Article AUSTRALIA. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 2 →
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GRAT-TON . —Palmerston Lodge ( No . 1148 , E . G . ) . —An Emergency meeting of this Lodge ivas held on Tuesday , April 18 th , at eight o ' clock , the AA ' . M . Bro . T . BaAvden , J . P ., M . P ., took the chair , and was supported by all the officers , a large muster of brethren , ancl visitors . The lodge was opened in form , possed , raised , Avhen a candidate who had undergone the necessary examination , ivas raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . The lodge was closed in peace and harmony at
halfpast nine o ' clock , ivhen the brethren adjourned to Bro . Holinsten's , where arrangements bad been made for a complimentary supper to P . J . AV . Bro . C . Krauss , AVIIO AA-as ou the eve of his departure from Grafton for the metropolis . At ten o ' clock the AV . M . Bro . Baivden took his position at the head of the table , Bro , E . Potts , S . AV . occupying thc vice-chair . The festive board was Avell attendded , and ample justice done to the repast—which AA'as all that the most fastidious appetite could desire . The cloth
being removed , the AA ' . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , "The Queen and the Craft , " which Avere heartily reejived The AV . M . then gave the toast of the evening " Our Guest ,, P . J . W . Krauss . " AVIIO , he remarked , Avas one of the oldest members of the lodge , and had had always taken a lively interest in its Avelfare . The AV . M . concluded a neat and appropriate speech by Avishing Bro . Krauss , health , happiness , and prosperity , in bis IICAV home , assuring him that the members oftlie
Palmerston Lodgo will at some future time be pleased to Avelcome him once more . Bro . Krauss feelingly acknowledged the compliment paid him on this occasion , expressing his pleasure at being connected Avith this lodge—his mother lodge—for so long a period ; he reviewed its career since its foundation . Bro . Krauss thanked tho brethren sincerely for their kindness to him , and concluded hy bidding them farewell , and wishing the Palmerston Lodge every suicess . Other toasts followed , and the musical brethren , as usual , did their duty during the evening—which was a very agreeable one . "Auld Lang Syne" brought the meeting harmoniously to a close at midnight .
Royal Arch.
KENT . CHATHAM " , —Chapter of Antiquilg , No . 25 . —On AVedncsday , 9 th inst , at a convocation of the Chapter of Antiquity No . 20 , held at the Sun Hotel , Chatham , the most Ex . Comp . II . W . Moon . M . E . Z . and Treasurer , very ably exalted Bros . Edwards and Gilbert to this degree , the most Ex . Comp . T . Vesper , V . Z . 554 , acting as P . S ., after ivhich Comp . A ' esper , P . Z ., and Father oftlie Yarborough Chapter , 554 , installed the M . E . Comps . _
AV . J . Blnkey as Z ., and G . Ashdoivn as H . The Ex . Comp who had been elected as J . Avas not present , but his place ivas most ably filled by the Rev . Comp . Thomas R'lhiuson , P . Z . of tAvo chapters , P . Prov . G- Chap- Cambridgeshire , aud a joining member of this chapter . Ex . Comp . Warne AA-as inA'ested as S . E ., and Ex . Comp . Redman as S . N ., with Ex . Comp . Seahrook as P . S . ; and Ex . Comp . Moore as Treas . A brother AA-as proposed for exaltation at
the next meeting , and there is little doubt but that this chapter Avill noiv rapidly resume its hig h status in Royal Arch Masonry . After closing the chapter the Companions adjourned to tin excellent banquet , after ivhich the usual loyal and Royal Arch toasts wore ably proposed and responded to , the M . E . Z ., the M . E . IL , and the M . E . J ., pro tern , gaining golden opinions from the Companions by the style in which they presided - < t the festive hoard .
RAJCSGATE . —T / ianet Chapter , No . 429 . —A-. i emergency meeting of this chapter ivas called on the 10 th inst ., for the purpose of exalting Bro . Capt . Burgess , K . N . The chapter Avas opened by the Principals , aud the ballot proving unanimous , Bro . Capt . Burgess Avas exalted to thc sublime degree of a Royal Arch Mason . The three chairs Avere filled by most Ex . Comps . J . C . Twyman , Z ., T . II . G . Snoivden , IL , and L . Finch , P . Z ., Treas ., J ., and most beautifully and perfectly , did they render
the ceremonies and lectures . Comp . Winch acted as P . S ., and also was thoroughly an fait in the work . The Rev . Comp . G . AV . Sicklemore filled the position of chaplain very impressively . The other Companions present were H . G . Curtis , F . Z . ; R , Z . Hiscocks , P . Z . ; A . Twyman , S . E . ; B .- Rolle , S . N .. H . Wootton , 1 st A . S . ; J . Crocker , 2 nd A . S . ; J . S . Clark . Visitors , Comps . . Meyer A . Loewenstark , J ., Mount Lebanon , 73 . AVe ivere hig hly delighted with both thc manners aud precision ivith ivhich the chapter appears to be governed .
Royal Arch.
SURREY . SUTTON . —The Frederick Chapter of Unitg , No . 452 . —A convocation of this chapter AA'as held at the Station Hotel , Sutton , on Tuesday , the 1 st iust . Present : Comps . James Robins , M . E . Z . ; It . H . Evans , H . ; Magnus Ohren , Scribe E . ; G . AV . Dommett , 1 st A . S . : A . J . Dickinson , 2 nd A . S . ; AV . L . AVebb , H . E . Frances , and AV . S . Masterman , P . Z . 's ; and Frederick Williams . The minute Avas confirmed altering the clays of the
meeting of the chapter to the first Tuesdays in April and September , instead of May , June , July and August , as before—they being the meetings of the lodge and most inconvenient . It Avas moved by Comp . Magnus Ohren , Scribe E ., seconded b y the M . E . Z ., and carried unanimousl y , " That , from and after September next , the subscription to the chapter be 5 s . per annum , and that the joining fee be £ 1 3 s . 6 d .
Knights Templar.
METROPOLITAN . TEMPLE GUESSING ExcA _ n »_ iEXT . —At a Conclave of the Temple Crossing Encampment ,, held at the Horns , Kennington , on Thursday last , the Emt . Sir Knt . F . AV . Mitchell , P . E . C , supported by Sir Knights Geo . Harrison , First Captain ; H . S . Sanderson , Second Captain ; Dr . Lilley , P . E . C , Prelate ; R . FarrarP . E . C , Reg . ; Dr . Harrison , Expertand other Knihts
, , g , most impressively installed Ex . Comp . AValls as a Knight of the Illustrious Order . The usual pleasant banquet of this Encampment followed Avith the usual loyal and religious toasts , concluding Avith that of the Equerry by the Emt . Sir Knight Vesper , P . G . E .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
SUFFOLK . IPSWICH . —Victoria Chapter Rose > J < M . R . D . M . —A meeting of this chapter Avas held in the Masonic Hall , Brook Street , Ipswich , on Monday , the 14 th ! inst . Present : 111 . Bros . Rev . H . N . Sanderson , M . AA ' . S . 30 ° ; Emra Holmes , 31 ° 1 st General ; and Captain Astley Terrv . 30 ° ; Ex . Bros . C . T . Toivusend , P . M . W . S . ; Rev . T . G . Beainnont , Prelate ; Rev . F . R . Palmer , Past Prelate ; Rev . G . AV . Marwood , Past Prelate , Hilda
Chapter , Whitby ; Dr . Mills , 2 nd General ; A . J . Barber , Recorder , as Organist ; G . S . Gelding , Treasurer ; P . Cornell , C . G .: II . B . " MacCall , & c After the chapter had been opened in antient and mystic form , and the minutes of the last regular chapter and chapter of emergency read and confirmed , the ballot Avas taken for Bro . Walter Azemberg Smith , W . M . oftlie Perfect Friendship Lodge , and Prov . G . D . C , Suffolk , who ivas accepted for perfection . Bro . George Andus Beaumont
Beecroft , Mu-. Bac , P . G . Organist , Oxford , however , was the only candidate present , and having previously signed the petition and declaration of allegiance to tbe S . G . C ., Avas admitted to the intermediate degree and dubbed a Knight of the East and "West , and Avas subsequentl y advanced , installed , perfected , and proclaimed a Knight of the
Pelican and Eagle , and Sov . Prince Rose » J < H . R . D . M . The ceremony Avas ably performed by LAV . Bro . Sanderson , the musical portion being undertaken by Ex . Bro . Barber , P . G . O ., Suffolk . The M . AA ' . S ., pursuant to notice , proposed the folloAving alteration in tho bye-laws , viz ., that members should be permitted to compound for their subscriptions to the chapter , resident members for £ 5 , and members residing Avithout the liberties of Ipswich , £ 3 3 s . ; seconded by III . Bro . Emra Holmes ,
and carried unanimously . III . Bro . Emra Holmes , and Ex . Bro . Dr . Mills AA'ere appointed auditors of the accounts . The Recorder gave iu the names of two or three members AVIIO had failed to pay their subscriptions for more than a twelA'cmonth , and they Avere ordered to bo erased from tho books . Ex . Bro . C . T . Toivusend proposed as a joining member of this chapter Ex . Bro : Rev . C . J . Martyn of the Metropolitan Chapter , Past Grand Chaplain of England , and W . M . of theStour Valley Lod No
ge , 1 , 225 , Sudbury ; seconded by Ex . Bro . Rev . G . W . Manvood . The third point having been given , and Bro . Beecroft received into the mystic code , the chapter Avas closed , aud the Sov . Princes retired to the banqueting room , Avhere an excellent collation AA'as prepared . Ou the remoA'al of the cloth theAV . M . S ., who presided , proposed " The Queen , " Avhich w-as drunk with due honour , the National Anthem being sung by the brethren .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GRAT-TON . —Palmerston Lodge ( No . 1148 , E . G . ) . —An Emergency meeting of this Lodge ivas held on Tuesday , April 18 th , at eight o ' clock , the AA ' . M . Bro . T . BaAvden , J . P ., M . P ., took the chair , and was supported by all the officers , a large muster of brethren , ancl visitors . The lodge was opened in form , possed , raised , Avhen a candidate who had undergone the necessary examination , ivas raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . The lodge was closed in peace and harmony at
halfpast nine o ' clock , ivhen the brethren adjourned to Bro . Holinsten's , where arrangements bad been made for a complimentary supper to P . J . AV . Bro . C . Krauss , AVIIO AA-as ou the eve of his departure from Grafton for the metropolis . At ten o ' clock the AV . M . Bro . Baivden took his position at the head of the table , Bro , E . Potts , S . AV . occupying thc vice-chair . The festive board was Avell attendded , and ample justice done to the repast—which AA'as all that the most fastidious appetite could desire . The cloth
being removed , the AA ' . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , "The Queen and the Craft , " which Avere heartily reejived The AV . M . then gave the toast of the evening " Our Guest ,, P . J . W . Krauss . " AVIIO , he remarked , Avas one of the oldest members of the lodge , and had had always taken a lively interest in its Avelfare . The AV . M . concluded a neat and appropriate speech by Avishing Bro . Krauss , health , happiness , and prosperity , in bis IICAV home , assuring him that the members oftlie
Palmerston Lodgo will at some future time be pleased to Avelcome him once more . Bro . Krauss feelingly acknowledged the compliment paid him on this occasion , expressing his pleasure at being connected Avith this lodge—his mother lodge—for so long a period ; he reviewed its career since its foundation . Bro . Krauss thanked tho brethren sincerely for their kindness to him , and concluded hy bidding them farewell , and wishing the Palmerston Lodge every suicess . Other toasts followed , and the musical brethren , as usual , did their duty during the evening—which was a very agreeable one . "Auld Lang Syne" brought the meeting harmoniously to a close at midnight .
Royal Arch.
KENT . CHATHAM " , —Chapter of Antiquilg , No . 25 . —On AVedncsday , 9 th inst , at a convocation of the Chapter of Antiquity No . 20 , held at the Sun Hotel , Chatham , the most Ex . Comp . II . W . Moon . M . E . Z . and Treasurer , very ably exalted Bros . Edwards and Gilbert to this degree , the most Ex . Comp . T . Vesper , V . Z . 554 , acting as P . S ., after ivhich Comp . A ' esper , P . Z ., and Father oftlie Yarborough Chapter , 554 , installed the M . E . Comps . _
AV . J . Blnkey as Z ., and G . Ashdoivn as H . The Ex . Comp who had been elected as J . Avas not present , but his place ivas most ably filled by the Rev . Comp . Thomas R'lhiuson , P . Z . of tAvo chapters , P . Prov . G- Chap- Cambridgeshire , aud a joining member of this chapter . Ex . Comp . Warne AA-as inA'ested as S . E ., and Ex . Comp . Redman as S . N ., with Ex . Comp . Seahrook as P . S . ; and Ex . Comp . Moore as Treas . A brother AA-as proposed for exaltation at
the next meeting , and there is little doubt but that this chapter Avill noiv rapidly resume its hig h status in Royal Arch Masonry . After closing the chapter the Companions adjourned to tin excellent banquet , after ivhich the usual loyal and Royal Arch toasts wore ably proposed and responded to , the M . E . Z ., the M . E . IL , and the M . E . J ., pro tern , gaining golden opinions from the Companions by the style in which they presided - < t the festive hoard .
RAJCSGATE . —T / ianet Chapter , No . 429 . —A-. i emergency meeting of this chapter ivas called on the 10 th inst ., for the purpose of exalting Bro . Capt . Burgess , K . N . The chapter Avas opened by the Principals , aud the ballot proving unanimous , Bro . Capt . Burgess Avas exalted to thc sublime degree of a Royal Arch Mason . The three chairs Avere filled by most Ex . Comps . J . C . Twyman , Z ., T . II . G . Snoivden , IL , and L . Finch , P . Z ., Treas ., J ., and most beautifully and perfectly , did they render
the ceremonies and lectures . Comp . Winch acted as P . S ., and also was thoroughly an fait in the work . The Rev . Comp . G . AV . Sicklemore filled the position of chaplain very impressively . The other Companions present were H . G . Curtis , F . Z . ; R , Z . Hiscocks , P . Z . ; A . Twyman , S . E . ; B .- Rolle , S . N .. H . Wootton , 1 st A . S . ; J . Crocker , 2 nd A . S . ; J . S . Clark . Visitors , Comps . . Meyer A . Loewenstark , J ., Mount Lebanon , 73 . AVe ivere hig hly delighted with both thc manners aud precision ivith ivhich the chapter appears to be governed .
Royal Arch.
SURREY . SUTTON . —The Frederick Chapter of Unitg , No . 452 . —A convocation of this chapter AA'as held at the Station Hotel , Sutton , on Tuesday , the 1 st iust . Present : Comps . James Robins , M . E . Z . ; It . H . Evans , H . ; Magnus Ohren , Scribe E . ; G . AV . Dommett , 1 st A . S . : A . J . Dickinson , 2 nd A . S . ; AV . L . AVebb , H . E . Frances , and AV . S . Masterman , P . Z . 's ; and Frederick Williams . The minute Avas confirmed altering the clays of the
meeting of the chapter to the first Tuesdays in April and September , instead of May , June , July and August , as before—they being the meetings of the lodge and most inconvenient . It Avas moved by Comp . Magnus Ohren , Scribe E ., seconded b y the M . E . Z ., and carried unanimousl y , " That , from and after September next , the subscription to the chapter be 5 s . per annum , and that the joining fee be £ 1 3 s . 6 d .
Knights Templar.
METROPOLITAN . TEMPLE GUESSING ExcA _ n »_ iEXT . —At a Conclave of the Temple Crossing Encampment ,, held at the Horns , Kennington , on Thursday last , the Emt . Sir Knt . F . AV . Mitchell , P . E . C , supported by Sir Knights Geo . Harrison , First Captain ; H . S . Sanderson , Second Captain ; Dr . Lilley , P . E . C , Prelate ; R . FarrarP . E . C , Reg . ; Dr . Harrison , Expertand other Knihts
, , g , most impressively installed Ex . Comp . AValls as a Knight of the Illustrious Order . The usual pleasant banquet of this Encampment followed Avith the usual loyal and religious toasts , concluding Avith that of the Equerry by the Emt . Sir Knight Vesper , P . G . E .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
SUFFOLK . IPSWICH . —Victoria Chapter Rose > J < M . R . D . M . —A meeting of this chapter Avas held in the Masonic Hall , Brook Street , Ipswich , on Monday , the 14 th ! inst . Present : 111 . Bros . Rev . H . N . Sanderson , M . AA ' . S . 30 ° ; Emra Holmes , 31 ° 1 st General ; and Captain Astley Terrv . 30 ° ; Ex . Bros . C . T . Toivusend , P . M . W . S . ; Rev . T . G . Beainnont , Prelate ; Rev . F . R . Palmer , Past Prelate ; Rev . G . AV . Marwood , Past Prelate , Hilda
Chapter , Whitby ; Dr . Mills , 2 nd General ; A . J . Barber , Recorder , as Organist ; G . S . Gelding , Treasurer ; P . Cornell , C . G .: II . B . " MacCall , & c After the chapter had been opened in antient and mystic form , and the minutes of the last regular chapter and chapter of emergency read and confirmed , the ballot Avas taken for Bro . Walter Azemberg Smith , W . M . oftlie Perfect Friendship Lodge , and Prov . G . D . C , Suffolk , who ivas accepted for perfection . Bro . George Andus Beaumont
Beecroft , Mu-. Bac , P . G . Organist , Oxford , however , was the only candidate present , and having previously signed the petition and declaration of allegiance to tbe S . G . C ., Avas admitted to the intermediate degree and dubbed a Knight of the East and "West , and Avas subsequentl y advanced , installed , perfected , and proclaimed a Knight of the
Pelican and Eagle , and Sov . Prince Rose » J < H . R . D . M . The ceremony Avas ably performed by LAV . Bro . Sanderson , the musical portion being undertaken by Ex . Bro . Barber , P . G . O ., Suffolk . The M . AA ' . S ., pursuant to notice , proposed the folloAving alteration in tho bye-laws , viz ., that members should be permitted to compound for their subscriptions to the chapter , resident members for £ 5 , and members residing Avithout the liberties of Ipswich , £ 3 3 s . ; seconded by III . Bro . Emra Holmes ,
and carried unanimously . III . Bro . Emra Holmes , and Ex . Bro . Dr . Mills AA'ere appointed auditors of the accounts . The Recorder gave iu the names of two or three members AVIIO had failed to pay their subscriptions for more than a twelA'cmonth , and they Avere ordered to bo erased from tho books . Ex . Bro . C . T . Toivusend proposed as a joining member of this chapter Ex . Bro : Rev . C . J . Martyn of the Metropolitan Chapter , Past Grand Chaplain of England , and W . M . of theStour Valley Lod No
ge , 1 , 225 , Sudbury ; seconded by Ex . Bro . Rev . G . W . Manvood . The third point having been given , and Bro . Beecroft received into the mystic code , the chapter Avas closed , aud the Sov . Princes retired to the banqueting room , Avhere an excellent collation AA'as prepared . Ou the remoA'al of the cloth theAV . M . S ., who presided , proposed " The Queen , " Avhich w-as drunk with due honour , the National Anthem being sung by the brethren .