Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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Corps , and was consecrated by Bro . John Savage , P . G . D . and P . M . 19 , on the 29 th of that ' month , since which date it lias held its meetings , on the first Wednesday in each ensuing month at the head quarters of the corps in Brunswick-road , Camberwell . Tlie progress of tlie lodge has been most gratifying , and is principally clue to the energy and efficient Avorking of its officers , under the presidency of Bro . A . L . Irvine , the W . M ., who is also the major of the corps with which the lodge
is connected . In the brief space since its formation it has introduced into Freemasonry no leas than fifteen gentlemen , ¦ and has admitted six others as joining members , all of Avhom are officers and members of the corps . The loclge has been honoured by the visits of many brethren of considerable vminence in the Craft , by whom it has been complimented for its perfect working and attention to ceremonial detail . A visit made bourselves at its last meeting satisfied us that the
Macy donald InAge will prove to be one of the best in the south metropolitan district . On that occasion the initiation of Mr . Hoomuzd Rassam , the late English consul ancl prisoner in the bands of the late king of Abyssinia , gave great interest to the business of the evening , and his introduction into Masonry was warmly hailed by his fellow members of the corps , and appeared to afford him considerable satisfaction . The ceremony was
performed in the most able manner by Bro . Irvine , the W . M ., and left nothing to be desired to secure its effectiveness . At tlie collation which followed the closing of the lodge , Bro . Rassam briefly , but pertinently , alluded to that portion of his history which so much interests Englishmen generally , whether •connected with volunteers , or Masons , or otherwise . We strongly recommend our brethren in the Craft to pay this lodge a visit . They will be certain of a most cordial and Masonic welcome , and can hardly leave its members without having received some practical hints as to the manner in which a Masonic lodge should be worked .
BERKS AND BUCKS . B-EADiye . —Greyfriars Lodge ( tfo . 1 , 101 ) . —Tliis lodge met on the 9 th inst ., after a short adjournment over the summer Eionths . The lodge was opened iii due form , and the minutes ¦ of the previous regular lodge , as well as those of a loclge of emergency , were read and confirmed . Bro . Charlton , who was a candidate to be passed to the second degree , was examined
respecting his proficiency , which proving satisfactory , he was entrusted and retired . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and Bro . Charlton was passed . Bro . Anns then passed a satisfactory examination as to his proficiency to be raised to the third degree , was entrusted , and retired . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and Bro . Anns was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . Bro . A . Beales , Prov . G . Reg . Berks and Bucksperformed both ceremoniesThe locl
, . ge was then closed to the first degree , Avhen the Treasurer's accounts for the past year were submitted to the lodge , having been previously examined and passed by the finance committee . The W . M . congratulated Bro . Biggs , P . M ., the Treasurer , upon the satisfactory statement he was enabled to produce . The W . M . presented the loclge with a set of new tracing boards ; those in use beingas he consideredmneh too smallThe onl
, , . y condition he annexed to tbe gift was , that the members of the Lodge of Union ( No . 414 ) , should be at liberty to avail themselves of the boards for lectures when required . " The brethren ivere pleased to accept the gift upon those conditions , and desired that it he recorded on the minutes . After notice of motion for the next meeting was given by Bro . Greenfield , that it be referred to the permanent committee to make such ents
arrangem as they may consider necessary for the introduction of Masonic music at the different ceremonies , the lodge was closed . ESSEX , COICHESTER . — United Lodge , ( Jfo . G 97 ) . The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held iu the Hotel
George , on Wednesday , 9 th inst ., at seven o ' clock . Bro . J . Newman presided , and was supported by Bros . Ilix , as S . W . ; J . Bigley J . AV . ; C . Carnegie , P . M . P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works , Essex See . ; G . H . Ray , S . D . ; J . Donnally , J . D . ; J . Eustace , I . G . •Capt . Molyneux , Crick , King , Calthorpe , & c . Visitors : Bros .
Becker , P . M . 51 ( E . C . ); Creagh , 950 ( E . C ); and Rees , 459 ( S . C . ) The lodge was opened in due form in the first degree , the summons convening the meeting was read , and the minutes of the last meeting were read ancl confirmed . The secretary read a summons for the Grand Lodge Meeting on the 2 nd insfc ., and the business to be transacted : tbe Grand Lodge communications for 17 th June , ancl 1 st July ; a circular requesting the votes of the lodge for E . E . Holland , a candidate for the
Female School , a letter from the G . Sec . forwarding a receipt , and two English and one Scotch G . Lodge certificate : ancl a voting paper for the Masonic Female School , which the W . M . was requested to fill in . A requisition to the W . M . by Bro . Captain Molyneux , 7 th Dragoon Guards , proposer , and Bro . J . Bigley , seconder , asking that the names of Bros . W . Creagh , 950 ( E . C ) . and R . P . Rees , 459 ( S . C ) , officers , 7 th Dragoon Guards might be inserted in the summons to be ballotted for as
joining members , was read ; also a report from the board of general purposes , stating that Bros . Sir J . R . Reid , Bart , 16 th Regt ., ancl W . Creagh and R . P . Rees , 7 th Dragoon Guards , were eligible . The report of the board having been confirmed , a ballot was taken for the admission of these brethren , which proved unanimous in each ease . Itro . Captain Molyneu signed his G . lodge certificate , and received it from the AY . M . Bro . Carnegio requested permission to resign the offices of
secretary and treasurer , as he Avas ordered to Edinburgh on being gazetted to a commission as superintending schoolmaster , and thanked the brethren of the United Lodge for the many honors conferred on him since he joined the lodge in Spetember , 1864 : he had been J . W . and W . 31 ., t « ice chosen as secretary , and four times elected as treasurer : he also requested Bro . Becker , P . M . 51 , to thank the P . G . M ., R . W . Bro . Bagshaw for the provincial honors conferred on him , and assured the brethren that he would never forget the truly Masonic kindness which had characterised his intercourse both
in the United Lodge and in the province of Essex . The W . M ., in accepting the resignation of Bro . Carnegie , expressed the great regret of the lodge at losing his valuable services , and their joy afc his promotion , and wished him health and life to enjoy ifc for- many years . A ballot ivas then taken for the office of treasurer , Avhich resulted in the election of Bro . King , who was then invested by the W . M . Tlie W . AT . then appointed and invested the following officers , viz .: —Bro . G . H .
Ray as Sec . ; Bro . AV . Calthorpe , S . D . ; Bro . Rix J . D „ and member of the Board of General Purposes , vice Bro . King . Bros . Creagh and Rees signed the bye-laws of the lodge , and each received a copy of them . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bro . Dr . Becker , P . M ., Angel Lodge 51 , gave his excellent lecture on the three degrees in Freemasonry , elucidating their meaning in a manner highly creditable to himselfand masonicallinstructive to the brethren
, y . The analysis of our system was given in a graphic style , and is explained through the medium of the great light of the volume of tlie sacred law . The acknowledgment of God Elshini , the revealing of God Shaddai in Jehovah the Redeemer , and the holy trust reposed in the Saviour , was beautifully illustrated , particularly when he expounded the prayer of the third degree in the following words : " If ever a human heart has offered up
a prayer , if ever a mortal has implored His blessing , if ever a soul has confessed its weakness to Him , if ever a creature has uttered such hope ancl confidence in His salvation , ifc is in tho beautiful prayer of the third degree- " A vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to Bro . Dr . Becker , and as it his intention to deliver his lecture in other lodges , it is hoped that the brethren generally will in their brotherly love generously assist him in his laudable undertaking , and that the Order will
through his work appreciate more fully the value of Freemasonry . Bro . Higgins 7 th Dragoon Guards , Avas proposed as a . joining member by the W . M ., and seconded by Bro . Captain Molyneux , after which the lodge Avas closed down to the first degree . Nothing further having been offered for the good of Freemasonry in general or of the United Lodge in particular , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , ancl having spent some time in harmony , retired at an early hour .
UriON . —Upton Lodge , ( No . 1 , 227 ) . —The first regular meeting of this lodge took place on Thursday , the 10 th inst ., at the Spotted Dog Inn . The W . M . Bro . John Bellerby , presided , supported by his officers , viz ., Bros . B . Picking , S . W . ; John L . Mather , J . AA . ; G . S . Bratton , treas . ; U . W . Goddard . sec . ; H . Morton , S . D . ; R . Bolton , J . D . ; and G . T . English , I . G . Lodge having been opened , Bros . Thos . Wescombe , of lodge 13 , & c . ; AY . T . Stephens , 742 ; J . H , Goodwin , 65 ; Dee , 208 ; Musto ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Corps , and was consecrated by Bro . John Savage , P . G . D . and P . M . 19 , on the 29 th of that ' month , since which date it lias held its meetings , on the first Wednesday in each ensuing month at the head quarters of the corps in Brunswick-road , Camberwell . Tlie progress of tlie lodge has been most gratifying , and is principally clue to the energy and efficient Avorking of its officers , under the presidency of Bro . A . L . Irvine , the W . M ., who is also the major of the corps with which the lodge
is connected . In the brief space since its formation it has introduced into Freemasonry no leas than fifteen gentlemen , ¦ and has admitted six others as joining members , all of Avhom are officers and members of the corps . The loclge has been honoured by the visits of many brethren of considerable vminence in the Craft , by whom it has been complimented for its perfect working and attention to ceremonial detail . A visit made bourselves at its last meeting satisfied us that the
Macy donald InAge will prove to be one of the best in the south metropolitan district . On that occasion the initiation of Mr . Hoomuzd Rassam , the late English consul ancl prisoner in the bands of the late king of Abyssinia , gave great interest to the business of the evening , and his introduction into Masonry was warmly hailed by his fellow members of the corps , and appeared to afford him considerable satisfaction . The ceremony was
performed in the most able manner by Bro . Irvine , the W . M ., and left nothing to be desired to secure its effectiveness . At tlie collation which followed the closing of the lodge , Bro . Rassam briefly , but pertinently , alluded to that portion of his history which so much interests Englishmen generally , whether •connected with volunteers , or Masons , or otherwise . We strongly recommend our brethren in the Craft to pay this lodge a visit . They will be certain of a most cordial and Masonic welcome , and can hardly leave its members without having received some practical hints as to the manner in which a Masonic lodge should be worked .
BERKS AND BUCKS . B-EADiye . —Greyfriars Lodge ( tfo . 1 , 101 ) . —Tliis lodge met on the 9 th inst ., after a short adjournment over the summer Eionths . The lodge was opened iii due form , and the minutes ¦ of the previous regular lodge , as well as those of a loclge of emergency , were read and confirmed . Bro . Charlton , who was a candidate to be passed to the second degree , was examined
respecting his proficiency , which proving satisfactory , he was entrusted and retired . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and Bro . Charlton was passed . Bro . Anns then passed a satisfactory examination as to his proficiency to be raised to the third degree , was entrusted , and retired . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and Bro . Anns was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . Bro . A . Beales , Prov . G . Reg . Berks and Bucksperformed both ceremoniesThe locl
, . ge was then closed to the first degree , Avhen the Treasurer's accounts for the past year were submitted to the lodge , having been previously examined and passed by the finance committee . The W . M . congratulated Bro . Biggs , P . M ., the Treasurer , upon the satisfactory statement he was enabled to produce . The W . M . presented the loclge with a set of new tracing boards ; those in use beingas he consideredmneh too smallThe onl
, , . y condition he annexed to tbe gift was , that the members of the Lodge of Union ( No . 414 ) , should be at liberty to avail themselves of the boards for lectures when required . " The brethren ivere pleased to accept the gift upon those conditions , and desired that it he recorded on the minutes . After notice of motion for the next meeting was given by Bro . Greenfield , that it be referred to the permanent committee to make such ents
arrangem as they may consider necessary for the introduction of Masonic music at the different ceremonies , the lodge was closed . ESSEX , COICHESTER . — United Lodge , ( Jfo . G 97 ) . The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held iu the Hotel
George , on Wednesday , 9 th inst ., at seven o ' clock . Bro . J . Newman presided , and was supported by Bros . Ilix , as S . W . ; J . Bigley J . AV . ; C . Carnegie , P . M . P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works , Essex See . ; G . H . Ray , S . D . ; J . Donnally , J . D . ; J . Eustace , I . G . •Capt . Molyneux , Crick , King , Calthorpe , & c . Visitors : Bros .
Becker , P . M . 51 ( E . C . ); Creagh , 950 ( E . C ); and Rees , 459 ( S . C . ) The lodge was opened in due form in the first degree , the summons convening the meeting was read , and the minutes of the last meeting were read ancl confirmed . The secretary read a summons for the Grand Lodge Meeting on the 2 nd insfc ., and the business to be transacted : tbe Grand Lodge communications for 17 th June , ancl 1 st July ; a circular requesting the votes of the lodge for E . E . Holland , a candidate for the
Female School , a letter from the G . Sec . forwarding a receipt , and two English and one Scotch G . Lodge certificate : ancl a voting paper for the Masonic Female School , which the W . M . was requested to fill in . A requisition to the W . M . by Bro . Captain Molyneux , 7 th Dragoon Guards , proposer , and Bro . J . Bigley , seconder , asking that the names of Bros . W . Creagh , 950 ( E . C ) . and R . P . Rees , 459 ( S . C ) , officers , 7 th Dragoon Guards might be inserted in the summons to be ballotted for as
joining members , was read ; also a report from the board of general purposes , stating that Bros . Sir J . R . Reid , Bart , 16 th Regt ., ancl W . Creagh and R . P . Rees , 7 th Dragoon Guards , were eligible . The report of the board having been confirmed , a ballot was taken for the admission of these brethren , which proved unanimous in each ease . Itro . Captain Molyneu signed his G . lodge certificate , and received it from the AY . M . Bro . Carnegio requested permission to resign the offices of
secretary and treasurer , as he Avas ordered to Edinburgh on being gazetted to a commission as superintending schoolmaster , and thanked the brethren of the United Lodge for the many honors conferred on him since he joined the lodge in Spetember , 1864 : he had been J . W . and W . 31 ., t « ice chosen as secretary , and four times elected as treasurer : he also requested Bro . Becker , P . M . 51 , to thank the P . G . M ., R . W . Bro . Bagshaw for the provincial honors conferred on him , and assured the brethren that he would never forget the truly Masonic kindness which had characterised his intercourse both
in the United Lodge and in the province of Essex . The W . M ., in accepting the resignation of Bro . Carnegie , expressed the great regret of the lodge at losing his valuable services , and their joy afc his promotion , and wished him health and life to enjoy ifc for- many years . A ballot ivas then taken for the office of treasurer , Avhich resulted in the election of Bro . King , who was then invested by the W . M . Tlie W . AT . then appointed and invested the following officers , viz .: —Bro . G . H .
Ray as Sec . ; Bro . AV . Calthorpe , S . D . ; Bro . Rix J . D „ and member of the Board of General Purposes , vice Bro . King . Bros . Creagh and Rees signed the bye-laws of the lodge , and each received a copy of them . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bro . Dr . Becker , P . M ., Angel Lodge 51 , gave his excellent lecture on the three degrees in Freemasonry , elucidating their meaning in a manner highly creditable to himselfand masonicallinstructive to the brethren
, y . The analysis of our system was given in a graphic style , and is explained through the medium of the great light of the volume of tlie sacred law . The acknowledgment of God Elshini , the revealing of God Shaddai in Jehovah the Redeemer , and the holy trust reposed in the Saviour , was beautifully illustrated , particularly when he expounded the prayer of the third degree in the following words : " If ever a human heart has offered up
a prayer , if ever a mortal has implored His blessing , if ever a soul has confessed its weakness to Him , if ever a creature has uttered such hope ancl confidence in His salvation , ifc is in tho beautiful prayer of the third degree- " A vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to Bro . Dr . Becker , and as it his intention to deliver his lecture in other lodges , it is hoped that the brethren generally will in their brotherly love generously assist him in his laudable undertaking , and that the Order will
through his work appreciate more fully the value of Freemasonry . Bro . Higgins 7 th Dragoon Guards , Avas proposed as a . joining member by the W . M ., and seconded by Bro . Captain Molyneux , after which the lodge Avas closed down to the first degree . Nothing further having been offered for the good of Freemasonry in general or of the United Lodge in particular , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , ancl having spent some time in harmony , retired at an early hour .
UriON . —Upton Lodge , ( No . 1 , 227 ) . —The first regular meeting of this lodge took place on Thursday , the 10 th inst ., at the Spotted Dog Inn . The W . M . Bro . John Bellerby , presided , supported by his officers , viz ., Bros . B . Picking , S . W . ; John L . Mather , J . AA . ; G . S . Bratton , treas . ; U . W . Goddard . sec . ; H . Morton , S . D . ; R . Bolton , J . D . ; and G . T . English , I . G . Lodge having been opened , Bros . Thos . Wescombe , of lodge 13 , & c . ; AY . T . Stephens , 742 ; J . H , Goodwin , 65 ; Dee , 208 ; Musto ,