Article CHAPTER II. ← Page 4 of 4 Article FREEMASONRY IN TASMANIA. Page 1 of 3 →
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Chapter Ii.
able if not dangerous to the Pope ; the tyrannical manner in which the cardinals had ruled the preceding Popes , made him chary of trusting himself in their poAver ; but his most Aveighty motive for remaining Avas the ambition of shining in the
eyes of his countrymen in his new ancl elevated station . Clement therefore resolved to fix his residence afc Avignon , which , although not forming pari ; of the estates of the Church , belonged to Charles II ., King of Naples , Avho Avas a
feuilaiory of the Holy See . With great reluctance the cardinals repaired to Lyons . The Pope arrived in a handsome equipage , and with a suite befitting the dignity of a Sovereign Pontiff . All the great lords of France attended the king , ancl the
ceremony of the coronation Avas one of the most magnificent ever seen . It took place on the 14 fch of . November . An accident happened during ifc , which , to those who believed in omens , augured badly for the pontificate . A part of a wall fell
while the court Avas passing , and John II ., Luke of Brefcagne , who accompanied the king , was knocked doAvn , and so severely injured that he died three days after . Several persons were killed , and the king ancl the Count de Valoi , * slightly injured . *
Immediately after his ceronafcion , the Pope created fcAvelve cardinals , all creatures of the King . Nine of them were Frenchmen , and the other three were James and Peter Colonna , and a German . His promises were faithfully kept , and
he proved himself his majesty's abject slave on ail occasions . He persuaded Philip , hoAvever , to spare the memory of Boniface , Avhich the Cardinal d'Ostia agreed Avith him in considering ifc impolitic to treat Avith indignity . Clement , as a
•compensation for this , permitted Philip to seize , upon all the Jews in his kingdom , to banish them , » and to confiscate their property in the name of religion . The Romish ecclesiastical historians have painted the character of Clement in the
blackest colours , and good reason they had to do so , for his crimes led to the diminution of the poAver of the papacy , if it did not materially aid the rise of the Reformation . ( To he continued . )
BLAME not "before thou hast examined tlie truth ; understand first , and then rebuke .
Freemasonry In Tasmania.
We have before us a little compilation entitled "" The Freemason ' s Remembrancer and Masonic Calendar , for the year 1868 , " published by Bro . William Fletcher , Hobart Town , which , as a mirror of the present state of Freemasonry in one
of our colonies , is Avorthy of notice in our pages . This work appears to be a first venture , and ifc is intimated thafc should the attempt be successful , ifc will be published annually . From it we learn that there are six lodges Avorking under the
Grand Loclge of England , viz : —The Tasmanian Union , No . 536 ( late 781 ); Pacific , No . 801 ( late 1 , 103 ); Hope , No . 618 ( late 901 ); Derwent , No . 800 ( late 1 , 102 ; Faith , No . 691 ( late 992 ); and Peace , No . 719 ( late 1 , 102 .
The " Tasmanian" was established in 1844 , meeting afc the Freemasons' Hall , Hobart Town , on tbe second Wednesday in each month , and on the 24 fch of June and 27 th of December , these tAvo latter days being the festival of St . John .
This lodge contributes 4 s . per annum for each of its contributing members , and 5 s , each initiation to the Tasmanian Masonic Benevolent Fund .
An extensive library of Masonic Avorks is open to the members of the lodges , and books are received and issued each lodge night from 6 to 7 p . m . Bro . Charles Toby is the present W . M . ; the following are his officers : —Bros . Leo
Busman , I . P . M . ; J . T . Robertson , P . M ., S . W . ; A . F . Buck . J . W . ; W . McFarquhar , Treas . ; G . F . Evans , Sec . and Librarian ; John Doughty , S . D . ; John George Davies , I . G . ; W . Chisholm , J . D ., Steward ; Joseph Wood , O . G . The " Pacific was established afc Hobarfc Town
in 18 o 9 . Its meetings are held afc the Bird m Hand Hotel , Argyle-street , on the first Tuesday in each month , and on the 24 fch June and 27 th December . The lodge contributes to the same fund as the " Tasmanian . " This lodge also
possesses a valuable collection of Masonic works . Bro . William Simmons Hammond is the present W . M . ; his officers are : —Bros . Rev . R . D . Harris
I . P . M . ; R . A . Dixon , S . W . ; Edward Allen , J . W ; Rev . R . D . Harris , Chap . ; H . Nelson , Treas . ; T . Magrath , Sec ; A . C . Douglas , S . D . ; H . Church , I . G . ; Henry Boyes , J . D . ; R . J . Harris , O . G .
The Loclge of Hope meets in the Masonic Hall , Launceston , ou the Tuesday of , or immediately before the full moon . Bro . J . F . Hobkirk is the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Chapter Ii.
able if not dangerous to the Pope ; the tyrannical manner in which the cardinals had ruled the preceding Popes , made him chary of trusting himself in their poAver ; but his most Aveighty motive for remaining Avas the ambition of shining in the
eyes of his countrymen in his new ancl elevated station . Clement therefore resolved to fix his residence afc Avignon , which , although not forming pari ; of the estates of the Church , belonged to Charles II ., King of Naples , Avho Avas a
feuilaiory of the Holy See . With great reluctance the cardinals repaired to Lyons . The Pope arrived in a handsome equipage , and with a suite befitting the dignity of a Sovereign Pontiff . All the great lords of France attended the king , ancl the
ceremony of the coronation Avas one of the most magnificent ever seen . It took place on the 14 fch of . November . An accident happened during ifc , which , to those who believed in omens , augured badly for the pontificate . A part of a wall fell
while the court Avas passing , and John II ., Luke of Brefcagne , who accompanied the king , was knocked doAvn , and so severely injured that he died three days after . Several persons were killed , and the king ancl the Count de Valoi , * slightly injured . *
Immediately after his ceronafcion , the Pope created fcAvelve cardinals , all creatures of the King . Nine of them were Frenchmen , and the other three were James and Peter Colonna , and a German . His promises were faithfully kept , and
he proved himself his majesty's abject slave on ail occasions . He persuaded Philip , hoAvever , to spare the memory of Boniface , Avhich the Cardinal d'Ostia agreed Avith him in considering ifc impolitic to treat Avith indignity . Clement , as a
•compensation for this , permitted Philip to seize , upon all the Jews in his kingdom , to banish them , » and to confiscate their property in the name of religion . The Romish ecclesiastical historians have painted the character of Clement in the
blackest colours , and good reason they had to do so , for his crimes led to the diminution of the poAver of the papacy , if it did not materially aid the rise of the Reformation . ( To he continued . )
BLAME not "before thou hast examined tlie truth ; understand first , and then rebuke .
Freemasonry In Tasmania.
We have before us a little compilation entitled "" The Freemason ' s Remembrancer and Masonic Calendar , for the year 1868 , " published by Bro . William Fletcher , Hobart Town , which , as a mirror of the present state of Freemasonry in one
of our colonies , is Avorthy of notice in our pages . This work appears to be a first venture , and ifc is intimated thafc should the attempt be successful , ifc will be published annually . From it we learn that there are six lodges Avorking under the
Grand Loclge of England , viz : —The Tasmanian Union , No . 536 ( late 781 ); Pacific , No . 801 ( late 1 , 103 ); Hope , No . 618 ( late 901 ); Derwent , No . 800 ( late 1 , 102 ; Faith , No . 691 ( late 992 ); and Peace , No . 719 ( late 1 , 102 .
The " Tasmanian" was established in 1844 , meeting afc the Freemasons' Hall , Hobart Town , on tbe second Wednesday in each month , and on the 24 fch of June and 27 th of December , these tAvo latter days being the festival of St . John .
This lodge contributes 4 s . per annum for each of its contributing members , and 5 s , each initiation to the Tasmanian Masonic Benevolent Fund .
An extensive library of Masonic Avorks is open to the members of the lodges , and books are received and issued each lodge night from 6 to 7 p . m . Bro . Charles Toby is the present W . M . ; the following are his officers : —Bros . Leo
Busman , I . P . M . ; J . T . Robertson , P . M ., S . W . ; A . F . Buck . J . W . ; W . McFarquhar , Treas . ; G . F . Evans , Sec . and Librarian ; John Doughty , S . D . ; John George Davies , I . G . ; W . Chisholm , J . D ., Steward ; Joseph Wood , O . G . The " Pacific was established afc Hobarfc Town
in 18 o 9 . Its meetings are held afc the Bird m Hand Hotel , Argyle-street , on the first Tuesday in each month , and on the 24 fch June and 27 th December . The lodge contributes to the same fund as the " Tasmanian . " This lodge also
possesses a valuable collection of Masonic works . Bro . William Simmons Hammond is the present W . M . ; his officers are : —Bros . Rev . R . D . Harris
I . P . M . ; R . A . Dixon , S . W . ; Edward Allen , J . W ; Rev . R . D . Harris , Chap . ; H . Nelson , Treas . ; T . Magrath , Sec ; A . C . Douglas , S . D . ; H . Church , I . G . ; Henry Boyes , J . D . ; R . J . Harris , O . G .
The Loclge of Hope meets in the Masonic Hall , Launceston , ou the Tuesday of , or immediately before the full moon . Bro . J . F . Hobkirk is the