Article GRAND LODGE OF IRELAND. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Craft Masonry. ENGLISH CONSTITUTION. METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. ENGLISH CONSTITUTION. METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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Grand Lodge Of Ireland.
Enttis ; G . Fitzgerald , J . Gibson , and Thomas Adams , 73 , Limerick ; AA . Slater , 76 , Longford ; George N . Menne , 71 , Cork ; A . J . Johnston , 36 , Belfast ; Dr . Saunderson , 79 , Donoghue ; Major Thompson , 86 , Doivtipatrick ; D . Allen , 93 , Dublin ; AV . R . Rogers , 47 , Dund-. ilk ; M . F . Panes , P . D . Shackleton , T . Levan , and Thomas C . Butler , 116 , Carlow ; H . J . Liuith , 150 , Eathdermoy ; R . Null , 109 , Belfast ; John Cook , 190 , Belfast ;
Capfc . Robertson , Henry Iscom , and John Iscom . 242 , Boyle ; G . F . Stoney , M . Andrews , and F . N . Young , 201 , Nenagh ; E . Willi-, AA . D . Puttison , P . Fawcett , and '" H . J . Love , 321 , Tullamore ; Rev . C . K . Irwin , 219 , PortadoAvn ; Major Colcloug-b , and AVilliam ll . lliehey , 035 , Wexford ; 8 . Potts , and Dr . Eaton , 137 , BuUmastow ; AV . Peyton , Major Ormsby Gore , and Dr . Bradshaw , 854 , Carrick and Shannon ; Thomas Mitchell , 163 ParsonstoAvn ; William P . Bleech 333
, , , Omagh ; Geo . C . Roberts , 270 , Ennisworthy ; W . I . Leggett , A . Jesson , J . Keir , and Thomas Nesth , 222 Bray ; Dr . Hayes , 205 , Naas ; R . J . Kinhead , and D . Rutledge , 161 , Tuam ; James , Hesse , 384 , Dundalk ; J . AV . Fair , 101 , Athlone ; John Hainra , 272 , Belfast ; Joseph Lighthurne , 696 , Mullaglass ; AV . H . Frazer , 642 . Kilkenny ; John Waldun , 402 , Abbeylaix ; Dr . Edge , 150 , RathdoAA-ney ; H . Sbeey Muir , 114 , E . G . ; A . Hill , 555 , Fermoy ; S . Bennor , 579 , Tralee ,
The following brethren acted as SteAvards -. — Bros . F . AVilliam AVilde , 143 ; Leoll SnoAV , 141 ; Capt . Massey , 13 ; Dr . Thos . E . Beatley , 12 ; Dr . John Thomas Banks , Grand Master ' s Lodge ; Dr . Owens , 143 ; Edward W . Maunsell , 33 ; James Ireland , 4 ; AVilliam Allen , 494 ; Harry Hodges , 4 ; David Galbraitb , 141 ; George A . Stephens , 6 ; Jas . D . Mitchell , 53 ; Dr . J . Talfnell , 728 ; Samuel B . Oldham , 4 . The Visitors from the Grand Lodge of England , were-. —Bros .
His Grace the Duke of Manchester , Provincial Grand Master of Northamptonshire ; William E . Gumbleton , Past Grand Deacon of England ; Marquis ol Hamilton , Comptroller to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales ; Francis ICiiollys , Private Secretary to H . R . H . the Prince of AVales ; B . Courtueny Boyle , Private Secretary to his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant , ; J . C . Parkinson , Jun . Grand Warden of the Grand Mark Lodge of England .
Craft Masonry. English Constitution. Metropolitan.
HERVEY LODGE , NO . 1260 . —The regular meeting of this lodge ivas held at the SAvan Inn , AValham Green , on Wednesday , fltli inst . There Avere present Bros . P . ll . Jones , AV . M . ; G . King , Jun ., P . M ., as S . AV . ; AVm . Smith , C . E ., as J . AV . ; Pulsion ! , AV , M ., Eastern Star Lodge , as S . D . ; Czarnecki , J . D . ; Davidson , I . G . ; G . King , Jun ., P . M . and Sec . The visitors were Bros . Holland , P . M . ; P . Prov . G . D . Suffolk ; Cooper , P . M ., Zetland Lodge ; Pulsford , WM ., Eastern Star Lodge .
The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bros . Portlier , Bicknell and Mason ivere raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason ; and Mr . James Johnson having been balloted for and unanimously elected , Avas initiated . The business being over , the lodge ivas closed in ancient form with solemn prayer . LODGE OF ASAPH ( No . 1319 ) . —The brethren of this lodge
held an emergency to relieve the lodge of the Avork at the next regular meeting , on which occasion the installation of the AV . M . elect , Bro . Coote , S . AV ., will take place . There were present Bros . E . S . Jones , AV . M . ; C . Coote , S . W . ; J . Chamberlain , J . AV . ; E . Freivin , I . G . ; AV . A . Tinney , D . C ; T . Adams , P . G . P ., H . J . Tinney , Egerton , Compton , " Easton , AVeston , Reynolds , Horton , J . Baker , Jun ., Boatwright , Silderberg , Snelling and Snyders ; visitor , Bro . S . Caswell , 333 , 1 . C . The business consisted in balloting for Mr . J . F . Hutchings for initiation , which proved unanimous ; passing Bro . Reynold ., and raising Bro . G . A . Compton , The W . M ., having entrusted the chair
Craft Masonry. English Constitution. Metropolitan.
to Bro . Coote , P . M ., then retired . Bro . Coote , in submitting that a P . M . 's jeivel be voted to Bro . Jones , said that it afforded him the greatest possible pleasure to be the proposer . It Avas a law in this lodge , and he thought a very salutary one , that the sum should not exceed ten guineas , as some brother Avould subscribe a certain amount which others could not afford , but at the same time , from feelings of delicacy , felt they could scarcely do otherwise ; he should therefore propose that the highest ;
amount alloAved by the bye-hnvs , namely , ten guineas , be voted to Bro . Jones for his indefatigable exertions as the first Master of this happy and prosperous lodge . Bro . Chamberlain , J . W ., seconded the motion in a feAV Avell-cliose * -. words , and it was carried unanimously . It ivas also proposed by Bro . Cooke , duly seconded , and carried unanimously , that a testimonial , engrossed on parchment , be prepared and framed , to accompany the jeivel , expressing the great esteem the brethren have for their first
AV . M ., from AA-hom tbe idea of the Lodgo of Asaph emanated . On the AV . M . ' s return to the lodge , Bro . Coote announced to him what had been proposed and carried during his temporary absence . Bro . Jones expressed the great pleasure it would afford him to receive this great mark of esteem ; he assured the brethren that the testimonial ivould be more prized by him than gold or jewels , as it displayed the feelings of the brethren towards him . The lodge ivas then closed in solemn prayer .
ROTAL ARTHUR LODGE ( NO . 1360 ) . —This ne-v lodge , to be held at the Duke of Ediugbsirgh Hotel , New WimWedoa , was consecrated on tho 3 rd inst ., at 4 p . m ., by W . Bro . James Brett , P . M ., and P . G . Purst ., assisted by Bro . AVilliam Watson , G . S . L . as S . W . ; and Bro . J . Thomas , P . M . 507 , as J . W . Tho ceremony was performed in a most beautiful and impressive manner , and excited the admiration of all present . Bro . Joseph Smith , P . M . and P . G . Purst ., Avho has alreadbeen the means of
y founding several lodges , Avas installed as the first AV . M ., and the following officers were appointed : —Bros . Henry Robert Willson , S . W . ; Robert AViffen , J . AV . ; Henry Smith , S . D . ; William Henry Jackson , J . D . ; Walter C . E . SUOAV , P . M ., Sec . ; and J . L . King , P . M . 657 ; George Scale , P . M . 1208 , and P . PI-OA * . G . A . Dir . of Cers . as members . Bio . Stevens , P . M ., assisted most ably as Director of Ceremonies . After the lodge AA-as closed the brethren sat doAvn to a most excellent aud liberal cold collation ,
provided at the expense of the worth y host of the Duke of Edinburgh , himself a candidate for initiation into the mysteries of the Order . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drunk , and the brethren dispersed about 9 p . m ., after liaving seen one of the most interesting ceremonies performed in a manner that must have impressed all w-itli the beaut y , solemnity , and sound foundation of Freemasonry . The following visitors were present : —Bros . James Brett , P . M ., and P . G . Purst .: W . Piatt ,
P . M . 144 , and Sec . 23 and 046 ; AV . AVatson , G . S . L . ; Jolm Reeve , 780 ; Thomas Lane , 720 ; Daniel Truster , 720 ; Henry F . Huntley , AV . M ., 720 ; George Lilley , 720 ; Henry Cooper , 172 ; A . Treachvill , 177 ; H . Masielski , 177 ; H . Kl ' ney , P . M ., 177 ; P . M . Crane , 177 ; M . A . LoAvenstark , W . M . 73 ; E . H . Finney , 255 ; James Stevens , 25 , P . M . 720 , 1216 ; AV . S . Larlham , 1216 ; John Thomas , P . M . 507 ; David Stoltz , 554 ; J . H . Lassam , 742 . 1269 ; J . Wright , S . D . 1158 ; J . K . Brown , 1158 ; A . D . Loweustark , P . M . 54 S , and 733 ; W . M . Hilton , J . D . 780 , and J . AV . 1351 ; Henry Potter , P . M . 11 , 177 , 1351 ; Thomas Baker , 1269 , 429 ; andD . D . Beck , S . AV . 1306 .
DORSETSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Dorsetshire was held on Thursday , the 10 th inst ., at the charming \ vatering place of Lyme Regis . Giving to the toivn being surrounded by hill ., and six miles from a railway station ; being also at an extreme part of the province , and Avell into Devon , a large number of Dorset
brethren could not be expected , but thero were , nevertheless , some 80 present . The Lodgo liaving been opened at one o ' clock , the minutes were rend and confirmed , and the abstract of the Provincial Grand Treasurer ' s accounts w-as received . The Provincial Grand Master then made the following appointments : —
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Grand Lodge Of Ireland.
Enttis ; G . Fitzgerald , J . Gibson , and Thomas Adams , 73 , Limerick ; AA . Slater , 76 , Longford ; George N . Menne , 71 , Cork ; A . J . Johnston , 36 , Belfast ; Dr . Saunderson , 79 , Donoghue ; Major Thompson , 86 , Doivtipatrick ; D . Allen , 93 , Dublin ; AV . R . Rogers , 47 , Dund-. ilk ; M . F . Panes , P . D . Shackleton , T . Levan , and Thomas C . Butler , 116 , Carlow ; H . J . Liuith , 150 , Eathdermoy ; R . Null , 109 , Belfast ; John Cook , 190 , Belfast ;
Capfc . Robertson , Henry Iscom , and John Iscom . 242 , Boyle ; G . F . Stoney , M . Andrews , and F . N . Young , 201 , Nenagh ; E . Willi-, AA . D . Puttison , P . Fawcett , and '" H . J . Love , 321 , Tullamore ; Rev . C . K . Irwin , 219 , PortadoAvn ; Major Colcloug-b , and AVilliam ll . lliehey , 035 , Wexford ; 8 . Potts , and Dr . Eaton , 137 , BuUmastow ; AV . Peyton , Major Ormsby Gore , and Dr . Bradshaw , 854 , Carrick and Shannon ; Thomas Mitchell , 163 ParsonstoAvn ; William P . Bleech 333
, , , Omagh ; Geo . C . Roberts , 270 , Ennisworthy ; W . I . Leggett , A . Jesson , J . Keir , and Thomas Nesth , 222 Bray ; Dr . Hayes , 205 , Naas ; R . J . Kinhead , and D . Rutledge , 161 , Tuam ; James , Hesse , 384 , Dundalk ; J . AV . Fair , 101 , Athlone ; John Hainra , 272 , Belfast ; Joseph Lighthurne , 696 , Mullaglass ; AV . H . Frazer , 642 . Kilkenny ; John Waldun , 402 , Abbeylaix ; Dr . Edge , 150 , RathdoAA-ney ; H . Sbeey Muir , 114 , E . G . ; A . Hill , 555 , Fermoy ; S . Bennor , 579 , Tralee ,
The following brethren acted as SteAvards -. — Bros . F . AVilliam AVilde , 143 ; Leoll SnoAV , 141 ; Capt . Massey , 13 ; Dr . Thos . E . Beatley , 12 ; Dr . John Thomas Banks , Grand Master ' s Lodge ; Dr . Owens , 143 ; Edward W . Maunsell , 33 ; James Ireland , 4 ; AVilliam Allen , 494 ; Harry Hodges , 4 ; David Galbraitb , 141 ; George A . Stephens , 6 ; Jas . D . Mitchell , 53 ; Dr . J . Talfnell , 728 ; Samuel B . Oldham , 4 . The Visitors from the Grand Lodge of England , were-. —Bros .
His Grace the Duke of Manchester , Provincial Grand Master of Northamptonshire ; William E . Gumbleton , Past Grand Deacon of England ; Marquis ol Hamilton , Comptroller to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales ; Francis ICiiollys , Private Secretary to H . R . H . the Prince of AVales ; B . Courtueny Boyle , Private Secretary to his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant , ; J . C . Parkinson , Jun . Grand Warden of the Grand Mark Lodge of England .
Craft Masonry. English Constitution. Metropolitan.
HERVEY LODGE , NO . 1260 . —The regular meeting of this lodge ivas held at the SAvan Inn , AValham Green , on Wednesday , fltli inst . There Avere present Bros . P . ll . Jones , AV . M . ; G . King , Jun ., P . M ., as S . AV . ; AVm . Smith , C . E ., as J . AV . ; Pulsion ! , AV , M ., Eastern Star Lodge , as S . D . ; Czarnecki , J . D . ; Davidson , I . G . ; G . King , Jun ., P . M . and Sec . The visitors were Bros . Holland , P . M . ; P . Prov . G . D . Suffolk ; Cooper , P . M ., Zetland Lodge ; Pulsford , WM ., Eastern Star Lodge .
The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bros . Portlier , Bicknell and Mason ivere raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason ; and Mr . James Johnson having been balloted for and unanimously elected , Avas initiated . The business being over , the lodge ivas closed in ancient form with solemn prayer . LODGE OF ASAPH ( No . 1319 ) . —The brethren of this lodge
held an emergency to relieve the lodge of the Avork at the next regular meeting , on which occasion the installation of the AV . M . elect , Bro . Coote , S . AV ., will take place . There were present Bros . E . S . Jones , AV . M . ; C . Coote , S . W . ; J . Chamberlain , J . AV . ; E . Freivin , I . G . ; AV . A . Tinney , D . C ; T . Adams , P . G . P ., H . J . Tinney , Egerton , Compton , " Easton , AVeston , Reynolds , Horton , J . Baker , Jun ., Boatwright , Silderberg , Snelling and Snyders ; visitor , Bro . S . Caswell , 333 , 1 . C . The business consisted in balloting for Mr . J . F . Hutchings for initiation , which proved unanimous ; passing Bro . Reynold ., and raising Bro . G . A . Compton , The W . M ., having entrusted the chair
Craft Masonry. English Constitution. Metropolitan.
to Bro . Coote , P . M ., then retired . Bro . Coote , in submitting that a P . M . 's jeivel be voted to Bro . Jones , said that it afforded him the greatest possible pleasure to be the proposer . It Avas a law in this lodge , and he thought a very salutary one , that the sum should not exceed ten guineas , as some brother Avould subscribe a certain amount which others could not afford , but at the same time , from feelings of delicacy , felt they could scarcely do otherwise ; he should therefore propose that the highest ;
amount alloAved by the bye-hnvs , namely , ten guineas , be voted to Bro . Jones for his indefatigable exertions as the first Master of this happy and prosperous lodge . Bro . Chamberlain , J . W ., seconded the motion in a feAV Avell-cliose * -. words , and it was carried unanimously . It ivas also proposed by Bro . Cooke , duly seconded , and carried unanimously , that a testimonial , engrossed on parchment , be prepared and framed , to accompany the jeivel , expressing the great esteem the brethren have for their first
AV . M ., from AA-hom tbe idea of the Lodgo of Asaph emanated . On the AV . M . ' s return to the lodge , Bro . Coote announced to him what had been proposed and carried during his temporary absence . Bro . Jones expressed the great pleasure it would afford him to receive this great mark of esteem ; he assured the brethren that the testimonial ivould be more prized by him than gold or jewels , as it displayed the feelings of the brethren towards him . The lodge ivas then closed in solemn prayer .
ROTAL ARTHUR LODGE ( NO . 1360 ) . —This ne-v lodge , to be held at the Duke of Ediugbsirgh Hotel , New WimWedoa , was consecrated on tho 3 rd inst ., at 4 p . m ., by W . Bro . James Brett , P . M ., and P . G . Purst ., assisted by Bro . AVilliam Watson , G . S . L . as S . W . ; and Bro . J . Thomas , P . M . 507 , as J . W . Tho ceremony was performed in a most beautiful and impressive manner , and excited the admiration of all present . Bro . Joseph Smith , P . M . and P . G . Purst ., Avho has alreadbeen the means of
y founding several lodges , Avas installed as the first AV . M ., and the following officers were appointed : —Bros . Henry Robert Willson , S . W . ; Robert AViffen , J . AV . ; Henry Smith , S . D . ; William Henry Jackson , J . D . ; Walter C . E . SUOAV , P . M ., Sec . ; and J . L . King , P . M . 657 ; George Scale , P . M . 1208 , and P . PI-OA * . G . A . Dir . of Cers . as members . Bio . Stevens , P . M ., assisted most ably as Director of Ceremonies . After the lodge AA-as closed the brethren sat doAvn to a most excellent aud liberal cold collation ,
provided at the expense of the worth y host of the Duke of Edinburgh , himself a candidate for initiation into the mysteries of the Order . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drunk , and the brethren dispersed about 9 p . m ., after liaving seen one of the most interesting ceremonies performed in a manner that must have impressed all w-itli the beaut y , solemnity , and sound foundation of Freemasonry . The following visitors were present : —Bros . James Brett , P . M ., and P . G . Purst .: W . Piatt ,
P . M . 144 , and Sec . 23 and 046 ; AV . AVatson , G . S . L . ; Jolm Reeve , 780 ; Thomas Lane , 720 ; Daniel Truster , 720 ; Henry F . Huntley , AV . M ., 720 ; George Lilley , 720 ; Henry Cooper , 172 ; A . Treachvill , 177 ; H . Masielski , 177 ; H . Kl ' ney , P . M ., 177 ; P . M . Crane , 177 ; M . A . LoAvenstark , W . M . 73 ; E . H . Finney , 255 ; James Stevens , 25 , P . M . 720 , 1216 ; AV . S . Larlham , 1216 ; John Thomas , P . M . 507 ; David Stoltz , 554 ; J . H . Lassam , 742 . 1269 ; J . Wright , S . D . 1158 ; J . K . Brown , 1158 ; A . D . Loweustark , P . M . 54 S , and 733 ; W . M . Hilton , J . D . 780 , and J . AV . 1351 ; Henry Potter , P . M . 11 , 177 , 1351 ; Thomas Baker , 1269 , 429 ; andD . D . Beck , S . AV . 1306 .
DORSETSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Dorsetshire was held on Thursday , the 10 th inst ., at the charming \ vatering place of Lyme Regis . Giving to the toivn being surrounded by hill ., and six miles from a railway station ; being also at an extreme part of the province , and Avell into Devon , a large number of Dorset
brethren could not be expected , but thero were , nevertheless , some 80 present . The Lodgo liaving been opened at one o ' clock , the minutes were rend and confirmed , and the abstract of the Provincial Grand Treasurer ' s accounts w-as received . The Provincial Grand Master then made the following appointments : —