Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEM. Page 1 of 1 Article THE GIRLS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 10 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
We have been requested to call attention to the case of the widow of the late Bro . , T . K . Defeher , a Hungarian by birth , but a naturalised British subject , who was initiated , passed , and raised , in the Thistle and Rose Lodge ( No . 73 ) , Glasgow , on the 2 nd of May , 1 S 36 . Bro . Defeher was a twine and linen merchant of Vienna , and also resided at Devonshire-terrace , Hyde
Park , but , through unforseen circumstances , was suddenly reduced to great distress , and at the same time stricken down by illness . Being clever at his pencil , Bro . Defeher produced the curious drawing called "Blossom andDecay , " printed by Day and Son , in chroma-lithograph , and published by Bro . Defeher to help to eke out an existence for his family . This picture , when
closely-viewed , represents two blooming children looking out of a window , whilst , at a distance , it shows only a death ' s head , and has been favourably spoken of by the Earl de Grey and Ripon , the Duke of Newcastle , and the Duke of Cambridge , in acknowledging the receipt of the copies sent them .
Bro . Defeher was suddenly taken much worse , and some three weeks back he entered the German Hospital at Dalston , and died the following day of disease of the heart , leaving a widow and four young children totally unprovided for , and whose existence has only been maintained , both before and after Bro . Defeher ' s death , through the kindness of Masons and other neighbours , who knew the circumstances of the case .
. A great injustice has been done to the widow and family , by a tradesman in the City , who , without any permission or authority , has published a photograph from the chronin , and which is , of course , sold at a reduced price . Brethren disposed to assist the widow and fatherless can do so by donations , or purchasing copies of the chromo lithograph ,
price 3 * . Gd ., and which may he obtained from Bro . James Stevenson , at the office of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE . The residence of Mrs . Defeher is 4 , Singer Terrace , Sydenham ; and references may bo made to Mr . Kemp , the Two Ashes , Sydenham ; Dr . Wilkinson , Sydenham ; or Dr . Pntro , 37 A , Finsbury Square , E . G .
Masonic Mem.
The R . W . Brother Frechville Lawson Ballantyne Dykes , of Dovenhy , has been appointed Prov . Grand Master of Cumberland and Westmoreland , in the place of the late Sir James Graham deceased .
The Girls' School.
The Quarterly Court of this school was held at the offices on Thursday the 10 th inst ., Bro . UdaYl , V . P ., in the chair . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , and the Treasurer authorised to pay £ 7 S 2 to meet the Quarterly accounts . On the motion of Bro . Symonds the rules were altered as to
the time at which members of the House and Audit Committees are to be put in nomination . At the election to take place in October next , nine pupils are to be admitted , there being seventeen approved candidates .
CASHIER LODGE ( No . 1006 ) , held at the . Lamb Hotel , N . E ., in the New Cattle Market . —This was the first meeting summoned since the removal from the York and Albany Tavern , in consequence of the change of proprietorship . The business of the evening was the installation of the W . M . Elect Bro . P . M . Frost , 276 , and J . W . 1167 . The appointmemymd investtiure of officers and initiation of Mr . Thomas Morris , the proprietor , and Mr . Fk . 'Webb . The lodge having been opened in due form .,
the before-named gentlemen were duly initiated into Freemasonry . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bro . P . M . Tyrrell presented the W . M . elect for installaion . The board of installed Masters was composed of Bros . P . M . ' s Dickie , A . G . P ., Tyrrell , Hardy , Winsland , Best , and Beckett ; W . M . s Jeffreys and Cowdrey . Bro . P . M . Best performed the ceremony of installation in a very effective manner . The W . M . on the letion of the addresses from the installing
comp Master , was pleased to appoint and invest Bros . Naines , S . W . ; Helps , J . W . ; Tyrrell , Treas . ; Bendy , Sec ; J . Creech , S . D . ; . Wiltshire , , T . D . ; Dickinson , I . G .,- Dr . Jones , D . C . ; P . M . Best , Steward . All Masonic business being ended , the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The visitors present were Bros . Dickie , 53 ; Hardy , 3 ; Winsland , 276 ; Jeffreys , 215 ; and numerous brethren from the Canonhury 955 Old Concord 201 ,
, and United Strength , 276 . The banquet was all that could be desired , and appreciated by both members and visitors . The cloth having been removed , the W . M . said that the first toast he would ask them to do honour to , was the Queen , coupled with the Craft . It required no comment from him . All classes of society reverenced the name of the widowed Queen of this nation ; hut none more than did the Ancient Order of I
reemasons . The next toast was the health of the W . W . G . M . the Bight Hen . the Earl of Zetland . On proposing the health of the D . G . M . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , with the rest of the Grand Officers , the W . M . coupled the name of Bro . Dickie ,. A . G . P . Bro . Dickie , in acknowledging- the toast said : —I havemuch pleasure in having this opportunity of expressing my thanks to you for the Grand Officers , but more particularly fertile receive
manner you always me amongst you . I assure you , W . M . and brethren , " it will always be a source of happiness to ' me to visit a lodge ruled by a Worshipful Master , whose past service is a guarantee of his worth . You brethren , have done well in electing your present W . M ., and I feel confident , success , will attend his year of office with the same prosperity that the lodge 276 experienced when under him . —The W . M . having returned thanks for his own health , proprosed that of the Past
Blasters of 1006 , aud at the same time presented Bro . P . M . Best With a collar and jewel in the name of the lodge , for having a second year filled the duties of Master in the absence of the appointed W . M . —Bro . Jeffreys , AV . M . 215 , returned thanks for the visitors , and expressed himself much pleased with the manner the duties , both at labour and refreshment had been carried out ; it certainly reflected credit on the W . M . in the one case , and on their newly-made brother in . the other . —The health of
the initiates was responded to by both brethren in a manner suggesting their future as one likely to reflect credit on t ! ie lodge . The brethren separated about eleven p . m ., pleased with the perfect harmony of the meeting . Bros . Clements , Norris , Dickinsion , and Norton , contributed by their vocal abilities , and Dr . Steward by presiding at the pianoforte , to the general enjoyment .
CUMBERLAND . CARLISLE . — Union Lodge ( No . SS 9 ) . —Owing to pressure of business , a lodge of emergency was held on Tuesday , the Sth inst ., when a good and punctual attendance of brethren took place . The lodge being opened in due form in the first degree by Bro . Wilson , W . M ., and all other necessary business being completedit was regularly opened in the second degree . Bros .
, Fairlie and Pickering w-ere called to duty previous to being raised to the sublime degree of M . M . They both acquitted themselves with credit , ability , and satisfaction . The W . M called Bro . F . W . Hayward , to the following duties . The ceremony of raising was most solemnly performed by P . M .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
We have been requested to call attention to the case of the widow of the late Bro . , T . K . Defeher , a Hungarian by birth , but a naturalised British subject , who was initiated , passed , and raised , in the Thistle and Rose Lodge ( No . 73 ) , Glasgow , on the 2 nd of May , 1 S 36 . Bro . Defeher was a twine and linen merchant of Vienna , and also resided at Devonshire-terrace , Hyde
Park , but , through unforseen circumstances , was suddenly reduced to great distress , and at the same time stricken down by illness . Being clever at his pencil , Bro . Defeher produced the curious drawing called "Blossom andDecay , " printed by Day and Son , in chroma-lithograph , and published by Bro . Defeher to help to eke out an existence for his family . This picture , when
closely-viewed , represents two blooming children looking out of a window , whilst , at a distance , it shows only a death ' s head , and has been favourably spoken of by the Earl de Grey and Ripon , the Duke of Newcastle , and the Duke of Cambridge , in acknowledging the receipt of the copies sent them .
Bro . Defeher was suddenly taken much worse , and some three weeks back he entered the German Hospital at Dalston , and died the following day of disease of the heart , leaving a widow and four young children totally unprovided for , and whose existence has only been maintained , both before and after Bro . Defeher ' s death , through the kindness of Masons and other neighbours , who knew the circumstances of the case .
. A great injustice has been done to the widow and family , by a tradesman in the City , who , without any permission or authority , has published a photograph from the chronin , and which is , of course , sold at a reduced price . Brethren disposed to assist the widow and fatherless can do so by donations , or purchasing copies of the chromo lithograph ,
price 3 * . Gd ., and which may he obtained from Bro . James Stevenson , at the office of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE . The residence of Mrs . Defeher is 4 , Singer Terrace , Sydenham ; and references may bo made to Mr . Kemp , the Two Ashes , Sydenham ; Dr . Wilkinson , Sydenham ; or Dr . Pntro , 37 A , Finsbury Square , E . G .
Masonic Mem.
The R . W . Brother Frechville Lawson Ballantyne Dykes , of Dovenhy , has been appointed Prov . Grand Master of Cumberland and Westmoreland , in the place of the late Sir James Graham deceased .
The Girls' School.
The Quarterly Court of this school was held at the offices on Thursday the 10 th inst ., Bro . UdaYl , V . P ., in the chair . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , and the Treasurer authorised to pay £ 7 S 2 to meet the Quarterly accounts . On the motion of Bro . Symonds the rules were altered as to
the time at which members of the House and Audit Committees are to be put in nomination . At the election to take place in October next , nine pupils are to be admitted , there being seventeen approved candidates .
CASHIER LODGE ( No . 1006 ) , held at the . Lamb Hotel , N . E ., in the New Cattle Market . —This was the first meeting summoned since the removal from the York and Albany Tavern , in consequence of the change of proprietorship . The business of the evening was the installation of the W . M . Elect Bro . P . M . Frost , 276 , and J . W . 1167 . The appointmemymd investtiure of officers and initiation of Mr . Thomas Morris , the proprietor , and Mr . Fk . 'Webb . The lodge having been opened in due form .,
the before-named gentlemen were duly initiated into Freemasonry . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bro . P . M . Tyrrell presented the W . M . elect for installaion . The board of installed Masters was composed of Bros . P . M . ' s Dickie , A . G . P ., Tyrrell , Hardy , Winsland , Best , and Beckett ; W . M . s Jeffreys and Cowdrey . Bro . P . M . Best performed the ceremony of installation in a very effective manner . The W . M . on the letion of the addresses from the installing
comp Master , was pleased to appoint and invest Bros . Naines , S . W . ; Helps , J . W . ; Tyrrell , Treas . ; Bendy , Sec ; J . Creech , S . D . ; . Wiltshire , , T . D . ; Dickinson , I . G .,- Dr . Jones , D . C . ; P . M . Best , Steward . All Masonic business being ended , the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The visitors present were Bros . Dickie , 53 ; Hardy , 3 ; Winsland , 276 ; Jeffreys , 215 ; and numerous brethren from the Canonhury 955 Old Concord 201 ,
, and United Strength , 276 . The banquet was all that could be desired , and appreciated by both members and visitors . The cloth having been removed , the W . M . said that the first toast he would ask them to do honour to , was the Queen , coupled with the Craft . It required no comment from him . All classes of society reverenced the name of the widowed Queen of this nation ; hut none more than did the Ancient Order of I
reemasons . The next toast was the health of the W . W . G . M . the Bight Hen . the Earl of Zetland . On proposing the health of the D . G . M . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , with the rest of the Grand Officers , the W . M . coupled the name of Bro . Dickie ,. A . G . P . Bro . Dickie , in acknowledging- the toast said : —I havemuch pleasure in having this opportunity of expressing my thanks to you for the Grand Officers , but more particularly fertile receive
manner you always me amongst you . I assure you , W . M . and brethren , " it will always be a source of happiness to ' me to visit a lodge ruled by a Worshipful Master , whose past service is a guarantee of his worth . You brethren , have done well in electing your present W . M ., and I feel confident , success , will attend his year of office with the same prosperity that the lodge 276 experienced when under him . —The W . M . having returned thanks for his own health , proprosed that of the Past
Blasters of 1006 , aud at the same time presented Bro . P . M . Best With a collar and jewel in the name of the lodge , for having a second year filled the duties of Master in the absence of the appointed W . M . —Bro . Jeffreys , AV . M . 215 , returned thanks for the visitors , and expressed himself much pleased with the manner the duties , both at labour and refreshment had been carried out ; it certainly reflected credit on the W . M . in the one case , and on their newly-made brother in . the other . —The health of
the initiates was responded to by both brethren in a manner suggesting their future as one likely to reflect credit on t ! ie lodge . The brethren separated about eleven p . m ., pleased with the perfect harmony of the meeting . Bros . Clements , Norris , Dickinsion , and Norton , contributed by their vocal abilities , and Dr . Steward by presiding at the pianoforte , to the general enjoyment .
CUMBERLAND . CARLISLE . — Union Lodge ( No . SS 9 ) . —Owing to pressure of business , a lodge of emergency was held on Tuesday , the Sth inst ., when a good and punctual attendance of brethren took place . The lodge being opened in due form in the first degree by Bro . Wilson , W . M ., and all other necessary business being completedit was regularly opened in the second degree . Bros .
, Fairlie and Pickering w-ere called to duty previous to being raised to the sublime degree of M . M . They both acquitted themselves with credit , ability , and satisfaction . The W . M called Bro . F . W . Hayward , to the following duties . The ceremony of raising was most solemnly performed by P . M .