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Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
of inquisitorial torture , faggots and fiery stakes , dungeons and chains , are of the horrors of the past , which , however strong may be the disposition , for want of power cannot be used in this enlightened age to convince heretics of the error of their ways . Then
all Europe bowed in submission to the Papal despot . Now there is not a power in Europe so poor as to do its bidding . And as if by direct interposition of the Almighty , as punishment for the impious declaration and assumption of infallibility , what little remaining
power left the Pope , and bolstered up by French bayonets , was swept away in the bezom of the Almighty's wrath ; and , thanks to educated Germany , Italy to day stands redeemed , regenerated , and virtually free . Surely , " Babylon the great is fallen ! is fallen ! and
in one hour has her judgment come . " She who drank the blood of Saints and Martyrs , and said "I sit a queen and am no widow , and shall ¦ see no sorrow ; " therefore shall her plagues come in one day .
This is a true picture of the situation , and the celebration of the political reign of a fallen monarch has more the semblance of a funeral pageant than anything else .
We rejoice that the power of the despot is broken , and his glory departed never "to return . This is a feature worthy of being celebrated , and / with this view -only , was there either propriety or good sense displayed in celebrating that fallen despotism in a Republic .
GBAND LODGE oa ? ENGLAND AND DISTRICT OE COLUMBIA . —The Grand Master of Masons in this District has received from the Grand Lodge of England , splendidly engrossed and illuminated on vellum , the resolution passed by the latter Grand
Lodge , tendering the Masons of this country their hearty thanks for the enthusiastic welcome and reception given to Earl de Grey and Eipon .
RICHMOND ( VIRGINIA ) MASONIC ACADEMY . —The scholars , male and female , of Richmond ( Virginia ) , Masonic Academy , were recently examined publicy in one of the lodge rooms of that city , before the Masonic Educational Committee , and several prominent Masons . The academy is supported by the Masons of Eichmond .
Grand Master N orris , of Alabama , in urging the establishment of the Masonic Orphans' Home in that jurisdiction , said : " Let us engage in this noble Godlike work , and leave for our posterity a monument more lasting than brass , and to our Order the proud
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
consciousness of practically exemplifying those three great Masonic principles—Faith , Hope , and Charity ; then indeed we can see , like Jacob in his vision , the starry-decked heaven with its innumerable glittering jewels set in the vast conclave , and the ladder
reaching to its heights with angels ascending and descending , the flutter of whose wings deliriously waves in successive billows balmly fresh air from the throne of God . "
The new Masonic Hall at Mount Sterling . Kentucky , was dedicated recently with appropriate ceremonies . The brethren of Monterey are preparing themselves
for proficiency in work when they receive the proper credentials for organising a lodge . The Editor of the Castroville " Argus " says that he has met the brethren several times , and that they exhibit remarkable proficiency in the work . They are preparing a fine hall for their lodge room .
Legislatures ought to have a better reputation than they do ; especially when so large a number of Masons find their way thither . It is reported that there were 56 of the Fraternity in the House of Representatives of the State of Maine , and in the Assembly of New York there were 86 .
The Grand Eoyal Arch Chapter of Kansas has abolished the affiliation fee , as unmasonic , and prohibited its continuance in subordinate Chapters . The Committee on Correspondence of the Grand Chapter of New York endorse the action of Kansas , and remark that it should be adopted in every jurisdiction .
"A feiv Notes and Queries about Newcomi ( e ) n , ( who made the first Steam Engine ) , and a drawing of his Engine , his House and Fireplace , aud something about his Kettle , his Monument , & c . " —London , J . Camden Hotten . Another quaint Pamphlet printed in the very old style following up a former AA-OI-IC on the same subject , hy Bro . Thomas Lidstone , of Dartmouth , the scene of NeAvcomen ' s early labours
The hand of a brother is always open to relieve a AA-orthy distressed brother . So long as one is worthy to remain a member of this Order , so long as he is entitled to its benefactions . Could this be said of every society of men , IIOAV lew ivould be found in our alms-houses . The mystic future with its unknoAvn reservations is before us . No man can fathom it lor a single day . He whose heart is most guy to-day , and whose mai-roAv seems most redolent of briht joys lie the
g , may first to need the assistance of his felloAV mortals . The ease and luxary in which he delights to-day , to-niorroAv may be as the tale that is told . The health and strength in which he now rejoices may flee as a shadow before the light of another day . Against these our Order , to a certain extent , provides . It clothes the naked , visits the siclc , and comforts the distressed .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
of inquisitorial torture , faggots and fiery stakes , dungeons and chains , are of the horrors of the past , which , however strong may be the disposition , for want of power cannot be used in this enlightened age to convince heretics of the error of their ways . Then
all Europe bowed in submission to the Papal despot . Now there is not a power in Europe so poor as to do its bidding . And as if by direct interposition of the Almighty , as punishment for the impious declaration and assumption of infallibility , what little remaining
power left the Pope , and bolstered up by French bayonets , was swept away in the bezom of the Almighty's wrath ; and , thanks to educated Germany , Italy to day stands redeemed , regenerated , and virtually free . Surely , " Babylon the great is fallen ! is fallen ! and
in one hour has her judgment come . " She who drank the blood of Saints and Martyrs , and said "I sit a queen and am no widow , and shall ¦ see no sorrow ; " therefore shall her plagues come in one day .
This is a true picture of the situation , and the celebration of the political reign of a fallen monarch has more the semblance of a funeral pageant than anything else .
We rejoice that the power of the despot is broken , and his glory departed never "to return . This is a feature worthy of being celebrated , and / with this view -only , was there either propriety or good sense displayed in celebrating that fallen despotism in a Republic .
GBAND LODGE oa ? ENGLAND AND DISTRICT OE COLUMBIA . —The Grand Master of Masons in this District has received from the Grand Lodge of England , splendidly engrossed and illuminated on vellum , the resolution passed by the latter Grand
Lodge , tendering the Masons of this country their hearty thanks for the enthusiastic welcome and reception given to Earl de Grey and Eipon .
RICHMOND ( VIRGINIA ) MASONIC ACADEMY . —The scholars , male and female , of Richmond ( Virginia ) , Masonic Academy , were recently examined publicy in one of the lodge rooms of that city , before the Masonic Educational Committee , and several prominent Masons . The academy is supported by the Masons of Eichmond .
Grand Master N orris , of Alabama , in urging the establishment of the Masonic Orphans' Home in that jurisdiction , said : " Let us engage in this noble Godlike work , and leave for our posterity a monument more lasting than brass , and to our Order the proud
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
consciousness of practically exemplifying those three great Masonic principles—Faith , Hope , and Charity ; then indeed we can see , like Jacob in his vision , the starry-decked heaven with its innumerable glittering jewels set in the vast conclave , and the ladder
reaching to its heights with angels ascending and descending , the flutter of whose wings deliriously waves in successive billows balmly fresh air from the throne of God . "
The new Masonic Hall at Mount Sterling . Kentucky , was dedicated recently with appropriate ceremonies . The brethren of Monterey are preparing themselves
for proficiency in work when they receive the proper credentials for organising a lodge . The Editor of the Castroville " Argus " says that he has met the brethren several times , and that they exhibit remarkable proficiency in the work . They are preparing a fine hall for their lodge room .
Legislatures ought to have a better reputation than they do ; especially when so large a number of Masons find their way thither . It is reported that there were 56 of the Fraternity in the House of Representatives of the State of Maine , and in the Assembly of New York there were 86 .
The Grand Eoyal Arch Chapter of Kansas has abolished the affiliation fee , as unmasonic , and prohibited its continuance in subordinate Chapters . The Committee on Correspondence of the Grand Chapter of New York endorse the action of Kansas , and remark that it should be adopted in every jurisdiction .
"A feiv Notes and Queries about Newcomi ( e ) n , ( who made the first Steam Engine ) , and a drawing of his Engine , his House and Fireplace , aud something about his Kettle , his Monument , & c . " —London , J . Camden Hotten . Another quaint Pamphlet printed in the very old style following up a former AA-OI-IC on the same subject , hy Bro . Thomas Lidstone , of Dartmouth , the scene of NeAvcomen ' s early labours
The hand of a brother is always open to relieve a AA-orthy distressed brother . So long as one is worthy to remain a member of this Order , so long as he is entitled to its benefactions . Could this be said of every society of men , IIOAV lew ivould be found in our alms-houses . The mystic future with its unknoAvn reservations is before us . No man can fathom it lor a single day . He whose heart is most guy to-day , and whose mai-roAv seems most redolent of briht joys lie the
g , may first to need the assistance of his felloAV mortals . The ease and luxary in which he delights to-day , to-niorroAv may be as the tale that is told . The health and strength in which he now rejoices may flee as a shadow before the light of another day . Against these our Order , to a certain extent , provides . It clothes the naked , visits the siclc , and comforts the distressed .