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The Mark Degree In England.
agreed that brotherly application be made to the Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland , to authorise , delegate and appoint , any tivo or more of their enlighthened members to be present at the Grand Assembly on the solemn occasion of uniting the said Fraternities ; and that the respecth * o Grand Masters , Grand Officers , Masters , Past Masters , Wardens and Brothers , then and there present , and
solemnly engage to abide by the true forms and obligations ( particularly in matters ivhich can neither be described nor written ) , in the presence of the said members of the Grand Lodge Of Scotland and Ireland , that it may be declared , recognised , and known , that they are all hound by the same solemn pledge , and Avork under the same laiv . 5 . —For the purpose of establishing and securing this perfect uniformity in all the warranted lodges , and also to prepare for
this Grand Assembly , and to place all the members of both Fraternities on the level of equality on the dayof re-union , it is agreed that as soon as these present shall have received the sanction of the respective Grand Lodges , the tAvo Grand Masters shall appoint each nine worthy and expert Master Masons , or Past Masters of their respective Fraternities , with Avarrant and instructions to meet together at some convenient central place in London , Avhen each party having opened in a separate apartment a just and perfect lodge , agreeably to their peculiar
regulations , they shall give and receive mutually and reciprocally the obligations of both Fraternities , deciding by lot which shall take priority in giving and receiving the same ; and being thus all duly and equally enlightened in both forms , they shall be empoivered and directed , either to hold a Lodge under the warrant or dispensation to be entrusted to them , and to be entitled the Lodge of Reconciliation , or to visit the several Lodges holding both under the Grand Lodges for the purposes of
obligating , instructing and perfecting the Masters , Past Masters , Wardens and Members , in both tbe forms ; and to make a return o the Grand Secretaries of both the Grand Longes of the names af thoso Avhom they shall have thus enlightened . And the said Giand Secretaries shall be empoivered to enrol the names of all the members thus remade in the Register of both the Grand Lodges , without fee or reward ; it being ordered that no person i ^ iall be thus obligated and registered whom tbe Master and
Wardens of his Lodge shall not certify by Avriting under thenhands , that he is free on the books ol his particular Lodge . Thus on the day of the Assembly of both Fraternities , the Grand Officers , Masters , Past Masters and Wardens , Avho are alone to be present , shall -. ill have taken ihe obligation by which each is bound , and be prepared to make their solemn engagement , hat they will thereafter abide by that which shall be recognised and declared to he the true and universally accepted obligation of the Master . Mason .
The marriage of Bro . Iiawstorne li'ith jMiss Edith Elizabeth 1 ? : rinoi-Hesketh , eldest daughter of Bro . Sir Thomas Fermor Hesketh , Bart . M . P ., for Preston , AA-as solemnised on Thursday 10 th inst ., at St . Paul ' s , Kuightsbridge . The bride , accompanied by her father , AVIIO gave her away , ivas received at the church hy the following young ladies , who were her bridesmaids : —Miss Constance Hesketh , Miss Eva Bulk , Miss Gerard , Miss De Ti-afford , Miss Wilbrahain , Miss Georgina Thorpe , ancl
Miss Gardiner . For the information of " Mason's Avives , aud Mason ' s bairns , " AVC will state that the bride ' s dress was composed of rich white satin trimmed with Brussels point , bouillons of tulle , and pansies of satin attached by garlands of orange blossoms and myrtle . Her headdress was of orange blossoms with a tulle veil . The bridesmaids' dresses were of white muslin , trimmed ivith lace , white satin bows and sashes ; white tulle bonnets ornamented with le blossomsand they were a
app , gold locket , with an enamelled monogram of the bride and bridegroom in the centre , presented by the bridegroom . The ceremony was performed by the Hon . and Bev . R . Liddell . The bride ' s presents were very numerous ; and among the most valuable were a handsome gold band bracelet , with brilliant star centre , and a large oA'al gold locket , with brilliant star centre , on a wide band necklacean oval gold locketwith a beautiful
, , ornament in emeralds and diamonds , a curiously-wrought gold band bracelet in the Etruscan style , a gold snake bracelet , with ruby eyes ; an amethyst and pearl bracelet , a pair of gold enamel earrings , set with coral , and a coral brooch set in gold ; a gold bracelet , ivith horse-shoe centre in pearls , & e .
List Of Lodge Meetings &C., For Week Ending August 26th, 1871.
METKOIOLITAK LODQ-ES AND CH _ . TEHS . Monday , August 21 st-LODGE . —Panmui-e , Balham Hotel , Balham . Tuesday , August 22 nd . LODGE . —Industry , Freemasons' Hall . Wednesday , August 23 rd .
General Committee of Grand Lodge and Lodge of Benevolence at 6 precisely . LODGES . —United Pilgrims , Horns Tavern , Kennington-park ; High Cross , Seven Sisters Tavern , Pago Green , Tottenham . CHAPTER . — Union of Waterloo , Freemasons" Hall , William Street , Woolwich . Thursday , August 24 th . House Committee Girls' School , at 4 . CHAPTEH . —Canonbury , Masons Arms , Masons Avenue , Basinsball Street .
Metropolitan Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
A numher of Lodges and Chapters of Instruction do not . meet during ihe summer months , ive shall , therefore discontinue the publication of oitr usual list until the re-commencement of the season . We shall , however , give the announcements of those Lodges and Chapters of Instruction which continue to meet during the summer on receiving authoritative intimation thereof .
The follovj ' mg Lodges of Instruction , ive are informed by the Secretaries , meet all tha year round : — RoTAl . UNION LODGE ( SO . 382 ) , Horse and Groom , Win-ley Street , Oxford Street , at 8 . Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . PAN - MURE LODGE ( NO . 720 ) , Balham Hotel , Balham , Fridays at S . Bro . John Thomas , Preceptor . WESTBOT -RNE LODGE ( N O . 733 ) Horse and GroomWinsley
, , Street , Oxford Street , Fridays at 8 . Bro . Ash , Preceptor . SXKOXG MAN , St . John's Gate , Clerkenivell , Monday , at S . Bro . Terry , Preceptor . ST . JAMES ' , ( No . 7 G 5 ) , Gregorian Arms Tavern , Jamaica Road , Berinoiidsey , Fridays at S . TEMEEKANCE , ( NO . 1 G 0 ) , Victoria Tavern , "Victoria Road Deptford , Fridays at S .
STAR , ( No . 1275 ) , Marquis of Granby Tavern , New Cross Road Deptford , Saturdays at 7-We have been requested to announce that Radley ' s Hotel being closed , no meetings of Lodges or Chapters can be held there for the present .
To Correspondents.
* # * All Communications to he addressed to 19 , Salisburvstreet , Strand , W . C . AVE shall be glad to receive from brethren any proceedings of Masonic meetings , which shall be duly inserted . Communications should be forwarded so as to reach us as earlv iu the week as convenient—not later than Wednesday if possible . We haA'e to request our correspondents to be particular in
Ai-riting- names distinctly . Oui- Correspondents , and especially our Foreign Exchanges , are requested to Address in full to " The Editor of The Freemason's Magazine and Masonic Mirror , 10 , Salisbury Street , Strand , London , W . C . " Letters and Papers addressed"Freemasons' MagazineLondon
, , , although mostly reaching us are liable to miscarriage , and , are invariably delayed in delivery . ERRATUM . —In the letter from A . F . T ., page 129 , line 2 , for " constitutions" read " constitution" ; line 2 of the second paragraph , for " reasons" read "remedies . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Mark Degree In England.
agreed that brotherly application be made to the Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland , to authorise , delegate and appoint , any tivo or more of their enlighthened members to be present at the Grand Assembly on the solemn occasion of uniting the said Fraternities ; and that the respecth * o Grand Masters , Grand Officers , Masters , Past Masters , Wardens and Brothers , then and there present , and
solemnly engage to abide by the true forms and obligations ( particularly in matters ivhich can neither be described nor written ) , in the presence of the said members of the Grand Lodge Of Scotland and Ireland , that it may be declared , recognised , and known , that they are all hound by the same solemn pledge , and Avork under the same laiv . 5 . —For the purpose of establishing and securing this perfect uniformity in all the warranted lodges , and also to prepare for
this Grand Assembly , and to place all the members of both Fraternities on the level of equality on the dayof re-union , it is agreed that as soon as these present shall have received the sanction of the respective Grand Lodges , the tAvo Grand Masters shall appoint each nine worthy and expert Master Masons , or Past Masters of their respective Fraternities , with Avarrant and instructions to meet together at some convenient central place in London , Avhen each party having opened in a separate apartment a just and perfect lodge , agreeably to their peculiar
regulations , they shall give and receive mutually and reciprocally the obligations of both Fraternities , deciding by lot which shall take priority in giving and receiving the same ; and being thus all duly and equally enlightened in both forms , they shall be empoivered and directed , either to hold a Lodge under the warrant or dispensation to be entrusted to them , and to be entitled the Lodge of Reconciliation , or to visit the several Lodges holding both under the Grand Lodges for the purposes of
obligating , instructing and perfecting the Masters , Past Masters , Wardens and Members , in both tbe forms ; and to make a return o the Grand Secretaries of both the Grand Longes of the names af thoso Avhom they shall have thus enlightened . And the said Giand Secretaries shall be empoivered to enrol the names of all the members thus remade in the Register of both the Grand Lodges , without fee or reward ; it being ordered that no person i ^ iall be thus obligated and registered whom tbe Master and
Wardens of his Lodge shall not certify by Avriting under thenhands , that he is free on the books ol his particular Lodge . Thus on the day of the Assembly of both Fraternities , the Grand Officers , Masters , Past Masters and Wardens , Avho are alone to be present , shall -. ill have taken ihe obligation by which each is bound , and be prepared to make their solemn engagement , hat they will thereafter abide by that which shall be recognised and declared to he the true and universally accepted obligation of the Master . Mason .
The marriage of Bro . Iiawstorne li'ith jMiss Edith Elizabeth 1 ? : rinoi-Hesketh , eldest daughter of Bro . Sir Thomas Fermor Hesketh , Bart . M . P ., for Preston , AA-as solemnised on Thursday 10 th inst ., at St . Paul ' s , Kuightsbridge . The bride , accompanied by her father , AVIIO gave her away , ivas received at the church hy the following young ladies , who were her bridesmaids : —Miss Constance Hesketh , Miss Eva Bulk , Miss Gerard , Miss De Ti-afford , Miss Wilbrahain , Miss Georgina Thorpe , ancl
Miss Gardiner . For the information of " Mason's Avives , aud Mason ' s bairns , " AVC will state that the bride ' s dress was composed of rich white satin trimmed with Brussels point , bouillons of tulle , and pansies of satin attached by garlands of orange blossoms and myrtle . Her headdress was of orange blossoms with a tulle veil . The bridesmaids' dresses were of white muslin , trimmed ivith lace , white satin bows and sashes ; white tulle bonnets ornamented with le blossomsand they were a
app , gold locket , with an enamelled monogram of the bride and bridegroom in the centre , presented by the bridegroom . The ceremony was performed by the Hon . and Bev . R . Liddell . The bride ' s presents were very numerous ; and among the most valuable were a handsome gold band bracelet , with brilliant star centre , and a large oA'al gold locket , with brilliant star centre , on a wide band necklacean oval gold locketwith a beautiful
, , ornament in emeralds and diamonds , a curiously-wrought gold band bracelet in the Etruscan style , a gold snake bracelet , with ruby eyes ; an amethyst and pearl bracelet , a pair of gold enamel earrings , set with coral , and a coral brooch set in gold ; a gold bracelet , ivith horse-shoe centre in pearls , & e .
List Of Lodge Meetings &C., For Week Ending August 26th, 1871.
METKOIOLITAK LODQ-ES AND CH _ . TEHS . Monday , August 21 st-LODGE . —Panmui-e , Balham Hotel , Balham . Tuesday , August 22 nd . LODGE . —Industry , Freemasons' Hall . Wednesday , August 23 rd .
General Committee of Grand Lodge and Lodge of Benevolence at 6 precisely . LODGES . —United Pilgrims , Horns Tavern , Kennington-park ; High Cross , Seven Sisters Tavern , Pago Green , Tottenham . CHAPTER . — Union of Waterloo , Freemasons" Hall , William Street , Woolwich . Thursday , August 24 th . House Committee Girls' School , at 4 . CHAPTEH . —Canonbury , Masons Arms , Masons Avenue , Basinsball Street .
Metropolitan Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
A numher of Lodges and Chapters of Instruction do not . meet during ihe summer months , ive shall , therefore discontinue the publication of oitr usual list until the re-commencement of the season . We shall , however , give the announcements of those Lodges and Chapters of Instruction which continue to meet during the summer on receiving authoritative intimation thereof .
The follovj ' mg Lodges of Instruction , ive are informed by the Secretaries , meet all tha year round : — RoTAl . UNION LODGE ( SO . 382 ) , Horse and Groom , Win-ley Street , Oxford Street , at 8 . Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . PAN - MURE LODGE ( NO . 720 ) , Balham Hotel , Balham , Fridays at S . Bro . John Thomas , Preceptor . WESTBOT -RNE LODGE ( N O . 733 ) Horse and GroomWinsley
, , Street , Oxford Street , Fridays at 8 . Bro . Ash , Preceptor . SXKOXG MAN , St . John's Gate , Clerkenivell , Monday , at S . Bro . Terry , Preceptor . ST . JAMES ' , ( No . 7 G 5 ) , Gregorian Arms Tavern , Jamaica Road , Berinoiidsey , Fridays at S . TEMEEKANCE , ( NO . 1 G 0 ) , Victoria Tavern , "Victoria Road Deptford , Fridays at S .
STAR , ( No . 1275 ) , Marquis of Granby Tavern , New Cross Road Deptford , Saturdays at 7-We have been requested to announce that Radley ' s Hotel being closed , no meetings of Lodges or Chapters can be held there for the present .
To Correspondents.
* # * All Communications to he addressed to 19 , Salisburvstreet , Strand , W . C . AVE shall be glad to receive from brethren any proceedings of Masonic meetings , which shall be duly inserted . Communications should be forwarded so as to reach us as earlv iu the week as convenient—not later than Wednesday if possible . We haA'e to request our correspondents to be particular in
Ai-riting- names distinctly . Oui- Correspondents , and especially our Foreign Exchanges , are requested to Address in full to " The Editor of The Freemason's Magazine and Masonic Mirror , 10 , Salisbury Street , Strand , London , W . C . " Letters and Papers addressed"Freemasons' MagazineLondon
, , , although mostly reaching us are liable to miscarriage , and , are invariably delayed in delivery . ERRATUM . —In the letter from A . F . T ., page 129 , line 2 , for " constitutions" read " constitution" ; line 2 of the second paragraph , for " reasons" read "remedies . "