Article CHINA. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTES ON MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTES ON MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. Page 1 of 1 Article Poetry. Page 1 of 1
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per annum interest on tho same , and set apart each year a portion of its income to pay off the principal . Bro . GUILD then rose , and said that ho concurred entirely with what had just been said by Bro . Parker , and thought the increasing necessities of the fraternity at Shanghai , with the great prospect of a Provincial Grand Lodge of Northern China being ere long established at that port , rendered it imperative that more commodious accommodation should be provided for
the meetings of the different bodies ; at the same time the engaging each lodge in the undertaking would materially tend to strengthen , by consolidating their interests , the bond of ™" union existing . Bro . JORDAN suggested that , as upon the adoption of the agreement the lodge and all its members would be bound to carry it out , some limitations might be placed as to the
liabilities of each member . The W . MASTER replied that this would rather affect the second proposition whicli he had mentioned it was his intention to make , than the one as to whether the lodge should enter into the agreement , and that he should be happy to second a proposition such as that mentioned by Bro . Jordan , should it be decided by the lodge that the work was to g ; o on . j Bro . JOEDAN said ho would defer making any proposition I until after the agreement had been submitted to the lodge .
The AV . MASTER then proposed that " the AVorshipful Master and AVardens be hereby empowered , in the name of the lodge , to sign the agreement just read binding the lodge to its provisions , " which being seconded by Bro . Seaman , was unanimously carried . The AA' . JIASTER then asked Bro . Jordan tokindly bring forward the proposition suggested by him , when Bro . JOKDAN proposed , and Bro . SAAVKEB seconded , " That in the case of any difficulty
being experienced in raising the money necessary for the work , any brother by the payment or free gift of lOOTs . should be exempted from all further assessment or liability on account of it , " which was carried unanimously . The W . MASTER then made a proposition to the effect " That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorised to issue certificates of indebtedness or scrip in the name of the lodge in sums of 25 Ts . each , to an extent in the discretion of the Worshipful
Master sufficient to enable him to pay tiie amount of capital voted by the Royal Sussex , such scrip to bear interest at the rateofS per cent , per annum , and a certain portion ofthe income to be set apart each year towards the principal , " which being seconded by Bro . SEAMAN , was unanimously carried . Four brethren were then examined and passed to the second degree , and two candidates were initiated . Propositions of two candidates for initiation were received , and nothing more offering for the good of Masonry , tha lodge was closed in due form .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
The new comedy-farce of" Uncle Sam , " AA'hich " Air . Sothem is preparing at tho Hay market , is Avritten by Mr . John Oxenford . The Glowtvorm says that an A . D . C . ( Amateur Dramatic Club ) will shortly bo established iu Oxford . The Dean of Christ Church favours the scheme . Madame and M . Sainton , Mr . Sims RCOA-CS , and Mi-.
Weiss , have declined accepting the rod need terms offered them , for the Gloucester Festival by the conductor , Dr . Wesley ; andin their place have been engaged Miss Wilkinson , Miss L . Pyne , Hen- Oriinz ( in the place of Mr . Sims Beeves ) , and Mr . Santloy and Mr . Lewis Thomas , in the room of Mr . Weiss . Miss Lucy Ilushtoii , late of the Haymarket aud
Astl ey ' s Theatres , sailed for America on Saturday , the Sfch ins .., in the China . Miss C . Lucette and Mr . Morton Price , with , several members of their late company at Sadler ' s Wells , have commenced an Operatic and Dramatic Season at the Philosophical Hall , Huddersfield , and hare received Avell-deserved patronage .
Her Majesty ' s Theatre attaches celebrated the close o £ the season on Monday evening , the 7 th inst ., by a jovial meet . " Song and Supper , " both of excellent sort and kind , accompanied the evening ' s revelry ; loyal toasts , honour-
Notes On Music And The Drama.
able mention of employer , and also of those under whose direction they are placed , Messrs . CoAvan , Ea-per , and Nugent . The chair was ably filled by Mr . Gibbons and the vice by Mr . LeAvis . This pleasant gathering shows the cordiality and good feeling existing amongst the men , Avho , as a body , form an important adjunct to the excellent arrangements in front of the curtain as displayed at
Her Majesty ' s Theatre . The operas talked of for the Limited Liability Company ' s season are "L'Africaine , " possibly a version of " La Reine de Saba ; " Mr . Hoary Leslie ' s " Guardian Stork , " and Mr . Osborne ' s opera . It is said thai Mr . Tom Holder , the tenor Avho has lately been much talked about in our amateur world , has
been engaged by Mr . Gyo for the Italian season of 1866 . There is again talk of a new theatre to be built in Holborn , iu Avhich , it is said , Mr . Sofchern Avill have an interest . It is said that Madame Grisi Avill appear again at Her Majesty ' s Theatre next year ; if so , possibly also Signor Mario . There is obviously a storm , portending change ,
breAving in the Opera atmosphere ; would that it Avould bring down a new composer ; meaiiAvhile , the event to be looked to is M . Gounod ' s " Eomeo and Juliet . " There is to be operetta at the JSTOW Royalty Theatre , Avith Miss Susan Galton as the leading lady . A young tenor singer of Avhom good things are said , Mr . Brewster AVylie , has taken a very advantageous engagement in America .
Poetry .
PATERFAMILIAS ON THE PRICE OP MEAT . My wife and my children , wo must eat ; Wc can't reduce our diet . But oh , the awful price of meat ! AVho can afford to buy it ? Alas , the good old days gone hy ! I say to their decrier ; - Our vension then , indeed , was high , But now our beef is higher .
You won't consent to try " charqui , " Or any preparation , Important from beyond tiie sea , Of flesh in preservation . Have butcher's meat alone you will , Heavy as he may weigh it , The bill and nothing but the bill For you—and I must pay it .
The bill and nothing but the bill , My children and their mother ; Ah yes !—if that your wants will till , The butcher's and no other ; Except the grocer ' s bill , of course , The milkman's , and the baker ' s ; But spare me with a moral force , The draper ' s and dressmaker ' s .
Away , at least , indulgence cast Of vanity's poor passion , And try to make your raiment last , AA'itbout regard to fashion . Bestow less eare on the outside , Spend much less money on it , And don't expect me to provide , Each quarter that new bonnet .
Then be , my love and dears , content AVith finery in reason , Or we must keep a constant Lent , And fast in every season : In something we must pinch and pare To make both ends just button , The tarlatanes and glnces spare , For love of beef and mutton .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
per annum interest on tho same , and set apart each year a portion of its income to pay off the principal . Bro . GUILD then rose , and said that ho concurred entirely with what had just been said by Bro . Parker , and thought the increasing necessities of the fraternity at Shanghai , with the great prospect of a Provincial Grand Lodge of Northern China being ere long established at that port , rendered it imperative that more commodious accommodation should be provided for
the meetings of the different bodies ; at the same time the engaging each lodge in the undertaking would materially tend to strengthen , by consolidating their interests , the bond of ™" union existing . Bro . JORDAN suggested that , as upon the adoption of the agreement the lodge and all its members would be bound to carry it out , some limitations might be placed as to the
liabilities of each member . The W . MASTER replied that this would rather affect the second proposition whicli he had mentioned it was his intention to make , than the one as to whether the lodge should enter into the agreement , and that he should be happy to second a proposition such as that mentioned by Bro . Jordan , should it be decided by the lodge that the work was to g ; o on . j Bro . JOEDAN said ho would defer making any proposition I until after the agreement had been submitted to the lodge .
The AV . MASTER then proposed that " the AVorshipful Master and AVardens be hereby empowered , in the name of the lodge , to sign the agreement just read binding the lodge to its provisions , " which being seconded by Bro . Seaman , was unanimously carried . The AA' . JIASTER then asked Bro . Jordan tokindly bring forward the proposition suggested by him , when Bro . JOKDAN proposed , and Bro . SAAVKEB seconded , " That in the case of any difficulty
being experienced in raising the money necessary for the work , any brother by the payment or free gift of lOOTs . should be exempted from all further assessment or liability on account of it , " which was carried unanimously . The W . MASTER then made a proposition to the effect " That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorised to issue certificates of indebtedness or scrip in the name of the lodge in sums of 25 Ts . each , to an extent in the discretion of the Worshipful
Master sufficient to enable him to pay tiie amount of capital voted by the Royal Sussex , such scrip to bear interest at the rateofS per cent , per annum , and a certain portion ofthe income to be set apart each year towards the principal , " which being seconded by Bro . SEAMAN , was unanimously carried . Four brethren were then examined and passed to the second degree , and two candidates were initiated . Propositions of two candidates for initiation were received , and nothing more offering for the good of Masonry , tha lodge was closed in due form .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
The new comedy-farce of" Uncle Sam , " AA'hich " Air . Sothem is preparing at tho Hay market , is Avritten by Mr . John Oxenford . The Glowtvorm says that an A . D . C . ( Amateur Dramatic Club ) will shortly bo established iu Oxford . The Dean of Christ Church favours the scheme . Madame and M . Sainton , Mr . Sims RCOA-CS , and Mi-.
Weiss , have declined accepting the rod need terms offered them , for the Gloucester Festival by the conductor , Dr . Wesley ; andin their place have been engaged Miss Wilkinson , Miss L . Pyne , Hen- Oriinz ( in the place of Mr . Sims Beeves ) , and Mr . Santloy and Mr . Lewis Thomas , in the room of Mr . Weiss . Miss Lucy Ilushtoii , late of the Haymarket aud
Astl ey ' s Theatres , sailed for America on Saturday , the Sfch ins .., in the China . Miss C . Lucette and Mr . Morton Price , with , several members of their late company at Sadler ' s Wells , have commenced an Operatic and Dramatic Season at the Philosophical Hall , Huddersfield , and hare received Avell-deserved patronage .
Her Majesty ' s Theatre attaches celebrated the close o £ the season on Monday evening , the 7 th inst ., by a jovial meet . " Song and Supper , " both of excellent sort and kind , accompanied the evening ' s revelry ; loyal toasts , honour-
Notes On Music And The Drama.
able mention of employer , and also of those under whose direction they are placed , Messrs . CoAvan , Ea-per , and Nugent . The chair was ably filled by Mr . Gibbons and the vice by Mr . LeAvis . This pleasant gathering shows the cordiality and good feeling existing amongst the men , Avho , as a body , form an important adjunct to the excellent arrangements in front of the curtain as displayed at
Her Majesty ' s Theatre . The operas talked of for the Limited Liability Company ' s season are "L'Africaine , " possibly a version of " La Reine de Saba ; " Mr . Hoary Leslie ' s " Guardian Stork , " and Mr . Osborne ' s opera . It is said thai Mr . Tom Holder , the tenor Avho has lately been much talked about in our amateur world , has
been engaged by Mr . Gyo for the Italian season of 1866 . There is again talk of a new theatre to be built in Holborn , iu Avhich , it is said , Mr . Sofchern Avill have an interest . It is said that Madame Grisi Avill appear again at Her Majesty ' s Theatre next year ; if so , possibly also Signor Mario . There is obviously a storm , portending change ,
breAving in the Opera atmosphere ; would that it Avould bring down a new composer ; meaiiAvhile , the event to be looked to is M . Gounod ' s " Eomeo and Juliet . " There is to be operetta at the JSTOW Royalty Theatre , Avith Miss Susan Galton as the leading lady . A young tenor singer of Avhom good things are said , Mr . Brewster AVylie , has taken a very advantageous engagement in America .
Poetry .
PATERFAMILIAS ON THE PRICE OP MEAT . My wife and my children , wo must eat ; Wc can't reduce our diet . But oh , the awful price of meat ! AVho can afford to buy it ? Alas , the good old days gone hy ! I say to their decrier ; - Our vension then , indeed , was high , But now our beef is higher .
You won't consent to try " charqui , " Or any preparation , Important from beyond tiie sea , Of flesh in preservation . Have butcher's meat alone you will , Heavy as he may weigh it , The bill and nothing but the bill For you—and I must pay it .
The bill and nothing but the bill , My children and their mother ; Ah yes !—if that your wants will till , The butcher's and no other ; Except the grocer ' s bill , of course , The milkman's , and the baker ' s ; But spare me with a moral force , The draper ' s and dressmaker ' s .
Away , at least , indulgence cast Of vanity's poor passion , And try to make your raiment last , AA'itbout regard to fashion . Bestow less eare on the outside , Spend much less money on it , And don't expect me to provide , Each quarter that new bonnet .
Then be , my love and dears , content AVith finery in reason , Or we must keep a constant Lent , And fast in every season : In something we must pinch and pare To make both ends just button , The tarlatanes and glnces spare , For love of beef and mutton .