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Auxiliaries To Our Three Great Charities.
LONDON , SATURDAY , MAY 19 , 1866 .
In previous issues of trie FKEEMASONS' MAGA - ZINE we have referred Avith great pleasure to the increasing number of local charitable institutions in various parts of the country . We IIOAV propose to deal Avith the subject of auxiliaries to our Three
Great Charities ; viz ., the Boys' School , the Girls ' School , and the Royal Benevolent Institution , for Aged Freemasons and their Widows . Through the courtesy of a highly esteemed brother who has taken a very active part in this local Association
we have been favoured Avith the bye-laws of the South-Eastern Masonic Charitable Association , a copy of Avhich will be found appended hereto . Its object is "to obtain for its members a life governorship in one of the Royal Masonic
Charitable Institutions . " This excellent scheme has our most hearty sympathy and approval , and nothing will be Avanting on our part to advance the truly Masonic objects it has in view , and to stimulate the brethren throughout the length and breadth of the land to go and do likeAvise .
The great religious societies have adopted the plan of auxiliary associations Avith considerable success ; and Ave do not see Avhy that plan should not Avorlc equally Avell in Freemasonry . Let us beseech the brethren not to allow the excellent
example set them by the founders of the Association under notice , to be lost upon them . Rather let us gird ourselves to the task , the pleasing task which Masonry has ever proposed to itself , namely , the alleviation of distress . Thus shall we convince
the world that . our Institution is something more than a name ; that it is not what many believe it to be , a mere convivial society . ' Let us never relax our efforts until Ave have placed our Charities in such a position as that no
worthy applicant for relief shall be sent by them empty away . The object of the founders of this Association is to obtain for its members a life governorship in one of the Royal Masonic Charitable Institutions , subject to the iolloAving rules , under the title of the South Eastern Masonic Charitable Association .
1 . That this Association shall be governed by the folloAving officers , viz ., a president , vice-president , treasurer , secretary , and a committee of seven ( five to form a quorum ) to be elected by the
subscribers ( who are members of the Craft ) on the third Friday in January of each year . 2 . That the subscription of each member shall be at the rate of one shilling per week , payable on the third Friday in each month , at the place hereinafter named .
3 . That Avhen the treasurer is in possession of the sum of ten guineas , a chance of obtaining a life governorship in one of the Royal Masonic Charities shall be drawn for by the members of the Association .
4 . That the successful member shall haA r e the privilege of selecting to which of the Royal Masonic Charities the treasurer shall pay the amount . 5 . That such member be permitted to transfer his life governorship to any brother ( belonging to
the Association ) who is about to become a steward at either of the ensuing Masonic Festivals . 6 . That any member being in arrear will not be allowed to draw for a life governorship . 7 . That the members of this Association shall
not be confined to the Craft only , but any lady or gentleman may be proposed as a member ; but if elected , Avill not be entitled to any voice in its management . 8 . That a promise in writing shall be given by
the successful member to pay his or her subscriptions to the treasurer for the ' time being , until the fee paid by him to either of the Royal Masonic Charities , together Avith the working expense of the Association , shall have become liquidated .
9 . That the business of this Association shall be conducted in connection with the Temperance Lodge of Instruction , held at the Victoria Tavern , Victoria-road , Deptford , until otherwise determined by the members at a meeting properly convened
for such purpose . 10 . That no person be permitted to join after the 23 rd February , 1866 , unless duly proposed and seconded at one monthly meeting , and balloted for at the next ; and , if on the ballot , three or more black balls , appear against the candidate , such result shall exclude him or her from admission as
a member of this Association . 11 . That no person shall be admitted a member of this Association , except upon payment of all subscriptions that may have accrued since its commencement .
12 . That all moneys subscribed shall become the bond fide property of the Association ; and that all members shall , on admission , sign an agreement to that effect .
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Auxiliaries To Our Three Great Charities.
LONDON , SATURDAY , MAY 19 , 1866 .
In previous issues of trie FKEEMASONS' MAGA - ZINE we have referred Avith great pleasure to the increasing number of local charitable institutions in various parts of the country . We IIOAV propose to deal Avith the subject of auxiliaries to our Three
Great Charities ; viz ., the Boys' School , the Girls ' School , and the Royal Benevolent Institution , for Aged Freemasons and their Widows . Through the courtesy of a highly esteemed brother who has taken a very active part in this local Association
we have been favoured Avith the bye-laws of the South-Eastern Masonic Charitable Association , a copy of Avhich will be found appended hereto . Its object is "to obtain for its members a life governorship in one of the Royal Masonic
Charitable Institutions . " This excellent scheme has our most hearty sympathy and approval , and nothing will be Avanting on our part to advance the truly Masonic objects it has in view , and to stimulate the brethren throughout the length and breadth of the land to go and do likeAvise .
The great religious societies have adopted the plan of auxiliary associations Avith considerable success ; and Ave do not see Avhy that plan should not Avorlc equally Avell in Freemasonry . Let us beseech the brethren not to allow the excellent
example set them by the founders of the Association under notice , to be lost upon them . Rather let us gird ourselves to the task , the pleasing task which Masonry has ever proposed to itself , namely , the alleviation of distress . Thus shall we convince
the world that . our Institution is something more than a name ; that it is not what many believe it to be , a mere convivial society . ' Let us never relax our efforts until Ave have placed our Charities in such a position as that no
worthy applicant for relief shall be sent by them empty away . The object of the founders of this Association is to obtain for its members a life governorship in one of the Royal Masonic Charitable Institutions , subject to the iolloAving rules , under the title of the South Eastern Masonic Charitable Association .
1 . That this Association shall be governed by the folloAving officers , viz ., a president , vice-president , treasurer , secretary , and a committee of seven ( five to form a quorum ) to be elected by the
subscribers ( who are members of the Craft ) on the third Friday in January of each year . 2 . That the subscription of each member shall be at the rate of one shilling per week , payable on the third Friday in each month , at the place hereinafter named .
3 . That Avhen the treasurer is in possession of the sum of ten guineas , a chance of obtaining a life governorship in one of the Royal Masonic Charities shall be drawn for by the members of the Association .
4 . That the successful member shall haA r e the privilege of selecting to which of the Royal Masonic Charities the treasurer shall pay the amount . 5 . That such member be permitted to transfer his life governorship to any brother ( belonging to
the Association ) who is about to become a steward at either of the ensuing Masonic Festivals . 6 . That any member being in arrear will not be allowed to draw for a life governorship . 7 . That the members of this Association shall
not be confined to the Craft only , but any lady or gentleman may be proposed as a member ; but if elected , Avill not be entitled to any voice in its management . 8 . That a promise in writing shall be given by
the successful member to pay his or her subscriptions to the treasurer for the ' time being , until the fee paid by him to either of the Royal Masonic Charities , together Avith the working expense of the Association , shall have become liquidated .
9 . That the business of this Association shall be conducted in connection with the Temperance Lodge of Instruction , held at the Victoria Tavern , Victoria-road , Deptford , until otherwise determined by the members at a meeting properly convened
for such purpose . 10 . That no person be permitted to join after the 23 rd February , 1866 , unless duly proposed and seconded at one monthly meeting , and balloted for at the next ; and , if on the ballot , three or more black balls , appear against the candidate , such result shall exclude him or her from admission as
a member of this Association . 11 . That no person shall be admitted a member of this Association , except upon payment of all subscriptions that may have accrued since its commencement .
12 . That all moneys subscribed shall become the bond fide property of the Association ; and that all members shall , on admission , sign an agreement to that effect .