Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 1 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
THE GEEAT AECIIITEOT OF THE TJKTVEESE . The " Venerable" of a lodge in the Department of the Ardennes , in a letter full of expressions that accord only with Pantheism of the worst kind , asks , first , when did Freemasons begin to address God hy the title of " Great Architect of the Universe ; " next ,
where can be found the best illustration of such title ? To the first question neither memory nor commonplace book enables me to give an answer . To the second question , " In the Avritings of Sir Isaac Newton , " is , iu myjudgment the fitting answer . These are largelused in some recent treatises of "
Philoy sophic Religieuse . " Very many years have elapsed since my perusal of them , but there are sundry passages relating to the Deity and His attributes , upon which I have reflected so often and so long , that they are not even noAV forgotten . The passage from Sir Isaac NeAvton's pen Avhich I subjoin , as not
inappropriate to the subject of this communication , is not , howeA'er , one of the passages just alluded to , as I never saw it until a feAv months ago , Avhen my attention was draAvn to it in a stray number of an English review . " Deus est Ens sunme intelligens omnia ; voluntate efficiens possibilia ; naturaa totius fundamentum et causaomnia in se continenstamquam
, , eorum prineipium et locus ; omnia per praisentiam substantialem cernenset regens , et cum rebus omnibus secundum leges accuratas constanter coopei'ans . " In this brief description the Freemason will , if I mistake not , readily recognise his Great Architect of the Universe . The God of Sir Isaac Newton and the
God of Freemasonry are one and the same . Such God is not , as a " Venerable" is , I apprehend , abundantly aAvare , the God of the kind of Pantheism which his manner of writing concerning it makes me think has , from some strange cause , found favour in his eyes . —CHARLES PUETOK COOPEE .
EXTINCT I _ 0 _ N _ DO _ N LODGES ASD TTS ' ITED LODGES . Can any of your readers inform me which of the following London lodges , in existence in 1811 , have beeu united to others , and AA'hich are totally extinct ? No . 7 , Lodge of St . Mary-le-bon . „ 8 , United . Lodges Ionic and Prudence .
„ 20 , Lodge of Cordiality . „ 30 , Social Lodge . „ 171 , Royal Lodge . „ 178 , Lodge of Constitutional Attachment . „ 182 , Royal Theatric Covent Garden Lodge . „ 215 , Lodge of Morality . „ 325 , Lodge of Honour . „ 355 , Hiram's Lodge . „ 387 , Lodge of Good Intent .
„ 466 , Friendly Lodge . —IITQUIEEE . OEATOEIO Or SOLOMON ' S TEMPLE . Has the oratorio of Solomon's Temple , written by Mr . J . E . Weekes , the music of Avhich Avas composed by Mr . BroadAvay , organist of St . Patrick ' s Cathedral , Dublin , for the benefit of sick and aged distressed
Masons , and performed in that city , ever been represented in England ? and Avas the music published ? —INQUIEEE . K * * * * H LADDEES . "What are the English definitions of the K * * * * H ladders?—K . H .
The Masonic Mirror.
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS 115 ARREARS . Subscribers ' who are in arrears will oblige by remitting at once to the office , No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . [ Post Office Orders to be made payable to Bro . AA'illiam Smith , C . E . ] * * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , W . C ,
CORNWALL . TIUTRO . —LodgeofFortitv . de ( No . 131 ) . —The regular meeting of this ancient and large lodge was held on Tuesday , the 8 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Quay-street , Truro . Although there were candidates for tbe three degrees , no business was transacted requiring mention , as the members decided to bold a lodge of emergency on the following Friday week . The
lodgo having been closed with solemn prayer , tho AV . M . and several brethren proceeded to the Globe Inn , and partook of a substantial refreshment . Five visitors were present , who were most fraternally welcomed . After the usual toasts had been given from the chair , Bto . James Laidlaw , W . M ., Prov . G . Steward , was asked to withdraw , when the brethren determined to present their Master with a Past Master ' s jewel , as they deeply regretted his departure for Liverpool in a few clays ,
and wished to give him a suitable acknowledgment of the respect and esteem felt for him by the members of tbe lodge and the Freemasons of Truro generally , because of the able manner in which he has attended to the welfare of , and the duties ot Master to , tho Fortitude Lodge . A goodly sum Avas soon most cordially promised , and a committee organised to carry out the preliminaries , and arrange for collecting an amount Avorthy of the lodge and its Master . AVe hope that the fraternity of Liverpool will give a hearty welcome to the brother Avho is thus leaving Truro , as he carries with him the best wishes of the Craft in Cornwall .
SUSSEX . PEOA ' IXCIAI ; GEAND LODGE . The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodgo of Sussex was held at the Old Ship Hotel , on Thursday , the 10 th inst . The lodge was numerously attended by the Provincial Grand Officers and by members of every lodge in the province . Unusual
interest attached to the meeting in consequence of the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , the Most AVorshipful the Grand Master of England , having conferred the appointment of Provincial Grand Master of Sussex upon Bvo . Lieut .-Col . d'Albiac , who had for the last eight years held the office of Deputy Provincial Grand Master . The ceremony of installation was very ably performed by
Bro . Hull , Prov . G . M . of Cambridgeshire . The newly-elected Provincial Grand Master appointed as his deputy Bro . Edmund J . Furner , P . Prov . S . G . AV . The usual business of the Provincial Grand Lodge was then proceeded with , and the Provincial Grand Master appointed and invested the Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year . The customary banquet was subsequently held , and was presided over by tho Provincial Grand Master , Avhose health was drunk very enthusiastically .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . Hicra GKEENAVOOD CJIAPTEB SOVEREIGN PEINCES ROSE CEOIX . — This AVIIS a chapter of emergency convened for perfecting Sir Knt . AA m . Farrar , previous to leaving for California , and admitting S . P . R . > J | AVm . Greenwood , of Manchester , a joining member . The S . P . R . > J < assembled on the Gtli inst ., in the Freemasons' Private Rooms , Bottoms Stansfield , and opened the chapter in form . The 111 . M . AV . S ., Sir Knt .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
THE GEEAT AECIIITEOT OF THE TJKTVEESE . The " Venerable" of a lodge in the Department of the Ardennes , in a letter full of expressions that accord only with Pantheism of the worst kind , asks , first , when did Freemasons begin to address God hy the title of " Great Architect of the Universe ; " next ,
where can be found the best illustration of such title ? To the first question neither memory nor commonplace book enables me to give an answer . To the second question , " In the Avritings of Sir Isaac Newton , " is , iu myjudgment the fitting answer . These are largelused in some recent treatises of "
Philoy sophic Religieuse . " Very many years have elapsed since my perusal of them , but there are sundry passages relating to the Deity and His attributes , upon which I have reflected so often and so long , that they are not even noAV forgotten . The passage from Sir Isaac NeAvton's pen Avhich I subjoin , as not
inappropriate to the subject of this communication , is not , howeA'er , one of the passages just alluded to , as I never saw it until a feAv months ago , Avhen my attention was draAvn to it in a stray number of an English review . " Deus est Ens sunme intelligens omnia ; voluntate efficiens possibilia ; naturaa totius fundamentum et causaomnia in se continenstamquam
, , eorum prineipium et locus ; omnia per praisentiam substantialem cernenset regens , et cum rebus omnibus secundum leges accuratas constanter coopei'ans . " In this brief description the Freemason will , if I mistake not , readily recognise his Great Architect of the Universe . The God of Sir Isaac Newton and the
God of Freemasonry are one and the same . Such God is not , as a " Venerable" is , I apprehend , abundantly aAvare , the God of the kind of Pantheism which his manner of writing concerning it makes me think has , from some strange cause , found favour in his eyes . —CHARLES PUETOK COOPEE .
EXTINCT I _ 0 _ N _ DO _ N LODGES ASD TTS ' ITED LODGES . Can any of your readers inform me which of the following London lodges , in existence in 1811 , have beeu united to others , and AA'hich are totally extinct ? No . 7 , Lodge of St . Mary-le-bon . „ 8 , United . Lodges Ionic and Prudence .
„ 20 , Lodge of Cordiality . „ 30 , Social Lodge . „ 171 , Royal Lodge . „ 178 , Lodge of Constitutional Attachment . „ 182 , Royal Theatric Covent Garden Lodge . „ 215 , Lodge of Morality . „ 325 , Lodge of Honour . „ 355 , Hiram's Lodge . „ 387 , Lodge of Good Intent .
„ 466 , Friendly Lodge . —IITQUIEEE . OEATOEIO Or SOLOMON ' S TEMPLE . Has the oratorio of Solomon's Temple , written by Mr . J . E . Weekes , the music of Avhich Avas composed by Mr . BroadAvay , organist of St . Patrick ' s Cathedral , Dublin , for the benefit of sick and aged distressed
Masons , and performed in that city , ever been represented in England ? and Avas the music published ? —INQUIEEE . K * * * * H LADDEES . "What are the English definitions of the K * * * * H ladders?—K . H .
The Masonic Mirror.
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS 115 ARREARS . Subscribers ' who are in arrears will oblige by remitting at once to the office , No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . [ Post Office Orders to be made payable to Bro . AA'illiam Smith , C . E . ] * * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , W . C ,
CORNWALL . TIUTRO . —LodgeofFortitv . de ( No . 131 ) . —The regular meeting of this ancient and large lodge was held on Tuesday , the 8 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Quay-street , Truro . Although there were candidates for tbe three degrees , no business was transacted requiring mention , as the members decided to bold a lodge of emergency on the following Friday week . The
lodgo having been closed with solemn prayer , tho AV . M . and several brethren proceeded to the Globe Inn , and partook of a substantial refreshment . Five visitors were present , who were most fraternally welcomed . After the usual toasts had been given from the chair , Bto . James Laidlaw , W . M ., Prov . G . Steward , was asked to withdraw , when the brethren determined to present their Master with a Past Master ' s jewel , as they deeply regretted his departure for Liverpool in a few clays ,
and wished to give him a suitable acknowledgment of the respect and esteem felt for him by the members of tbe lodge and the Freemasons of Truro generally , because of the able manner in which he has attended to the welfare of , and the duties ot Master to , tho Fortitude Lodge . A goodly sum Avas soon most cordially promised , and a committee organised to carry out the preliminaries , and arrange for collecting an amount Avorthy of the lodge and its Master . AVe hope that the fraternity of Liverpool will give a hearty welcome to the brother Avho is thus leaving Truro , as he carries with him the best wishes of the Craft in Cornwall .
SUSSEX . PEOA ' IXCIAI ; GEAND LODGE . The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodgo of Sussex was held at the Old Ship Hotel , on Thursday , the 10 th inst . The lodge was numerously attended by the Provincial Grand Officers and by members of every lodge in the province . Unusual
interest attached to the meeting in consequence of the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , the Most AVorshipful the Grand Master of England , having conferred the appointment of Provincial Grand Master of Sussex upon Bvo . Lieut .-Col . d'Albiac , who had for the last eight years held the office of Deputy Provincial Grand Master . The ceremony of installation was very ably performed by
Bro . Hull , Prov . G . M . of Cambridgeshire . The newly-elected Provincial Grand Master appointed as his deputy Bro . Edmund J . Furner , P . Prov . S . G . AV . The usual business of the Provincial Grand Lodge was then proceeded with , and the Provincial Grand Master appointed and invested the Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year . The customary banquet was subsequently held , and was presided over by tho Provincial Grand Master , Avhose health was drunk very enthusiastically .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . Hicra GKEENAVOOD CJIAPTEB SOVEREIGN PEINCES ROSE CEOIX . — This AVIIS a chapter of emergency convened for perfecting Sir Knt . AA m . Farrar , previous to leaving for California , and admitting S . P . R . > J | AVm . Greenwood , of Manchester , a joining member . The S . P . R . > J < assembled on the Gtli inst ., in the Freemasons' Private Rooms , Bottoms Stansfield , and opened the chapter in form . The 111 . M . AV . S ., Sir Knt .