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Mark Masonry.
elect , for the benefit of installation , which he did in complimentary terms , well merited by his attention to his duties as S . W . during tbe past year . Tho R . AV . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , afterhaving completed the preliminary portion of the ceremony , called on all below the chair to retire , ancl in their absence a board of installed Masters was formed , aud Bro . Bowden was legally placed in the chair of Adoniram . The board having been closedthe brethren were re-admittedancl in the usual
, , forms saluted and greeted their now AV . M . The remainder of the ceremony was then proceeded w ith , at the close of which the following officers were appointed , and such of them as were present were invested : —R . W . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , G . J . W ., I . P . M . ; Bros , the Rev . S . Cole , Chap . ; John Heath , S . W . ; A . B . Niner , J . W . ; R , H . \\ atson . Sec ; A . S . Distin , Treas . ; J . Marks , Reg . ; AdamsM . O . ; StaffordS . O . ; G . H . PoultonJ . O . ; G .
, , , Heath , S . D . ; G . Glanfield , J . D . ; F . Seccombe , I . G . ; ancl Crocker , Tyler . The installing Master concluded by successively giving special addresses to the AV . M ., tbe Wardens , the Overseers , and the brethren , which elicited marks of approval by the acclamations of those present . The AV . M . expressed the pleasure be felt in thus occupying so honourable a position as
that of the second W . M . of the Pleiades Lodge of Mark Masters , not only from the great interest he felt in the degree , but also because it marked the estimation , in which be was held by the brethren , and the confidence reposed in him . He was not yet perfectly conversant with ti . e details of the ceremony , but gave a pledge to make himself thoroughly acquainted with it , by the help of his predecessor , on whose support and cooperation he felt that he could confidently relyandindeed
, , , without which he should have shrunk from tbe responsibility now devolving upon him . He concluded by allusions to the interesting address which had been delivered by the I . P . M ., and by proposing a vote of thanks to him for it , and his past services in the chair ; also that a copy of it be entered in the minutes . This was seconded by Bro . J . Heath , S . AV ., and carried unanimously . The R . AV . Bro . Dr . Hopkins made a suitable repl
y , and expressed his desire and intention still to render all the assistance in his power . On the proposition of the I . P . M ., seconded by the AV . M ., a vote of thanks was passed to V . W . Bro . Bird for his kindness in coming from Devonport to render assistance , and for bis efficient services , who afterwards acknowledged the compliment thus paid to him . The lodge was closed by tbe new W . M . and officers , at about half-past seven .
Knights Templar.
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LlYETirooL . —Jaques de 2 Iolay Encampment . —A conclave was held on the 12 th inst ., when Sir Kut . Thomas Berry was installed E . C . by the Y . E . I ) . Prov . G . C . Sir Knt . W . H . Wright . There was a numerous muster of ICnts ., and amongst the visitors there were Sir ICnts . Dntiield , P . G . C . of Lancashire ; Dc St . Albans , of Ceylon , and Bennett , of Liverpool .
Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Iowa , at its several Grand Annual Communications from June , 1 S 61-, to June , 1868 . By Bro . THEODORE SUTTON PARVIX , 33 ° , Grand Secretary . We have already drawn the notice of our readers to this flourishing and important Grand Lodge , whose proceedings for four years have just come to hand . This
Grand Lodge has held twenty-five Sessions , the reports of the ten first form the first volume of the proceedings ; the next five form the second volume ; the proceedings of 1859-63 from thc third -, and the last four years form the present . The present volume is a very " handsome book of 81 . 7 pp .. and 336 pp . of Appendix . It contains vei * y interesting accounts of Masonic proceedings in
addition to those of Grand Lodge , of Grand Consistory , Grand Chapter , Grand Council , and Grand Commandery of the State of Iowa . The introduction contains the journals of proceedings
for 1864-68 , and returns of lodges for the same period Tables I . —VIII . contain synopsis of returns of lodges , summary of returns , and memoranda , of lodge changes for 1864-68 . We think , however , a very grave mistake has been made in introducing the names of brethren who fell in the late war upon the northern side , as of " The Patriotic Dead . " AVe are of opinion that "war , politics ,
and religious disputes should be kept without the limits of the lodge , more especially as the Southerns looked upon themselves as patriots too . The Illustrious Dead come next in order , followed by the Death List of 186-1-68 . The names of brethren suspended for non-payment of dues , and for unmasonic conducted , expelled and reinstated , complete the first part .
The second part deals with the internal economy of the Grand Lodge ; the third part with the other Grand Bodies in the State ; the fourth part with other American-Grand Lodges ; while the Appendix embraces Report on Foreign Correspondence ; the Addresses of the Grand Orators Fuller , Sandford , AA atson , and Kendig ; and the-Grand Master Guilbert ' s Decisions .
The manner in which the work is arranged reflects thegreatest credit upon Bro . Parvin , even as the proceedingschronicled therein reflect the greatest credit upon the-Grand Lodge of Iowa .
Provincial Funeral Grand Lodge In Memoriam Of The Late Bro. Captain Speirs, M.P., Prov. G. Master Of Glasgow.
A Provincial Funeral Grand Lodge in memory of the late Captain Archibald A- Speirs , of Elderslie , M . P ., Prov . G . M . of Glasgow , was held in the City Hall on tbe 10 th inst . The attendance , which numbered from . 1 , 400 to 1 , 500 , included a deputation from G . L . of Scotland , consisting of Bro . Henry Inglis , of Torsonce , S . G . M ., and the following brethren : —Bros . AV . Mann , Alex . Hay ,
C . S . Law , J . CoghiU , J . Laurie , AV . M . Bryce , Rev Gavin Mason , AVilliam Officer , and the following G . Stewards : —Bros . J . T . ' D . Copland , J . AVallace , AV . Smith , AV . Grant , Alex . Mitchell , D . T . Alexander , AV . Robertson , P . T . Hendry , F . L- Law , F . A . Barrow , H . S . Harvey , D . Kinnear , j " . AA . M'Culloch , AV . A . Reilly , J . D . Portoous , and AV . C . Lade . Tho Grand Lodgo of
England was represented by Bro . Edward Busher , P . G . Swordbearor . The Prov . G-L . of Glasgow was represented , by Bros- F- A . Barrow , Thomas Baker , James AA allace , James Steel , John Baird , Rev . G . S . Burns , AVilliam Smith , James Leith , R . Robb , R . Craig , AV . Alexander , R . Donaldson , James Gillies , James Balfour , and James Pollock . Bro . AV . M . Gilmour , with eleven others , renresented the Prov . G . Lodo-e Middle Ward rsf *
Lanarkshire ; Bro . Colonel Campbell , of Blythswood , with eighteen others , the Prov . G . L of Renfrewshire East ; and Bro . J . Ferguson , with 13 others , the Lodge Mother Kilwinning . The following lodges were represented : — St . John ' s , Glasgow ; Kilwinning , Glas . ; Kilwinning , Hamilton ; Kilwinning , Torphichen ; St . John ' s , Falkirk ; Kilwinning , Dumbarton ; St . Mungo , Glas . ; Union and
Crown , Glas . ; Cambuslang , Koyal Arch ; St . Mary , Partick- , Thistle St . John , Stewavton-, Royal Arch , Rutlierglen ; St . John , Shettleston ; St . Mirren ' s , Paisley ; Royal Arch , Pollokshaws ; St . John ; Beith ; St . John , Greenock ; St . John , Leven ; Scotia , Glas . ; St . John , Carluke ; St . Andrew , Cumbernauld ; St . Andrew , Strathaven ; Star , Glas . ; St . Johnstone , Houston ; Shamrock ancl Thistle ,
Gias . ; St . John , Rothesay ; St . John , Woodhall ; Union and Crown , Barrhead ; St . James's , Old Moiikland ; St . Andrew ' s , Alexandria ; Union , Glas- ; St . George , Glas . ; St . John ' s Operative , Kutherglen ; Caledonian Railway , Glas . ; Commercial , Glas . ; St . Clair , Glas . ; Kilwinning , Renfrew ; Clyde , Glas . ; Athole , Glas . ; Neptune , Glas . ; Prince of AA'ales , Renfrew ; Govandale , Govan ; Glasgow , Glas . ; St . John , Busby ; St . Andrew , Glad . As usual on such occasions , the brethren were in full Masonic cos-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
elect , for the benefit of installation , which he did in complimentary terms , well merited by his attention to his duties as S . W . during tbe past year . Tho R . AV . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , afterhaving completed the preliminary portion of the ceremony , called on all below the chair to retire , ancl in their absence a board of installed Masters was formed , aud Bro . Bowden was legally placed in the chair of Adoniram . The board having been closedthe brethren were re-admittedancl in the usual
, , forms saluted and greeted their now AV . M . The remainder of the ceremony was then proceeded w ith , at the close of which the following officers were appointed , and such of them as were present were invested : —R . W . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , G . J . W ., I . P . M . ; Bros , the Rev . S . Cole , Chap . ; John Heath , S . W . ; A . B . Niner , J . W . ; R , H . \\ atson . Sec ; A . S . Distin , Treas . ; J . Marks , Reg . ; AdamsM . O . ; StaffordS . O . ; G . H . PoultonJ . O . ; G .
, , , Heath , S . D . ; G . Glanfield , J . D . ; F . Seccombe , I . G . ; ancl Crocker , Tyler . The installing Master concluded by successively giving special addresses to the AV . M ., tbe Wardens , the Overseers , and the brethren , which elicited marks of approval by the acclamations of those present . The AV . M . expressed the pleasure be felt in thus occupying so honourable a position as
that of the second W . M . of the Pleiades Lodge of Mark Masters , not only from the great interest he felt in the degree , but also because it marked the estimation , in which be was held by the brethren , and the confidence reposed in him . He was not yet perfectly conversant with ti . e details of the ceremony , but gave a pledge to make himself thoroughly acquainted with it , by the help of his predecessor , on whose support and cooperation he felt that he could confidently relyandindeed
, , , without which he should have shrunk from tbe responsibility now devolving upon him . He concluded by allusions to the interesting address which had been delivered by the I . P . M ., and by proposing a vote of thanks to him for it , and his past services in the chair ; also that a copy of it be entered in the minutes . This was seconded by Bro . J . Heath , S . AV ., and carried unanimously . The R . AV . Bro . Dr . Hopkins made a suitable repl
y , and expressed his desire and intention still to render all the assistance in his power . On the proposition of the I . P . M ., seconded by the AV . M ., a vote of thanks was passed to V . W . Bro . Bird for his kindness in coming from Devonport to render assistance , and for bis efficient services , who afterwards acknowledged the compliment thus paid to him . The lodge was closed by tbe new W . M . and officers , at about half-past seven .
Knights Templar.
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LlYETirooL . —Jaques de 2 Iolay Encampment . —A conclave was held on the 12 th inst ., when Sir Kut . Thomas Berry was installed E . C . by the Y . E . I ) . Prov . G . C . Sir Knt . W . H . Wright . There was a numerous muster of ICnts ., and amongst the visitors there were Sir ICnts . Dntiield , P . G . C . of Lancashire ; Dc St . Albans , of Ceylon , and Bennett , of Liverpool .
Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Iowa , at its several Grand Annual Communications from June , 1 S 61-, to June , 1868 . By Bro . THEODORE SUTTON PARVIX , 33 ° , Grand Secretary . We have already drawn the notice of our readers to this flourishing and important Grand Lodge , whose proceedings for four years have just come to hand . This
Grand Lodge has held twenty-five Sessions , the reports of the ten first form the first volume of the proceedings ; the next five form the second volume ; the proceedings of 1859-63 from thc third -, and the last four years form the present . The present volume is a very " handsome book of 81 . 7 pp .. and 336 pp . of Appendix . It contains vei * y interesting accounts of Masonic proceedings in
addition to those of Grand Lodge , of Grand Consistory , Grand Chapter , Grand Council , and Grand Commandery of the State of Iowa . The introduction contains the journals of proceedings
for 1864-68 , and returns of lodges for the same period Tables I . —VIII . contain synopsis of returns of lodges , summary of returns , and memoranda , of lodge changes for 1864-68 . We think , however , a very grave mistake has been made in introducing the names of brethren who fell in the late war upon the northern side , as of " The Patriotic Dead . " AVe are of opinion that "war , politics ,
and religious disputes should be kept without the limits of the lodge , more especially as the Southerns looked upon themselves as patriots too . The Illustrious Dead come next in order , followed by the Death List of 186-1-68 . The names of brethren suspended for non-payment of dues , and for unmasonic conducted , expelled and reinstated , complete the first part .
The second part deals with the internal economy of the Grand Lodge ; the third part with the other Grand Bodies in the State ; the fourth part with other American-Grand Lodges ; while the Appendix embraces Report on Foreign Correspondence ; the Addresses of the Grand Orators Fuller , Sandford , AA atson , and Kendig ; and the-Grand Master Guilbert ' s Decisions .
The manner in which the work is arranged reflects thegreatest credit upon Bro . Parvin , even as the proceedingschronicled therein reflect the greatest credit upon the-Grand Lodge of Iowa .
Provincial Funeral Grand Lodge In Memoriam Of The Late Bro. Captain Speirs, M.P., Prov. G. Master Of Glasgow.
A Provincial Funeral Grand Lodge in memory of the late Captain Archibald A- Speirs , of Elderslie , M . P ., Prov . G . M . of Glasgow , was held in the City Hall on tbe 10 th inst . The attendance , which numbered from . 1 , 400 to 1 , 500 , included a deputation from G . L . of Scotland , consisting of Bro . Henry Inglis , of Torsonce , S . G . M ., and the following brethren : —Bros . AV . Mann , Alex . Hay ,
C . S . Law , J . CoghiU , J . Laurie , AV . M . Bryce , Rev Gavin Mason , AVilliam Officer , and the following G . Stewards : —Bros . J . T . ' D . Copland , J . AVallace , AV . Smith , AV . Grant , Alex . Mitchell , D . T . Alexander , AV . Robertson , P . T . Hendry , F . L- Law , F . A . Barrow , H . S . Harvey , D . Kinnear , j " . AA . M'Culloch , AV . A . Reilly , J . D . Portoous , and AV . C . Lade . Tho Grand Lodgo of
England was represented by Bro . Edward Busher , P . G . Swordbearor . The Prov . G-L . of Glasgow was represented , by Bros- F- A . Barrow , Thomas Baker , James AA allace , James Steel , John Baird , Rev . G . S . Burns , AVilliam Smith , James Leith , R . Robb , R . Craig , AV . Alexander , R . Donaldson , James Gillies , James Balfour , and James Pollock . Bro . AV . M . Gilmour , with eleven others , renresented the Prov . G . Lodo-e Middle Ward rsf *
Lanarkshire ; Bro . Colonel Campbell , of Blythswood , with eighteen others , the Prov . G . L of Renfrewshire East ; and Bro . J . Ferguson , with 13 others , the Lodge Mother Kilwinning . The following lodges were represented : — St . John ' s , Glasgow ; Kilwinning , Glas . ; Kilwinning , Hamilton ; Kilwinning , Torphichen ; St . John ' s , Falkirk ; Kilwinning , Dumbarton ; St . Mungo , Glas . ; Union and
Crown , Glas . ; Cambuslang , Koyal Arch ; St . Mary , Partick- , Thistle St . John , Stewavton-, Royal Arch , Rutlierglen ; St . John , Shettleston ; St . Mirren ' s , Paisley ; Royal Arch , Pollokshaws ; St . John ; Beith ; St . John , Greenock ; St . John , Leven ; Scotia , Glas . ; St . John , Carluke ; St . Andrew , Cumbernauld ; St . Andrew , Strathaven ; Star , Glas . ; St . Johnstone , Houston ; Shamrock ancl Thistle ,
Gias . ; St . John , Rothesay ; St . John , Woodhall ; Union and Crown , Barrhead ; St . James's , Old Moiikland ; St . Andrew ' s , Alexandria ; Union , Glas- ; St . George , Glas . ; St . John ' s Operative , Kutherglen ; Caledonian Railway , Glas . ; Commercial , Glas . ; St . Clair , Glas . ; Kilwinning , Renfrew ; Clyde , Glas . ; Athole , Glas . ; Neptune , Glas . ; Prince of AA'ales , Renfrew ; Govandale , Govan ; Glasgow , Glas . ; St . John , Busby ; St . Andrew , Glad . As usual on such occasions , the brethren were in full Masonic cos-