Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 4 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article ISLE OF MAN. Page 1 of 1
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Master . Of the previous lodges in Sheffield the Brittania has existed more than a century , and the Royal Brunswick since 1793 . Both are in a flourishing condition , and have a large number of members . It ivas , therefore , thought advisable to establish a third , and in compliment to the Fitzwilliam Family , of Avhom several illustrious members have Avorn the Masonic badge as Avell as the Star and Garter , the new lodge has been named the " Wentworth . " Tlie ceremony of consecration was
performed in an impressive manner by the D . Prov . G . M . ivho gave several impromptu addresses in a manner to elicit the hanks of all present , jit the close of the consecration , Bro . J . H . Garnott was installed first Master . The following appointments were then made , Bros . Matthews . S . AV . ; Pheilschmit , J . W . ; Ward , Sec . ; Askham , S . D . ; G . Asliberry , J . D . ; Bennett , I . G . ; Wilkinson , Tyler . Bro . Ban-as presided at the organ , ¦ and gaA-e great effect to the Anthems , & c . Loclge being closed
the brethren adjourned to the banquetting ball , presided over b 3 tlie AV . M ., who ivas supported by upwards of forty brethren , among whom we observed , Bros . J . Peace , P . G . S . AV . ; Dr . Bartolome , P . G . S . W . ; Webster , P . G . Reg . ; Nelson , I ' . G . Sec ; Drury , P . O . SteAvard , and the Rev . P . Brrwne , ivho during the evening doliA'ered an oration on the udA'autages and obligations of Freemasonry . Bro . Matthews in returning thanks for the -officers said— "that he trusted they AA-OUICI succeed in discharging their duties in such a manner as to enable the W . M . to raise on
tbe foundation laid that evening , a superstructure perfect in its parts , honourable to the hinders , and whenever it should p lease the Great Architect of the Universe to remove tbem from their earthly labours , he sincerely hoped that their actions would haA-o been such , that in ages to come the Wentivorth Lodge Avould be a credit to its promoters , and a bright star in tlie Masonic hemisphere . " A pleasant evening AA-HS passed , seA'eral pieces of music , and songs emanating from Bros . Pratt , W . M . No . 139 , Hawksley , No . 139 , and others .
SHEFFIELD . —Britannia Lodge , ( No . 130 ) . —On the Oth inst ., the anniversary Installation meeting of this loclge took place , Bro . Pratt , AV . M . presiding , supported by his officers and a large number of brethren . The ceremony of installation AA-as Avell performed by Bro . Alex . Hay , P . M .. AA-IIO after placing Bro . F . Simpson in the Solomonic chair , gave the addresses in a most impressive manner , and Bro . Pratt the retiring master , explained the use of the Avorking tools . Tbe IICAV VV . M . having been
saluted in the various degrees , proceeded to appoint and invest his officers Avhich Avere as follows -. Bros . Britain , S . W . ; Collinson , J . W . ; Lucas , S . D . ; Shaw , Jun ., J . D ., and Hawksley , I . G ., seA'eral visitors AA'ere present , ivho expressed their appreciation of the excellent Avay tbe ceremony AVUS performed . WAKEEIEKD . — Unanimit y Lodge , ( No . 151 ) . —This lodge held its regular meeting on Monday , the 7 th inst ., at Zetland-street ,
AA-ben the election of W . M . for the ensuing year took place , Bro . M . B . Hick being selected to fill that honourable position . Bros . Dr . Senior , L . L . D ., P . G . Chap ., and Henry Smith , P . Prov . R . G . D . attended for the purpose of advocating the claims of the Boy ' s School at the Festival in March next . XV AXEVIBLD . —Wakefield Lodge , ( No . 495 ) . —This lodge held its regular meeting in the Masonic Hall , Zetland-street , on
Tuesday , the 8 th inst ., at which the installation of tbe AA . M ., Bro . Joseph Tolson White took place , the ceremony being performed by Bro . John Gill , P . M . The claims of the ° Boy ' s School were brought before the lodge , by Bro . Rev . J . Senior , L . L . D ., and Henry Smith , and an offer was made by Bro . C . H . Binstead to gii-e ten guineas , if four other brethren ivould give a like sum , there is every prospect of this very desirable result being carried out . A banquet followed the closing of the lodge .
GLASGOW . GLASGOW . — Lodge Thistle and Sose ( No . 73 ) . —A meeting of this ancient lodge took place on Tuesday evening , the 1 st inst ., for the election of office-bearers . There ' Avas a very large attendance , including a number of visiting brethren , who were highly gratified Avith the proceedings of the evening . Bro . Thomas Macrobert occupied the chair of B . W . M ., from which he now retires , after having Avortiiily filled it for the last three years , and Avas ably supported by the retiring wardens , Bros . Ballantine and Smith . The lodge Avas opened in due form in the first
degree , and tbe minutes of tbe previous meeting read and confirmed . The auditor's report was then read and adopted , which showed the loclge to be in a very prosperous condition . The election afterwatds took place , ivhen the folloAving brethren Avere elected to the respective offices for 1869 : —Bros . Thomas SteAvart , R . AV . JM . ; Thomas McRobert , P . M . ; James Jordan , D . M . ; . fames R . BaUautiue , S . M . ; William Johnston , S . W . ; William Walton , J . W . ; Peter Thompson , Treas . ; G . Macadam ,
Sec ; George Macdonald , Chap . ; John Munee , S . D . ; John McArthur , J . D . ; William Donaldson , S . S . ; William AgneiA - , J . S . ; Robert Munee , S . B . ; John Chalmers , I . G . ; Thomas Mullen , Tyler . The installation of the new office-bearers Avas performed by Bro . James Wallace , G . S ., and on the conclusion of the ordinary business the lodge ivas closed in due and ancient form . We are glad to find the respected secretary , Bro . Macadam , still able to continue bis duties despite the sad accident which befel him a few months since , Avhcnlie had the misfortune to fracture bis lei ; -.
GLASGOW . —Lodge Thistle No . 87 ) . —This flourishing loclge met in the loclge room , Croy-plnce , on Wednesday night , the 2 nd inst ., when , after arranging the continuance of Bro . Thomas Paton as R . W . M ., the folloAving brethren elect were installed office bearers for the ensuing year , and recei \* cd their insignia from the bauds of Bro . James Wallace , G . Sec , A'iz ., Bros . W . Grieve , D . M- ; Robert Leggatt , S . M . ; John Grieve , S . W . ; J .
Dobbie , J . W . ; John Whyte , Treas . ; VV Laivson , Sec ; James Sinclair , Chap . ; Alexander Neilson , PI-OA * . G . S . ; Charles Sharp , S . D ; Robert MacMurtrie , J . D . ; John Reicl , S . S . ; Andrew , Morrison , J . S . ; Thomas Reid , I . G . ; Robert Walker , O . G . ; J umrs Walker , S . S . B . ; William Scott , J . S . B . It is worthy of mention that this loclge which ivas instituted in 17 G 2 , has contributed during the past year fully one-fourth of its gross revenue iu assisting distressed brethren and their widows .
RENFREWSHIRE ( AVEST ) . GREENOCK :. —Lodge Greenocl- St . John ( No . 175 ) . —On Friday night , the 4 th inst ., at a monthly meeting of this lodge in St . John ' s Hall , the sum of £ 21 5 s . AA-as unanimously agreed to be paid over to the following charities , viz ., Greenock Infirmary , £ 5 5 s . ; National Lifeboat Institution , £ 4 ; Ragged School , £ 2 ; Charity School , £ 2 : Female Benevolent Society , £ 2 ; Seamen ' s
Friends Society , £ 2 ; House of Refuge , £ 2 ; Home for Friendless Females , £ 2 . The folloAving is the list of the lodge officebearers for tlie ensuing year , viz ., Bro . James P . Muir , R . AV . M . ; Robert Uric . D . M . ; Donald Anderson , P . M . ; Rev . W . Ross , Chap . ; William Wright , S . W . ; Alexander Mann , J . W . ; Audreiv Boag , Sec . ; James Rodger , Treas . ; . lames Hogg , S . D . ; Henry Chalmers , J . D . ; J . B . S . Collins , 1 st Steward ; S . Stewart , 2 nd ditto ; G . JIcColl , 3 rd ditto ; John McLarty , 4 th ditto ; A . Crudeii , I . G . ; J . Hannah , Tyler .
Isle Of Man.
DOUGLAS . DOUGLAS . — - Consecration of tie I ' ymvald Lodge ( No . 1 , 21-2 ) . —The consecration of the aboA-e loclge took place on Wednesday , the 9 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , St . James's Hull , tbe ceremony being performed by Bro . C . J . Bannister , P . G . S . B . of England , the officer nominated for that purpose by the M . AA ' . Grand Master . The able and impressive manner in ivhich the
service was rendered claimed universal attention and admiration . The consecrating officer Avas assisted by Bros . R . J . Weaver , P . Piov . G . S . D . Bristol , as S . W . ; lloirli Rothwell , P . M . 1 , 075 , as J . XV . ; G . M . Lo / thouse , WM . 1 , 004 ; T . J . Ou-dey , P . M . 1 , 004 ; Ehvood Tibbits , S . W . 721 ; J . A . Brown , S . W . 1 , 004 ; J . J . Ilarwood , I . G . 1 , 004 ; George Robinson , 1 , 057 ; George Heron , 1 , 004 ; & c . At the conclusion of the ceremonies the W . M . designate , Bro . Ehvood Tibbits , P . S . AV .,
AA-as installed in ancient and solemn form , and after the usual salutes , invested his officers as follows : —Bros . John A . Brown , S . W ' . ; John Joshua Hanvood , J . AV . ; R . J . Weaver , P . M ., Treas . ; G . M . Lolthotise , P . M ., Sec ; George Robinson , S . D . ; George Huron , J . D . ; E . G . Smith , I . G . ; i \ Pah-hurst , Ty ler . Several brethren having been proposed us joining members , the lodge was closed doivn in solemn form , tbe brethren adjourning to the Imperial Hotel , ivbere tbey partook of a splendid banquet , and after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts separated at an early hour .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Master . Of the previous lodges in Sheffield the Brittania has existed more than a century , and the Royal Brunswick since 1793 . Both are in a flourishing condition , and have a large number of members . It ivas , therefore , thought advisable to establish a third , and in compliment to the Fitzwilliam Family , of Avhom several illustrious members have Avorn the Masonic badge as Avell as the Star and Garter , the new lodge has been named the " Wentworth . " Tlie ceremony of consecration was
performed in an impressive manner by the D . Prov . G . M . ivho gave several impromptu addresses in a manner to elicit the hanks of all present , jit the close of the consecration , Bro . J . H . Garnott was installed first Master . The following appointments were then made , Bros . Matthews . S . AV . ; Pheilschmit , J . W . ; Ward , Sec . ; Askham , S . D . ; G . Asliberry , J . D . ; Bennett , I . G . ; Wilkinson , Tyler . Bro . Ban-as presided at the organ , ¦ and gaA-e great effect to the Anthems , & c . Loclge being closed
the brethren adjourned to the banquetting ball , presided over b 3 tlie AV . M ., who ivas supported by upwards of forty brethren , among whom we observed , Bros . J . Peace , P . G . S . AV . ; Dr . Bartolome , P . G . S . W . ; Webster , P . G . Reg . ; Nelson , I ' . G . Sec ; Drury , P . O . SteAvard , and the Rev . P . Brrwne , ivho during the evening doliA'ered an oration on the udA'autages and obligations of Freemasonry . Bro . Matthews in returning thanks for the -officers said— "that he trusted they AA-OUICI succeed in discharging their duties in such a manner as to enable the W . M . to raise on
tbe foundation laid that evening , a superstructure perfect in its parts , honourable to the hinders , and whenever it should p lease the Great Architect of the Universe to remove tbem from their earthly labours , he sincerely hoped that their actions would haA-o been such , that in ages to come the Wentivorth Lodge Avould be a credit to its promoters , and a bright star in tlie Masonic hemisphere . " A pleasant evening AA-HS passed , seA'eral pieces of music , and songs emanating from Bros . Pratt , W . M . No . 139 , Hawksley , No . 139 , and others .
SHEFFIELD . —Britannia Lodge , ( No . 130 ) . —On the Oth inst ., the anniversary Installation meeting of this loclge took place , Bro . Pratt , AV . M . presiding , supported by his officers and a large number of brethren . The ceremony of installation AA-as Avell performed by Bro . Alex . Hay , P . M .. AA-IIO after placing Bro . F . Simpson in the Solomonic chair , gave the addresses in a most impressive manner , and Bro . Pratt the retiring master , explained the use of the Avorking tools . Tbe IICAV VV . M . having been
saluted in the various degrees , proceeded to appoint and invest his officers Avhich Avere as follows -. Bros . Britain , S . W . ; Collinson , J . W . ; Lucas , S . D . ; Shaw , Jun ., J . D ., and Hawksley , I . G ., seA'eral visitors AA'ere present , ivho expressed their appreciation of the excellent Avay tbe ceremony AVUS performed . WAKEEIEKD . — Unanimit y Lodge , ( No . 151 ) . —This lodge held its regular meeting on Monday , the 7 th inst ., at Zetland-street ,
AA-ben the election of W . M . for the ensuing year took place , Bro . M . B . Hick being selected to fill that honourable position . Bros . Dr . Senior , L . L . D ., P . G . Chap ., and Henry Smith , P . Prov . R . G . D . attended for the purpose of advocating the claims of the Boy ' s School at the Festival in March next . XV AXEVIBLD . —Wakefield Lodge , ( No . 495 ) . —This lodge held its regular meeting in the Masonic Hall , Zetland-street , on
Tuesday , the 8 th inst ., at which the installation of tbe AA . M ., Bro . Joseph Tolson White took place , the ceremony being performed by Bro . John Gill , P . M . The claims of the ° Boy ' s School were brought before the lodge , by Bro . Rev . J . Senior , L . L . D ., and Henry Smith , and an offer was made by Bro . C . H . Binstead to gii-e ten guineas , if four other brethren ivould give a like sum , there is every prospect of this very desirable result being carried out . A banquet followed the closing of the lodge .
GLASGOW . GLASGOW . — Lodge Thistle and Sose ( No . 73 ) . —A meeting of this ancient lodge took place on Tuesday evening , the 1 st inst ., for the election of office-bearers . There ' Avas a very large attendance , including a number of visiting brethren , who were highly gratified Avith the proceedings of the evening . Bro . Thomas Macrobert occupied the chair of B . W . M ., from which he now retires , after having Avortiiily filled it for the last three years , and Avas ably supported by the retiring wardens , Bros . Ballantine and Smith . The lodge Avas opened in due form in the first
degree , and tbe minutes of tbe previous meeting read and confirmed . The auditor's report was then read and adopted , which showed the loclge to be in a very prosperous condition . The election afterwatds took place , ivhen the folloAving brethren Avere elected to the respective offices for 1869 : —Bros . Thomas SteAvart , R . AV . JM . ; Thomas McRobert , P . M . ; James Jordan , D . M . ; . fames R . BaUautiue , S . M . ; William Johnston , S . W . ; William Walton , J . W . ; Peter Thompson , Treas . ; G . Macadam ,
Sec ; George Macdonald , Chap . ; John Munee , S . D . ; John McArthur , J . D . ; William Donaldson , S . S . ; William AgneiA - , J . S . ; Robert Munee , S . B . ; John Chalmers , I . G . ; Thomas Mullen , Tyler . The installation of the new office-bearers Avas performed by Bro . James Wallace , G . S ., and on the conclusion of the ordinary business the lodge ivas closed in due and ancient form . We are glad to find the respected secretary , Bro . Macadam , still able to continue bis duties despite the sad accident which befel him a few months since , Avhcnlie had the misfortune to fracture bis lei ; -.
GLASGOW . —Lodge Thistle No . 87 ) . —This flourishing loclge met in the loclge room , Croy-plnce , on Wednesday night , the 2 nd inst ., when , after arranging the continuance of Bro . Thomas Paton as R . W . M ., the folloAving brethren elect were installed office bearers for the ensuing year , and recei \* cd their insignia from the bauds of Bro . James Wallace , G . Sec , A'iz ., Bros . W . Grieve , D . M- ; Robert Leggatt , S . M . ; John Grieve , S . W . ; J .
Dobbie , J . W . ; John Whyte , Treas . ; VV Laivson , Sec ; James Sinclair , Chap . ; Alexander Neilson , PI-OA * . G . S . ; Charles Sharp , S . D ; Robert MacMurtrie , J . D . ; John Reicl , S . S . ; Andrew , Morrison , J . S . ; Thomas Reid , I . G . ; Robert Walker , O . G . ; J umrs Walker , S . S . B . ; William Scott , J . S . B . It is worthy of mention that this loclge which ivas instituted in 17 G 2 , has contributed during the past year fully one-fourth of its gross revenue iu assisting distressed brethren and their widows .
RENFREWSHIRE ( AVEST ) . GREENOCK :. —Lodge Greenocl- St . John ( No . 175 ) . —On Friday night , the 4 th inst ., at a monthly meeting of this lodge in St . John ' s Hall , the sum of £ 21 5 s . AA-as unanimously agreed to be paid over to the following charities , viz ., Greenock Infirmary , £ 5 5 s . ; National Lifeboat Institution , £ 4 ; Ragged School , £ 2 ; Charity School , £ 2 : Female Benevolent Society , £ 2 ; Seamen ' s
Friends Society , £ 2 ; House of Refuge , £ 2 ; Home for Friendless Females , £ 2 . The folloAving is the list of the lodge officebearers for tlie ensuing year , viz ., Bro . James P . Muir , R . AV . M . ; Robert Uric . D . M . ; Donald Anderson , P . M . ; Rev . W . Ross , Chap . ; William Wright , S . W . ; Alexander Mann , J . W . ; Audreiv Boag , Sec . ; James Rodger , Treas . ; . lames Hogg , S . D . ; Henry Chalmers , J . D . ; J . B . S . Collins , 1 st Steward ; S . Stewart , 2 nd ditto ; G . JIcColl , 3 rd ditto ; John McLarty , 4 th ditto ; A . Crudeii , I . G . ; J . Hannah , Tyler .
Isle Of Man.
DOUGLAS . DOUGLAS . — - Consecration of tie I ' ymvald Lodge ( No . 1 , 21-2 ) . —The consecration of the aboA-e loclge took place on Wednesday , the 9 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , St . James's Hull , tbe ceremony being performed by Bro . C . J . Bannister , P . G . S . B . of England , the officer nominated for that purpose by the M . AA ' . Grand Master . The able and impressive manner in ivhich the
service was rendered claimed universal attention and admiration . The consecrating officer Avas assisted by Bros . R . J . Weaver , P . Piov . G . S . D . Bristol , as S . W . ; lloirli Rothwell , P . M . 1 , 075 , as J . XV . ; G . M . Lo / thouse , WM . 1 , 004 ; T . J . Ou-dey , P . M . 1 , 004 ; Ehvood Tibbits , S . W . 721 ; J . A . Brown , S . W . 1 , 004 ; J . J . Ilarwood , I . G . 1 , 004 ; George Robinson , 1 , 057 ; George Heron , 1 , 004 ; & c . At the conclusion of the ceremonies the W . M . designate , Bro . Ehvood Tibbits , P . S . AV .,
AA-as installed in ancient and solemn form , and after the usual salutes , invested his officers as follows : —Bros . John A . Brown , S . W ' . ; John Joshua Hanvood , J . AV . ; R . J . Weaver , P . M ., Treas . ; G . M . Lolthotise , P . M ., Sec ; George Robinson , S . D . ; George Huron , J . D . ; E . G . Smith , I . G . ; i \ Pah-hurst , Ty ler . Several brethren having been proposed us joining members , the lodge was closed doivn in solemn form , tbe brethren adjourning to the Imperial Hotel , ivbere tbey partook of a splendid banquet , and after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts separated at an early hour .