Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article BRITISH AMERICA. Page 1 of 2 →
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a good attendance of brethren , ancl two visitors—Bros . T . L . Bold ( P . M . ) , and T . Hunt . The lodge was opened in form , the minutes read and confirmed , when Mr . Thomas Hart was inlruitteil , properly prepared , ancl initiated into the mysteries and secrets of Freemasonry . Bro . Dr . Partridge afterwards delivered the charge in the first degree ; the AV . M . rose the usual number of times , and nothing further offering the lodge was closed in form and harmony . At refreshments the charity was
as usual passed , round , and a considerable sum collected , including a donation of ten shillings from Bro . J . Banner . Tlie brethren sepaiated afc an early hour after having spent an agreeable evening . The favourable position of this lodge is in great measure due to the popularity of the W . M ., whose corteous miinner , firmness of principle , and excellent working , have placed him high in the estimation of his fellows .
GLASGOW . GLASGOAV . —Lodge of Glasgow St . John , ( No . 3- ) . —A meeting of this ancient lodge was held in the hall , 213 , Biichananstveefc , on Tuesday , the 1 st inst ., Bros . Gavin Park , acting R . W . M . ; R . D . Samuels , acting S . W . ; and W . P . Buchan , acting J . W .: there was a goodly attendance of the brethren . One candidate was initiated and four passed ; the ceremonies being worked by Bro . Buchan , during ivhich Bro . II . Gray
acted as J . \ A . The business of tlie card " to hear Report of Historical Committee anent the Malcolm Charter , and the historical evidence ancl data of tho Antiquity of tbe Lodge " Avas then brought up . When the acting R . AV . M . suggested that , seeing this was an important matter , and that Bro . Ramsay , E . W . M . was absent , the reading of the report should be delayed until next meeting night , which , after remarks from several of the brethren , was agreed to . The brethren were then called from labour to refreshment , for some time , after which the loclge was closed .
COUNTY DOWN . HOLYWOOD . —Consecration of a New Lodge . —On Tuesday , the » 8 th inst ., the solemn and interesting cermony of opening and constituting a new lodge in the town of Holywood , was performed by Bro . Willium Redfern Kelly , P . M . of Excelsior Lodge , No . 109 , ancl Prov . G . I . G . of county Antrim . The want having long been felt by a number of brethren resident in that neihbourhoodtbey determined to lto the MWG
g , appy . . . ¦ loclge of Ireland , the result being that the Grand lodgo acceded to their request , ancl granted them a charter for incorporating a Masonic Lodge in that place . The establishment of this new lodge promises to be the medium of a considerable accession to the existing long roll of lodges in this country , as there is every ( reason to believe that a large number of the residents of Holywood will avail themselves of the opportunitwhich will now
y be afforded them of becoming members of the craft . At the ¦ appointed hour the brethren assembled in Mr . Leister ' s Hotel , Main-street , where the spacious apartment which was to be used as a lodge-room was prepared for their reception . Bro . Kelly , then proceeded to read to them the charter from the M . "W . Grand Lodge of Ireland , which empowered them fco open in the town of Holywood a new lodge . The lodge bavin" been in ancient form
opened , the several offices in the loclge ivere filled as follows : —Bros . AV . Redfern Kelly , P . M ., Excelsior Loclge , presiding as AV . M . ; James M'Cracken , P . M ., 109 , as P . M . ; H . A . Wood , AV . M ., Excelsior Lodge , as S . W . ; Robert Mill , S . D ., of Excelsior Loclge , as J . W . ; J . J . Howard , Excelsior Lodge , S . D . ; It . J . Howard , Excelsior Lodge , J . D . ; D . " M'Afee , 111 , Sec . ; C . C . AYheeler , P . M ., Ill , Treas . ; Bro . W . 106
Agnew , , I . G . ; J . Freeman , P . M ., 97 , Chap . ; and Philip Campbell , Excelsior Lodge , as Steward . A board of installed members having been formed , they proceeded to invest Bro . Samuel M'Mechan as AV . M . This being done and the W . M . having appointed his officers , they were saluted with the usual honours , after which the lodge was closed , and the brethren repaired to the banquet , where an excellent repast was provided by the brethren of the Victoria Locl ge . The chair was occupied by Bro . W . Redfern Kelly . The usual charter toasts
— "The Queen , " "Three Grand Masters , " and " Provincial Grand Loclge" having been given and received with honours , Bro . H . A . Wood , W . M . of tlie Excelsior Lodge 109 , gave the toast of " Prosperity to the Victoria Lodge , coupled with the health of Bro . William Redfern Kelly . " " The chairman gave "The newly installed Ollicers , " which was narmly received and responded to . The next toast given was" The Visitors , " which was responded to bBroR . B . . MatthewsP . M . Ill ;
y . , , J . M'Crachan , P . M .. 609 ; J . Freeman , P . AI ., 97 ; W . Martin , AA' . M ., Ill ; andT . Ward , P . M ., 106 . Several ILisonic and other songs were sung during the evening , which was brought ; to a close by the toast , " Our next happy meeting . " The National Anthem was then sunjr , ancl the brethren separated , greatly pleased with their entertainment . Among the brethren present were : —W . Kedfern KellyP . . AI . 109 ; H . Aug ' . iton
, , Wood , W . . A . I ., 109 ; Robert Is .. 'ill , S . I ) ., 109 ; J . iV Crackeu , P . AI ., 009 ; Charles C . Wheeler , P . M ., Ill ; 11 . B . Matthews , P . M ., Ill ; . J . Deunison , P . . A ! ., S 3 ; W . Martin , W . M ., Ill ; H . F . Dennisou , P . M ., 151 ; John Freeman , P . AI ., 97 ; T . Ward , P . M ., 106 ; D . M'Fee , 111 ; W . M . Freckelton , 51 ; Arthur M'Mahen , 83 ; William Agnew , 106 ; J . M'Mechan , 447 Samuel M'MechanAV . M . 254 ; Adam GeorgeS . W .,
; , , , 254 ; AV . M . Keag , J . \\\ , 251 ; Ralph J . Howard , 109 ; W . Rogers , 106 ; George M'Afee , 97 ; Jas . Taylor , 195 ; AV . J . Gillespie , 54 ; James Miller , 54 ; James Cooper , 106 ; G . J . Beattie , 56 ; John Wortbingtoii , 609 ; D . Minnie , 609 ; J M'Cutcheoii , AV . M ., 51 ; Philip Campbell , 109 ; S . M'Millau , 165 ; D . Burrows , 447 .
Channel Islands.
GUERNSEY . DOYLE ' S LODGE OE FELIOAVSHIP ( NO . 84 ) . —S <; veral _ deeply interesting meetings have been held in this loclge during the past few months , which have , unfortunately , not been reported in tlie MAGAZINE , the esteemed brother whose duty it was to hare done so , and whose graphic communications are always so much admired , having been indisposed . As for most of the
meetings referred to , they must , in consequence , go unreported but a brief notice must not be omitted of two " emergencies , ' the first to " puss , " and the second to raise to the sublime degree of AV . M ., Bro . Adrien cle Lngreiie , of Vatieval , who was initiated at Doyle's Lodge , in July , 1 S 64 . The meetings ivere rendered the more interesting and noticeable from the fact that the brother who took the degrees was not familiar with the English languagetho ceremony havingthereforeto be
con-, , , ducted in the French language . This arduous task was at very short notice on each occasion , imposed upon and cheerfully undertaken by Bro . James Gallienne , P . D . Prov . G . M ., whose paraphrase was most accurate , mid whose delivery -was most impressive . On Wednesday , the 9 th inst ., an ordinary meeting of the lodge was held , and this occasion , too , was rendered noteworthy by reason of the solemnity that characterised it .
The lodge having been opened in the first degree , the W . M . annonucecl to the brethren in feeling trims the comparatively sudden decease of Bro . Major John Turton , of the Hon . E . I . Co . 's Service , which event took place at bis residence , St . George ' s Esplanade , Guernsey , on the Sth inst . As there i \ as no very important business to transact the lodge was closed iu solemn form , after ivhich the brethren separated , it being resolved , at the suggestion of the AV . M ., that as our departed brother ' s remains were not yet interred , the accustomed banquet should be dispensed ivith .
British America.
NEW BRUNSWICK . The annual Convocation of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of New Brunswick , province of Canada , was held at the Masonic Hall , Princess-street , on the 12 th ult . The respective officers and committees for the year were duly elected , appointed , and installed by the M . P . Grand Master , assisted by Bro . J . Gordon Forbes , Past . P . G . Master , as Marshall , and R . P . Bro . the Bev . G . J . Caie , as Chaplain , viz .: —Bros .. Kobt . Marshall , M . P . Grand Master ; J . V . Ellis , Deputy M . P . Grand Master ; J . D , Short , Right P . Grand Master ; H . Leonard ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
a good attendance of brethren , ancl two visitors—Bros . T . L . Bold ( P . M . ) , and T . Hunt . The lodge was opened in form , the minutes read and confirmed , when Mr . Thomas Hart was inlruitteil , properly prepared , ancl initiated into the mysteries and secrets of Freemasonry . Bro . Dr . Partridge afterwards delivered the charge in the first degree ; the AV . M . rose the usual number of times , and nothing further offering the lodge was closed in form and harmony . At refreshments the charity was
as usual passed , round , and a considerable sum collected , including a donation of ten shillings from Bro . J . Banner . Tlie brethren sepaiated afc an early hour after having spent an agreeable evening . The favourable position of this lodge is in great measure due to the popularity of the W . M ., whose corteous miinner , firmness of principle , and excellent working , have placed him high in the estimation of his fellows .
GLASGOW . GLASGOAV . —Lodge of Glasgow St . John , ( No . 3- ) . —A meeting of this ancient lodge was held in the hall , 213 , Biichananstveefc , on Tuesday , the 1 st inst ., Bros . Gavin Park , acting R . W . M . ; R . D . Samuels , acting S . W . ; and W . P . Buchan , acting J . W .: there was a goodly attendance of the brethren . One candidate was initiated and four passed ; the ceremonies being worked by Bro . Buchan , during ivhich Bro . II . Gray
acted as J . \ A . The business of tlie card " to hear Report of Historical Committee anent the Malcolm Charter , and the historical evidence ancl data of tho Antiquity of tbe Lodge " Avas then brought up . When the acting R . AV . M . suggested that , seeing this was an important matter , and that Bro . Ramsay , E . W . M . was absent , the reading of the report should be delayed until next meeting night , which , after remarks from several of the brethren , was agreed to . The brethren were then called from labour to refreshment , for some time , after which the loclge was closed .
COUNTY DOWN . HOLYWOOD . —Consecration of a New Lodge . —On Tuesday , the » 8 th inst ., the solemn and interesting cermony of opening and constituting a new lodge in the town of Holywood , was performed by Bro . Willium Redfern Kelly , P . M . of Excelsior Lodge , No . 109 , ancl Prov . G . I . G . of county Antrim . The want having long been felt by a number of brethren resident in that neihbourhoodtbey determined to lto the MWG
g , appy . . . ¦ loclge of Ireland , the result being that the Grand lodgo acceded to their request , ancl granted them a charter for incorporating a Masonic Lodge in that place . The establishment of this new lodge promises to be the medium of a considerable accession to the existing long roll of lodges in this country , as there is every ( reason to believe that a large number of the residents of Holywood will avail themselves of the opportunitwhich will now
y be afforded them of becoming members of the craft . At the ¦ appointed hour the brethren assembled in Mr . Leister ' s Hotel , Main-street , where the spacious apartment which was to be used as a lodge-room was prepared for their reception . Bro . Kelly , then proceeded to read to them the charter from the M . "W . Grand Lodge of Ireland , which empowered them fco open in the town of Holywood a new lodge . The lodge bavin" been in ancient form
opened , the several offices in the loclge ivere filled as follows : —Bros . AV . Redfern Kelly , P . M ., Excelsior Loclge , presiding as AV . M . ; James M'Cracken , P . M ., 109 , as P . M . ; H . A . Wood , AV . M ., Excelsior Lodge , as S . W . ; Robert Mill , S . D ., of Excelsior Loclge , as J . W . ; J . J . Howard , Excelsior Lodge , S . D . ; It . J . Howard , Excelsior Lodge , J . D . ; D . " M'Afee , 111 , Sec . ; C . C . AYheeler , P . M ., Ill , Treas . ; Bro . W . 106
Agnew , , I . G . ; J . Freeman , P . M ., 97 , Chap . ; and Philip Campbell , Excelsior Lodge , as Steward . A board of installed members having been formed , they proceeded to invest Bro . Samuel M'Mechan as AV . M . This being done and the W . M . having appointed his officers , they were saluted with the usual honours , after which the lodge was closed , and the brethren repaired to the banquet , where an excellent repast was provided by the brethren of the Victoria Locl ge . The chair was occupied by Bro . W . Redfern Kelly . The usual charter toasts
— "The Queen , " "Three Grand Masters , " and " Provincial Grand Loclge" having been given and received with honours , Bro . H . A . Wood , W . M . of tlie Excelsior Lodge 109 , gave the toast of " Prosperity to the Victoria Lodge , coupled with the health of Bro . William Redfern Kelly . " " The chairman gave "The newly installed Ollicers , " which was narmly received and responded to . The next toast given was" The Visitors , " which was responded to bBroR . B . . MatthewsP . M . Ill ;
y . , , J . M'Crachan , P . M .. 609 ; J . Freeman , P . AI ., 97 ; W . Martin , AA' . M ., Ill ; andT . Ward , P . M ., 106 . Several ILisonic and other songs were sung during the evening , which was brought ; to a close by the toast , " Our next happy meeting . " The National Anthem was then sunjr , ancl the brethren separated , greatly pleased with their entertainment . Among the brethren present were : —W . Kedfern KellyP . . AI . 109 ; H . Aug ' . iton
, , Wood , W . . A . I ., 109 ; Robert Is .. 'ill , S . I ) ., 109 ; J . iV Crackeu , P . AI ., 009 ; Charles C . Wheeler , P . M ., Ill ; 11 . B . Matthews , P . M ., Ill ; . J . Deunison , P . . A ! ., S 3 ; W . Martin , W . M ., Ill ; H . F . Dennisou , P . M ., 151 ; John Freeman , P . AI ., 97 ; T . Ward , P . M ., 106 ; D . M'Fee , 111 ; W . M . Freckelton , 51 ; Arthur M'Mahen , 83 ; William Agnew , 106 ; J . M'Mechan , 447 Samuel M'MechanAV . M . 254 ; Adam GeorgeS . W .,
; , , , 254 ; AV . M . Keag , J . \\\ , 251 ; Ralph J . Howard , 109 ; W . Rogers , 106 ; George M'Afee , 97 ; Jas . Taylor , 195 ; AV . J . Gillespie , 54 ; James Miller , 54 ; James Cooper , 106 ; G . J . Beattie , 56 ; John Wortbingtoii , 609 ; D . Minnie , 609 ; J M'Cutcheoii , AV . M ., 51 ; Philip Campbell , 109 ; S . M'Millau , 165 ; D . Burrows , 447 .
Channel Islands.
GUERNSEY . DOYLE ' S LODGE OE FELIOAVSHIP ( NO . 84 ) . —S <; veral _ deeply interesting meetings have been held in this loclge during the past few months , which have , unfortunately , not been reported in tlie MAGAZINE , the esteemed brother whose duty it was to hare done so , and whose graphic communications are always so much admired , having been indisposed . As for most of the
meetings referred to , they must , in consequence , go unreported but a brief notice must not be omitted of two " emergencies , ' the first to " puss , " and the second to raise to the sublime degree of AV . M ., Bro . Adrien cle Lngreiie , of Vatieval , who was initiated at Doyle's Lodge , in July , 1 S 64 . The meetings ivere rendered the more interesting and noticeable from the fact that the brother who took the degrees was not familiar with the English languagetho ceremony havingthereforeto be
con-, , , ducted in the French language . This arduous task was at very short notice on each occasion , imposed upon and cheerfully undertaken by Bro . James Gallienne , P . D . Prov . G . M ., whose paraphrase was most accurate , mid whose delivery -was most impressive . On Wednesday , the 9 th inst ., an ordinary meeting of the lodge was held , and this occasion , too , was rendered noteworthy by reason of the solemnity that characterised it .
The lodge having been opened in the first degree , the W . M . annonucecl to the brethren in feeling trims the comparatively sudden decease of Bro . Major John Turton , of the Hon . E . I . Co . 's Service , which event took place at bis residence , St . George ' s Esplanade , Guernsey , on the Sth inst . As there i \ as no very important business to transact the lodge was closed iu solemn form , after ivhich the brethren separated , it being resolved , at the suggestion of the AV . M ., that as our departed brother ' s remains were not yet interred , the accustomed banquet should be dispensed ivith .
British America.
NEW BRUNSWICK . The annual Convocation of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of New Brunswick , province of Canada , was held at the Masonic Hall , Princess-street , on the 12 th ult . The respective officers and committees for the year were duly elected , appointed , and installed by the M . P . Grand Master , assisted by Bro . J . Gordon Forbes , Past . P . G . Master , as Marshall , and R . P . Bro . the Bev . G . J . Caie , as Chaplain , viz .: —Bros .. Kobt . Marshall , M . P . Grand Master ; J . V . Ellis , Deputy M . P . Grand Master ; J . D , Short , Right P . Grand Master ; H . Leonard ,