Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 2 of 3 →
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Royal Arch.
harmony , and good fellowship , that should always pre-eminently prevail in Masonic assemblies , and amongst the members of our ancient and honourable Institutions . Small differences have arisen . AA ' e would not be mortals if they did not . But I have heard of nothing during the last twelve months , that friendly mediation and gentle authority has nofc lieen easily able to heal and set right . I have had the pleasure of granting dispensations in favour
of tliree new Chapters , all of which I trust you will find to be so recommended by the District Grand Superintendents , so as to warrant your confirmation by regular charters . They are as follows , viz : —
Prince Ed ward Chapter Picton "Waterloo Chapter Gait and New Brunswick Chapter St . John , N . B . As regards this last , I shall presently more fully allude to it . The Comps . of the " Bedford District" Chapter petitioned
for authority to resuscitate it under the new name of " Frevost , " Avhich I granted ; and as , owing to unhappy circumstances , thafc can be explained to you , their original Charter was lost , I directed a new one to be prepared , ancl found it necessary and equitable to remit arrears of clues , except a sum due on account of the missing warrant , and also the few on the new warrant of confirmation , and , of course , for all Grand Chapter Certificates .
Tbe proceedings of various Grand Chapters have been received by your Grand Scribe E . who has , with my concurrence , handed them to Comp . Robertson to report thereon , and I have no doubfc that you will derive satisfaction . I have to thank him for undertaking this great labour . R . E . Comp . Seymour Avhose able abstracts have so often appeared attached to your own proceedings , felt compelled owing to the state of his health ,
I am sorry to say , to resign his posfc of chairman of your committee on foreign correspondence . The thanks of Grand Chapter are his well earned clue , and so I havo taken on myself to assure him . All the Grand Bodies evince a most kindly feeling towards us and their proceedings show a degree of prosperity on their own part , that is much to be rejoiced at , and is a subject of sincere congratulation .
I am sorry to state that tho Grand Chapter of England has sustained a sad loss by tho sudden death , on tho 15 th ult ., of Comp . AA'illiam Gray Clarke , hor able and onorgotio Grand Scribe E . His obituary notice appeared in tho public prints ;
and I would suggest to Grand Cliapter to send home a messuage of condolence . Comp . Clarke had made himself known and appreciated on this continent by his quick attention to business . ancl his ready courtesy in correspondence ; and his decease is to be sincerely lamented . AVe have now some thirty chapters on the register , ancl I anticipate that each Grand Superintendent is prepared fco report on their working condition and general usefulness , as
well as on the progress of our Order in his particular district . These reports aie of considerable importance , and the Grand Superintendent should bear this in mind , for it is upon them that the Grand Chapter must re ' y for such authentic details and statistics , as will enable tbe parent body to estimate and understand the value of her subordinates , in fulfilling their parts of the general Masonic compact and obligations . The Grand Treasurer ' s accounts and the books of
your very faithful and invaluable Grand Scribe E ., will afford you all financial details , and to them I have great pleasure in referring you . I am happy to say that the condition of your funds has enabled me to pay up the arrears due to Comp . Harris for past services , in accordance with the report of the committee on audit and finance of last year , as adopted by Grand Chapter . Last year 1 brought under your notice the probable effect of Confederation on Capitular Masonry in and throughout the
Dominion ; and Grand Chapter was pleased to concur iu what was then my opinion , ancl sanctioned the appointment of a committee to carry out certain preliminaries , and report at the present convocation . Events have , however , since occurred of such a nature as to render such committee of no particular benefit , and I have , therefore , abstained from so doing . Nova Scotia and New Brunswick have now their respective independent " Grand Loclge , " fully organised ancl recognised . The Grand Loclge of Canada lias representatives from and near to both . I can no longer , consequently , think that in spirit
Royal Arch.
those two portions of the Dominion are " Unoccupied Territory . " There can be no doubt thafc independent " Grand Chapters " may be afc once established in each by the companions residing and working therein . Under these circumstances , I did not think it right fco fritter atvay the valuable time of companions by naming them a committee having no power of action . Being nevertheless impressed with the importance of
constituting , if possible , one " General Grand Chapter" for the Dominion ; and believing thafc , considering the not very numerous subordinate chapters , a general union would give far move iveigbt , influence and stability to the royal art than separate governing bodies , I requested the Grand Scribe E . to issue a circular inviting our Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Comps . to meet us , if in their power , at this convocation , and , in
all good fellowship , consider the matter , and arrive at some conclusion . From Nova Scotia I have not a word , ancl looking at the dislike of fcbafc province fco the Act of Confederation , I did not much expect any action . From New Brunswick communications have been received , and the Comps . there have nofc been inactive . The Grand Scribe E . has the papers connected , with this interesting movement . In the meantime the "New Brunswick" Royal Arch Chapter
held at St . John , made regular application for a warrant of affiliation with this Grand Chapter , and , under the peculiar circumstances , I felt justified in anticipating what , I am sure , willbe your action , aud directing the preparation of a warrant , ancl , also , the registration of the names of the Comp . Members free of fees . New Brunswick Chapter hailed from Ireland and by the constitution of the Grand Chapter of Ireland it was attached to an Irish Lodge . Now the Loclge that gave it
validity joined the Independent Grand Lodge , and in this predicament New Brunswick resolved to affiliate with ns ; and in meeting their expressed wishes I have tried ancl hope I have sneceided in causing our Comps . to feel tbey are at home . The Chapter nominated Comp . Robert Marshall for the office of Grand Superintendent , and I conferred upon him the necessary power till the regular election . And so the problem of union or not stands at this time . For somewhat the same reasons as regarded the other committee I have not nominated a special
one on work and ceremonies , thinking it better to allow the matter to stand over until the Maritime Provinces have determined on their course . Tlcy have doubtless become attached to their own work , and will naturally have something to say on so delicate it subject . I do nofc think of any other subject necessary to be brough especially before yon . There is a notice of motion for this con vocation of a change in the time of our assembling , viz . : to
the Monday preceding the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge in July ; but as Grand Chapter adopted the report of the Executive Committee to wit : That ifc would nofc be convenient to meet at the same time as Grand Loclge , I apprehend the motion will not be pressed . In that sa . ne report it was declared highly desirable to name some " central place" where the Grand Chapter meetings shall always be held from year to year , and this may well be arrangedtaking into view the
, comfort and convenience of our distant Comps . from the Maritime Provinces . In conclusion , Comps ., I will briefly call your attention to the fact , that , amid all the general prosperity and freedom of our common country , murder and rapine have again presumed to threaten their piosence under the guise of Fenianism and redressing the wrongs of Ireland . One of our most eloquent citizens and foremost statesmen , a genial , warm hearted type
of a true son of the " Emerald Isle , " has fallen a victim toassassination ; while in another part of the British Empire , the life of a son of our beloved Queen , a young , engaging , manly , frank specimen of a sailor , who could not yet have made a personal enemy , has been endangered through the same cowardly crime . Thank God ! the latter is spared to his Queen and country . Again , therefore , I urge on you as I did on the former
occasion , be ready , ever ready and willing , to oiler your services to repel the attacks of all such rank invaders , and ( as ib has been well saicl ) to " stamp them out 1 " The second of oui : Ancient Charges should be replete with interest to every member of our Order , and he can never find a better guide to what is bis strict duty as citizen and loyal subject . And so I say , and yon will echo my words , God save our good and gracious . Queen ! ancl may He bless our country , prosper our institution and increase its means of doing good , and dispensing aid when . -
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
harmony , and good fellowship , that should always pre-eminently prevail in Masonic assemblies , and amongst the members of our ancient and honourable Institutions . Small differences have arisen . AA ' e would not be mortals if they did not . But I have heard of nothing during the last twelve months , that friendly mediation and gentle authority has nofc lieen easily able to heal and set right . I have had the pleasure of granting dispensations in favour
of tliree new Chapters , all of which I trust you will find to be so recommended by the District Grand Superintendents , so as to warrant your confirmation by regular charters . They are as follows , viz : —
Prince Ed ward Chapter Picton "Waterloo Chapter Gait and New Brunswick Chapter St . John , N . B . As regards this last , I shall presently more fully allude to it . The Comps . of the " Bedford District" Chapter petitioned
for authority to resuscitate it under the new name of " Frevost , " Avhich I granted ; and as , owing to unhappy circumstances , thafc can be explained to you , their original Charter was lost , I directed a new one to be prepared , ancl found it necessary and equitable to remit arrears of clues , except a sum due on account of the missing warrant , and also the few on the new warrant of confirmation , and , of course , for all Grand Chapter Certificates .
Tbe proceedings of various Grand Chapters have been received by your Grand Scribe E . who has , with my concurrence , handed them to Comp . Robertson to report thereon , and I have no doubfc that you will derive satisfaction . I have to thank him for undertaking this great labour . R . E . Comp . Seymour Avhose able abstracts have so often appeared attached to your own proceedings , felt compelled owing to the state of his health ,
I am sorry to say , to resign his posfc of chairman of your committee on foreign correspondence . The thanks of Grand Chapter are his well earned clue , and so I havo taken on myself to assure him . All the Grand Bodies evince a most kindly feeling towards us and their proceedings show a degree of prosperity on their own part , that is much to be rejoiced at , and is a subject of sincere congratulation .
I am sorry to state that tho Grand Chapter of England has sustained a sad loss by tho sudden death , on tho 15 th ult ., of Comp . AA'illiam Gray Clarke , hor able and onorgotio Grand Scribe E . His obituary notice appeared in tho public prints ;
and I would suggest to Grand Cliapter to send home a messuage of condolence . Comp . Clarke had made himself known and appreciated on this continent by his quick attention to business . ancl his ready courtesy in correspondence ; and his decease is to be sincerely lamented . AVe have now some thirty chapters on the register , ancl I anticipate that each Grand Superintendent is prepared fco report on their working condition and general usefulness , as
well as on the progress of our Order in his particular district . These reports aie of considerable importance , and the Grand Superintendent should bear this in mind , for it is upon them that the Grand Chapter must re ' y for such authentic details and statistics , as will enable tbe parent body to estimate and understand the value of her subordinates , in fulfilling their parts of the general Masonic compact and obligations . The Grand Treasurer ' s accounts and the books of
your very faithful and invaluable Grand Scribe E ., will afford you all financial details , and to them I have great pleasure in referring you . I am happy to say that the condition of your funds has enabled me to pay up the arrears due to Comp . Harris for past services , in accordance with the report of the committee on audit and finance of last year , as adopted by Grand Chapter . Last year 1 brought under your notice the probable effect of Confederation on Capitular Masonry in and throughout the
Dominion ; and Grand Chapter was pleased to concur iu what was then my opinion , ancl sanctioned the appointment of a committee to carry out certain preliminaries , and report at the present convocation . Events have , however , since occurred of such a nature as to render such committee of no particular benefit , and I have , therefore , abstained from so doing . Nova Scotia and New Brunswick have now their respective independent " Grand Loclge , " fully organised ancl recognised . The Grand Loclge of Canada lias representatives from and near to both . I can no longer , consequently , think that in spirit
Royal Arch.
those two portions of the Dominion are " Unoccupied Territory . " There can be no doubt thafc independent " Grand Chapters " may be afc once established in each by the companions residing and working therein . Under these circumstances , I did not think it right fco fritter atvay the valuable time of companions by naming them a committee having no power of action . Being nevertheless impressed with the importance of
constituting , if possible , one " General Grand Chapter" for the Dominion ; and believing thafc , considering the not very numerous subordinate chapters , a general union would give far move iveigbt , influence and stability to the royal art than separate governing bodies , I requested the Grand Scribe E . to issue a circular inviting our Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Comps . to meet us , if in their power , at this convocation , and , in
all good fellowship , consider the matter , and arrive at some conclusion . From Nova Scotia I have not a word , ancl looking at the dislike of fcbafc province fco the Act of Confederation , I did not much expect any action . From New Brunswick communications have been received , and the Comps . there have nofc been inactive . The Grand Scribe E . has the papers connected , with this interesting movement . In the meantime the "New Brunswick" Royal Arch Chapter
held at St . John , made regular application for a warrant of affiliation with this Grand Chapter , and , under the peculiar circumstances , I felt justified in anticipating what , I am sure , willbe your action , aud directing the preparation of a warrant , ancl , also , the registration of the names of the Comp . Members free of fees . New Brunswick Chapter hailed from Ireland and by the constitution of the Grand Chapter of Ireland it was attached to an Irish Lodge . Now the Loclge that gave it
validity joined the Independent Grand Lodge , and in this predicament New Brunswick resolved to affiliate with ns ; and in meeting their expressed wishes I have tried ancl hope I have sneceided in causing our Comps . to feel tbey are at home . The Chapter nominated Comp . Robert Marshall for the office of Grand Superintendent , and I conferred upon him the necessary power till the regular election . And so the problem of union or not stands at this time . For somewhat the same reasons as regarded the other committee I have not nominated a special
one on work and ceremonies , thinking it better to allow the matter to stand over until the Maritime Provinces have determined on their course . Tlcy have doubtless become attached to their own work , and will naturally have something to say on so delicate it subject . I do nofc think of any other subject necessary to be brough especially before yon . There is a notice of motion for this con vocation of a change in the time of our assembling , viz . : to
the Monday preceding the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge in July ; but as Grand Chapter adopted the report of the Executive Committee to wit : That ifc would nofc be convenient to meet at the same time as Grand Loclge , I apprehend the motion will not be pressed . In that sa . ne report it was declared highly desirable to name some " central place" where the Grand Chapter meetings shall always be held from year to year , and this may well be arrangedtaking into view the
, comfort and convenience of our distant Comps . from the Maritime Provinces . In conclusion , Comps ., I will briefly call your attention to the fact , that , amid all the general prosperity and freedom of our common country , murder and rapine have again presumed to threaten their piosence under the guise of Fenianism and redressing the wrongs of Ireland . One of our most eloquent citizens and foremost statesmen , a genial , warm hearted type
of a true son of the " Emerald Isle , " has fallen a victim toassassination ; while in another part of the British Empire , the life of a son of our beloved Queen , a young , engaging , manly , frank specimen of a sailor , who could not yet have made a personal enemy , has been endangered through the same cowardly crime . Thank God ! the latter is spared to his Queen and country . Again , therefore , I urge on you as I did on the former
occasion , be ready , ever ready and willing , to oiler your services to repel the attacks of all such rank invaders , and ( as ib has been well saicl ) to " stamp them out 1 " The second of oui : Ancient Charges should be replete with interest to every member of our Order , and he can never find a better guide to what is bis strict duty as citizen and loyal subject . And so I say , and yon will echo my words , God save our good and gracious . Queen ! ancl may He bless our country , prosper our institution and increase its means of doing good , and dispensing aid when . -