Article BRITISH AMERICA. ← Page 2 of 2 Article SOUTH AFRICA. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 3 →
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British America.
Puissant G . Master ; D . R . Mnnro , G . Recorder ; J . Mullin , G . Treas . ; Revs . W . Donald , D . D ., and G . J . Caie . A . B ., G . Chaps . ; T . H . Keohan , G . Dir . of Cers . ; AV . Colebro ' ke Perley , G . Conductor ; G . F . Ring , G . Stewards ; H . Card , G . Org . ; H . Brown , G . Sentinel ; Hall Committee , Bro . Thos . II . Keohan ; Finance Committee : Bros . G . II . Whiting , D . S . Stewart , and R . H . Livingstone ; Committee of Foreign Correspondence Bros . D . Ransom Munro ancl the Rev . G . J . Caie .
South Africa.
BLOEMFONTEIN . RISING STAB LODGE , ( 1 , 022 ) . —The dedication and consecration of the new Masonic Hall of the above lodge , took place on St . John ' s Day , the 24 th June . The ceremony was performed according to ancient rites by the W . M . Bro . T . AVhite , he having been deputed thereto by the Prov . G . M . the Honourable R . Southey , who , on account of his numerous official duties in Cape Towncould scarcelbe expected to attend . The brethren
, y assembled afc the lodge at 10 . 30 a . m ., and shortly afterwards formed in procession , ancl marched to the Cathedral in Masonic costume , with banners flying , the officers wearing their jewels , and carrying their emblems of office ivith them , the ivhole preceded by the Bloemfoiitein Amateur Band which performed , very creditably , the Masonic march , both in going and returning . On arriving at the Church at 11 am . the Rev . Canon
. , Beckett sang the litany , unci afterwards preached a sermon very suitable and appropriate to the occasion . Two hymns ivere sung , Mr . G . A . AA'liite performing on the organ , and the procession returned as before . At 12 o ' clock ( high noon ) , the consecration service was performed in the presence of His Honour the President , Bro . Hamelberg , W . M . of the lodge Unie , ancl numerous visititing brethren in all some 45 in numberBro
, . P . M . Home , acting as Chap . In the evening , at 5 . 30 , the installation of AY . M . and officers for the ensuing Masonic year took place . Bro . AA'liite having been re-elected AV . M . he ivas re-installed by Bro . P . M . Home , after which he at once proceeded to invest his officers as follows : —Bros . W . W . Collins , S . AV . ; AV . B . Beeton , J . W . ; G . Home , I . P . M . ; M . Levisour , Treas . ; Alfred Barlow , Sec ; G . Dexter , S . D . ; R . Clark , J . D . ;
S . AV . Green ancl J . H . Minter , Stewards ; D . Paxton , I . G . ; 0 . Compton , Tyler . The usual banquet took place afc the Free State Hotel , when nearly 40 brethren sat clown together . The usual loyal , Masonic and many other toasts ivere drunk and altogether a very pleasant and convivial evening was spent . The VV . M . and most of the resident members of the lodge Unie were present . Bro . Reimer had , we need scarcely add , got up the repast in his best style ; ancl the decoration and dinner committees had spared no pains in the decoration of the room with Masonic devices , flags , & c .
NATAL . Pom ELIZABETH ( EASTEHN PEOVINCE ) . St . John ' s Day ivas celebrated by the brethren of Port Elizabeth with all due honour . The installation of tbe AY . M . Bro . J . C . Kemsley , and investiture of the officers of the Lodge of Good Will , No . 711 , took place at high noon . The AY . M . appointed the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing
year : —Bros . S . Bain , S . AV , ; Jas . Kemsley , J . W . ; J . E . Bruton , Treas . ; J . E . AVhiley , Sec ; J . E . Wetton , S . D . ; Sidney White , J . D . ; E . Dunsterville , I . G . ; J ames Morley , O . G . ; George Gordon and E . Dunsterville , Stewards . After business the brethren formed in procession , and , headed by the Port Elizabeth Volunteer Band , marched to St . Paul ' s Church for the purpose of hearing Divine service . A ital sermon was preached bthe
cap y Rev . 3 . Brook ; and' the choir , under the leadership of Mr . Day performed appropriate selections in an admirable way . The foundation stone of a porch and spire for the church was laid , witli full Masonic honours . About 70 of the brethren partook of a banquet in the evening . The greatest good feeling prevailed .
THE most sensual man that ever was in the Avorld never felt his heart touched with so delicious and lasting a pleasure as that ivhich springs from a clear conscience and a mind full y satisfied with its own actions . —Tillotson .
Royal Arch.
IRELAND . BELFAST . CHAPTEB ( NO . 97 ) . —A meeting of the above chapter was held on the 25 th ult ., in the chapter room , Donegall-place-buildings , at 7 . 30 p . m ., Comp . James Fitchie , King , presiding . After the usual preliminaries had been gone through , five brethren came forward ancl were exalted to the R . A . degree . Several brethren
were then proposed as candidates for admission . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the refreshment room , Avhere a very agreeable hour iv'is spent . The chapter , although only tivo months reorganised , is progressing very rapidly , no less than twelve candidates having been proposed for admission—a success ivhich is mainly clue to the efforts of Comps . John Ireland and James Fitchie , whose zeal for the promotion of the interests of the Order is so Avell known and so highly appreciated .
CANADA . GEAND CHAPTEB OE ROYAL AECH MASONS . The eleventh annual convocation of the Grand Chapter ot Royal Arch Masons of Canada , Avas held lit the Masonic Hall , corner of Place D'Armes and Notre Dame Streets , Montreal , on Tuesday , die llth August . The Grand Chapter ivas opened in ample form , at 12 ' 30 P . M .
, the following officers presiding : —M . E . Comp . T . D . Harrington , Z . Grand Council ; R . E . Comp . A . A . Stevenson as H ., Grand Council ; R . E . Comp . Jas . Seymour , J . Grand Council ; R . E . Comp . T . B . Harris , G . S . E . ; R . E . Comp . A . B . Parmlee , as G . S . N . ; R . E . Comp . J . H . Stearns , G . Treas . ; R , E . Comp . J . S . Bowen , G . Reg . Together with the following P . G . Officers : —M . E . Comps . J . C . Franck and T . Wilson ;
R . E . Comps . Col . AV . J . B . McLeod Moore , AV . B . Simpson , with representatives from the following Chapters , viz : — Ancient Frontenac , Kingston ; The Hiram , Hamilton ; St . John's , Hamilton ; St . George's , London ; King Solomon ' s , Toronto ; Golden Rule , Stanstead ; Cataraqui , Kingston ; Stadacona , Quebec ; Prevosfc , Dunham ; Carleton , Ottawa ; Dorchester , AVaterloo ; Oxford , Woodstock ; Mount Moriah , St . Catherines ; Mount Horeb , Brantford ; Carnarvon , Montreal ;
Grenville , Prescotfc ; Tecumsetb , Stratford ; Mount Horeb , Montreal ; St . Mark's , Trenton ; Maniton , Collingwood ; Pentalpba , Oshawa ; McCallum , Dunnville ; Prince Edward , Picton ; Huron , Goclerick ; New Brunswick Chanter , St . John's
NB . After the reception of reports and other general routine business hacl been closed . M . E . Comp . T . D . Harrington , Grand Z ., delivered the following address : — " Companions : Passing down the picturesque Ottawa Riveronce more , God willing , to meet you in friendly council and brotherly greeting—I could not help reflecting on the apparently short space of time that has elapsed since we last met in annual
convocation Avithin sight and hearing of that noble river , and , combining pleasure with profit , descended the timber slides , and floating quietly to shore , enjoyed ourselves as brethren should do , in harmony and pleasant concord . Last year wo prayed the Great Architect of the Universe , " to spare us happy and happily to meet again , and continue His blessings to us . " It has been His divine pleasure to listen to that prayer , as far as we are concerned , but some He has
called to their rest ; and though it is natnral ancl right to lament their departure and the loss of their familiar faces , yet we should not sorrow as without hope , but look forward to a re-union and a future happy companionship that will know no ending . One of our departed friends , Comp . The Hon . Robert Spenee I feel it to be a duty to make special mention of . Devoted fco our Order , be was ever ready to give his time , bis talent , and
his means towards promoting the prosperity of Freemasonry , and our charitable and benevolent committees were always sure of his prompt and faithful attention . He was a good citizena trusty friend—and his end was peace . His memory ivill long remain fresh and green iu the annals of Canadian Freemasonry . With regard to the general business of our Order , I can bufc repeat at our " Eleventh Convocation , " my declaration of last year , that my work has been easy , ancl my labor light . I know of and have experience , no material draivback fco the peace ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
British America.
Puissant G . Master ; D . R . Mnnro , G . Recorder ; J . Mullin , G . Treas . ; Revs . W . Donald , D . D ., and G . J . Caie . A . B ., G . Chaps . ; T . H . Keohan , G . Dir . of Cers . ; AV . Colebro ' ke Perley , G . Conductor ; G . F . Ring , G . Stewards ; H . Card , G . Org . ; H . Brown , G . Sentinel ; Hall Committee , Bro . Thos . II . Keohan ; Finance Committee : Bros . G . II . Whiting , D . S . Stewart , and R . H . Livingstone ; Committee of Foreign Correspondence Bros . D . Ransom Munro ancl the Rev . G . J . Caie .
South Africa.
BLOEMFONTEIN . RISING STAB LODGE , ( 1 , 022 ) . —The dedication and consecration of the new Masonic Hall of the above lodge , took place on St . John ' s Day , the 24 th June . The ceremony was performed according to ancient rites by the W . M . Bro . T . AVhite , he having been deputed thereto by the Prov . G . M . the Honourable R . Southey , who , on account of his numerous official duties in Cape Towncould scarcelbe expected to attend . The brethren
, y assembled afc the lodge at 10 . 30 a . m ., and shortly afterwards formed in procession , ancl marched to the Cathedral in Masonic costume , with banners flying , the officers wearing their jewels , and carrying their emblems of office ivith them , the ivhole preceded by the Bloemfoiitein Amateur Band which performed , very creditably , the Masonic march , both in going and returning . On arriving at the Church at 11 am . the Rev . Canon
. , Beckett sang the litany , unci afterwards preached a sermon very suitable and appropriate to the occasion . Two hymns ivere sung , Mr . G . A . AA'liite performing on the organ , and the procession returned as before . At 12 o ' clock ( high noon ) , the consecration service was performed in the presence of His Honour the President , Bro . Hamelberg , W . M . of the lodge Unie , ancl numerous visititing brethren in all some 45 in numberBro
, . P . M . Home , acting as Chap . In the evening , at 5 . 30 , the installation of AY . M . and officers for the ensuing Masonic year took place . Bro . AA'liite having been re-elected AV . M . he ivas re-installed by Bro . P . M . Home , after which he at once proceeded to invest his officers as follows : —Bros . W . W . Collins , S . AV . ; AV . B . Beeton , J . W . ; G . Home , I . P . M . ; M . Levisour , Treas . ; Alfred Barlow , Sec ; G . Dexter , S . D . ; R . Clark , J . D . ;
S . AV . Green ancl J . H . Minter , Stewards ; D . Paxton , I . G . ; 0 . Compton , Tyler . The usual banquet took place afc the Free State Hotel , when nearly 40 brethren sat clown together . The usual loyal , Masonic and many other toasts ivere drunk and altogether a very pleasant and convivial evening was spent . The VV . M . and most of the resident members of the lodge Unie were present . Bro . Reimer had , we need scarcely add , got up the repast in his best style ; ancl the decoration and dinner committees had spared no pains in the decoration of the room with Masonic devices , flags , & c .
NATAL . Pom ELIZABETH ( EASTEHN PEOVINCE ) . St . John ' s Day ivas celebrated by the brethren of Port Elizabeth with all due honour . The installation of tbe AY . M . Bro . J . C . Kemsley , and investiture of the officers of the Lodge of Good Will , No . 711 , took place at high noon . The AY . M . appointed the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing
year : —Bros . S . Bain , S . AV , ; Jas . Kemsley , J . W . ; J . E . Bruton , Treas . ; J . E . AVhiley , Sec ; J . E . Wetton , S . D . ; Sidney White , J . D . ; E . Dunsterville , I . G . ; J ames Morley , O . G . ; George Gordon and E . Dunsterville , Stewards . After business the brethren formed in procession , and , headed by the Port Elizabeth Volunteer Band , marched to St . Paul ' s Church for the purpose of hearing Divine service . A ital sermon was preached bthe
cap y Rev . 3 . Brook ; and' the choir , under the leadership of Mr . Day performed appropriate selections in an admirable way . The foundation stone of a porch and spire for the church was laid , witli full Masonic honours . About 70 of the brethren partook of a banquet in the evening . The greatest good feeling prevailed .
THE most sensual man that ever was in the Avorld never felt his heart touched with so delicious and lasting a pleasure as that ivhich springs from a clear conscience and a mind full y satisfied with its own actions . —Tillotson .
Royal Arch.
IRELAND . BELFAST . CHAPTEB ( NO . 97 ) . —A meeting of the above chapter was held on the 25 th ult ., in the chapter room , Donegall-place-buildings , at 7 . 30 p . m ., Comp . James Fitchie , King , presiding . After the usual preliminaries had been gone through , five brethren came forward ancl were exalted to the R . A . degree . Several brethren
were then proposed as candidates for admission . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the refreshment room , Avhere a very agreeable hour iv'is spent . The chapter , although only tivo months reorganised , is progressing very rapidly , no less than twelve candidates having been proposed for admission—a success ivhich is mainly clue to the efforts of Comps . John Ireland and James Fitchie , whose zeal for the promotion of the interests of the Order is so Avell known and so highly appreciated .
CANADA . GEAND CHAPTEB OE ROYAL AECH MASONS . The eleventh annual convocation of the Grand Chapter ot Royal Arch Masons of Canada , Avas held lit the Masonic Hall , corner of Place D'Armes and Notre Dame Streets , Montreal , on Tuesday , die llth August . The Grand Chapter ivas opened in ample form , at 12 ' 30 P . M .
, the following officers presiding : —M . E . Comp . T . D . Harrington , Z . Grand Council ; R . E . Comp . A . A . Stevenson as H ., Grand Council ; R . E . Comp . Jas . Seymour , J . Grand Council ; R . E . Comp . T . B . Harris , G . S . E . ; R . E . Comp . A . B . Parmlee , as G . S . N . ; R . E . Comp . J . H . Stearns , G . Treas . ; R , E . Comp . J . S . Bowen , G . Reg . Together with the following P . G . Officers : —M . E . Comps . J . C . Franck and T . Wilson ;
R . E . Comps . Col . AV . J . B . McLeod Moore , AV . B . Simpson , with representatives from the following Chapters , viz : — Ancient Frontenac , Kingston ; The Hiram , Hamilton ; St . John's , Hamilton ; St . George's , London ; King Solomon ' s , Toronto ; Golden Rule , Stanstead ; Cataraqui , Kingston ; Stadacona , Quebec ; Prevosfc , Dunham ; Carleton , Ottawa ; Dorchester , AVaterloo ; Oxford , Woodstock ; Mount Moriah , St . Catherines ; Mount Horeb , Brantford ; Carnarvon , Montreal ;
Grenville , Prescotfc ; Tecumsetb , Stratford ; Mount Horeb , Montreal ; St . Mark's , Trenton ; Maniton , Collingwood ; Pentalpba , Oshawa ; McCallum , Dunnville ; Prince Edward , Picton ; Huron , Goclerick ; New Brunswick Chanter , St . John's
NB . After the reception of reports and other general routine business hacl been closed . M . E . Comp . T . D . Harrington , Grand Z ., delivered the following address : — " Companions : Passing down the picturesque Ottawa Riveronce more , God willing , to meet you in friendly council and brotherly greeting—I could not help reflecting on the apparently short space of time that has elapsed since we last met in annual
convocation Avithin sight and hearing of that noble river , and , combining pleasure with profit , descended the timber slides , and floating quietly to shore , enjoyed ourselves as brethren should do , in harmony and pleasant concord . Last year wo prayed the Great Architect of the Universe , " to spare us happy and happily to meet again , and continue His blessings to us . " It has been His divine pleasure to listen to that prayer , as far as we are concerned , but some He has
called to their rest ; and though it is natnral ancl right to lament their departure and the loss of their familiar faces , yet we should not sorrow as without hope , but look forward to a re-union and a future happy companionship that will know no ending . One of our departed friends , Comp . The Hon . Robert Spenee I feel it to be a duty to make special mention of . Devoted fco our Order , be was ever ready to give his time , bis talent , and
his means towards promoting the prosperity of Freemasonry , and our charitable and benevolent committees were always sure of his prompt and faithful attention . He was a good citizena trusty friend—and his end was peace . His memory ivill long remain fresh and green iu the annals of Canadian Freemasonry . With regard to the general business of our Order , I can bufc repeat at our " Eleventh Convocation , " my declaration of last year , that my work has been easy , ancl my labor light . I know of and have experience , no material draivback fco the peace ,