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The Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
noble birth and of approved valour and fidelit y ^ and Constantine marked his high appreciation of t heir services by honours and emoluments . Erom s everal miraculous occurrences which took place , a report gained ground that the guards of the
Labarum ., when engaged in the execution of their duty , " were secure from danger , and invulnerable amid the darts of the enemy . " ( See " Gibbon , " chap , xx . ) I have no doubt but that to this distinguished
body , we may look for the basis of all those orders of chivalry , who , in more modern times , have rendered so many services to church and state , and who became the most beautiful ornament of all the courts of ' Europe . The honour of
knighthood was so highly esteemed , that Gibbon says , " The warlike sovereigns of Europe derived more glory from this personal distinction , than from the lustre of their diadem . "
The firsfc of all these illustrious chivairic companies was founded by Constantine , as I have already shown , and has been the model and the prigiw ° f tiiose orders of knighthood , wliioli through the middle ages , proclaimed and defended the august name of Christ .
This order is in existence at the present day and is represented NOT in the absurd Masonic Order of the Red Gross , but in " the Most Holy , Most Noble , and Most Illustrious , Supreme Constantinian Order of the Knights of St . George , " whose present
Grand Master is the Head of the Royal and Imperial House of Rhodocanakis . His heir , the Prince Demetrius Rhodocanakis , is at present in this country and has recently joined onr Order . I really hope he will feel it imperative on him to
write a history of the genuine order , and by thus putting a stop to the imaginary claims of the spurious "Red Cross , " do a real service to the cause of true Masonry . The order had better be extinguished altogether , than that we should be
rendered the laughing stock of the outer wor ] d , who may possibly hear of these preposterous pretensions .
I have the utmost respect for Bro . Little , whom I have not the privilege of knowing , but I cannot but regret his want of knowledge , when presenting himself as an " historian , " and as one of the pillars of an order , which has not the slightest shadow of
a claim to the titles and decorations of the first order in Christendom . By the way , Bro . Little states , tho "Grand Imperial Council" consists of thirteen members .
The Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
I am curious to know , the statistics of their longevity , as the common superstition is that when this number meet one of the thirteen must die within the year to make the number twelve , ( as happened to Judas Iscariot ) , I know many people
who would not make the thirteenth at a dinner table , and to say the least , the number , in connection with the Red Cross is ominous . I trust the notes will not appear without at least considerable correction , and Bro . Macoy had best omit them altogether .
The Haughfoot Lodge And Speculative Masonry.
By R . S . EXTRACTS FEOM OLD RECOEDS OF HAUGHFOOT LODGE . —contd . Haughfoot , Deer . 27 th , 1726 . The which day vol called and found absent .
William Cairncross . Simeon Aitchison . Falahili . Patrick Sanderson , yr „ . William Cairncross , jr . Alex . Dickson * Andrew Tomline . Jeams Brown . The Laird of Gala . Alexr . Hardie .
Middleton . William Brown . ¦ The sd day Walter Scot was chosen preses ,. Jeams Claperton , Clerk , and Robt . Frier , continued Treasurer till next St . John ' s Day .
The sd day , reported that John Poster in Bowland , and William Brown servt , were admitted since last meeting , as to the article anenfc the Box Master ' s accounts and other things therein mentioned the committie met , but no accounts
were presented . The Clerk has sent this day the Register with some particular sederunts , but the book not being filled up since Deer . 1716 . There is ane new box produced , which is payed
for in terms of sederunt Feby . 3 rd 1727 , and the said Register is put in to ifc , and the kyes lodged ane in the preses's hand , and the other in the Treasurer ' s hand .
Aproves of the sd sederunt Feb . 3 rd . 1727 , with respect to the box and two pounds one shilling scots debursed by the Treasurer as necessary charges , an account whereof is to be produced by him with proper vouchers .
The comittie appointed last St . John ' s Day for receiving the late Treasurer ' s accounts , & ctra , are hereby continued , with the same powers and for the same purpose , and their first meeting to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
noble birth and of approved valour and fidelit y ^ and Constantine marked his high appreciation of t heir services by honours and emoluments . Erom s everal miraculous occurrences which took place , a report gained ground that the guards of the
Labarum ., when engaged in the execution of their duty , " were secure from danger , and invulnerable amid the darts of the enemy . " ( See " Gibbon , " chap , xx . ) I have no doubt but that to this distinguished
body , we may look for the basis of all those orders of chivalry , who , in more modern times , have rendered so many services to church and state , and who became the most beautiful ornament of all the courts of ' Europe . The honour of
knighthood was so highly esteemed , that Gibbon says , " The warlike sovereigns of Europe derived more glory from this personal distinction , than from the lustre of their diadem . "
The firsfc of all these illustrious chivairic companies was founded by Constantine , as I have already shown , and has been the model and the prigiw ° f tiiose orders of knighthood , wliioli through the middle ages , proclaimed and defended the august name of Christ .
This order is in existence at the present day and is represented NOT in the absurd Masonic Order of the Red Gross , but in " the Most Holy , Most Noble , and Most Illustrious , Supreme Constantinian Order of the Knights of St . George , " whose present
Grand Master is the Head of the Royal and Imperial House of Rhodocanakis . His heir , the Prince Demetrius Rhodocanakis , is at present in this country and has recently joined onr Order . I really hope he will feel it imperative on him to
write a history of the genuine order , and by thus putting a stop to the imaginary claims of the spurious "Red Cross , " do a real service to the cause of true Masonry . The order had better be extinguished altogether , than that we should be
rendered the laughing stock of the outer wor ] d , who may possibly hear of these preposterous pretensions .
I have the utmost respect for Bro . Little , whom I have not the privilege of knowing , but I cannot but regret his want of knowledge , when presenting himself as an " historian , " and as one of the pillars of an order , which has not the slightest shadow of
a claim to the titles and decorations of the first order in Christendom . By the way , Bro . Little states , tho "Grand Imperial Council" consists of thirteen members .
The Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
I am curious to know , the statistics of their longevity , as the common superstition is that when this number meet one of the thirteen must die within the year to make the number twelve , ( as happened to Judas Iscariot ) , I know many people
who would not make the thirteenth at a dinner table , and to say the least , the number , in connection with the Red Cross is ominous . I trust the notes will not appear without at least considerable correction , and Bro . Macoy had best omit them altogether .
The Haughfoot Lodge And Speculative Masonry.
By R . S . EXTRACTS FEOM OLD RECOEDS OF HAUGHFOOT LODGE . —contd . Haughfoot , Deer . 27 th , 1726 . The which day vol called and found absent .
William Cairncross . Simeon Aitchison . Falahili . Patrick Sanderson , yr „ . William Cairncross , jr . Alex . Dickson * Andrew Tomline . Jeams Brown . The Laird of Gala . Alexr . Hardie .
Middleton . William Brown . ¦ The sd day Walter Scot was chosen preses ,. Jeams Claperton , Clerk , and Robt . Frier , continued Treasurer till next St . John ' s Day .
The sd day , reported that John Poster in Bowland , and William Brown servt , were admitted since last meeting , as to the article anenfc the Box Master ' s accounts and other things therein mentioned the committie met , but no accounts
were presented . The Clerk has sent this day the Register with some particular sederunts , but the book not being filled up since Deer . 1716 . There is ane new box produced , which is payed
for in terms of sederunt Feby . 3 rd 1727 , and the said Register is put in to ifc , and the kyes lodged ane in the preses's hand , and the other in the Treasurer ' s hand .
Aproves of the sd sederunt Feb . 3 rd . 1727 , with respect to the box and two pounds one shilling scots debursed by the Treasurer as necessary charges , an account whereof is to be produced by him with proper vouchers .
The comittie appointed last St . John ' s Day for receiving the late Treasurer ' s accounts , & ctra , are hereby continued , with the same powers and for the same purpose , and their first meeting to