Article MARK MASONRY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC FESTIVITIES. Page 1 of 2 →
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Mark Masonry.
of Wales and the rest of the Royal Family , " "Earl of Dalhoush-. " " Bro . Stephen Blair , " "The newly-advanced Brethren , " "H . I . H . the Prince Rhodocanakis , " "The K . W . M ., " "The Visitors , " "St . John ' s Lodge , Bolton , " and " The Wardens aud Officers oi No . 28 . "
SOUTH WALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . CAIIDIPF . — Langley Lodge ( No . 26 ) , —This lodge ( Late No . 16 S . C . ) held its first meeting since affiliating with the English Grand Lodge , on Monday , the Tib . inst . There wove vwesent : W . Bro . David Roberts , W . M . ; Bros . John Williams . S . W . ; T . G . Glass , J . W . ; R . F . Langlev , P . M .. M . O . ; T . G . South , P . M . S . O . ; F . WareP . M . J . 6 . ; RogersS . D . ; EspJ . D . ;
, , , , , Marks . Dir . of Cers ., & c . Lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes of the last lodge confirmed , a ballot was taken for a large number of brethren as joining members or for advancement , all of whom were approved- The following eminent brethren were also proposed as joining members . Bro . Theodore Mansel Talbot , ( Mark ) Prov . Grand Master for Wales , G . S . W ., and Prov . Grand MasterE . D . South Wales ; Bro .
Edward J . Morris , Dep . Prov . Grand Master E . D . South Wales , Bro . Charles Lyne , Prov . Grand Master , Monmouth . As well as several other brethren for advancement . Bro . W . Davies Craft ) Prov . Grand Tyler , having been previously approved , was then admitted into the lodge and advanced ( as a serving brother ) to the degree of a Mark Master , the ceremony being most efficiently performed hy the W . M ., assisted by his officers , to whom the greatest credit is due , for having made themselves
so rapidly proficient in a ritual in many respects differing from that heretofore in use by them . Lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to the Royal Hotel , wero supper was provided , and an agreeable evening concluded .
Knights Templar.
LANCASHIRE . MAXCHESTEIi . —Jerusalem Conclave . —A meeting was held on Monday , the 14 th inst ., at the Masonic Temple , Cooper-street . The encampment was opened by Frater William Birch , the retiring E . C , and the chair was then resigned to the Deputy Prov . Grand Commander , Frater Wm . Henry Wright , who in his most able manner , proceeded to install the E . G . elect , Frater John Mellin Wike into the chair of Commander with the usual
ceremonies of the order . The E . C . then nominated the following knights as his office bearers for the ensuing year : —Sir Knts . J . L . Figgins , Prelate ; R . M'Dowell Smith , IstC . j James A . Birch , 2 nd C ; T . R . Williams , Reg . ; Samuel Boyle , M . D ., Almoner ; Uriah Nichols , Experts ; James Kelsey , 1 st Std . B . ; T . H . Jenkin , 2 nd Std . B . ; John Smith , Capt . of Lines ; J . W . M'Clnre 1 st Hd . ; Reed 2 nd Hd . ; and J . L . GoodwinOrg .
, , , H . I . H . the Prince Rhodocanakis having been present as a visitor at the previous conclave , when a vote of thanks was passed to Frater John Yarker , P . E . C . and P . Grand Mareschal , for his history of the encampment , the E . C . proceeded to observe that the Prince had forwarded to him a sword for presentation at this meeting , as a mark of esteem for Bro . Yarker , and for his
work on the Order of St . John and the Temple . The same was duly presented amidst the plaudits of the knights . We understand also that the St . Ainand Encampment of Worcester have conferred an honorary membership upon Bro . Yarker for his literary contribution to the liistory of the order . Tho conclave was duly closed , aud the knights adjourned to supper ; after which the toasts of "The Queen , " "The Grand Officers . " "The Prov . Grand Officers , " and "The E . C . " were given . The
latter then retired , and the chair was assumed by the Registrar . The Treasurer , Frater Joseph Lancaster Hine , in an eulogistic speech , then proposed "The health of Bro . Yarker , " remarking upon his labours for the order , and expressing his regret that the only recognition thereof had been left to a visitor and a stranger in the encampment . Bro . Yarker , in responding , acknowledged that but for the assistance rendered bv Fratei s J . L . HineP . E . CStephen SmithP . ECHABennettPEC
, , , ., . . , .., and W . H . Wright , P . G . Capt . of Lines , &<¦ ,, the encampment some years ago would have ceased to exist . This being the twelfth year of Frater Hine ' s animal election to the Treasurership , his health was proposed amidst high euloginms for his labours in that department , and the uniform accuracy of his accounts . The knights then separated .
Knights Templar.
BLACKBTJIIK . —Hugh de Fagens Encampment . —The anniversary meeting of this encampment was held at the lodge room , on Friday , the 4 th inst ., when Sir Kufc . Franklin Thomas was regularly installed E . C . for the ensaicg yoar . The ceremony was admirably performed by the Very Eminent ; the Deputy Prov . Grand Superintendent of LancashireSir Knt . Wriht
, g , assisted hy the following Past Eminent . Commanders : Sir Knts . Clough , P . Prov . G . Expert , Lancashire ; the retiring Eminent Commander , William Harrison , P . Prov . G . Vice-Chancellor , Lancashire , P . Grand 1 st Aide-de-camp , England , Sovereign Prince Rose Croix , 1 S ° and 30 ° ; i ' a'Miuc , P . Prov . 1 st Capt ., Lancashire , and P . Grand 1 st Capt . of Lines , England ; and HutchinsonProv . Grand 2 nd Capt . Lancashire At the
con-, , clusion of the ceremony the knigh-s were admitted , and the Eminent Commander was proclaimed anil saluted in ancient form . Comps . Spencer and Croft , of Chapter 345 , were then severally installed as knights of the order . After which the Eminent Commander appointed and invested his officers in the following order : —Sir Knts . Clough , P . E . C . ; Tiplady , Prelate ; Bertwisle . 1 st Capt . ; Proctor 2 nd Capt . ; BellReg .
Robin-, , ; son , Treas ; Carr , Expert ; Mothersill , 1 st Std . 13 . ; Hirst , 2 nd Std . B . ; Clough , Almoner ; Spencer , Capt . of Lines ; and Croft , Equerry . At the conclusion of the business of the encampment the knights adjourned to the banquet , which was handsomely served and was worthy of the occasion , and where the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , as well as those peculiar to the occasion , were duly given and responded to .
MANCIIESTEK . — Encampment of Jacques de Molay . —The regular meeting of this encampment was held on Friday the 11 th March , at . the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , Liverpool , for the installation of E . C . The ceremony was most ably performed hy Sir Knt . Pierpoint , in the presence of a large number of E . C . ' s , including Sir Knts . Wright , D . Prov . G . C . of Lancashire , Banister , 32 ° , P . G . S . B . of England , Alpass , Prov . G . Sec , West Lancashire , & c . The new E . C . Sir Knt . J . H . Youughusband
then appointed his officers as follows : Sir Knts . White , Prelate ; 5-mev Is !; f'Anf • 7 nnw ° "' " "if ' " w' -- Bj "" - holbir . xMney , j . so KJA ]}\ I ., -uong , _ .. ^ wUJ , t .,, i , „„ ., ~* ft . ; ,,, Almoner ; Johnson , Expert ; Poole , 1 st Std . B . ; Irvine , 2 nd Std . B . ; Slee , Capt . of Lines ; De le Perelle , 1 st Herald ; Cunningham , 2 nd Herald . The encampment having been closed with solemn prayer , the knights adjourned to Bro . Eherle's , Royal Hotel , Dale-street , and there partook of the breed of plenty and cup of cheerfulness .
ST . JOHN , NEW BRUNSWICK . THE Ujfioir DE MOLAY PBiORr . —At the annual Conclave of this Priory , held in the Masonic Hall on the 2 nd of December , 1869 , the following officers were regularly installed by Past Em . Prior Robert Marshall , for the ensuing year : —Sir Knts . T . A . D . Forster , E . Prior ; Robert Marshall , I >! E . Prior ; James DomvilleCaptain General ; Rev . W . DonaldD . D . Prelate ; G .
, , , Frederick Ring , Lieut .-General ; John Frost , 1 st Lieutenant ; R . W . Crooksbank , 2 nd Lieutenant ; G . H-. mdt ' ord Whiting , Mareschal ; W . D . Forster , Hospitaller ; D . S . Stewart , Admiral ; Joseph C . Hathcway , M . D ., Conservatore ; Henry A . Whitney , Bailiff ; R . M . Stevens , Turcopillier ; C . Upham Hauford , Chancellor ; David R . Munro , Treas . ; William M'Nichol , Captain Outposts ; Knihts of Grand Cross—S . F . MathewsProvence ;
g , C . E . Potter , Auvergne ; E . L . Barteaux , M . D ., France ; Levi H . Young , Italy -, Henry Duffell , Arragon ; Alexander Christie , Germany ; Robert Shives , Castille ; William C . Morrisey , Anglo-Bavaria ; and William Ruuciman , Guard . —Craftsman , January , 1870 .
Masonic Festivities.
MASONIC BALL , GIBRALTAR . A Masonic ball , on a scale of magnificence and splendour seldom attempted , and never before surpassed there , ¦ was given by the Worshipful Master , the officers , and members of the Lodge of Friendship , at the theatre , on the 18 th February . The Lodge of Friendship , one of the most ancient and celebrated in the Craft , and
holding a position second to none amongst the foreign lodges working under the British constitution , has over held a hig h social pre-eminence at Gibraltar , and never was it iu a more vigorous or flourishing condition than at
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
of Wales and the rest of the Royal Family , " "Earl of Dalhoush-. " " Bro . Stephen Blair , " "The newly-advanced Brethren , " "H . I . H . the Prince Rhodocanakis , " "The K . W . M ., " "The Visitors , " "St . John ' s Lodge , Bolton , " and " The Wardens aud Officers oi No . 28 . "
SOUTH WALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . CAIIDIPF . — Langley Lodge ( No . 26 ) , —This lodge ( Late No . 16 S . C . ) held its first meeting since affiliating with the English Grand Lodge , on Monday , the Tib . inst . There wove vwesent : W . Bro . David Roberts , W . M . ; Bros . John Williams . S . W . ; T . G . Glass , J . W . ; R . F . Langlev , P . M .. M . O . ; T . G . South , P . M . S . O . ; F . WareP . M . J . 6 . ; RogersS . D . ; EspJ . D . ;
, , , , , Marks . Dir . of Cers ., & c . Lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes of the last lodge confirmed , a ballot was taken for a large number of brethren as joining members or for advancement , all of whom were approved- The following eminent brethren were also proposed as joining members . Bro . Theodore Mansel Talbot , ( Mark ) Prov . Grand Master for Wales , G . S . W ., and Prov . Grand MasterE . D . South Wales ; Bro .
Edward J . Morris , Dep . Prov . Grand Master E . D . South Wales , Bro . Charles Lyne , Prov . Grand Master , Monmouth . As well as several other brethren for advancement . Bro . W . Davies Craft ) Prov . Grand Tyler , having been previously approved , was then admitted into the lodge and advanced ( as a serving brother ) to the degree of a Mark Master , the ceremony being most efficiently performed hy the W . M ., assisted by his officers , to whom the greatest credit is due , for having made themselves
so rapidly proficient in a ritual in many respects differing from that heretofore in use by them . Lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to the Royal Hotel , wero supper was provided , and an agreeable evening concluded .
Knights Templar.
LANCASHIRE . MAXCHESTEIi . —Jerusalem Conclave . —A meeting was held on Monday , the 14 th inst ., at the Masonic Temple , Cooper-street . The encampment was opened by Frater William Birch , the retiring E . C , and the chair was then resigned to the Deputy Prov . Grand Commander , Frater Wm . Henry Wright , who in his most able manner , proceeded to install the E . G . elect , Frater John Mellin Wike into the chair of Commander with the usual
ceremonies of the order . The E . C . then nominated the following knights as his office bearers for the ensuing year : —Sir Knts . J . L . Figgins , Prelate ; R . M'Dowell Smith , IstC . j James A . Birch , 2 nd C ; T . R . Williams , Reg . ; Samuel Boyle , M . D ., Almoner ; Uriah Nichols , Experts ; James Kelsey , 1 st Std . B . ; T . H . Jenkin , 2 nd Std . B . ; John Smith , Capt . of Lines ; J . W . M'Clnre 1 st Hd . ; Reed 2 nd Hd . ; and J . L . GoodwinOrg .
, , , H . I . H . the Prince Rhodocanakis having been present as a visitor at the previous conclave , when a vote of thanks was passed to Frater John Yarker , P . E . C . and P . Grand Mareschal , for his history of the encampment , the E . C . proceeded to observe that the Prince had forwarded to him a sword for presentation at this meeting , as a mark of esteem for Bro . Yarker , and for his
work on the Order of St . John and the Temple . The same was duly presented amidst the plaudits of the knights . We understand also that the St . Ainand Encampment of Worcester have conferred an honorary membership upon Bro . Yarker for his literary contribution to the liistory of the order . Tho conclave was duly closed , aud the knights adjourned to supper ; after which the toasts of "The Queen , " "The Grand Officers . " "The Prov . Grand Officers , " and "The E . C . " were given . The
latter then retired , and the chair was assumed by the Registrar . The Treasurer , Frater Joseph Lancaster Hine , in an eulogistic speech , then proposed "The health of Bro . Yarker , " remarking upon his labours for the order , and expressing his regret that the only recognition thereof had been left to a visitor and a stranger in the encampment . Bro . Yarker , in responding , acknowledged that but for the assistance rendered bv Fratei s J . L . HineP . E . CStephen SmithP . ECHABennettPEC
, , , ., . . , .., and W . H . Wright , P . G . Capt . of Lines , &<¦ ,, the encampment some years ago would have ceased to exist . This being the twelfth year of Frater Hine ' s animal election to the Treasurership , his health was proposed amidst high euloginms for his labours in that department , and the uniform accuracy of his accounts . The knights then separated .
Knights Templar.
BLACKBTJIIK . —Hugh de Fagens Encampment . —The anniversary meeting of this encampment was held at the lodge room , on Friday , the 4 th inst ., when Sir Kufc . Franklin Thomas was regularly installed E . C . for the ensaicg yoar . The ceremony was admirably performed by the Very Eminent ; the Deputy Prov . Grand Superintendent of LancashireSir Knt . Wriht
, g , assisted hy the following Past Eminent . Commanders : Sir Knts . Clough , P . Prov . G . Expert , Lancashire ; the retiring Eminent Commander , William Harrison , P . Prov . G . Vice-Chancellor , Lancashire , P . Grand 1 st Aide-de-camp , England , Sovereign Prince Rose Croix , 1 S ° and 30 ° ; i ' a'Miuc , P . Prov . 1 st Capt ., Lancashire , and P . Grand 1 st Capt . of Lines , England ; and HutchinsonProv . Grand 2 nd Capt . Lancashire At the
con-, , clusion of the ceremony the knigh-s were admitted , and the Eminent Commander was proclaimed anil saluted in ancient form . Comps . Spencer and Croft , of Chapter 345 , were then severally installed as knights of the order . After which the Eminent Commander appointed and invested his officers in the following order : —Sir Knts . Clough , P . E . C . ; Tiplady , Prelate ; Bertwisle . 1 st Capt . ; Proctor 2 nd Capt . ; BellReg .
Robin-, , ; son , Treas ; Carr , Expert ; Mothersill , 1 st Std . 13 . ; Hirst , 2 nd Std . B . ; Clough , Almoner ; Spencer , Capt . of Lines ; and Croft , Equerry . At the conclusion of the business of the encampment the knights adjourned to the banquet , which was handsomely served and was worthy of the occasion , and where the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , as well as those peculiar to the occasion , were duly given and responded to .
MANCIIESTEK . — Encampment of Jacques de Molay . —The regular meeting of this encampment was held on Friday the 11 th March , at . the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , Liverpool , for the installation of E . C . The ceremony was most ably performed hy Sir Knt . Pierpoint , in the presence of a large number of E . C . ' s , including Sir Knts . Wright , D . Prov . G . C . of Lancashire , Banister , 32 ° , P . G . S . B . of England , Alpass , Prov . G . Sec , West Lancashire , & c . The new E . C . Sir Knt . J . H . Youughusband
then appointed his officers as follows : Sir Knts . White , Prelate ; 5-mev Is !; f'Anf • 7 nnw ° "' " "if ' " w' -- Bj "" - holbir . xMney , j . so KJA ]}\ I ., -uong , _ .. ^ wUJ , t .,, i , „„ ., ~* ft . ; ,,, Almoner ; Johnson , Expert ; Poole , 1 st Std . B . ; Irvine , 2 nd Std . B . ; Slee , Capt . of Lines ; De le Perelle , 1 st Herald ; Cunningham , 2 nd Herald . The encampment having been closed with solemn prayer , the knights adjourned to Bro . Eherle's , Royal Hotel , Dale-street , and there partook of the breed of plenty and cup of cheerfulness .
ST . JOHN , NEW BRUNSWICK . THE Ujfioir DE MOLAY PBiORr . —At the annual Conclave of this Priory , held in the Masonic Hall on the 2 nd of December , 1869 , the following officers were regularly installed by Past Em . Prior Robert Marshall , for the ensuing year : —Sir Knts . T . A . D . Forster , E . Prior ; Robert Marshall , I >! E . Prior ; James DomvilleCaptain General ; Rev . W . DonaldD . D . Prelate ; G .
, , , Frederick Ring , Lieut .-General ; John Frost , 1 st Lieutenant ; R . W . Crooksbank , 2 nd Lieutenant ; G . H-. mdt ' ord Whiting , Mareschal ; W . D . Forster , Hospitaller ; D . S . Stewart , Admiral ; Joseph C . Hathcway , M . D ., Conservatore ; Henry A . Whitney , Bailiff ; R . M . Stevens , Turcopillier ; C . Upham Hauford , Chancellor ; David R . Munro , Treas . ; William M'Nichol , Captain Outposts ; Knihts of Grand Cross—S . F . MathewsProvence ;
g , C . E . Potter , Auvergne ; E . L . Barteaux , M . D ., France ; Levi H . Young , Italy -, Henry Duffell , Arragon ; Alexander Christie , Germany ; Robert Shives , Castille ; William C . Morrisey , Anglo-Bavaria ; and William Ruuciman , Guard . —Craftsman , January , 1870 .
Masonic Festivities.
MASONIC BALL , GIBRALTAR . A Masonic ball , on a scale of magnificence and splendour seldom attempted , and never before surpassed there , ¦ was given by the Worshipful Master , the officers , and members of the Lodge of Friendship , at the theatre , on the 18 th February . The Lodge of Friendship , one of the most ancient and celebrated in the Craft , and
holding a position second to none amongst the foreign lodges working under the British constitution , has over held a hig h social pre-eminence at Gibraltar , and never was it iu a more vigorous or flourishing condition than at