Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
THE C OURT . —The Gazette of Friday announced that her Majesty had conferred the Order of the Garter on her son-inlaw Prince Louis of Hesse . Prince Louis of Hesse and the Princess Alice made their entry into Darmstadt on the 12 th . The streets and the houses were all decked out with the English and Hessian flags . The Royal couple were received at the
railway station by the chief magistrate , and proceeded through a double line formed of the different corporations and the pupils of the schools , to the Palace of Prince Charles , where the Grand Ducal family had assembled . I MPERIAL PARLIAMENT . —In the House of Lords , on Thursday , 10 th inst ., several bills were advanced a stage , including
Lord Berners' measure for the more effectual suppression of nig ht poaching , which was read a third time and passed . Friday's proceedings were unimportant . On Monday a conversation took place on the subject of the Jamaica debt—a question of long standing , which the Government hope to settle by a bill which has been read a second time in the House of Commons . A considerable number of bills were advanced a stage . The proceedings of Tuesday were unimportant ,
In the House of Commons , on Thursday , the 10 th inst ., Mr . C . Bentinck asked the Premier " whether the recognition of the kingdom of Italy by the government of Russia is not conditional upon satisfactory assurances being given by the government of Italy that the intentions of Italy towards the neighbouring states are pacific , and that Austria shall not be an object of aggression on the part of Italy . " In the House of
Lords , on Monday night , Earl Russell spoke of " certain assurances " being demanded by Russia ; but Lord Palmerston stated , last night , that , so far as her Majesty's Government were aware , the recognition of the new kingdom by the Czar was " entirely unconditional . " The House having gone into Committee on the Fortifications Bill , Mr . B . Osborne moved as an amendment on the first clause that the vote be reduced from
£ 1 , 200 , 000 to £ 800 , 00 . After some discussion , Mr . Osborne ' s amendment , was rejected by a majority of forty-eight . On Friday the House met ot noon , and proceeded to consider ike clauses of the Parochial Assessments Bill . At the evening sitting Mr . Layard in reply to a question , stated that nogociations were now in progress for a commercial treaty with Belgium . Lord Palmerston stated that there was no intentio
of withdrawing the British troops from Canada , and the Colonial Under Secretary informed the House that the Canadian Legislature was now considering a bill , the object of which was to raise the militia of the colony from 5000 to 10 , 000 men . In reply to a question from Mr . Caird , Sir George Grey said the Government were taking active measures to obtain a
¦ proper collection of agricultural statistics . On Monday Mr Yilliers , the President of the Poor-law Board , stated that Mr . Farnall ' s letters were becoming less hopeful , and that his own opinion was that it would be found necessary to have recourse to rates in aid . He thought the whole question would have to be discussed before the prorogation , and that Parliament would
have to legislate on the subject . The House then went into committee on the Fortifications Bill , when the amendments proposed by the Government were adopted . On Tuesday the House held a morning sitting , which was devoted to the consideration of the clauses of the Parochial Assessmodts Bill and the Lunatics Law Amendment Bill . Lord Robert Montagu
moved an address , praying that Her Majesty will be pleased to give directions for supplying deficiencies in former instructions , " which resulted in the signing of the Puebla convention , which has since been repudiated by the Government . Mr . Layard
The Week.
defended , at some length , the policy of the Government on the Mexican question , and was followed hy Mr . Seymour Fitzgerald and Mr . Ivinglake—the latter of whom , however , was interrupted by a count out . On Wednesday the House was engaged during the greater part of its sitting in a discussion of Lord Berner ' s new Game Law Bill , the second reading of which was
moved by Sir Baldwyn Leighton . After some further discussion , in which several members declared that the bill could not pass in its present form , the second reading was carried hy 119 votes to 94 .
GENERAL HOME JJEWS . —The health return of the metropolis for the last week was exceedingly favourable ; the number of deaths being 90 fewer than has taken place on the calculated average of the corresponding week for the last ten years . The number last week was 1065 . The number of births during the week was 1707 , which was 40 below the calculated average of
births . The state ceremonial of the declaration of the awards of the Exhibition Juries took place on Friday , the 11 th inst The Duke of Cambridge represented her Majesty on the occasion , aud the scene at South Kensington is described as having beea most imposing . The presentation of the prizes to the winners in the recent rifle competition at Wimbledon-common
took place with considerable ceremony , on Monday , at the Crystal Palace . His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge having congratulated the winners , handed to each of them his prize . The proceedings took place on the Handel orchestra , which was suitably decorated for the occasion , and the scene was an exceedingly gay one . The Lord Mayor has received
from Bombay the munificent sum of £ 5000 , which has been subscribed under the auspices of the Bombay Chamber of Cornmcrce , for the relief of the operatives who are suffering from the consequences of the " cotton famine . " Many of our native
fellow-subjects , who have no doubt a lively recollection of the eagerness with which the people of this country came forward two years ago to assist in mitigating the horrors of the Indian famine , have assisted in this work of charity ; and it is stated that auother remittance may be expected by the [ next mail . The directors of the London and Westminster Bank , at their half-yearly meeting , contributed £ 1 , 000 for the relief of the
distress in Lancashire , in consideration ol the fact that the cotton trade ; in the time of its prosperity , contributed in no small income to the success of that bank . Mr . Isaac Taylor , Mr . Charles Mackay , Mr . Cross ( the widow of the painter ) , and Mr . Leitch Ritchie , are among the persons who have been granted pensions from the Civil List during the last twelve months . The amount in each of the cases we have mentioned is £ 100 ; and we observe that the pension of Mr . Richard Cort —the son of the unfortunate revolutionise ! - of the system of
smelting iron—has been raised from £ 50 to £ 100 . The freedom of the city of London has been presented to Mr . George Peabody , the eminent American banker , who recently made themunificen , gift of £ 150 , 000 , to be devoted to the amelioration of the condition of the poor of the metropolis . On Wednesday a violent thunderstorm burst over London , flooding the
streets in many places . One consequence was that the water again broke from the Fleet sewer into the Underground Railway works , and inundated the line for a considerable distance . A tailor , who pleaded guilty , at the Oxford assizes , on Monday , to two indictments , charging him with bigamy , was sentenced to seven years' penal servitude .
The scoundrel bad married no fewer than six women ; and it seems that he has only just caught in time to prevent an addition to the number of his victims . A remarkable murder was committed at Glasgow last week . It appears that a gentleman , named Fl ' emiiiff , went out of town
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
THE C OURT . —The Gazette of Friday announced that her Majesty had conferred the Order of the Garter on her son-inlaw Prince Louis of Hesse . Prince Louis of Hesse and the Princess Alice made their entry into Darmstadt on the 12 th . The streets and the houses were all decked out with the English and Hessian flags . The Royal couple were received at the
railway station by the chief magistrate , and proceeded through a double line formed of the different corporations and the pupils of the schools , to the Palace of Prince Charles , where the Grand Ducal family had assembled . I MPERIAL PARLIAMENT . —In the House of Lords , on Thursday , 10 th inst ., several bills were advanced a stage , including
Lord Berners' measure for the more effectual suppression of nig ht poaching , which was read a third time and passed . Friday's proceedings were unimportant . On Monday a conversation took place on the subject of the Jamaica debt—a question of long standing , which the Government hope to settle by a bill which has been read a second time in the House of Commons . A considerable number of bills were advanced a stage . The proceedings of Tuesday were unimportant ,
In the House of Commons , on Thursday , the 10 th inst ., Mr . C . Bentinck asked the Premier " whether the recognition of the kingdom of Italy by the government of Russia is not conditional upon satisfactory assurances being given by the government of Italy that the intentions of Italy towards the neighbouring states are pacific , and that Austria shall not be an object of aggression on the part of Italy . " In the House of
Lords , on Monday night , Earl Russell spoke of " certain assurances " being demanded by Russia ; but Lord Palmerston stated , last night , that , so far as her Majesty's Government were aware , the recognition of the new kingdom by the Czar was " entirely unconditional . " The House having gone into Committee on the Fortifications Bill , Mr . B . Osborne moved as an amendment on the first clause that the vote be reduced from
£ 1 , 200 , 000 to £ 800 , 00 . After some discussion , Mr . Osborne ' s amendment , was rejected by a majority of forty-eight . On Friday the House met ot noon , and proceeded to consider ike clauses of the Parochial Assessments Bill . At the evening sitting Mr . Layard in reply to a question , stated that nogociations were now in progress for a commercial treaty with Belgium . Lord Palmerston stated that there was no intentio
of withdrawing the British troops from Canada , and the Colonial Under Secretary informed the House that the Canadian Legislature was now considering a bill , the object of which was to raise the militia of the colony from 5000 to 10 , 000 men . In reply to a question from Mr . Caird , Sir George Grey said the Government were taking active measures to obtain a
¦ proper collection of agricultural statistics . On Monday Mr Yilliers , the President of the Poor-law Board , stated that Mr . Farnall ' s letters were becoming less hopeful , and that his own opinion was that it would be found necessary to have recourse to rates in aid . He thought the whole question would have to be discussed before the prorogation , and that Parliament would
have to legislate on the subject . The House then went into committee on the Fortifications Bill , when the amendments proposed by the Government were adopted . On Tuesday the House held a morning sitting , which was devoted to the consideration of the clauses of the Parochial Assessmodts Bill and the Lunatics Law Amendment Bill . Lord Robert Montagu
moved an address , praying that Her Majesty will be pleased to give directions for supplying deficiencies in former instructions , " which resulted in the signing of the Puebla convention , which has since been repudiated by the Government . Mr . Layard
The Week.
defended , at some length , the policy of the Government on the Mexican question , and was followed hy Mr . Seymour Fitzgerald and Mr . Ivinglake—the latter of whom , however , was interrupted by a count out . On Wednesday the House was engaged during the greater part of its sitting in a discussion of Lord Berner ' s new Game Law Bill , the second reading of which was
moved by Sir Baldwyn Leighton . After some further discussion , in which several members declared that the bill could not pass in its present form , the second reading was carried hy 119 votes to 94 .
GENERAL HOME JJEWS . —The health return of the metropolis for the last week was exceedingly favourable ; the number of deaths being 90 fewer than has taken place on the calculated average of the corresponding week for the last ten years . The number last week was 1065 . The number of births during the week was 1707 , which was 40 below the calculated average of
births . The state ceremonial of the declaration of the awards of the Exhibition Juries took place on Friday , the 11 th inst The Duke of Cambridge represented her Majesty on the occasion , aud the scene at South Kensington is described as having beea most imposing . The presentation of the prizes to the winners in the recent rifle competition at Wimbledon-common
took place with considerable ceremony , on Monday , at the Crystal Palace . His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge having congratulated the winners , handed to each of them his prize . The proceedings took place on the Handel orchestra , which was suitably decorated for the occasion , and the scene was an exceedingly gay one . The Lord Mayor has received
from Bombay the munificent sum of £ 5000 , which has been subscribed under the auspices of the Bombay Chamber of Cornmcrce , for the relief of the operatives who are suffering from the consequences of the " cotton famine . " Many of our native
fellow-subjects , who have no doubt a lively recollection of the eagerness with which the people of this country came forward two years ago to assist in mitigating the horrors of the Indian famine , have assisted in this work of charity ; and it is stated that auother remittance may be expected by the [ next mail . The directors of the London and Westminster Bank , at their half-yearly meeting , contributed £ 1 , 000 for the relief of the
distress in Lancashire , in consideration ol the fact that the cotton trade ; in the time of its prosperity , contributed in no small income to the success of that bank . Mr . Isaac Taylor , Mr . Charles Mackay , Mr . Cross ( the widow of the painter ) , and Mr . Leitch Ritchie , are among the persons who have been granted pensions from the Civil List during the last twelve months . The amount in each of the cases we have mentioned is £ 100 ; and we observe that the pension of Mr . Richard Cort —the son of the unfortunate revolutionise ! - of the system of
smelting iron—has been raised from £ 50 to £ 100 . The freedom of the city of London has been presented to Mr . George Peabody , the eminent American banker , who recently made themunificen , gift of £ 150 , 000 , to be devoted to the amelioration of the condition of the poor of the metropolis . On Wednesday a violent thunderstorm burst over London , flooding the
streets in many places . One consequence was that the water again broke from the Fleet sewer into the Underground Railway works , and inundated the line for a considerable distance . A tailor , who pleaded guilty , at the Oxford assizes , on Monday , to two indictments , charging him with bigamy , was sentenced to seven years' penal servitude .
The scoundrel bad married no fewer than six women ; and it seems that he has only just caught in time to prevent an addition to the number of his victims . A remarkable murder was committed at Glasgow last week . It appears that a gentleman , named Fl ' emiiiff , went out of town