Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 3 of 3 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article ROSE CROIX. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
ever and wherever there is distress ; and continue his goodness to us and to all men . So mote ifc be . " The address was listened fco with marked attention , and at the conclusion received , as ifc merited , the warm approbation of companions present . The reports from the various districts were next read , showing that the Royal Arch Chapters are in a most prosperous condition . The financial statement also corroborated the
healthy reports from the subordinates . The election of office-bearers for the ensuing year was then proceeded with . The following is the result : —M . E . Comp . T . D . Harington , Otiawa , G . Z . ; R . E . Comp . James Seymour , St . Catharines , G . H . ; R . E . Comp . J . H . Starnes , Lennoxville , G . J . ; R . E . Comp . T . B . Harris , Hamilton , G . S . E . ; R . E . Comp . Edward Willis , St . John , N . B ., G . S . N . ; R . E . Comp . Henry Robertson , Collingwood , G . P . S . ; R . E . Comp . J . V . Noel ,
Kingston , G . Treas . ; R . E . Comp . II . J . Prafcten , Quebec , G . Eeg . The next place of meeting will be Kingston . The remaining business will consist of installing and investing the new officers , which will close the labours for this convocation . Afc the banquet R . E . Comp . Milton , presided , having on his right M . E . Comp . Harington , G . Z . ; M . E . C . AVilson , P . G . Z . ; R . E . C . Harris G . S . E . ; R . E . C . Willis , ( St . John , N . B . ) G . S . N . ; and on his loft , R , E . C . and M . W . B . Stevenson , P ., G . H . ; B , E . C . and M . AA . B . Simpson , and R . E . C . Stearns .
Z . of Carnarvon Cliapter , R . E . C . Kirkpatrick , G . D . ; R . E . C . Sims , P . G . S . N . and Comp . B . Chamberlain , M . P . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly and heartily responded fco M . E . C . Wilson responding for the army ; M . E . S . Harington , for the nai'y , and R . E . Comp . May , for the volunteers , the chairman proposed our guests—The M . E . The G . F . P ., and Grand Cliapter of R . A . Masons of Canada . Tbe M . E . the P . Grand Commander , and P .
Grand Conclave of Knights Templar of Canada . The next toast was the M . W . Grand Master and Grand Lodge of A . F . and A . Masons of Canada . M . AA . G . M . Stevenson responded . The chairman next proposed The Grand Chapters and Grand Lodges of the A \ orld , ivhich ivas received ivith all the honours , and was responded to by Comp . Chamberlain for the G . C . of England ; R . E . C . Harris for the G . C . of Kansas , and G .
Orient of Portugal ; M . E . C . Harington for the G . L . of Nova Scotia and of New York ; M . AY . B . and R . E . C . Stevenson for the Grand Lodge of Brazil ; R . E . C . Willis for New Brunswick , ancl Comp . Angus for the Grand Lodge of England . The next toast Avas The Ladies , responded to by Bro . Stethem ; and the last , the Press , by Bros , ancl Comps . Ohamberlin and Willis . All was well arranged and well received , and the Comps . parted—happily met , happy in parting , and happy to meet again .
Knights Templar.
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEAVCASTIE-OX-TYNE . — Hoyal Kent Encampment . —A solemn conclave of the Royal Kent Priory of the Order of St . John of Jerusalem , Palestine . Rhodes , and Malta was held at the field of encampment , on Friday , the llth inst . Sir Knt . H . Hotham , an old P . E . Commander of the encampment , was unanimously chosen as Eminent Prior , and duly installed for the usual period
peculiar to this Order . Having , in a few appropriate words , thanked the Sir Knights present for conferring on him the high honour and responsible duty of presiding over them , lie proceeded to appoint and invest his officers . After which the loving cup was partaken of by all present , and hearty congratulations were offered ancl great confidence expressed , that under the guidanca of their newly-installed E . Prior , the Royal Kent Priory would continue to prosper and be conducted with that •truly christian spiiit ivhich had always hitherto marked its progress .
AA ' learn that a congress of Freemasons was fco be held at Havre on the 18 th and 19 th inst ., and that the principal question for discussion was to be , "By what means can the Freemasons oppose tlir idea of Avar , Avhich is the negation of human fraternity ?"
Rose Croix.
DEVONSHIRE . Monies TOAVJV , DEVONPOBT . —Saint Attbyn Chapter . —On the 7 th inst ., the members of this chapter assembled at their rooms , at two o ' clock . The business of the day being to perfect two gentlemen , this ceremony was ably performed by that well tried , true , and trusty Mason , Bro . Samuel Chappie , 18 ° , M . W . Sov . of the cliapter . This beautiful ceremony having been concludedthe G . Marshall presented the A ' ery Excellent Bro .
, R . Halliburton Rea , the M . W . Sov . elect , for the purpose of bring enthroned . This duty fell upon the 111 . Bro . Vincent Bird , 30 ° , Past M . W . Sov ., who conducted this sublime ceremony in a Avay that cannot be described , but must be seen to be appreciated . After homage had been rendered by the sssembled members , the M . AA . Siv . proceeded to appoint his officers , viz ., Bro . S . Chappie , 18 ° , P . M . AA ' . S . ; P . B . Clemens , 18 ° , Prelate ; J . Hawton 18 ° 1 st Genenil ; G . J . Shanks 18 ° 2 nd General
, , , , ; J . Brown , 18 ° , Marshal ; M . Paul , IS ' , Raphael ; J . Flamagan , 18 ° , Capt . of Guard ; J . Rashbrooke , 18 ° , Equerry . Business being concluded , the banquet was served at Bro . Hawton ' s , Crown Hotel , in his best style . The proceedings being brought to a close in a most successful manner at half-past seven , so as to permit the brethren to return by the evening train .
Obituary .
DEATH OF BRO . JOSEPH HUDSON , P . M . OF THE YARBORO' LODGE OF FREEMASONS , ( No . 554 . ) AND Z . OF YARBORO' CHAPTER . A gloom lias been oast over the Masonic brethren afc the east end of London , by the sudden death of Bro . Joseph Hudsonof Cambridge Heathironfounderafc
, , , the early age of 48 years . The mingled feelings of surprise and regret ivifch Avhich the sad announcement was received by the brethren in the Tarboro' lodge , will be shared by a large circle of the friends of the deceased . Our lamented friend and brother was buried in his family grave , afc the Toiver Hamlet ' s Cemetery , Bow , on Tuesday , the 15 th inst . The mournful cortege was
followed by a numerous circle of relatives and friends , and . between 50 and 60 of the Masonic brethren , including Bros . J . G-. Stevens , "W . M . ; J . H " . Wynn , P . M . ; Geo . Roberts , S . W . ; and . Josiah Green , Secretary .
Public Amusements.
ADELPHI THEATEE . Bro . G . Belmore took his benefit on Wednesday last the house was crowded in every part . Bro . Belmore appeared in two characters—viz ., in Flying Scud and in the Deal Boatman , playing the principal parts in both . These pei-formances were folloived b y A Widow limit , in which Mr . J . S . Clarke and Bro . Walter Joyce appeai * ed , the first named in his usual character as Major de Boots and Bro . Joyce as Felix Feafcherley .
HOLBORN THEATRE . A new and successful drama has been produced by Bro . H . J . Byron , entitled iJlow for Plow . The dialogue and plot are beyond the ordinary class of sensational dramas . The acting throughout Avas excellent . At the conclusion Miss Fanny Josephs led the author to the footlights to receive an ovation he well merited .
STRAND THEATRE . We - understand that Mr . Clarke and Bro . Joyce intend shortly making an appearance afc this theatre .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
ever and wherever there is distress ; and continue his goodness to us and to all men . So mote ifc be . " The address was listened fco with marked attention , and at the conclusion received , as ifc merited , the warm approbation of companions present . The reports from the various districts were next read , showing that the Royal Arch Chapters are in a most prosperous condition . The financial statement also corroborated the
healthy reports from the subordinates . The election of office-bearers for the ensuing year was then proceeded with . The following is the result : —M . E . Comp . T . D . Harington , Otiawa , G . Z . ; R . E . Comp . James Seymour , St . Catharines , G . H . ; R . E . Comp . J . H . Starnes , Lennoxville , G . J . ; R . E . Comp . T . B . Harris , Hamilton , G . S . E . ; R . E . Comp . Edward Willis , St . John , N . B ., G . S . N . ; R . E . Comp . Henry Robertson , Collingwood , G . P . S . ; R . E . Comp . J . V . Noel ,
Kingston , G . Treas . ; R . E . Comp . II . J . Prafcten , Quebec , G . Eeg . The next place of meeting will be Kingston . The remaining business will consist of installing and investing the new officers , which will close the labours for this convocation . Afc the banquet R . E . Comp . Milton , presided , having on his right M . E . Comp . Harington , G . Z . ; M . E . C . AVilson , P . G . Z . ; R . E . C . Harris G . S . E . ; R . E . C . Willis , ( St . John , N . B . ) G . S . N . ; and on his loft , R , E . C . and M . W . B . Stevenson , P ., G . H . ; B , E . C . and M . AA . B . Simpson , and R . E . C . Stearns .
Z . of Carnarvon Cliapter , R . E . C . Kirkpatrick , G . D . ; R . E . C . Sims , P . G . S . N . and Comp . B . Chamberlain , M . P . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly and heartily responded fco M . E . C . Wilson responding for the army ; M . E . S . Harington , for the nai'y , and R . E . Comp . May , for the volunteers , the chairman proposed our guests—The M . E . The G . F . P ., and Grand Cliapter of R . A . Masons of Canada . Tbe M . E . the P . Grand Commander , and P .
Grand Conclave of Knights Templar of Canada . The next toast was the M . W . Grand Master and Grand Lodge of A . F . and A . Masons of Canada . M . AA . G . M . Stevenson responded . The chairman next proposed The Grand Chapters and Grand Lodges of the A \ orld , ivhich ivas received ivith all the honours , and was responded to by Comp . Chamberlain for the G . C . of England ; R . E . C . Harris for the G . C . of Kansas , and G .
Orient of Portugal ; M . E . C . Harington for the G . L . of Nova Scotia and of New York ; M . AY . B . and R . E . C . Stevenson for the Grand Lodge of Brazil ; R . E . C . Willis for New Brunswick , ancl Comp . Angus for the Grand Lodge of England . The next toast Avas The Ladies , responded to by Bro . Stethem ; and the last , the Press , by Bros , ancl Comps . Ohamberlin and Willis . All was well arranged and well received , and the Comps . parted—happily met , happy in parting , and happy to meet again .
Knights Templar.
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEAVCASTIE-OX-TYNE . — Hoyal Kent Encampment . —A solemn conclave of the Royal Kent Priory of the Order of St . John of Jerusalem , Palestine . Rhodes , and Malta was held at the field of encampment , on Friday , the llth inst . Sir Knt . H . Hotham , an old P . E . Commander of the encampment , was unanimously chosen as Eminent Prior , and duly installed for the usual period
peculiar to this Order . Having , in a few appropriate words , thanked the Sir Knights present for conferring on him the high honour and responsible duty of presiding over them , lie proceeded to appoint and invest his officers . After which the loving cup was partaken of by all present , and hearty congratulations were offered ancl great confidence expressed , that under the guidanca of their newly-installed E . Prior , the Royal Kent Priory would continue to prosper and be conducted with that •truly christian spiiit ivhich had always hitherto marked its progress .
AA ' learn that a congress of Freemasons was fco be held at Havre on the 18 th and 19 th inst ., and that the principal question for discussion was to be , "By what means can the Freemasons oppose tlir idea of Avar , Avhich is the negation of human fraternity ?"
Rose Croix.
DEVONSHIRE . Monies TOAVJV , DEVONPOBT . —Saint Attbyn Chapter . —On the 7 th inst ., the members of this chapter assembled at their rooms , at two o ' clock . The business of the day being to perfect two gentlemen , this ceremony was ably performed by that well tried , true , and trusty Mason , Bro . Samuel Chappie , 18 ° , M . W . Sov . of the cliapter . This beautiful ceremony having been concludedthe G . Marshall presented the A ' ery Excellent Bro .
, R . Halliburton Rea , the M . W . Sov . elect , for the purpose of bring enthroned . This duty fell upon the 111 . Bro . Vincent Bird , 30 ° , Past M . W . Sov ., who conducted this sublime ceremony in a Avay that cannot be described , but must be seen to be appreciated . After homage had been rendered by the sssembled members , the M . AA . Siv . proceeded to appoint his officers , viz ., Bro . S . Chappie , 18 ° , P . M . AA ' . S . ; P . B . Clemens , 18 ° , Prelate ; J . Hawton 18 ° 1 st Genenil ; G . J . Shanks 18 ° 2 nd General
, , , , ; J . Brown , 18 ° , Marshal ; M . Paul , IS ' , Raphael ; J . Flamagan , 18 ° , Capt . of Guard ; J . Rashbrooke , 18 ° , Equerry . Business being concluded , the banquet was served at Bro . Hawton ' s , Crown Hotel , in his best style . The proceedings being brought to a close in a most successful manner at half-past seven , so as to permit the brethren to return by the evening train .
Obituary .
DEATH OF BRO . JOSEPH HUDSON , P . M . OF THE YARBORO' LODGE OF FREEMASONS , ( No . 554 . ) AND Z . OF YARBORO' CHAPTER . A gloom lias been oast over the Masonic brethren afc the east end of London , by the sudden death of Bro . Joseph Hudsonof Cambridge Heathironfounderafc
, , , the early age of 48 years . The mingled feelings of surprise and regret ivifch Avhich the sad announcement was received by the brethren in the Tarboro' lodge , will be shared by a large circle of the friends of the deceased . Our lamented friend and brother was buried in his family grave , afc the Toiver Hamlet ' s Cemetery , Bow , on Tuesday , the 15 th inst . The mournful cortege was
followed by a numerous circle of relatives and friends , and . between 50 and 60 of the Masonic brethren , including Bros . J . G-. Stevens , "W . M . ; J . H " . Wynn , P . M . ; Geo . Roberts , S . W . ; and . Josiah Green , Secretary .
Public Amusements.
ADELPHI THEATEE . Bro . G . Belmore took his benefit on Wednesday last the house was crowded in every part . Bro . Belmore appeared in two characters—viz ., in Flying Scud and in the Deal Boatman , playing the principal parts in both . These pei-formances were folloived b y A Widow limit , in which Mr . J . S . Clarke and Bro . Walter Joyce appeai * ed , the first named in his usual character as Major de Boots and Bro . Joyce as Felix Feafcherley .
HOLBORN THEATRE . A new and successful drama has been produced by Bro . H . J . Byron , entitled iJlow for Plow . The dialogue and plot are beyond the ordinary class of sensational dramas . The acting throughout Avas excellent . At the conclusion Miss Fanny Josephs led the author to the footlights to receive an ovation he well merited .
STRAND THEATRE . We - understand that Mr . Clarke and Bro . Joyce intend shortly making an appearance afc this theatre .