Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 10 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 10 →
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Bro . A . W . Hay ward , assisted by Bros . Ritson , S . W . ; Hodgson , J . W . ; G . Hayward , S . D , ; Gilkerson , J . D . ; Lowthian , I . G . ; Story , Tyler ; Fisher , Sec . Bro . Bannister of Liverpool , was unanimously elected honorary member of this lodge , the result meeting with an expression of gratification from those who knew him , and could appreciate his ability , talent and worth . The W . M . next proposed a gentleman as a candidate for Masonry , which was put and carried . The lodge was then
closed in the usual solemn manner . The brethren then retired to the festive board , where , after the customary loyal and Masonic toasts , the brethren very freely and earnestly reciprocated with Bro . Nelson Bernard Gregory , Norwich Lodge ( No . 302 ) , New York U . S . of America , who entered into the discourse with spirit , and very ably described their mode of working in that ¦ country . His health was proposed by the W . M ., and met with a hearty and enthusiastic response . —Bro . Gregory thanked the W . M .
for the compliment they paid him , and also the brethren for the hearty welcome they had given him ; language could not express the extreme pleasure he felt in being so much at home in a strange country , and the kindness every one evinced towards his comfort ; and expressed a hope that he might some day have an opportunity of returning the compliment to some of those brethren present , should they ever visit New York . The proceedings terminated with the Tylers' toast , and the brethren separated after having spent an evening replete with intelligence and useful information .
MARYJORT . —Lodge of Perseverance ( No . SOS ) . —At a lodge meeting held on the 7 th inst ., Bro . Pearson in the chair , and after the business connected with the raising of two of the brethren had been completed , the subject of the appointment of Bro . P . L . B . Dykes , of Dovenby , to ' the office of Prov . G . M . for the Counties of Cumberland aud AVestmoreland , was discussed by the brethren . It was felt to be peculiarly gratifying that a gentleman connected to some extent with the town of
Maryporfc should have had bestowed upon him so high a Masonic honour , and the conversation resulted in a formal motion that an address be sent to Bro . Dykes offering the congratulations of the brethren . Before tke lodge was closed die following address was agreed upon , and the Secretary was instructed to forward the same : — " Maryport , Sth July , 1862 . To Frechville Lawson Ballantyne Dykes , Esq ., of Dovenby , Provincial Grand Master for the counties of Cumberland and Westmoreland . The address
of the Worshipful Master , Wardens , and brethren forming th e Masonic Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 50 S ) , Maryport . Right Worshipful Sir , — -We , the brethren of the above-named lodge , desire to express our high gratification at your appointment to the office of Provincial Grand Master of their Order . We do so ,
feeling that we have a peculiar claim to manifest our interest in this important event in your Masonic career . This claim we would venture to base on your close connection with the leading family in the neighbourhood of our town , and especially on the official share youhave long possessed in the management of the affairs of the town and harbour of Maryport . We therefore , Right Worshipful Sir , offer you our best fraternal greetings on this occasionwith the sincere expression of our satisfaction at the
know-, ledge of the position in which you have been placed over us . We would also , Right Worshipful Sir , present our cordial congratulations on the high Masonic honor you have obtained . We would likewise take this opportunity of expressing our conviction that the interests of our order will be secure in your keeping ; and we fervently pray that you , Right Worshipful Sir , may long be spared to be the guardian of Masonry in these counties
. " To this address a reply has been received from Bro . Djkes , thanking the brethren for their expressions of good will and congratulation , and asserting his anxious resolve to discharge efficientl y the duties of an office he feels it to be an honour to fill , it contained also the pleasing information that the Ri ght Worshipful gentleman , who has been subjected lately to a severe illness , is now improving in health .
DURHAM . HARTLEPOOL . —^ -. Helen ' s Lodge ( No . 771- ) . —A lodge of emergency was holden in the Masonic hall , on the 14 th July , lor the purpose of initiating Messrs . Thomas Austin , and Jjeorge Yeaman , previonslv accepted , and to raise Bro . Edgar , q w W ? P resentBro 3 . James Groves , W . M . ; B . R . Huntley , n « T L A- Ham > nevbom , P . M ., P . Prov . G . D . C ., acting as J -W . ; J . Ein ,. Holmes , Sec ; A . Nathan , S . D . ; Edgar 0 .
Kramer , acting as J . D . ; W . Donald , I . G . ; J . P . Allen , & c . Visiting brother A . Macdonald , of St . Johns Lodge , C ' ampbletown . Lodge was opened in ancient form , and the first candidate for initiation into the mysteries of Freemasonry , Mr . Thomas Austin , having proved himself duly qualified , was regularly initiated , instructed , and approved as a E . A . Freemason . The S . W . having left the chair , by permission , Bro . J . Emra Holmes was commanded hy the W . M . to . act as S . W .
Lodge was then opened in the 3 rd degree , and Bvb . Edgar was raised as a M . M . The ceremony was worthily performed by the W . M ., and could not but impress the candidate with the dignity of our Order , and the sublimity of its teachings . Lodge was then closed down , and the brethren retired for refreshment , when the evening was spent in that harmony and good fellowship , which is at once the characteristic and boast of all the gatherings of the ancient Craft .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . BERKELEY . —Poyal Berhley Lodge of Faith and Friendship-( No . 337 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Berkeley Arms Hotel , the W . M ., Bro . C . Partridge , in the chair . The lodge was opened in the first degree , when Mr . William Pinnell , of Rockhampton , was dnly initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The lodge was then closed and the brethren retired to refreshment , and spent the evening in love and harmony .
HAMPSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . A very numerous and influential gathering of the Masonic fraternity was realised at Havant on Tuesday , the 8 th inst ., on the occasion of the annual Grand Lodge of the Province , there assembled , hy command of the Right W . Prov . G . M . Bro . Admiral Sir Lucuis CurtisBart . C . B . The early morning trains
, , brought shoals of " gentlemen in black , " and the inhabitants of the quiet little town peered from their doors and windows intothe streets with a visible impression set forth on their faces ., that about the numerous strangers there was certainly something solemn and mysterious .
The place of meeting was the school-room of the Church institute ; and there at high noon precisely the lodge was close tiled . Nearly 100 brethren took their seats in the lodge , comfortably and conveniently ranged under their respective banners . The R . W . Prov . G . M ., Admiral Sir L . Curtis , Bart ., and his Deputy , Bro . C . E . Deacon , S . G . D , of England , were received with the customary honours . Amongst the other numerous brethren present w e noticed the following : —Bros , the Jlev .
Dr . Bradsliaw , Prov . G . Chap . ; the Rev . Wills , Assist . G . Chap ; R . " Harfield , Prov . S . G . W . ; F . Perkins , Mayor of Southampton , Prov . J . G . W . ; J . George , Mayor of Romsey ; John Haywood , ex-Mayor of Lymington ; John Nash , P . M ., 90 , ex- Mayor ot , Winchester ; R . S . Hulberfc , P . M ., 995 , ex-Mayor of Basingstoke ; William Challis , 995 , ex-Mayor of Basingstoke ; J . R . Stebbing , Yice-President oi the Board ot General Purposes ; M . E . Frost 319 ; F . Binckes 10 and 90 Sec . to the Boys '
, , , School ; Dr . Kirkman ; Passenger ; W . Hickman , Prov , G . Sec . ; A . Smith , W . M ., 90 ; La Croix , P . M ., 90 ; C . Sherry , P . M ., 90 ; H . C . Levander , P . M ., 90 ; H . Huggins , Sec , 90 ; J . Levander , 916 ; Emery , W . M ., 42 S ; Weeks , W . M ., 1106 ; Milner , 401 ; H . M . Powell , 995 ; L . Howe , See ., 995 ; H . M . Emanuel , 319 ,. Capt . Saunders , 6 th Regt . ; J . Lamb , 995 ; Ilenuesy , 190 ; . Aberdeen , & c .
Bro . W . HICIOTAN , Prov . G . Sec , read the minutes of thelast Provincial Grand Lodge , which were put from the chair ,, and confirmed . Letters were then read from Bros . T . W . Fleming , Prow G . M ., Isle of Wight ; Hyde Pullen , D . Prov . G . M ., Isle of Wight ; Col . Bowyer , Prov . G . M ., Oxford , and Spiers , D . Prov .. G . M ., Oxford , & c , apologising for and regretting their absence , through inability to attend .
Bro . . T . R . STEBBING ( who officiated on behalf of the Trea « surer , absent through indisposition ) gave an abstract statement as to the position of the Provincial Lodge finances . The accounts showed that there was a balance in hand of £ 103 , aask £ 200 invested .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro . A . W . Hay ward , assisted by Bros . Ritson , S . W . ; Hodgson , J . W . ; G . Hayward , S . D , ; Gilkerson , J . D . ; Lowthian , I . G . ; Story , Tyler ; Fisher , Sec . Bro . Bannister of Liverpool , was unanimously elected honorary member of this lodge , the result meeting with an expression of gratification from those who knew him , and could appreciate his ability , talent and worth . The W . M . next proposed a gentleman as a candidate for Masonry , which was put and carried . The lodge was then
closed in the usual solemn manner . The brethren then retired to the festive board , where , after the customary loyal and Masonic toasts , the brethren very freely and earnestly reciprocated with Bro . Nelson Bernard Gregory , Norwich Lodge ( No . 302 ) , New York U . S . of America , who entered into the discourse with spirit , and very ably described their mode of working in that ¦ country . His health was proposed by the W . M ., and met with a hearty and enthusiastic response . —Bro . Gregory thanked the W . M .
for the compliment they paid him , and also the brethren for the hearty welcome they had given him ; language could not express the extreme pleasure he felt in being so much at home in a strange country , and the kindness every one evinced towards his comfort ; and expressed a hope that he might some day have an opportunity of returning the compliment to some of those brethren present , should they ever visit New York . The proceedings terminated with the Tylers' toast , and the brethren separated after having spent an evening replete with intelligence and useful information .
MARYJORT . —Lodge of Perseverance ( No . SOS ) . —At a lodge meeting held on the 7 th inst ., Bro . Pearson in the chair , and after the business connected with the raising of two of the brethren had been completed , the subject of the appointment of Bro . P . L . B . Dykes , of Dovenby , to ' the office of Prov . G . M . for the Counties of Cumberland aud AVestmoreland , was discussed by the brethren . It was felt to be peculiarly gratifying that a gentleman connected to some extent with the town of
Maryporfc should have had bestowed upon him so high a Masonic honour , and the conversation resulted in a formal motion that an address be sent to Bro . Dykes offering the congratulations of the brethren . Before tke lodge was closed die following address was agreed upon , and the Secretary was instructed to forward the same : — " Maryport , Sth July , 1862 . To Frechville Lawson Ballantyne Dykes , Esq ., of Dovenby , Provincial Grand Master for the counties of Cumberland and Westmoreland . The address
of the Worshipful Master , Wardens , and brethren forming th e Masonic Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 50 S ) , Maryport . Right Worshipful Sir , — -We , the brethren of the above-named lodge , desire to express our high gratification at your appointment to the office of Provincial Grand Master of their Order . We do so ,
feeling that we have a peculiar claim to manifest our interest in this important event in your Masonic career . This claim we would venture to base on your close connection with the leading family in the neighbourhood of our town , and especially on the official share youhave long possessed in the management of the affairs of the town and harbour of Maryport . We therefore , Right Worshipful Sir , offer you our best fraternal greetings on this occasionwith the sincere expression of our satisfaction at the
know-, ledge of the position in which you have been placed over us . We would also , Right Worshipful Sir , present our cordial congratulations on the high Masonic honor you have obtained . We would likewise take this opportunity of expressing our conviction that the interests of our order will be secure in your keeping ; and we fervently pray that you , Right Worshipful Sir , may long be spared to be the guardian of Masonry in these counties
. " To this address a reply has been received from Bro . Djkes , thanking the brethren for their expressions of good will and congratulation , and asserting his anxious resolve to discharge efficientl y the duties of an office he feels it to be an honour to fill , it contained also the pleasing information that the Ri ght Worshipful gentleman , who has been subjected lately to a severe illness , is now improving in health .
DURHAM . HARTLEPOOL . —^ -. Helen ' s Lodge ( No . 771- ) . —A lodge of emergency was holden in the Masonic hall , on the 14 th July , lor the purpose of initiating Messrs . Thomas Austin , and Jjeorge Yeaman , previonslv accepted , and to raise Bro . Edgar , q w W ? P resentBro 3 . James Groves , W . M . ; B . R . Huntley , n « T L A- Ham > nevbom , P . M ., P . Prov . G . D . C ., acting as J -W . ; J . Ein ,. Holmes , Sec ; A . Nathan , S . D . ; Edgar 0 .
Kramer , acting as J . D . ; W . Donald , I . G . ; J . P . Allen , & c . Visiting brother A . Macdonald , of St . Johns Lodge , C ' ampbletown . Lodge was opened in ancient form , and the first candidate for initiation into the mysteries of Freemasonry , Mr . Thomas Austin , having proved himself duly qualified , was regularly initiated , instructed , and approved as a E . A . Freemason . The S . W . having left the chair , by permission , Bro . J . Emra Holmes was commanded hy the W . M . to . act as S . W .
Lodge was then opened in the 3 rd degree , and Bvb . Edgar was raised as a M . M . The ceremony was worthily performed by the W . M ., and could not but impress the candidate with the dignity of our Order , and the sublimity of its teachings . Lodge was then closed down , and the brethren retired for refreshment , when the evening was spent in that harmony and good fellowship , which is at once the characteristic and boast of all the gatherings of the ancient Craft .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . BERKELEY . —Poyal Berhley Lodge of Faith and Friendship-( No . 337 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Berkeley Arms Hotel , the W . M ., Bro . C . Partridge , in the chair . The lodge was opened in the first degree , when Mr . William Pinnell , of Rockhampton , was dnly initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The lodge was then closed and the brethren retired to refreshment , and spent the evening in love and harmony .
HAMPSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . A very numerous and influential gathering of the Masonic fraternity was realised at Havant on Tuesday , the 8 th inst ., on the occasion of the annual Grand Lodge of the Province , there assembled , hy command of the Right W . Prov . G . M . Bro . Admiral Sir Lucuis CurtisBart . C . B . The early morning trains
, , brought shoals of " gentlemen in black , " and the inhabitants of the quiet little town peered from their doors and windows intothe streets with a visible impression set forth on their faces ., that about the numerous strangers there was certainly something solemn and mysterious .
The place of meeting was the school-room of the Church institute ; and there at high noon precisely the lodge was close tiled . Nearly 100 brethren took their seats in the lodge , comfortably and conveniently ranged under their respective banners . The R . W . Prov . G . M ., Admiral Sir L . Curtis , Bart ., and his Deputy , Bro . C . E . Deacon , S . G . D , of England , were received with the customary honours . Amongst the other numerous brethren present w e noticed the following : —Bros , the Jlev .
Dr . Bradsliaw , Prov . G . Chap . ; the Rev . Wills , Assist . G . Chap ; R . " Harfield , Prov . S . G . W . ; F . Perkins , Mayor of Southampton , Prov . J . G . W . ; J . George , Mayor of Romsey ; John Haywood , ex-Mayor of Lymington ; John Nash , P . M ., 90 , ex- Mayor ot , Winchester ; R . S . Hulberfc , P . M ., 995 , ex-Mayor of Basingstoke ; William Challis , 995 , ex-Mayor of Basingstoke ; J . R . Stebbing , Yice-President oi the Board ot General Purposes ; M . E . Frost 319 ; F . Binckes 10 and 90 Sec . to the Boys '
, , , School ; Dr . Kirkman ; Passenger ; W . Hickman , Prov , G . Sec . ; A . Smith , W . M ., 90 ; La Croix , P . M ., 90 ; C . Sherry , P . M ., 90 ; H . C . Levander , P . M ., 90 ; H . Huggins , Sec , 90 ; J . Levander , 916 ; Emery , W . M ., 42 S ; Weeks , W . M ., 1106 ; Milner , 401 ; H . M . Powell , 995 ; L . Howe , See ., 995 ; H . M . Emanuel , 319 ,. Capt . Saunders , 6 th Regt . ; J . Lamb , 995 ; Ilenuesy , 190 ; . Aberdeen , & c .
Bro . W . HICIOTAN , Prov . G . Sec , read the minutes of thelast Provincial Grand Lodge , which were put from the chair ,, and confirmed . Letters were then read from Bros . T . W . Fleming , Prow G . M ., Isle of Wight ; Hyde Pullen , D . Prov . G . M ., Isle of Wight ; Col . Bowyer , Prov . G . M ., Oxford , and Spiers , D . Prov .. G . M ., Oxford , & c , apologising for and regretting their absence , through inability to attend .
Bro . . T . R . STEBBING ( who officiated on behalf of the Trea « surer , absent through indisposition ) gave an abstract statement as to the position of the Provincial Lodge finances . The accounts showed that there was a balance in hand of £ 103 , aask £ 200 invested .