Article WEST INDIES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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West Indies.
strangely- enough , any such direct reference to St . John as Masons expected to hear . He concluded by pointing out the possibility of men calling up darkness instead of lig ht in obstinate ignorance , in mutual distrust , and in personal infidelity , bis peroration being a reference to the future lig ht of the conflagration of the world , after which "the glory of God shall lighten the world and the lamb shall be the lig ht thereof . " Thereafter Bro . A . G . duCloux was installed W . M . for the ensuing year ,
who addressed the officers and brethren as follows : —You are too well acquainted with thc principles of Masonry to warrant any distrust that you will be found wanting in the discharge of your respective duties . Suffice it to say , that what you have seen praiseworth y in others , you should carefully imitate , : md what in them may have appeared defective , you should iu yourselves amend ; for you should be examples of go . nl order mid
regularity , aud by a due regard to the laws , in your conduct afford the best example for the behaviour of your less instructed brethren . As you wear tho jewels of our Order-jliiot a * dead leaves from a withered tree—not as glittering but cold emblems on the outer heart , but as living waters welling up from pure principles within , and carrying fertility and gladness wherever they flow ; as you act on the squareand keep within compassnot only
, , ¦ with your brethren but with all mankind , in tbe practice of the great princip les of Masonry , which emanate from the volume of the sacred law—purposely never closed in our lodges—so will you , individually and colled ively , add additional lustre to those jewels , and to the stability of our order . The world regards with justifiable suspicion the lives and conduct of those who court its scrutiny oy professing more than ordinary pietv and morality .
If we make as wc do a public profession of charity , that most excellent of the cardinal virtues , the world has a rig ht to ask if Masons act up to their profession , and if Masonry has borne such fruits as to warrant its continued existence ? But , brethren , the world will go further , and with unjust verdict will condemn the whole body if it detect tbe least falling off in any individual member . Brethren , such is the nature of our constitution that as some must of necessity rule and tench , so others must of
course lenrn to submit and obey ; humility in both is an essential duty . The officers who are appointed to govern your lodgo let us hope are sufficiently conversant with the rules of propriety , and the laws of our institution , to avoid exceeding the powers with which they are entrusted ; and you are of too generous dispositions to envy their preferment . I therefore trust you will have but one aim , to please each other and unite in the grand design of being happy and communicating happiness . I would
remind you that you have vowed around this sacred altar to assist your brother in his need , to comfort him in his affliction , to defend him when unjustly assailed , to warn him of impending danger , and to wean him , if possible from his errors . \ ou also have solemnly vowed to look beyond the narrow limits of particular institutions , whether civil or religious , and to behold in every child of Adam a brother of the dust to whom in the hour of his need you arc pledged to carry relief and consolation . You
have pledged yourselves to cultivate the moral and social virtues , to promote science , to encourage industry , and reward merit , and to aid in every good work , and whenever thers is want , or ignorance , or sorrow , or sull ' ering , there is a good work to do . AVhen tho G . A . O . T . U . launched this beautiful world of ours into mighty space , he made men and nations dependent on each other , that they might learn the great lesson of universal brotherhood , mutual dependence and mutual forbearance . Charity in thought ,
charity in action , let these be in the daily life and conversation of every Mason , so far as the imperfections of his nature will permit , and the doubt and wonder the world entertains towards our Order will be charged into the regard and admiration it really merits . —Lithe eveningthe brethren dined together at the lodge rooms / and at at an early hour the brethren separated , one anil all pleasingly impressed with the occurrences of the day . The
following is a list of the officers for the year 1 SG 9 : —A . G . du Clonic , AV . M . ; W . E . P . Maim , S . W . ; Chn ' s . Hauriay , J . AV . j Rev-W . J . Read , H . A ., Chap . ; Saml . McDonald , Treas . ; D . AV . Scarville , Sec ; James Goodwin , Rec ; James Rock , S . D . ; David Robinson , J . D . ; Thos . Buckley , D . C . ; Wm . Geddes and Christ . Cole , Stewards ; Alex . Brown , I . G .
THE Emperor of the French has instituted a prize of 100 , 000 francs , to be voted by the Academy of the Beaux Arts , to the artist who shall have produced a work of the greatest excellence during the preceding live years .
Royal Arch.
DEA'ONSHIRE . PLT 3 IOT 7 TIC Consecration of the Fl / iott Chapter . Tho solemn ceremony of the consecration of thc Elliott Chapter took p lace on the 15 th inst . The Chapter takes its name from Col . Elliott , who is a right loyal earnest Mason , and
one to whom it delig hteth the hearts of his brethren to do honour . Amongst tbe worshipful companions present were the Key . J . Hnvshe , ° . 3 Z ' ..- ! ., P . G . Super . ; L . P . Metham , P . G . H . ; I . C . Radford , P . G . J . ; W . J . Rogers , P . G . S . E . ; C . Elphinstone , P . G , S . N . ; V . Bird , P . G . P . S . ; Capt , Sadler , P . G . S . S . ; J . AI . H . Hifilcy , P . G . J . S . ; S . Jew , P . Z ., P . P . G . T . ; . T . Matthews , P . Z .,
P . P . G . T . The following were installed the officers of tbe new Chapter : Lieut .-Col . Elliott , Z . ; W . Browning , P . Z . as H . ; Rathbone Longshaw , P . Z ., 35 S . 1 . ; —• Leigh , Scribe E . ; — Blake , Scribe N . ; Capt . Shanks , P . S . ; Capt . Carlyon , S . A . S . ; — Kennedy , J . A . S . There were also present : —G . Warren , H . 159 , P . V . G . B . ; T . S . Bavlv , J . 189 ; J . Fox . F . 1 T . 1 , 202 , P . P . G . O . ; H . Miller , P . P . S . B . ; Dr . Dowse , P . P . G . H . ; W . D .
Thomas , Scribe E ., 159 ; I . I . Hainblv , P . G . T . ; G . Hilsou , P . P . G . T . ; S . AYilloughbv , P . S ., 159 ; E . P . Culley , S . S . 70 ; W . Amery , Scribe N „ ' l 59 ; J . Brown , Reg . 95-1 ; F . P . Balkwill , P . P . G . Reg . J . J . Clase was the directoi of ceremonies . Bro . L . P . Metham delivered a suitable address . The Chapter was eventually closed .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . AVAREIXGTON ' . — Chapter of Flias Ashmole ( No . 14 S ) . —The annual convocation ot" this chapter was held on the Sth inst . The business was to instal the Principals and invest the officers . Comp . Bowes , who had been re-elected to the chair of M . E . Z ., was present , supported by Comps . Stevenson , I ) . W . Finney , AIossop , A . II . Beckett , R . ' Knight , AA . AVoods , AV . Savage , AV .
Richardson , T . Domville , II . Belshaw , and by Comps . Home , P . Z . 211 ; A . Mackintosh , 75 S ; J . AV . Baker , " P . S . 211 ; A . E . Ackcrlcy , 758 , visitors . The chapter being opened a Board of Installed Principals was at once formed , when the following companions were installed : Comps . Bowes , Z . ; Stevenson , H . ; D . AV . Finney , J . The ceremony of installation was performed iu a most efficient manner by Comp . Heme , P . Z . 241 , to whom a vote of thanks was accorded . Chapter being closed , tbe companions adjourned to the Lion Hotel , and spent a pleasant evening .
Mark Masonry.
DI-WOXSIIIRE . TOTN ' ES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 2 G ) . —The quarterly meeting was held at the Masonic-rooms , on Thursday , the 11 th inst . 'fhe lodge was opened soon after four p . m ., by the R . W . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , G .. 1 . W . and W . M ., assisted by Bros . Rev . R . Bowden , S . W . ; J . Heath , J . W . ; V . W . A " . Bird , P . O ., JM . O ., and P . M ., No . G-. | , , acting as I . P . M . There were also present as
visitors , Bros . II . liartlett and Hart . After thc minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , in the name of the lodge , the W . M . presented to Bro . Stafford , J . D ., a copy on vellum of a resolution expressive of gratitude for his valuable present of a handsome wicket , accompanying it with appropriate remarks . Bro . Stall ' ord briefly replied , stating his satisfaction at having gained the approval of the brethren , and at
the possession of such a document . The report of the audit committee was read by the secretary , and on the proposition of the AV . M ., seconded by the S . W ., approved , adopted , and ordered to be incorporated in the minutes . A ballot was taken for Bro . F . Seccombe as a candidate for advancement , which proved unanimous in bis favour . He was then admitted , and received the benefit of the degree at tho hands of the W . M ., who also delivered to him the lecture in explanation of it . These , ancl
other minor matters , having been satisfactorily disposed of , the W . M ,, in pursuance of his usual custom on such occasions , at the close of his term of office , delivered an address ( which will be found on anather page ) , which was listened to with close attention . The W . M . then called on \ . AV . Bro . A . Bird to present the Rev . Bro . Bowden , AV . M .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
West Indies.
strangely- enough , any such direct reference to St . John as Masons expected to hear . He concluded by pointing out the possibility of men calling up darkness instead of lig ht in obstinate ignorance , in mutual distrust , and in personal infidelity , bis peroration being a reference to the future lig ht of the conflagration of the world , after which "the glory of God shall lighten the world and the lamb shall be the lig ht thereof . " Thereafter Bro . A . G . duCloux was installed W . M . for the ensuing year ,
who addressed the officers and brethren as follows : —You are too well acquainted with thc principles of Masonry to warrant any distrust that you will be found wanting in the discharge of your respective duties . Suffice it to say , that what you have seen praiseworth y in others , you should carefully imitate , : md what in them may have appeared defective , you should iu yourselves amend ; for you should be examples of go . nl order mid
regularity , aud by a due regard to the laws , in your conduct afford the best example for the behaviour of your less instructed brethren . As you wear tho jewels of our Order-jliiot a * dead leaves from a withered tree—not as glittering but cold emblems on the outer heart , but as living waters welling up from pure principles within , and carrying fertility and gladness wherever they flow ; as you act on the squareand keep within compassnot only
, , ¦ with your brethren but with all mankind , in tbe practice of the great princip les of Masonry , which emanate from the volume of the sacred law—purposely never closed in our lodges—so will you , individually and colled ively , add additional lustre to those jewels , and to the stability of our order . The world regards with justifiable suspicion the lives and conduct of those who court its scrutiny oy professing more than ordinary pietv and morality .
If we make as wc do a public profession of charity , that most excellent of the cardinal virtues , the world has a rig ht to ask if Masons act up to their profession , and if Masonry has borne such fruits as to warrant its continued existence ? But , brethren , the world will go further , and with unjust verdict will condemn the whole body if it detect tbe least falling off in any individual member . Brethren , such is the nature of our constitution that as some must of necessity rule and tench , so others must of
course lenrn to submit and obey ; humility in both is an essential duty . The officers who are appointed to govern your lodgo let us hope are sufficiently conversant with the rules of propriety , and the laws of our institution , to avoid exceeding the powers with which they are entrusted ; and you are of too generous dispositions to envy their preferment . I therefore trust you will have but one aim , to please each other and unite in the grand design of being happy and communicating happiness . I would
remind you that you have vowed around this sacred altar to assist your brother in his need , to comfort him in his affliction , to defend him when unjustly assailed , to warn him of impending danger , and to wean him , if possible from his errors . \ ou also have solemnly vowed to look beyond the narrow limits of particular institutions , whether civil or religious , and to behold in every child of Adam a brother of the dust to whom in the hour of his need you arc pledged to carry relief and consolation . You
have pledged yourselves to cultivate the moral and social virtues , to promote science , to encourage industry , and reward merit , and to aid in every good work , and whenever thers is want , or ignorance , or sorrow , or sull ' ering , there is a good work to do . AVhen tho G . A . O . T . U . launched this beautiful world of ours into mighty space , he made men and nations dependent on each other , that they might learn the great lesson of universal brotherhood , mutual dependence and mutual forbearance . Charity in thought ,
charity in action , let these be in the daily life and conversation of every Mason , so far as the imperfections of his nature will permit , and the doubt and wonder the world entertains towards our Order will be charged into the regard and admiration it really merits . —Lithe eveningthe brethren dined together at the lodge rooms / and at at an early hour the brethren separated , one anil all pleasingly impressed with the occurrences of the day . The
following is a list of the officers for the year 1 SG 9 : —A . G . du Clonic , AV . M . ; W . E . P . Maim , S . W . ; Chn ' s . Hauriay , J . AV . j Rev-W . J . Read , H . A ., Chap . ; Saml . McDonald , Treas . ; D . AV . Scarville , Sec ; James Goodwin , Rec ; James Rock , S . D . ; David Robinson , J . D . ; Thos . Buckley , D . C . ; Wm . Geddes and Christ . Cole , Stewards ; Alex . Brown , I . G .
THE Emperor of the French has instituted a prize of 100 , 000 francs , to be voted by the Academy of the Beaux Arts , to the artist who shall have produced a work of the greatest excellence during the preceding live years .
Royal Arch.
DEA'ONSHIRE . PLT 3 IOT 7 TIC Consecration of the Fl / iott Chapter . Tho solemn ceremony of the consecration of thc Elliott Chapter took p lace on the 15 th inst . The Chapter takes its name from Col . Elliott , who is a right loyal earnest Mason , and
one to whom it delig hteth the hearts of his brethren to do honour . Amongst tbe worshipful companions present were the Key . J . Hnvshe , ° . 3 Z ' ..- ! ., P . G . Super . ; L . P . Metham , P . G . H . ; I . C . Radford , P . G . J . ; W . J . Rogers , P . G . S . E . ; C . Elphinstone , P . G , S . N . ; V . Bird , P . G . P . S . ; Capt , Sadler , P . G . S . S . ; J . AI . H . Hifilcy , P . G . J . S . ; S . Jew , P . Z ., P . P . G . T . ; . T . Matthews , P . Z .,
P . P . G . T . The following were installed the officers of tbe new Chapter : Lieut .-Col . Elliott , Z . ; W . Browning , P . Z . as H . ; Rathbone Longshaw , P . Z ., 35 S . 1 . ; —• Leigh , Scribe E . ; — Blake , Scribe N . ; Capt . Shanks , P . S . ; Capt . Carlyon , S . A . S . ; — Kennedy , J . A . S . There were also present : —G . Warren , H . 159 , P . V . G . B . ; T . S . Bavlv , J . 189 ; J . Fox . F . 1 T . 1 , 202 , P . P . G . O . ; H . Miller , P . P . S . B . ; Dr . Dowse , P . P . G . H . ; W . D .
Thomas , Scribe E ., 159 ; I . I . Hainblv , P . G . T . ; G . Hilsou , P . P . G . T . ; S . AYilloughbv , P . S ., 159 ; E . P . Culley , S . S . 70 ; W . Amery , Scribe N „ ' l 59 ; J . Brown , Reg . 95-1 ; F . P . Balkwill , P . P . G . Reg . J . J . Clase was the directoi of ceremonies . Bro . L . P . Metham delivered a suitable address . The Chapter was eventually closed .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . AVAREIXGTON ' . — Chapter of Flias Ashmole ( No . 14 S ) . —The annual convocation ot" this chapter was held on the Sth inst . The business was to instal the Principals and invest the officers . Comp . Bowes , who had been re-elected to the chair of M . E . Z ., was present , supported by Comps . Stevenson , I ) . W . Finney , AIossop , A . II . Beckett , R . ' Knight , AA . AVoods , AV . Savage , AV .
Richardson , T . Domville , II . Belshaw , and by Comps . Home , P . Z . 211 ; A . Mackintosh , 75 S ; J . AV . Baker , " P . S . 211 ; A . E . Ackcrlcy , 758 , visitors . The chapter being opened a Board of Installed Principals was at once formed , when the following companions were installed : Comps . Bowes , Z . ; Stevenson , H . ; D . AV . Finney , J . The ceremony of installation was performed iu a most efficient manner by Comp . Heme , P . Z . 241 , to whom a vote of thanks was accorded . Chapter being closed , tbe companions adjourned to the Lion Hotel , and spent a pleasant evening .
Mark Masonry.
DI-WOXSIIIRE . TOTN ' ES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 2 G ) . —The quarterly meeting was held at the Masonic-rooms , on Thursday , the 11 th inst . 'fhe lodge was opened soon after four p . m ., by the R . W . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , G .. 1 . W . and W . M ., assisted by Bros . Rev . R . Bowden , S . W . ; J . Heath , J . W . ; V . W . A " . Bird , P . O ., JM . O ., and P . M ., No . G-. | , , acting as I . P . M . There were also present as
visitors , Bros . II . liartlett and Hart . After thc minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , in the name of the lodge , the W . M . presented to Bro . Stafford , J . D ., a copy on vellum of a resolution expressive of gratitude for his valuable present of a handsome wicket , accompanying it with appropriate remarks . Bro . Stall ' ord briefly replied , stating his satisfaction at having gained the approval of the brethren , and at
the possession of such a document . The report of the audit committee was read by the secretary , and on the proposition of the AV . M ., seconded by the S . W ., approved , adopted , and ordered to be incorporated in the minutes . A ballot was taken for Bro . F . Seccombe as a candidate for advancement , which proved unanimous in bis favour . He was then admitted , and received the benefit of the degree at tho hands of the W . M ., who also delivered to him the lecture in explanation of it . These , ancl
other minor matters , having been satisfactorily disposed of , the W . M ,, in pursuance of his usual custom on such occasions , at the close of his term of office , delivered an address ( which will be found on anather page ) , which was listened to with close attention . The W . M . then called on \ . AV . Bro . A . Bird to present the Rev . Bro . Bowden , AV . M .