge , remarking that this was the first occasion ou which he had bean enabled to visit a Mark Lodgo since his own advancement in Scotland , expressing his gratification at witnessing the excellent working of the lod and the success it had achieved in so
ge , short a space of time , and concluding by presenting their esteemed R . W . M ., Bro . Charles Fitzgorald Matter , with a handsome Templar sword , as the founder of the first Scottish Mark Master ' s lodge in Manchester . The lodge was then closed , and tho brethren adjourned to banquet , the following toasts being duly given and honoured : — "The Queen , " " H . R . H . the Prince-