Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 4 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 2 of 4 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
CHASTER OE SCOTCH ICINGS ( pp . 188 , 210 . Bro . Buchan has laid down a A'ery good canon on this question of the charters ; at what period do Ave find guild charters recorded , including those to Masons ? There are large collections of charters relating to England , Prance , & c , and a search among
them will give us the data . In Scotland guild charters could have only two examples—Anglo-Saxon , of which we have evidence in the English records , and Norman , or French , of which there are plenty of instances . "We shall find in the Scotch charters the same general provisions ns iu contemporary charters . The Scotch imitated and did not
invent . Their ecclesiastical establishments were large and rich , but they were modelled on the foreign type . A secondary authority like Mr . Findel should never be quoted , but the original authority from which he got the statement . —B . T .
DISSERTATION BY HISS MARX .... OE ... . NOETH AMERICAN STATES . A suiter holding a high office in a lodge of Adoption at ... . has sent me extracts from a Dissertation said to be Avritten by Miss Mary .... of ... . North American States . The ensuing is a copy of
one of the extracts : — " According to Natural Law , the consent of the man and the Avoman is necessary , not only for the commencement but also for the continuance of their cohabitation , which , by reason of the intervention of some kind of ceremony , is commonly called Marriage . " Mfair correspondent
y should read the article " Spiritual "Wives , " in the Westminster Review for last month . Monsieur J . Rothschild , 14 , Eue Buci , is the Paris agent for the sale of the Westminster Review . —Prom Bro . PURTON COOPEE ' Masonic Letter Book , May , 1868 .
IMMOETALITX OE THE SOUIi . What does Eosa Crucis ( page 209 ) mean ? Does he mean that in the time of Job the two sects of Pharisees and Saddueees existed ? Where is that revealed ? If the sects of Saddueees and Pharisees existed in the remotest epochs of Judaism , it will
constitute a fact , showing that they were even then divided on this doctrine . Such is the muddle ivhich must result from introducing theological prejudice and theological ignorance into Masonry . However little is known to Rosa Crucis , he ought to have been warned by the existence at a later date of the two sects of Saddueees ancl Phariseesthafc the Jewish
, mind could not ahvays have received Pharisaism as orthodox and catholic . A man with no knoAvledge of Hebrew ancl HebreAvs , by the help of an English Bible , takes upon him to settle the religions faith ol others , and to fulminate their excommunication . — ALEPII .
WHENCE THE WOEB " FREEMASON" IS DERIVED . Our learned aud zealous Bro . Cooper has dealt with Mr . Wyatfc Papsworth very hardly by reproducing his unfortunate paper of 1 SG 1 . Mr . Papsworth A ery sagaciously derives " Freemason " from the working of " Freestone" and finds out a date ;
, but "Free Carpenters" did not work in Freestone , nor " Free Vintners " supply Freestone as Avine or spirits . Bro . PapsAVorth unhappily forgot to consult French and Flemish documents . —CIRCLE .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
MASONS BX RIGHT . It is my misfortune nofc to be able to understand whether Eosa Crucis does or does not authorize JCAVS being Deists , and not being Christians , to enter the Temple of Solomon , erected by their forefathers , Avhile still Deists and before Christianity Avas invented . Our riht must be as worshiing the One Godand
g pp , not for Tate and Brady ' s , or other psalms , or after causes , or for antiquity of descent of princes of the house of Judah , which there is no one now to prove . Let us honestly come to the point : was the worship in the Temple of Solomon , whether Corinthian or not , the AVorship of Deism or the worship of Christianity ?
Christianity may be infinitely better than Deism , but was Christianity more ancient ? If Masonry bo a lately-invented Christian institution , so be it : wo shall no more attempt to enter it than to enter the House of Commons " on the true faith of a Christian . " Butif we are told Masonry has anything to do with
, the Temple of Solomon or with the institutions of Solomon , we claim to work it out . We will not be Masons on sufferance or on false pretences . —A HEBREW .
SUPPOSITION OE AN ABEYANCE , 1736 TO 1 / 43 , OE MOTHER KIIAVKNING ' S ANCIENT OFFICE OE HEAD , OR GRAND LODGE . Thanks to a young correspondent for his little abstract of Bro . Murray Lyon's famous communications . But is my correspondent right iu his
supposition of what he designates an abeyance of Mother Kilwinning ' s ancient office of Head , or Grand Loclge , 1736 to ' 1743 ? In turning over some Masonic Memoranda a i ' ew minutes ago , one chanced to meet my eye , by which it appears that in 1738 Mother Kilwinning actually granted a charter for the erection of a neAV lodge . — -0 . P . COOPER .
GRAND LODGE LIBRARX . The remarks of P . M . on page 211 anent a Grand Lodge Library are to the point ; yet they do not come up to my idea , Avhich is that every lodge ought to have a Masonic library . Masonic intellectual food ought to be more in request amongst ua than it is ; utter Masonic imbecility is not unknown amongst our
Scottish 11 . W . M . 's , who ought to administer instruction so far as they are able to g ive ifc , which is no great compliment to their constituents if their capacity to receive be on a par , but ifc only needs a beginning . Let a store of food for the mind be laid up as Aveil as food for the stomach , and let ifc be as often tasted . — EXCELSIOR .
SUPREME COUNCIL . I have two MSS ., the one entitled " Hit Ecossais ancien et accepte . Grandes Constitutions de 17 G 2 , " and tlie other " Concordat passe entro lo ( : K 0 . de France , d'uno part ; et la Grande Lodge G chorale Ecossaiso au rifc ancien efc accepte , d'autre part ; le 5 LeeeiiibreItSOi ( ere vulgaire ) . " It would appear
, then that France takes precedence of Bnglaud , which only began to work the Ancient and Accepted Eite between tho years 1830 and 1810 , as f ' vr as I can learn ; but tho books of the Supremo Council ought to fix the precise date . If I rom ' -mber right , the Supreme Councils of Scotland and England in
' 38 or ' 39 would not acknoAvlcdge each other . See the "Freemasons' Quarter ]) - " for notices of tlie squabble .--A . 0 . Iluye .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
CHASTER OE SCOTCH ICINGS ( pp . 188 , 210 . Bro . Buchan has laid down a A'ery good canon on this question of the charters ; at what period do Ave find guild charters recorded , including those to Masons ? There are large collections of charters relating to England , Prance , & c , and a search among
them will give us the data . In Scotland guild charters could have only two examples—Anglo-Saxon , of which we have evidence in the English records , and Norman , or French , of which there are plenty of instances . "We shall find in the Scotch charters the same general provisions ns iu contemporary charters . The Scotch imitated and did not
invent . Their ecclesiastical establishments were large and rich , but they were modelled on the foreign type . A secondary authority like Mr . Findel should never be quoted , but the original authority from which he got the statement . —B . T .
DISSERTATION BY HISS MARX .... OE ... . NOETH AMERICAN STATES . A suiter holding a high office in a lodge of Adoption at ... . has sent me extracts from a Dissertation said to be Avritten by Miss Mary .... of ... . North American States . The ensuing is a copy of
one of the extracts : — " According to Natural Law , the consent of the man and the Avoman is necessary , not only for the commencement but also for the continuance of their cohabitation , which , by reason of the intervention of some kind of ceremony , is commonly called Marriage . " Mfair correspondent
y should read the article " Spiritual "Wives , " in the Westminster Review for last month . Monsieur J . Rothschild , 14 , Eue Buci , is the Paris agent for the sale of the Westminster Review . —Prom Bro . PURTON COOPEE ' Masonic Letter Book , May , 1868 .
IMMOETALITX OE THE SOUIi . What does Eosa Crucis ( page 209 ) mean ? Does he mean that in the time of Job the two sects of Pharisees and Saddueees existed ? Where is that revealed ? If the sects of Saddueees and Pharisees existed in the remotest epochs of Judaism , it will
constitute a fact , showing that they were even then divided on this doctrine . Such is the muddle ivhich must result from introducing theological prejudice and theological ignorance into Masonry . However little is known to Rosa Crucis , he ought to have been warned by the existence at a later date of the two sects of Saddueees ancl Phariseesthafc the Jewish
, mind could not ahvays have received Pharisaism as orthodox and catholic . A man with no knoAvledge of Hebrew ancl HebreAvs , by the help of an English Bible , takes upon him to settle the religions faith ol others , and to fulminate their excommunication . — ALEPII .
WHENCE THE WOEB " FREEMASON" IS DERIVED . Our learned aud zealous Bro . Cooper has dealt with Mr . Wyatfc Papsworth very hardly by reproducing his unfortunate paper of 1 SG 1 . Mr . Papsworth A ery sagaciously derives " Freemason " from the working of " Freestone" and finds out a date ;
, but "Free Carpenters" did not work in Freestone , nor " Free Vintners " supply Freestone as Avine or spirits . Bro . PapsAVorth unhappily forgot to consult French and Flemish documents . —CIRCLE .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
MASONS BX RIGHT . It is my misfortune nofc to be able to understand whether Eosa Crucis does or does not authorize JCAVS being Deists , and not being Christians , to enter the Temple of Solomon , erected by their forefathers , Avhile still Deists and before Christianity Avas invented . Our riht must be as worshiing the One Godand
g pp , not for Tate and Brady ' s , or other psalms , or after causes , or for antiquity of descent of princes of the house of Judah , which there is no one now to prove . Let us honestly come to the point : was the worship in the Temple of Solomon , whether Corinthian or not , the AVorship of Deism or the worship of Christianity ?
Christianity may be infinitely better than Deism , but was Christianity more ancient ? If Masonry bo a lately-invented Christian institution , so be it : wo shall no more attempt to enter it than to enter the House of Commons " on the true faith of a Christian . " Butif we are told Masonry has anything to do with
, the Temple of Solomon or with the institutions of Solomon , we claim to work it out . We will not be Masons on sufferance or on false pretences . —A HEBREW .
SUPPOSITION OE AN ABEYANCE , 1736 TO 1 / 43 , OE MOTHER KIIAVKNING ' S ANCIENT OFFICE OE HEAD , OR GRAND LODGE . Thanks to a young correspondent for his little abstract of Bro . Murray Lyon's famous communications . But is my correspondent right iu his
supposition of what he designates an abeyance of Mother Kilwinning ' s ancient office of Head , or Grand Loclge , 1736 to ' 1743 ? In turning over some Masonic Memoranda a i ' ew minutes ago , one chanced to meet my eye , by which it appears that in 1738 Mother Kilwinning actually granted a charter for the erection of a neAV lodge . — -0 . P . COOPER .
GRAND LODGE LIBRARX . The remarks of P . M . on page 211 anent a Grand Lodge Library are to the point ; yet they do not come up to my idea , Avhich is that every lodge ought to have a Masonic library . Masonic intellectual food ought to be more in request amongst ua than it is ; utter Masonic imbecility is not unknown amongst our
Scottish 11 . W . M . 's , who ought to administer instruction so far as they are able to g ive ifc , which is no great compliment to their constituents if their capacity to receive be on a par , but ifc only needs a beginning . Let a store of food for the mind be laid up as Aveil as food for the stomach , and let ifc be as often tasted . — EXCELSIOR .
SUPREME COUNCIL . I have two MSS ., the one entitled " Hit Ecossais ancien et accepte . Grandes Constitutions de 17 G 2 , " and tlie other " Concordat passe entro lo ( : K 0 . de France , d'uno part ; et la Grande Lodge G chorale Ecossaiso au rifc ancien efc accepte , d'autre part ; le 5 LeeeiiibreItSOi ( ere vulgaire ) . " It would appear
, then that France takes precedence of Bnglaud , which only began to work the Ancient and Accepted Eite between tho years 1830 and 1810 , as f ' vr as I can learn ; but tho books of the Supremo Council ought to fix the precise date . If I rom ' -mber right , the Supreme Councils of Scotland and England in
' 38 or ' 39 would not acknoAvlcdge each other . See the "Freemasons' Quarter ]) - " for notices of tlie squabble .--A . 0 . Iluye .