Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 10 of 10 Article YORKSHIRE (WEST.) Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 2 →
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of the lodges , and always with pleasure , in consequence of the excellence of the working , and the unanimity which prevailed amongst the brethren . He then bore testimony to the services of the Prov . G . Treas . and Sec , and on his part he could only say that , so long as lie was honoured with the confidence of the Prov . G . M . he should endeavour so to discharge his duties , as to merit the good will of the brethren . ( Cheers ) .
The PROT . G . MASTER said that having called attention to the officers of the day , they must not forget those who had passed into the rank of P . Prov . G . Officers . They had one there—a very old Past G . Officer who , though he had now left the province , and held high rank in another—they were always hupp " y to see amongst them , for a kindlier or more esteemed brother could not he found in the Craft . Bro . Francis was Tin old and tried brother . He was D . G . M . of the province for
many years , and he ( the Prov . G . M . ) was happy to see him looking as well now as he did twenty years since . He gave them " Bro . Francis , and the rest of the P . Prov . G . Officers . " ( Cheers . ) Bro . FRANCIS , D . Prov . G . M . for Herts , felt very grateful to the Prov . G . M . and the brethren for the kindness with which they had received him . Though now living in another
province , he had always great pleasure in visiting Surrey , where he ever felt himself at home . He had always endeavoured to perform his duty ; and during the seventeen years he held office , he believed he had met with their approbation . He had always received the greatest kindness and consideration from Bro . Dobie , who he was proud to see still presiding as Prov . G . M . ; and though he could not agree with that brother that
he was as well as he was twenty years since , ho hoped the O . A . O . T . II . might spare him a few years longer to meet them at their annual meetings . ( Cheers . ) Bro . MORRIS , of Reigate , proposed " The Visitors , " coupled with the name of Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson , whoso services to Masonry it was impossible to overrate . He could assure the visitors that the brethren of Surrey were always anxious to give them a hearty welcome ; and they were proud to see Bro . Wilson
and others present amongst them that day . Bro . S . B . WILSON , P . G . D ., had great pleasure in returning thanks on behalf of the visitors ; though he had thought when Bro . Evans returned thanks for the officers of the Grand Lodge of England , he should have escaped that duty . He was sure that the thanks of the visitors were due to the brethren for the hosjiitality with which they had received themand any
, services he might at any time have rendered were more than repaid by their kindness towards him . He had devoted some little time to endeavour to benefit the Craft ; but he felt -hat his exertions would have been but of little use without the kind assistance of the brethren , which had always been most " freely given to him . He again thanked them on behalf of himself and the visitors . ( Cheers . )
Bro . Dr . HOLMAN , of Reigate , proposed " The Health of the Prov . Grand Treasurer . " They knew the value of his services by their results ; he had been elected six or seven times , and the province was never more prosperous than at present . ( Cheers . ) Bro . PRICE , Prov . G . Treas ., returned thanks for the very gratifying mark of their favour just accorded him . He had been Prov . Grand Treasurer for seven years , and was proud of the office . He was an old P . Prov . Grand Officer , and nothing did
he more highly prize than to receive the confidence of the brethren , and , so long as he enjoyed it , he would do everything MI his power for the benefit of the province . Bro . FRANCIS proposed " The Health of the Prov . G . Sec , " than whom a more efficient officer it would be impossible to have . Bro . GREENWOOD having briefly acknowledged the eompliment , The PKOV GMproposed the Master and Officers of the St
^ . .. " . George ' s ^ odge , Chertsey , " with thanks to them for having- so well provided for the accommodation and comfort of the Prov . Grand Lodge . f ~} ' ° - BIRD , the W . M ., having returned thanks , alarge majoritv or the brethren retired , those from London having to meet the _ 'amat a quarter to nine , when , such are the excellence of the m rangements of the
South-Western Railway that they arrived i . London at twent y minutes to eleven , having done twentytiiislrae Ul a Httle mUlCT tW ° nonrs—a wonderful feat for W ™ i ° l Se of Ule wening Bro . Dobie , Prov . G . M ., consented aiMt as Steward at the next Festival of the Boys' School .
Yorkshire (West.)
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . A Provincial Grand Lodge was holden in the Town Hall , Hohnfirth , on Wednesday , the 2 nd July . Amongst the brethren present were , R . W . George Fearnley , M . D ., D . Prov . G . M . Dewsburv ; V . W . Rev . Joseph Senior , L . L . D ., P . G . Chap ., Prov . S . G . W ., Wakefield ; Thomas Robinson , Prov . J . G . W ., Huddersfield ; Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , P . Prov . S . G . W ., Prov . G . Chap .,
Leeds ; W . Dixon , Prov . G . Treas ., Morley ; Charles Oldroyd , Prov . G . Reg ., Dewsbury ; R . R . Nelson , Prov . G . Sec , Dewsbury ; John Beckett , P . Prov . G . Sec , Wakefield ; T . S . Bradley , P . Prov . G . Reg ., Huddersfield ; C . II . Taylor , Prov . S . G . D ., Bradford ; Joseph Mellor , P . Prov . G . D ., Hohnfirth ; John Booth , P . Prov . G . D ., Heckmondwicke j J . S . Haigh , P . Prov . G . D ., Meltham ; William White , jun ., Prov . G . D . C ., Sheffield ; W . G . 'DysonProv . G . A . D . CHuddersfield ; James RilleyP .
, , , Prov . G . S . B ., Heckmondwicke ; James Peace , P . Prov . J . G . W ., Hudderfield , acting as Prov . G . Org . ; Henry Inchbold , Prov . G . Purst ., Leeds ; G . W . Rhodes , Prov . A . G . Purst ., Huddersfield ; James Clay , Dewsbury , and Thomas Hill , Bradford , Prov . G . Stewards , & c ., and W . Masters , Past Masters , Acting Wardens , and brethren from lodges Nos . 162 , 373 , Sheffield ; 174 , Meltham ;
179 , Wakefield ; 251 , Dewsbury ; 322 , Heckmondwicke ; 342 , 365 , 763 , Huddersfield ; 36-i , 3 S 2 , Leeds ; 379 , 874 , Bradford ; 422 , Saddleworth ; 520 , Morley ; 937 , Hohnfirth ; 1129 , Batley Carr ; and 1206 , Botherham . The minutes of the Provincial Grand Lodge holden at Huddersfield , on Wednesday , the 23 rd April , were read and confirmed . The Chairman of the Charity Committee of the Province , the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , P . Pro ' v . S . G . W ., read the report of that
committee , and announced to the brethren that the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , the Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , would preside at the Festival of the Boys' School for 1863 , and that several brethren from the province had already given in their names as Stewards , and urged on the brethren generally the necessity of supporting this charity , as well as the other charities of the Craft . Bro . Thomas RobinsonProv . J . G . W . gave notice that at the
, , next Prov . Grand Lodge he should move that the sum of one hundred guineas be given from the funds of the Prov . Grand Lodge to the Boys' School . It was unanimously resolved that the next Prov . Grand Lodge , on Wednesday , the 1 st October , should be holden at Doncaster .
Hie Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed in form , and with solemn prayer , until further summoned , and the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet provided hy Bro . Chas . Taylor , Victoria Hotel , which reflected the highest credit on the worthy host . Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , P . Prov . S . G . W ., presided ( owing to the D . Prov . G . M . having been called away on important business ) , and was supported by the Prov . Grand Officers and upwards of fifty brethren .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
SUPREME GRAND COUNCIL . The Supreme Grand Council of the 33 rd degree , for England and Wales and the dependencies of the British Crown , held their usual quarterly meeting at their Grand Bast , London , on the 9 th of July , presided over by the M . P . Sov . G . Com ., Dr . H . B . Lessonwhen the 111 . Bro . Col . Cholmely Deeringand Dr .
, , B . A . Kent , 32 ° , were elected to fill two vacant seats in the council . A consistory of S . P . R . S ., 32 ° , was afterwards held , when the 111 . Bros . John Barker , and William Macefield , 31 ° were admitted . A Sovereign Grand Tribunal of the 31 ° was also held , and Capt . Boyle , and William Courtenay Cruttenden , 30 ° , were admitted to the rank of Grand Inquisitor Commanders . An emergency council of the 30 ° was also heldfor the purpose
, of granting the degree of Pr . Elected K . H . to Bro . Dr . Hamilton , the Prov . G . M . of Jamaica . The members of the Supreme Council now are Dr . Leeson , M . P . Sov . G . Com . ; Col . H . A . Bowyer , Lt . G . Com . ; C . H . Vernon , G . Treas . ; Sir John De la Pole , Bart . ; H . Shuttleworth ; Col . H . Clarke ; Col . Deering ; and Dr . B . A . Kent . The other vacancy will he filled up in October .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
of the lodges , and always with pleasure , in consequence of the excellence of the working , and the unanimity which prevailed amongst the brethren . He then bore testimony to the services of the Prov . G . Treas . and Sec , and on his part he could only say that , so long as lie was honoured with the confidence of the Prov . G . M . he should endeavour so to discharge his duties , as to merit the good will of the brethren . ( Cheers ) .
The PROT . G . MASTER said that having called attention to the officers of the day , they must not forget those who had passed into the rank of P . Prov . G . Officers . They had one there—a very old Past G . Officer who , though he had now left the province , and held high rank in another—they were always hupp " y to see amongst them , for a kindlier or more esteemed brother could not he found in the Craft . Bro . Francis was Tin old and tried brother . He was D . G . M . of the province for
many years , and he ( the Prov . G . M . ) was happy to see him looking as well now as he did twenty years since . He gave them " Bro . Francis , and the rest of the P . Prov . G . Officers . " ( Cheers . ) Bro . FRANCIS , D . Prov . G . M . for Herts , felt very grateful to the Prov . G . M . and the brethren for the kindness with which they had received him . Though now living in another
province , he had always great pleasure in visiting Surrey , where he ever felt himself at home . He had always endeavoured to perform his duty ; and during the seventeen years he held office , he believed he had met with their approbation . He had always received the greatest kindness and consideration from Bro . Dobie , who he was proud to see still presiding as Prov . G . M . ; and though he could not agree with that brother that
he was as well as he was twenty years since , ho hoped the O . A . O . T . II . might spare him a few years longer to meet them at their annual meetings . ( Cheers . ) Bro . MORRIS , of Reigate , proposed " The Visitors , " coupled with the name of Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson , whoso services to Masonry it was impossible to overrate . He could assure the visitors that the brethren of Surrey were always anxious to give them a hearty welcome ; and they were proud to see Bro . Wilson
and others present amongst them that day . Bro . S . B . WILSON , P . G . D ., had great pleasure in returning thanks on behalf of the visitors ; though he had thought when Bro . Evans returned thanks for the officers of the Grand Lodge of England , he should have escaped that duty . He was sure that the thanks of the visitors were due to the brethren for the hosjiitality with which they had received themand any
, services he might at any time have rendered were more than repaid by their kindness towards him . He had devoted some little time to endeavour to benefit the Craft ; but he felt -hat his exertions would have been but of little use without the kind assistance of the brethren , which had always been most " freely given to him . He again thanked them on behalf of himself and the visitors . ( Cheers . )
Bro . Dr . HOLMAN , of Reigate , proposed " The Health of the Prov . Grand Treasurer . " They knew the value of his services by their results ; he had been elected six or seven times , and the province was never more prosperous than at present . ( Cheers . ) Bro . PRICE , Prov . G . Treas ., returned thanks for the very gratifying mark of their favour just accorded him . He had been Prov . Grand Treasurer for seven years , and was proud of the office . He was an old P . Prov . Grand Officer , and nothing did
he more highly prize than to receive the confidence of the brethren , and , so long as he enjoyed it , he would do everything MI his power for the benefit of the province . Bro . FRANCIS proposed " The Health of the Prov . G . Sec , " than whom a more efficient officer it would be impossible to have . Bro . GREENWOOD having briefly acknowledged the eompliment , The PKOV GMproposed the Master and Officers of the St
^ . .. " . George ' s ^ odge , Chertsey , " with thanks to them for having- so well provided for the accommodation and comfort of the Prov . Grand Lodge . f ~} ' ° - BIRD , the W . M ., having returned thanks , alarge majoritv or the brethren retired , those from London having to meet the _ 'amat a quarter to nine , when , such are the excellence of the m rangements of the
South-Western Railway that they arrived i . London at twent y minutes to eleven , having done twentytiiislrae Ul a Httle mUlCT tW ° nonrs—a wonderful feat for W ™ i ° l Se of Ule wening Bro . Dobie , Prov . G . M ., consented aiMt as Steward at the next Festival of the Boys' School .
Yorkshire (West.)
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . A Provincial Grand Lodge was holden in the Town Hall , Hohnfirth , on Wednesday , the 2 nd July . Amongst the brethren present were , R . W . George Fearnley , M . D ., D . Prov . G . M . Dewsburv ; V . W . Rev . Joseph Senior , L . L . D ., P . G . Chap ., Prov . S . G . W ., Wakefield ; Thomas Robinson , Prov . J . G . W ., Huddersfield ; Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , P . Prov . S . G . W ., Prov . G . Chap .,
Leeds ; W . Dixon , Prov . G . Treas ., Morley ; Charles Oldroyd , Prov . G . Reg ., Dewsbury ; R . R . Nelson , Prov . G . Sec , Dewsbury ; John Beckett , P . Prov . G . Sec , Wakefield ; T . S . Bradley , P . Prov . G . Reg ., Huddersfield ; C . II . Taylor , Prov . S . G . D ., Bradford ; Joseph Mellor , P . Prov . G . D ., Hohnfirth ; John Booth , P . Prov . G . D ., Heckmondwicke j J . S . Haigh , P . Prov . G . D ., Meltham ; William White , jun ., Prov . G . D . C ., Sheffield ; W . G . 'DysonProv . G . A . D . CHuddersfield ; James RilleyP .
, , , Prov . G . S . B ., Heckmondwicke ; James Peace , P . Prov . J . G . W ., Hudderfield , acting as Prov . G . Org . ; Henry Inchbold , Prov . G . Purst ., Leeds ; G . W . Rhodes , Prov . A . G . Purst ., Huddersfield ; James Clay , Dewsbury , and Thomas Hill , Bradford , Prov . G . Stewards , & c ., and W . Masters , Past Masters , Acting Wardens , and brethren from lodges Nos . 162 , 373 , Sheffield ; 174 , Meltham ;
179 , Wakefield ; 251 , Dewsbury ; 322 , Heckmondwicke ; 342 , 365 , 763 , Huddersfield ; 36-i , 3 S 2 , Leeds ; 379 , 874 , Bradford ; 422 , Saddleworth ; 520 , Morley ; 937 , Hohnfirth ; 1129 , Batley Carr ; and 1206 , Botherham . The minutes of the Provincial Grand Lodge holden at Huddersfield , on Wednesday , the 23 rd April , were read and confirmed . The Chairman of the Charity Committee of the Province , the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , P . Pro ' v . S . G . W ., read the report of that
committee , and announced to the brethren that the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , the Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , would preside at the Festival of the Boys' School for 1863 , and that several brethren from the province had already given in their names as Stewards , and urged on the brethren generally the necessity of supporting this charity , as well as the other charities of the Craft . Bro . Thomas RobinsonProv . J . G . W . gave notice that at the
, , next Prov . Grand Lodge he should move that the sum of one hundred guineas be given from the funds of the Prov . Grand Lodge to the Boys' School . It was unanimously resolved that the next Prov . Grand Lodge , on Wednesday , the 1 st October , should be holden at Doncaster .
Hie Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed in form , and with solemn prayer , until further summoned , and the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet provided hy Bro . Chas . Taylor , Victoria Hotel , which reflected the highest credit on the worthy host . Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , P . Prov . S . G . W ., presided ( owing to the D . Prov . G . M . having been called away on important business ) , and was supported by the Prov . Grand Officers and upwards of fifty brethren .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
SUPREME GRAND COUNCIL . The Supreme Grand Council of the 33 rd degree , for England and Wales and the dependencies of the British Crown , held their usual quarterly meeting at their Grand Bast , London , on the 9 th of July , presided over by the M . P . Sov . G . Com ., Dr . H . B . Lessonwhen the 111 . Bro . Col . Cholmely Deeringand Dr .
, , B . A . Kent , 32 ° , were elected to fill two vacant seats in the council . A consistory of S . P . R . S ., 32 ° , was afterwards held , when the 111 . Bros . John Barker , and William Macefield , 31 ° were admitted . A Sovereign Grand Tribunal of the 31 ° was also held , and Capt . Boyle , and William Courtenay Cruttenden , 30 ° , were admitted to the rank of Grand Inquisitor Commanders . An emergency council of the 30 ° was also heldfor the purpose
, of granting the degree of Pr . Elected K . H . to Bro . Dr . Hamilton , the Prov . G . M . of Jamaica . The members of the Supreme Council now are Dr . Leeson , M . P . Sov . G . Com . ; Col . H . A . Bowyer , Lt . G . Com . ; C . H . Vernon , G . Treas . ; Sir John De la Pole , Bart . ; H . Shuttleworth ; Col . H . Clarke ; Col . Deering ; and Dr . B . A . Kent . The other vacancy will he filled up in October .