Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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THE MASONIC MIRROR . ' * # * All communications to bo addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
TIIE UNTVEHSAL MASONIC CALENDAR , DIARY , AND POCKET BOOK FOR 1 SG 9 . —A second edition of this useful and comprehensive publication has been just issued . It can be obtained at the office of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , or iu Glasgow , in addition to the regular agents .
MASONIC LIFE BOAT FUND . —We avo requested to mention that a committee is about to be formed for carrying out the purposes of tho fund , and the Secretary ( Bro . Anthony Oneal Haye ) will be glad to receive thc names of brethren willing to serve upon it . When the committee is formed , a list of subscriptions received will be published . GIRLS' SCHOOL— "We desire to bring before tho notice of our
numerous readers as worthy of their support , the case of Alice llitson Molincaux , aged eight years , a candidate for admission at the ensuing Election for- tbe Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . Her father was for twenty-one years Assistant Locomotive Engineer to tbe London , Brighton , and South Coast Railway Company . Ho died very suddenly in November 1 S 67 , leaving a
Widow and seven children . Tbe Widow has since been confined of a posthumous child , making eight in all , and as six of these are wholly , -and the tsvo eldest nearl y dependent upon her , ive need hardly say it is a case particularl y deserving the interest of all Freemasons , and more especially , perhaps that portion of them belonging to or in any way connected with railways . Bro .
Molincaux . was a very rising man iu his profession , hut unfortunately was unable to leave his widow and large family provided for . Ho belonged to the Royal York Lodge at Brighton , No . 315 , of which he bad been a member four vears . Bro . fl ™ . ™
Hawkins of the London Brighton and South Coast Railway , Brighton , will be happy to receive proxies . The daughter of Mrs . S . Palmer is a candidate for admission . Wo understand this to be a truly deserving case for fraternal sympathy . Wo are requested to mention that Clara Mercedes Wicks , who lias been three times a candidate for election , comes
up again in A pril . She has tho support of the Norfolk Provincial Lodges , and tho case is a very de-erving one . Also the case of Theresa Mary Claiscn , which is warml y recommended and which is peculiarly distressing . PROVINCIAL GHAND LODGE or WILTSHIRE . —A Lodge of Emergency will be held at the New HallChippenhamon
, , Wednesday , the 31 st inst . Amongst other business to be transacted , a presentation of regalia will be made to the much esteemed Prov . G . il . of Berks ancl Bucks . Bro . Sir Daniel Goocb , Bart , M . P . A largo muster of brethren is expected . Our readers are referred to our advertising columns for tbe list of brethren from whom tickets for the banquet can bo obtained
BRO . JAMES TERRY , P . M . 228 , will work the ceremonies of consecration and installation at the Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , Cheshire Cheese Tavern , Crutched Friars , on Monday next , March 22 , at 7 p . m . Musical arrangements by Bro . Seddon . Jorp . v LODGE OE INSTRUCTION ( No . 188 ) . —This lodge meets now at Bro . Davis ' s , Hose and Crown , Fort-stroet , Union-street , Bishops-gate , on Sundays , at seven p . m . Bro . Littaur , P M ° Qrf-Preceptor . ' ' " / O
Masonic Mems.
THE Most Worshipful Grand Master has fixed the 14 th of April , for tho inauguration of the new buildings , in Great Queen-street , ancl has sanctioned the striking of a jewel to com-, memorate tho occasion , which will be worn by the Stewards only . The probable cost to each Steward is estimated at about £ G 6 s .
OLIVER TESTIMONIAL . — "We beg to refer to our advertising columns anont this testimonial , which deserves universal Masonic support . BRETHREN are reminded that tho Lodge Music published a few weeks ago , in several issues of tho MAGAZINE , has been republished in a convenient form for Lodge use , price 2 s . 6 d .
MASONIC ARCUJEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE . —The third meetingof the Institute will be held on Tuesday , the 23 rd hist ., when Bro . Bosant will read a paper upon the recent discoveries iu connection with the Palestine Exploration Fund . GRAND LODGE OE I RELAND ORGAN FUND . —A subscription list for this fund is opened at Freemasons' Hall , Dublin . Bros
Francis Quin , Davenport , Crosthwaite , and Humphrey Minchii . will be happy to receive subscrip tions . His Grace the Duke of Leinccster , G . M ., has headed the list with th magnificent donation of £ 100 . £ 100 is the amount required A GRAND MASONIC BALL will take place at the Exhibition Palace , Dublin , under the patronage of the Duke of Leinster ,,
G . M ., upon Friday , tho 9 th of April . It is expected that H . R . H . Prince Arthur will be present . THE Royal Arch Masons of Smyrna have petitioned the Grand Chapter of Scotland for a , warrant to open a chapter in that city . THE " Freemasons' Calendar for the Province of Durham " is now published , aud may be obtained on application to Bro . William Brignall , jun ., or Bro . R . Cooke , 8 , Silver-street , Durham .
MASONIC LTEEBOAT FUND . —What individual members of the [ Craft can do towards this great object is best told by Bro . Walter ' Reynolds , of tbe Minerva Lodge of Mark Masters , collecting in shillings , the handsome sum of six guineas . Collection cards may be bad from the Secretary , Bro . Anthony Oneal Ilayc , at the office , 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London W . C .
ALBION LODGE ( Xo . 0 ) . —This lodge held tho usual meeting at Freemason ' s Hull , on Tuesday , tbe 3 nd inst ., Bro . E . Coste , W . M ., presiding . The minutes of tho last meeting were read and confirmed , after which Bro . Fouchard was raised to M . M ., ancl Mr . C . A . Bayly initiated . A notice of motion was then given by Bros . Abbot aud Burton , P . M . ' s , that Bro . C . Lee should be elected as a country member , as was also Bro . Collingwoocl . Bro . Stevens , P . M „ proposed that a P . M . ' s jewel be presented to
their late respected W . M ., Bro . S . Coste , which was acquiesced in . Lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , when an excellent dinner was provided by Bro . Charles Gosden , the indefatigable manager of tho Freemasons' Tavern . The W . M . was supported by Bros . Buller . S . W . ; Baylis , J . W . ; S . Coste , I . P . M . ; and the following P . M . ' s , I Bros . Willoy , Valentine , Moring , Abbott , Stevens , James Bmton , & c ., r . lso by Bros , liipp ' mand Bartleman , visitors .
The usual loyal and -Masonic toasts were given . Luring tho evening some excellent music emanated from Bros . Stevens , S . Coste , II . P-. illant , Willey , Bartleman , and Sloraan . BRITANNIC ( NO . 33 ) . —A mooting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall on Fridav , the 12 th inst . There was a numei _ jns attendance of members and visitors . Of the former there -Sio ^ present Bros . Glegg , W . M . ; Shields , S . W . ; Church , . T . W . ; CrfrnHftX-P . M . and Treas .,- Chubb , P . M . aud Sec ; Glaisher
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . ' * # * All communications to bo addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
TIIE UNTVEHSAL MASONIC CALENDAR , DIARY , AND POCKET BOOK FOR 1 SG 9 . —A second edition of this useful and comprehensive publication has been just issued . It can be obtained at the office of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , or iu Glasgow , in addition to the regular agents .
MASONIC LIFE BOAT FUND . —We avo requested to mention that a committee is about to be formed for carrying out the purposes of tho fund , and the Secretary ( Bro . Anthony Oneal Haye ) will be glad to receive thc names of brethren willing to serve upon it . When the committee is formed , a list of subscriptions received will be published . GIRLS' SCHOOL— "We desire to bring before tho notice of our
numerous readers as worthy of their support , the case of Alice llitson Molincaux , aged eight years , a candidate for admission at the ensuing Election for- tbe Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . Her father was for twenty-one years Assistant Locomotive Engineer to tbe London , Brighton , and South Coast Railway Company . Ho died very suddenly in November 1 S 67 , leaving a
Widow and seven children . Tbe Widow has since been confined of a posthumous child , making eight in all , and as six of these are wholly , -and the tsvo eldest nearl y dependent upon her , ive need hardly say it is a case particularl y deserving the interest of all Freemasons , and more especially , perhaps that portion of them belonging to or in any way connected with railways . Bro .
Molincaux . was a very rising man iu his profession , hut unfortunately was unable to leave his widow and large family provided for . Ho belonged to the Royal York Lodge at Brighton , No . 315 , of which he bad been a member four vears . Bro . fl ™ . ™
Hawkins of the London Brighton and South Coast Railway , Brighton , will be happy to receive proxies . The daughter of Mrs . S . Palmer is a candidate for admission . Wo understand this to be a truly deserving case for fraternal sympathy . Wo are requested to mention that Clara Mercedes Wicks , who lias been three times a candidate for election , comes
up again in A pril . She has tho support of the Norfolk Provincial Lodges , and tho case is a very de-erving one . Also the case of Theresa Mary Claiscn , which is warml y recommended and which is peculiarly distressing . PROVINCIAL GHAND LODGE or WILTSHIRE . —A Lodge of Emergency will be held at the New HallChippenhamon
, , Wednesday , the 31 st inst . Amongst other business to be transacted , a presentation of regalia will be made to the much esteemed Prov . G . il . of Berks ancl Bucks . Bro . Sir Daniel Goocb , Bart , M . P . A largo muster of brethren is expected . Our readers are referred to our advertising columns for tbe list of brethren from whom tickets for the banquet can bo obtained
BRO . JAMES TERRY , P . M . 228 , will work the ceremonies of consecration and installation at the Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , Cheshire Cheese Tavern , Crutched Friars , on Monday next , March 22 , at 7 p . m . Musical arrangements by Bro . Seddon . Jorp . v LODGE OE INSTRUCTION ( No . 188 ) . —This lodge meets now at Bro . Davis ' s , Hose and Crown , Fort-stroet , Union-street , Bishops-gate , on Sundays , at seven p . m . Bro . Littaur , P M ° Qrf-Preceptor . ' ' " / O
Masonic Mems.
THE Most Worshipful Grand Master has fixed the 14 th of April , for tho inauguration of the new buildings , in Great Queen-street , ancl has sanctioned the striking of a jewel to com-, memorate tho occasion , which will be worn by the Stewards only . The probable cost to each Steward is estimated at about £ G 6 s .
OLIVER TESTIMONIAL . — "We beg to refer to our advertising columns anont this testimonial , which deserves universal Masonic support . BRETHREN are reminded that tho Lodge Music published a few weeks ago , in several issues of tho MAGAZINE , has been republished in a convenient form for Lodge use , price 2 s . 6 d .
MASONIC ARCUJEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE . —The third meetingof the Institute will be held on Tuesday , the 23 rd hist ., when Bro . Bosant will read a paper upon the recent discoveries iu connection with the Palestine Exploration Fund . GRAND LODGE OE I RELAND ORGAN FUND . —A subscription list for this fund is opened at Freemasons' Hall , Dublin . Bros
Francis Quin , Davenport , Crosthwaite , and Humphrey Minchii . will be happy to receive subscrip tions . His Grace the Duke of Leinccster , G . M ., has headed the list with th magnificent donation of £ 100 . £ 100 is the amount required A GRAND MASONIC BALL will take place at the Exhibition Palace , Dublin , under the patronage of the Duke of Leinster ,,
G . M ., upon Friday , tho 9 th of April . It is expected that H . R . H . Prince Arthur will be present . THE Royal Arch Masons of Smyrna have petitioned the Grand Chapter of Scotland for a , warrant to open a chapter in that city . THE " Freemasons' Calendar for the Province of Durham " is now published , aud may be obtained on application to Bro . William Brignall , jun ., or Bro . R . Cooke , 8 , Silver-street , Durham .
MASONIC LTEEBOAT FUND . —What individual members of the [ Craft can do towards this great object is best told by Bro . Walter ' Reynolds , of tbe Minerva Lodge of Mark Masters , collecting in shillings , the handsome sum of six guineas . Collection cards may be bad from the Secretary , Bro . Anthony Oneal Ilayc , at the office , 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London W . C .
ALBION LODGE ( Xo . 0 ) . —This lodge held tho usual meeting at Freemason ' s Hull , on Tuesday , tbe 3 nd inst ., Bro . E . Coste , W . M ., presiding . The minutes of tho last meeting were read and confirmed , after which Bro . Fouchard was raised to M . M ., ancl Mr . C . A . Bayly initiated . A notice of motion was then given by Bros . Abbot aud Burton , P . M . ' s , that Bro . C . Lee should be elected as a country member , as was also Bro . Collingwoocl . Bro . Stevens , P . M „ proposed that a P . M . ' s jewel be presented to
their late respected W . M ., Bro . S . Coste , which was acquiesced in . Lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , when an excellent dinner was provided by Bro . Charles Gosden , the indefatigable manager of tho Freemasons' Tavern . The W . M . was supported by Bros . Buller . S . W . ; Baylis , J . W . ; S . Coste , I . P . M . ; and the following P . M . ' s , I Bros . Willoy , Valentine , Moring , Abbott , Stevens , James Bmton , & c ., r . lso by Bros , liipp ' mand Bartleman , visitors .
The usual loyal and -Masonic toasts were given . Luring tho evening some excellent music emanated from Bros . Stevens , S . Coste , II . P-. illant , Willey , Bartleman , and Sloraan . BRITANNIC ( NO . 33 ) . —A mooting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall on Fridav , the 12 th inst . There was a numei _ jns attendance of members and visitors . Of the former there -Sio ^ present Bros . Glegg , W . M . ; Shields , S . W . ; Church , . T . W . ; CrfrnHftX-P . M . and Treas .,- Chubb , P . M . aud Sec ; Glaisher