Article INDIA. ← Page 3 of 3 Article CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Page 1 of 1 Article CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Page 1 of 1 Article AUSTRALIA. Page 1 of 2 →
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ask our Brother to accept of this token of esteem from those Avho have styled themselves his " true friends in Masonry . " The District Grand Master then called Grand Lodge to order , and after addressing a feiv words to Bro . Locke in expression of his high appreciation of his services to the Craft , and the assistance Avhich he had rendered to him as District Grand Secretary , read the following address : — " To H . H . Locke , Esq ., Deputy District Grand
MasterBen-, gal . Dear Brother , —We , the undersigned , solicit your acceptance of the accompanying Goblet and Dish as a small token of our personal esteem for you , and as a memento of our Masonic felloAA'ship during the time that you so ably filled the Secretary ' s chair in the Grand Lodge of this District . AVe feel that it would be a ivaste of words to dAvell upon what your OAvn conscience must fairly tell you , that for five long years you
performed the duties of Grand Secretary with devoted interest , unflagging diligence , and marked success ; and Avhilst as a token of our very high appreciation of the many services which you have rendered to the Craft in Bengal , Ave beg you to accept our small offering , Ave Avould be further glad to feel that in the long life of happiness ancl success which Ave fervently hope is before you , Ave may ever be regarded by you as , Avhat AVO sincerely profess ourselves to be , your real friends in Masonry . " At the conclusion of the address , the District Grand Master
banded to AV . Bro . Locke , through the Grand Director of Ceremonies , the testimonial , which consisted of a Goblet and Dish , prepared by Messrs . Hamilton and Co ., of Calcutta . They both hear the following inscription -. — " To H . H . Locke , Esq ., from a few real friends in Masonry . " W . Bro . Locke , in a feiv appropriate Avords , acknoAvledged the presentation , the kindness and honour of Avhich he ivould not soon forget , and stated his readiness to be at all times , and at all
seasons zealous in the cause of Masonry . Wor . Bro . G . II . Daly enquired from the R . W . the District Grand Master , Avhether " Lodge representatives , other than Masters and AA ' ardens , who ivere not Members of the District Grand Lodge , had votes in the proceedings of that body . " Tho R . AV . the District Grand Master said , iu reply , that although the question ivas out of order , no previous notice having been given , he Avould answer it . He considered that
Delegates from ; Lodges in place of the Master and Wardens holding appointments in District Grand Lodges had votes in the District Grand Lodge . A collection Avas then made for the Fund of Benevolence . The District Grand Secretary announced the amount to be Rs . 106-0-0 , Avhich Avas directed to be sent to the District Grand Treasurer . There being no further business , the District Grand Lodge was closed iu duo form at 8-10 p . m .
Cape Of Good Hope.
PORT ELIZABETH . INSTALLATION MEETING OP PORT ELIZABETH LODGE , NO . 711 . The annual meeting of this lodge took place at the Masonic Temple , on Saturday , June 24 th , St . John's Day , at high noon . Giving to thc unpropitious state of the weather , there Avas not so large a gathering as is usual on . this occasion . Bro . S . Bain , AV . M ., presided , supported by his officers , and Bros . F . S . Fairbridge , P . M ., J . C . Kemsley , P . M ., Geo . Smith , P . M ., and
several visiting brethren . Bro . F . S . Fairbridge duly presented the AA ' . M . elect , Bro . II . E . Tonks , S . W ., according to ancient ¦ custom , for installation , and after the brethren had retired , he was duly aud impressively installed into tho chair of K . S . by the AV . M . The customary salutations followed , and the WM . then proceeded to the appointment and investiture of his officers a ? followsviz : — -Bros . F . A . PearsonS . AA '
CEDnuster-, , . ; . . ville , J . W . ; G . Armstrong , Treas . ; II . Frost , Sec . ; J . A . Bell , S . D . ; A . Hill , J . D . ; J . F . Gertenbach and J . AV . Clark , Stewards ; T . Crage , I . G . ; J . Morley , Tyler . The addresses Avere given Avith much earnestness i > nd feeling by the Installing Master , and , after the usual routine business , the lodge ivas closed .
Cape Of Good Hope.
In the evening the brethren again assembled , in number about fifty , at the annual banquet , which Avas sumptuous and well served by Bro . Phillips , of the Club . Dessert folloAA'ed , and , after the customary toasts Avere given , of the Queen and the Craft , and others AA'ith masonic honours , the toast of the evening Avas proposed by Bro . S . Bain , P . M ., AA-IIO" observed that this Avas the second pleasurable duty which had devolved upon
him on this occasion , the first being the installation of their esteemed AV . M . and the second that of proposing his health , Avhich he Avas sure the brethren would respond to Avith enthusiasm . Bro . Tonks had faithfully served the office of S . W . during his ( Bro . Bain ' s ) first year of office , and bad acted in that capacity during the greater part of his second year , owing to the continued absence of the officer appointed to that post , and if ever merit deserved preferment it was in the case of
their present W . M ., and being , as he believed , the oldest mason present , he would be of infinite service to tbe brethren if they Avould only rally round him and give him the support which he undoubtedly deserved at their hands . In the early days of the lodge the AV . M ., as an old and experienced mason , had done good service to the promoters by his advice , and he ( Bro . Bain ) felt sure if the brethren ivould only listen to his teaching , they
Avould all become good and zealous masons . The W . M ., in responding , said that he could scarcely express to the brethren how deeply he felt the kind and hearty manner with ivhich they had received the toast , and he could assure them this was a day he had looked forward to for many years and the brethren , might depend upon his doing his utmost to follow in tho steps of their late AV . M ., Avhose ruling , working and
governing the lodge had met Avith the cordial approval of all the brethren . The AV . M ., iu the unavoidable absence of Bro . F . D . Deare , P . M ., gave the health of the retiring AV . M ., to which Bro . Bain duly responded . Other toasts then folloived , interspersed with some capital songs and recitations , and altogether a most agreeable evening Avas spent , the brethren retiring about 11 o ' clock .
NEW SOUTH WALES . P-ROVINCIAL GlSAND LODGE . The quarterly communication nf the Paovincial Grand Lodge of NCAV South AVales , Avas held at the Freemason ' s Hall , Yorkstreet , Sydney , on Monday , 15 th May . There were present B . W Bro . James Squire Farnell , P . G . M ., in the chair ; A . W . Bro . John B . Jackson , D . P . G . M ., ancl a full attendance of P . G . Wardens ,
Officers , W . Masters , and Past Masters . Tha Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form by the H . W . the Provincial Grand Master , at 7 - 45 p . m . The minutes of the last quarterly meeting were read and confirmed . Correspondence of a formal character ivas also read and noted " The returns from the various lodges , metropolitan and rural , containing records of the several brethren elected to occupy the
chairs of their respective lodges for the ensuing six months , were received , considered and duly approved of by Provincial Grand Lodge . An application from a number of brethren in a country district , praying for a warrant and dispensation to open a no'v lodge , was received , and is under the consideration of the P . G . Master . This application was considered by most , if not all , of the AY . brethren present , a gratifying instance of the steady
progress Masonry is making in the country districts . Foreign brethren , unacquainted with the pecularities of rural life in the colonies , can form no idea of the trouble and expense the country members are put to in attending lodge . To ride a distance of fifty miles on horseback for that purpose is nothing unusual . Business of a routine character was subsequently transacted , inlcuding notices of motion , ancl a discussion on matters of minor importance . Provincial Grand Lodge Avas finally closed in peace , love , and harmony , at 9 . 30 p . m .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ask our Brother to accept of this token of esteem from those Avho have styled themselves his " true friends in Masonry . " The District Grand Master then called Grand Lodge to order , and after addressing a feiv words to Bro . Locke in expression of his high appreciation of his services to the Craft , and the assistance Avhich he had rendered to him as District Grand Secretary , read the following address : — " To H . H . Locke , Esq ., Deputy District Grand
MasterBen-, gal . Dear Brother , —We , the undersigned , solicit your acceptance of the accompanying Goblet and Dish as a small token of our personal esteem for you , and as a memento of our Masonic felloAA'ship during the time that you so ably filled the Secretary ' s chair in the Grand Lodge of this District . AVe feel that it would be a ivaste of words to dAvell upon what your OAvn conscience must fairly tell you , that for five long years you
performed the duties of Grand Secretary with devoted interest , unflagging diligence , and marked success ; and Avhilst as a token of our very high appreciation of the many services which you have rendered to the Craft in Bengal , Ave beg you to accept our small offering , Ave Avould be further glad to feel that in the long life of happiness ancl success which Ave fervently hope is before you , Ave may ever be regarded by you as , Avhat AVO sincerely profess ourselves to be , your real friends in Masonry . " At the conclusion of the address , the District Grand Master
banded to AV . Bro . Locke , through the Grand Director of Ceremonies , the testimonial , which consisted of a Goblet and Dish , prepared by Messrs . Hamilton and Co ., of Calcutta . They both hear the following inscription -. — " To H . H . Locke , Esq ., from a few real friends in Masonry . " W . Bro . Locke , in a feiv appropriate Avords , acknoAvledged the presentation , the kindness and honour of Avhich he ivould not soon forget , and stated his readiness to be at all times , and at all
seasons zealous in the cause of Masonry . Wor . Bro . G . II . Daly enquired from the R . W . the District Grand Master , Avhether " Lodge representatives , other than Masters and AA ' ardens , who ivere not Members of the District Grand Lodge , had votes in the proceedings of that body . " Tho R . AV . the District Grand Master said , iu reply , that although the question ivas out of order , no previous notice having been given , he Avould answer it . He considered that
Delegates from ; Lodges in place of the Master and Wardens holding appointments in District Grand Lodges had votes in the District Grand Lodge . A collection Avas then made for the Fund of Benevolence . The District Grand Secretary announced the amount to be Rs . 106-0-0 , Avhich Avas directed to be sent to the District Grand Treasurer . There being no further business , the District Grand Lodge was closed iu duo form at 8-10 p . m .
Cape Of Good Hope.
PORT ELIZABETH . INSTALLATION MEETING OP PORT ELIZABETH LODGE , NO . 711 . The annual meeting of this lodge took place at the Masonic Temple , on Saturday , June 24 th , St . John's Day , at high noon . Giving to thc unpropitious state of the weather , there Avas not so large a gathering as is usual on . this occasion . Bro . S . Bain , AV . M ., presided , supported by his officers , and Bros . F . S . Fairbridge , P . M ., J . C . Kemsley , P . M ., Geo . Smith , P . M ., and
several visiting brethren . Bro . F . S . Fairbridge duly presented the AA ' . M . elect , Bro . II . E . Tonks , S . W ., according to ancient ¦ custom , for installation , and after the brethren had retired , he was duly aud impressively installed into tho chair of K . S . by the AV . M . The customary salutations followed , and the WM . then proceeded to the appointment and investiture of his officers a ? followsviz : — -Bros . F . A . PearsonS . AA '
CEDnuster-, , . ; . . ville , J . W . ; G . Armstrong , Treas . ; II . Frost , Sec . ; J . A . Bell , S . D . ; A . Hill , J . D . ; J . F . Gertenbach and J . AV . Clark , Stewards ; T . Crage , I . G . ; J . Morley , Tyler . The addresses Avere given Avith much earnestness i > nd feeling by the Installing Master , and , after the usual routine business , the lodge ivas closed .
Cape Of Good Hope.
In the evening the brethren again assembled , in number about fifty , at the annual banquet , which Avas sumptuous and well served by Bro . Phillips , of the Club . Dessert folloAA'ed , and , after the customary toasts Avere given , of the Queen and the Craft , and others AA'ith masonic honours , the toast of the evening Avas proposed by Bro . S . Bain , P . M ., AA-IIO" observed that this Avas the second pleasurable duty which had devolved upon
him on this occasion , the first being the installation of their esteemed AV . M . and the second that of proposing his health , Avhich he Avas sure the brethren would respond to Avith enthusiasm . Bro . Tonks had faithfully served the office of S . W . during his ( Bro . Bain ' s ) first year of office , and bad acted in that capacity during the greater part of his second year , owing to the continued absence of the officer appointed to that post , and if ever merit deserved preferment it was in the case of
their present W . M ., and being , as he believed , the oldest mason present , he would be of infinite service to tbe brethren if they Avould only rally round him and give him the support which he undoubtedly deserved at their hands . In the early days of the lodge the AV . M ., as an old and experienced mason , had done good service to the promoters by his advice , and he ( Bro . Bain ) felt sure if the brethren ivould only listen to his teaching , they
Avould all become good and zealous masons . The W . M ., in responding , said that he could scarcely express to the brethren how deeply he felt the kind and hearty manner with ivhich they had received the toast , and he could assure them this was a day he had looked forward to for many years and the brethren , might depend upon his doing his utmost to follow in tho steps of their late AV . M ., Avhose ruling , working and
governing the lodge had met Avith the cordial approval of all the brethren . The AV . M ., iu the unavoidable absence of Bro . F . D . Deare , P . M ., gave the health of the retiring AV . M ., to which Bro . Bain duly responded . Other toasts then folloived , interspersed with some capital songs and recitations , and altogether a most agreeable evening Avas spent , the brethren retiring about 11 o ' clock .
NEW SOUTH WALES . P-ROVINCIAL GlSAND LODGE . The quarterly communication nf the Paovincial Grand Lodge of NCAV South AVales , Avas held at the Freemason ' s Hall , Yorkstreet , Sydney , on Monday , 15 th May . There were present B . W Bro . James Squire Farnell , P . G . M ., in the chair ; A . W . Bro . John B . Jackson , D . P . G . M ., ancl a full attendance of P . G . Wardens ,
Officers , W . Masters , and Past Masters . Tha Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form by the H . W . the Provincial Grand Master , at 7 - 45 p . m . The minutes of the last quarterly meeting were read and confirmed . Correspondence of a formal character ivas also read and noted " The returns from the various lodges , metropolitan and rural , containing records of the several brethren elected to occupy the
chairs of their respective lodges for the ensuing six months , were received , considered and duly approved of by Provincial Grand Lodge . An application from a number of brethren in a country district , praying for a warrant and dispensation to open a no'v lodge , was received , and is under the consideration of the P . G . Master . This application was considered by most , if not all , of the AY . brethren present , a gratifying instance of the steady
progress Masonry is making in the country districts . Foreign brethren , unacquainted with the pecularities of rural life in the colonies , can form no idea of the trouble and expense the country members are put to in attending lodge . To ride a distance of fifty miles on horseback for that purpose is nothing unusual . Business of a routine character was subsequently transacted , inlcuding notices of motion , ancl a discussion on matters of minor importance . Provincial Grand Lodge Avas finally closed in peace , love , and harmony , at 9 . 30 p . m .