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The Knight Templar, Past And Present: His Mission And Its Modern Objects.
Grand Master of the Order ; and well and chivalrously did he maintain his hig h and sacred charge . Acre fell , as we stated in our summary of the achievements of the Hospitallers , but not until this heroic representative of Christian chivalry and most of the noble followers of his standard were slain . That glorious standard , with its terrific- — " Beauseant" forming the war-cry of the
Tem-, plars , was now to be unfurled no more ; the few survivors of Acre retired to Armenia and Cyprus ; and with their departure appeared the last hope of arresting in the East the progress of the Mahomedan domination . ( To be Continued . " )
The Mark Degree In England.
( Continued from page 140 ) . Extract from Minutes of Meeting of Grand Committee , held 25 th November , 1870 . Grand Secretary produced and read letters from Bro . P . Binckes , Secretary to the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England and Wales , soliciting that Grand Lodge to concur in a proposed Conference regarding the Mark Degree , aud send
Delegates to tho same . It Avas moved by Bro . Alex . Hay , and seconded by Bro . G . McLean , that this subject lie over till next monthly meeting , and that Bro . Andrew Kerr be invited to attend that meeting , as having taken a leading part in the settlement of the c | uestion regarding the Mark Degree Avhen before Grand Lodge . An amendment was moved by Bro . Robertson , seconded by Bro . Officer , that the application of Bro . Binckes be not entertained . After some discussion , Bro . Robertson withdrew his amendment , and the motion Avas unanimously agreed to .
Extract from Minutes of Meeting of Grand Committee , held Gth January , 1871 . The Meeting then procieded to further consideration of the proposal for Conference on Mark Degree , and the Grand Secretary having read the communication of Bro . Binckes , Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England and Wales , Bro . Mann , Senior Grand "Warden , explained the object of the proposed Conference as an effort to establish the recognition and
uniform Avorking on a satisfactory basis of the Mark Degree , and stated that the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland had agreed to send Delegates to the Conference on behalf of that body . The Grand Secretary read copy of a letter addressed to Bro . Binckes by the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of England , tvom Avhich it appears that that Grand Lodge , while sympathising Avith the promoters of the Conference in their
laudable desire to effect a settlement- of the question at issue , having nevertheless respect to its own Constitution , felt obliged to decline taking any part in the movement . The Grand Clerk read the report of the Special Committee appointed by Grand Lodge , on Gth February , 1860 , to consider the whole subject of the Mark Degree , ancl ivhich report ivas adopted by Grand Lodge at quarterly communication , on the 5 th November , 1860 , and became the laiv of the Grand
Lodge on the subject , and Bro . Andrew Kerr , AVIIO attended this meeting at the request of Grand Committee , as per minutes of the last meeting , and who had represented Grand Lodgo on the Joint Committee IIOAV referred to , gave a very lucid and interesting acconnt of the proceedings of that Committee , and the grounds upon which the report just read had been prepared aud agreed upon , showing that Grand Lodge had , at the time of the formal recognition of the Mark , sufficient historical data for holding it as part of Ancient St . John ' s Masonry , legally practised by the Old Operative Daughter Lodges , and as such entitled to be worked under the existing Charters in force . After some
discussion—Bro . Wallace moved , seconded by Bro . Monteith , that as Grand Lodge of England had declined to join the movement , Grand Lodge be recommended not to entertain the proposal of sending Delegates to the Conference , and Bro . Mann , ( S . G . W ., ) considering that the Grand Lodge of Scotland was differently situated from the Grand Lodge of
England in this matter , moved that further consideration of the proposal be postponed till next monthly meeting , and which was seconded by Bro . Robertson , whereupon Bro . Wallace withdreiv his motion , and that of Bro . Mann was unanimouslyagreed upon .
Extract from Minutes of Meeting of Grand Committee , held 1 st Pebruary , 1 S 71 . The Meeting then proceeded to re-consideration of the question as to Conference on the Mark Degree , AA'hen Bro . Alexander Hay moved , seconded by Bro . H . R . Kay— " That Grand Lodge be recommended to entertain the proposal from the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England and Wales , and to depute Bros . Andrew Kerr and Wm . Mann , ( S . G . W ., ) to attend the
Conference as Delegates from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and to report tbe suggestions emanating therefrom to Grand Lodge for consideration . On the suggestion of Bro . Maun , the name of Bro . William Hay ivas included AA'ith those already nominated as Delegates , in the event of either being unable to attend the Conference , and the motion , as so amended , AA-as unanimously agreed to . Extract from Minutes of Meeting of Grand Lodgeheld Gth
, February , 1871 . On tbe recommendation of Grand Committee , Grand Lodge was pleased to entertain the proposal from the Grand Lodge ot Mark Masters of England and Wales for a Conference on the subject of the Mark Degree , and to appoint Bros . William Mann , Senior Grand AVarden , and Andrew Kerr , as Delegate to represent this Grand Lodge , with Bro . William Hay as substitutein the event of either of those brethren finding it
, inconvenient to attend the Conference . On the suggestion of Bro . Mann , Senior Grand Warden ,, the name of the Right Worshipful Past Grand Master , the Earl of Dalhousie was substituted for his own as one of the Delegates .
Extract from Minutes of Meeting of Grand Committee , held 24 th February , 1871 . The Grand Secretary intimated that he had received a communication from the Right Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , declining to act as Delegate to the Conference to be held on the Marl-Degree , in respect that his Lordship is the Representative of the Grand Lodge of England , by which the Conference will not be recognised .
I hereby certify that the foregoing are truo and faithful extracts from the Minutes of Grand Committee aud Grand Lodge of Scotland . JonK LAUEIE . Grand Clerk , G . L . APPENDIX E . Articles of Union , England , 1813 , —Art 2—5 . 2 . —It is declared and pronounced , that pure Ancient
Masonry consists of three Degrees , and no more : viz , those cf the Entered Apprentice , the Fellow Craft and the Master Mason , including the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch . But this Article is not intended to prevent any Lodge or Chapter from holding a meeting in any of the Orders of chivalry according to the Constitutions of tho said Orders . 3 . —There shall be most perfect unity of oblig . ition , of disciplineof working the Lodges , of makingpassing and raising
, , , instructing and clothing Brothers ; so that but one pure unsullied system , according to the genuine landmarks , laivs , and traditions of the Craft , shall bo maintained , upheld and practised , through-f out tbe Masonic Avorld , fioin the day and date of the said Union until time shall be no more . 4 . —To preve nt all controversy or dispute as to the genuine and pure obligations , forms , rules , and ancient traditions of Masonry , and further to unite and bind the whole Fraternity of
Masons in one indissoluble bond , it is agreed that the obligation and forms that have , from time immemorial , been established used , and practised , in the Craft , shall be recognised , accepted , aud taken , by the members of both Fraternities , as tbe pure and genuine obligations and forms by which the incorporated Grand Lodge of England , and its dependent Lodges in every part of the Avorld , shall be bound ; and for the purpose of receiving and communicating clue light and settling this uniformity of regulation and instruction ( and particularly in matters Avhich can neither be expressed nor described in u-riting ) , ic is further
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Knight Templar, Past And Present: His Mission And Its Modern Objects.
Grand Master of the Order ; and well and chivalrously did he maintain his hig h and sacred charge . Acre fell , as we stated in our summary of the achievements of the Hospitallers , but not until this heroic representative of Christian chivalry and most of the noble followers of his standard were slain . That glorious standard , with its terrific- — " Beauseant" forming the war-cry of the
Tem-, plars , was now to be unfurled no more ; the few survivors of Acre retired to Armenia and Cyprus ; and with their departure appeared the last hope of arresting in the East the progress of the Mahomedan domination . ( To be Continued . " )
The Mark Degree In England.
( Continued from page 140 ) . Extract from Minutes of Meeting of Grand Committee , held 25 th November , 1870 . Grand Secretary produced and read letters from Bro . P . Binckes , Secretary to the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England and Wales , soliciting that Grand Lodge to concur in a proposed Conference regarding the Mark Degree , aud send
Delegates to tho same . It Avas moved by Bro . Alex . Hay , and seconded by Bro . G . McLean , that this subject lie over till next monthly meeting , and that Bro . Andrew Kerr be invited to attend that meeting , as having taken a leading part in the settlement of the c | uestion regarding the Mark Degree Avhen before Grand Lodge . An amendment was moved by Bro . Robertson , seconded by Bro . Officer , that the application of Bro . Binckes be not entertained . After some discussion , Bro . Robertson withdrew his amendment , and the motion Avas unanimously agreed to .
Extract from Minutes of Meeting of Grand Committee , held Gth January , 1871 . The Meeting then procieded to further consideration of the proposal for Conference on Mark Degree , and the Grand Secretary having read the communication of Bro . Binckes , Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England and Wales , Bro . Mann , Senior Grand "Warden , explained the object of the proposed Conference as an effort to establish the recognition and
uniform Avorking on a satisfactory basis of the Mark Degree , and stated that the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland had agreed to send Delegates to the Conference on behalf of that body . The Grand Secretary read copy of a letter addressed to Bro . Binckes by the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of England , tvom Avhich it appears that that Grand Lodge , while sympathising Avith the promoters of the Conference in their
laudable desire to effect a settlement- of the question at issue , having nevertheless respect to its own Constitution , felt obliged to decline taking any part in the movement . The Grand Clerk read the report of the Special Committee appointed by Grand Lodge , on Gth February , 1860 , to consider the whole subject of the Mark Degree , ancl ivhich report ivas adopted by Grand Lodge at quarterly communication , on the 5 th November , 1860 , and became the laiv of the Grand
Lodge on the subject , and Bro . Andrew Kerr , AVIIO attended this meeting at the request of Grand Committee , as per minutes of the last meeting , and who had represented Grand Lodgo on the Joint Committee IIOAV referred to , gave a very lucid and interesting acconnt of the proceedings of that Committee , and the grounds upon which the report just read had been prepared aud agreed upon , showing that Grand Lodge had , at the time of the formal recognition of the Mark , sufficient historical data for holding it as part of Ancient St . John ' s Masonry , legally practised by the Old Operative Daughter Lodges , and as such entitled to be worked under the existing Charters in force . After some
discussion—Bro . Wallace moved , seconded by Bro . Monteith , that as Grand Lodge of England had declined to join the movement , Grand Lodge be recommended not to entertain the proposal of sending Delegates to the Conference , and Bro . Mann , ( S . G . W ., ) considering that the Grand Lodge of Scotland was differently situated from the Grand Lodge of
England in this matter , moved that further consideration of the proposal be postponed till next monthly meeting , and which was seconded by Bro . Robertson , whereupon Bro . Wallace withdreiv his motion , and that of Bro . Mann was unanimouslyagreed upon .
Extract from Minutes of Meeting of Grand Committee , held 1 st Pebruary , 1 S 71 . The Meeting then proceeded to re-consideration of the question as to Conference on the Mark Degree , AA'hen Bro . Alexander Hay moved , seconded by Bro . H . R . Kay— " That Grand Lodge be recommended to entertain the proposal from the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England and Wales , and to depute Bros . Andrew Kerr and Wm . Mann , ( S . G . W ., ) to attend the
Conference as Delegates from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and to report tbe suggestions emanating therefrom to Grand Lodge for consideration . On the suggestion of Bro . Maun , the name of Bro . William Hay ivas included AA'ith those already nominated as Delegates , in the event of either being unable to attend the Conference , and the motion , as so amended , AA-as unanimously agreed to . Extract from Minutes of Meeting of Grand Lodgeheld Gth
, February , 1871 . On tbe recommendation of Grand Committee , Grand Lodge was pleased to entertain the proposal from the Grand Lodge ot Mark Masters of England and Wales for a Conference on the subject of the Mark Degree , and to appoint Bros . William Mann , Senior Grand AVarden , and Andrew Kerr , as Delegate to represent this Grand Lodge , with Bro . William Hay as substitutein the event of either of those brethren finding it
, inconvenient to attend the Conference . On the suggestion of Bro . Mann , Senior Grand Warden ,, the name of the Right Worshipful Past Grand Master , the Earl of Dalhousie was substituted for his own as one of the Delegates .
Extract from Minutes of Meeting of Grand Committee , held 24 th February , 1871 . The Grand Secretary intimated that he had received a communication from the Right Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , declining to act as Delegate to the Conference to be held on the Marl-Degree , in respect that his Lordship is the Representative of the Grand Lodge of England , by which the Conference will not be recognised .
I hereby certify that the foregoing are truo and faithful extracts from the Minutes of Grand Committee aud Grand Lodge of Scotland . JonK LAUEIE . Grand Clerk , G . L . APPENDIX E . Articles of Union , England , 1813 , —Art 2—5 . 2 . —It is declared and pronounced , that pure Ancient
Masonry consists of three Degrees , and no more : viz , those cf the Entered Apprentice , the Fellow Craft and the Master Mason , including the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch . But this Article is not intended to prevent any Lodge or Chapter from holding a meeting in any of the Orders of chivalry according to the Constitutions of tho said Orders . 3 . —There shall be most perfect unity of oblig . ition , of disciplineof working the Lodges , of makingpassing and raising
, , , instructing and clothing Brothers ; so that but one pure unsullied system , according to the genuine landmarks , laivs , and traditions of the Craft , shall bo maintained , upheld and practised , through-f out tbe Masonic Avorld , fioin the day and date of the said Union until time shall be no more . 4 . —To preve nt all controversy or dispute as to the genuine and pure obligations , forms , rules , and ancient traditions of Masonry , and further to unite and bind the whole Fraternity of
Masons in one indissoluble bond , it is agreed that the obligation and forms that have , from time immemorial , been established used , and practised , in the Craft , shall be recognised , accepted , aud taken , by the members of both Fraternities , as tbe pure and genuine obligations and forms by which the incorporated Grand Lodge of England , and its dependent Lodges in every part of the Avorld , shall be bound ; and for the purpose of receiving and communicating clue light and settling this uniformity of regulation and instruction ( and particularly in matters Avhich can neither be expressed nor described in u-riting ) , ic is further