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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . THE SEW GP . AND OEFICEBS . Amongst the neiv Grand Ollicers to be appointed next week , in addition to -the Earl de Grey and Ripon , already announced as D . G . M ., we'hear that Bros . Gregory , C . E ., and Mclntyre will be G . D ' s . ; Bro . Jno . Symonds , Asst . G . D . C . ; and Bro . Hyde Pullen ,
D . Prov . G . M ., Isle of Wight , G . S . B . We also hear rumoured ; tbe names of the Rev . Dr . Senior and the Rev . Ryland Bedford , as G . Chaps . For the office of Wardens , ive hear so many names thafc we abstain from mentioning any . The installation of the new Prov . G . M . for "West Yorkshire , the Earl cle Grey and Ripon , ivill take place at Leeds , on the 2 ' 2 nd May
We believe that the ceremony will be performed by the M . W . G . M ' The concluding portion of the first Prestonian Lecture will be delivered in the Grand Steivards' Lodge , by Bro . Warren , P . M ., on Thursday , the 23 rd of May , instead of Wednesday , the 29 thas originally announced , that being the Derby-day , in the enjoyment of which Freemasons are as ardent as other classes of Her
Majesty ' s subjects , ' The Prov . G-rand Lodge of Oxfordshire ivill be held on Friday , 21-th May , instead of Wednesday , the 29 th , in consequence of Epsom races . The Cceur de Lion Encampment , for the same reason , will hold their festival on the 23 rd , instead of the 2 Sth . At the Board of Be nevolence on Wednesday last , Bro . H . Faudel P . G . D ., presiding , thirteen petitioners were relieved ivith various ennis , amounting to £ 160 .
Boys' School.
A Quarterly Court of the Governors and Subscribers of this . school was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Monday last , Bro . John Symonds , V . P ., in the Chair . The minutes of the various Committees ancl of the last Quarterly Court having been read and confirmed , Bro . THISELTON , the Secretary , asked to be allowed to make a
personal explanation . He hacl seen in the FBEEMASONS MAGAZINE what lie considered to be a personal attack upon himself . He begged to assure the brethren that he had no knowledge of the course Bro . Cabbell ivas about to take to put an end to the late special meeting , and that , though he had known him for five-andtwenty years , he hacl never ventured to suggest to him fche course it would be desirable to pursue on any given motion . Bro . Cabbell was re-elected Treasurer .
Twenty brethren were elected to act on the General Committee , n conjunction with the Vice-Presidents and Governors . The routine business having been gone through , the election of seven hoys for the School , out of a list of thirteen candidates , Avas 2 ) roceedeil with—Bro . Udall taking the Chair , in the place of Bro . ¦ Symonds , ivho was about to leave , and Bros . Robins , Barrett ,
Robinson , Hewlett , and Savage acting as Scrutineers . At the close the poll ivas declared as follows : — ELECTED . Browne , Wm ., Swindon 3061 Ashfieid , E . T ., London 3050 Rebbeck , A . AV ., London 2745 Cuke , J . C , Northampton 255 S
Long , H . C , London 2-516 Clatworthv , J . M „ Brixham 246 S Campbell , A . C , Usk 22-19 NON-ELECTED . Ridgway , C . , T ., Huntingdon 20 S 2 Smith , A ., Southsea 1752 Osborne , F . C , London 1676 Chase , Henry C , London 1579
Mariner , . 1 . P ., London 230 Lidstone , F . B ., Plymouth 120 Votes of thanks to the Scrutineers anil Chairman closed the proceedings .
The Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Masons And Their Widows.
Lodges and Subscribers who have not disposed of their votes lor the Widows' Fund , are requested to forward their proxy papers to Bro . Henry G . Warren , at the Office of THE FBEEIIASONS MAGAZINE , on behalf of Mrs . Sarah AVeymouth , of 9 , St . Martin ' s , Leicester , widow of Thos . AVeymouth , late of 23 , Duke-street , St . James's , poulterer .
Mrs . Weymouth is noiv in her sixty-fourth year , having been born January 27 , 17 S 9 . She was married on the 1 st July , 1821 , ancl her husband died on the 29 th May , 1845 . The late Bro . Weymouth ivas initiated in the Lodge of Faith , No . 165 , on fche 26 th August , 1828 , and paid to June , 1841 , a period of thirteen years . The only means of support of Mrs . Weymouth is described
to be needle-work , and , being afflicted ivith rheumatism , she can clo but little . Bro . AVarren , in making this appeal , begs to assure the brethren thafc he knoivs nothing of the case beyond Avhat is stated in the balloting-papers , and that he is induced to take ifc up purely from
seeing that Mrs . Weymouth has been a candidate for seven years and yet has made but little progress towards snccess . To th brethren of the Lodge of Faitli ive particularly appeal , feeling sure that , though but few , if any , of the present members may have known the late Bro . AA eymouth , they ivill nofc , upon having their attention directed to it , long allow the widow of a deceased brother of their lodge to linger in poverty , the poignancy of which
must be increased by Hope deferred . As Mrs . AVeymouth is a resident of Leicester , we hope ive shall also have the support of the brethren of that province . The brethren generally are reminded that every lodge has votes , and every subscription of five shillings gives eiglit votes , ancl if the subscribers will only mark one of the eight to Mrs . Weymouth ,
it ivill ensure her election . About 1000 votes , wifch those brought forward , will carry the election ; and as every five shillings will purchase eight votes , Ave shall be happy to receive that amount from brethren , ivho have nofc already subscribed , towards aiding the object of taking from tbe balloting papers such an item as " Seventh Application . " Towards
the 1000 , we thus head the list—A ' otos . Bro . AA arren 72 Mrs . AA arren 16 Bro . Cooke , Matthew ( 10 s . ) 16 „ Gaball , , T . II . ( 5 s . ) 8 „ States , G . ( 5 s . ) S
C ' ONSECBATION 03 ? THE DALHOUSIE LoD & E ( NO . 1162 ) . On Thursday , April 11 , the new Dalhousie Loclge ( No . 1162 ) ivas consecrated at the Duke of Kent , Old Kent-road , in the presence of Bros . Wafcson , P . M . 23 ; J . 11 . Warren , P . M . 234 ; Dickie , P . M . 53 ; Harris , P . M . 33 ; Thomas , P . M . 745 ; James , S . W . 85 ; Birch , P . M . 19 ; Salmon , P . M . 205 ; Piatt , W . M . 168 ; Moore , W . M . 206 ; Hurt 1 G 5 ; Holmes 11 ; GurderW . M . 745 ; NunnP . M . 85
, , , , ; Rands , 1115 ; George Tedder , 11 ; Purbrool :, P . M . 10-14 and 1136 Hodson , 745 ; Gardner , S . D . 1022 ; II . Thompson , S . D . 206 ; Amos , 1044 ; ancl several other brethren . The Most AVorshipful the Grand Master nominated Bro . Farmer to perform the ceremony of consecration , the musical arrangements being under the direction of Bro . Amos , assisted by Bros . George Tedder , Holmes , and Tate . Shortly before four o ' clock , the brethren having assembled in an
ante-room , proceeded in procession to the lodge-room , headed by Bro . D . It . Farmer , the presiding officer , who opened the loclge in the different degrees , followed by solemn music and prayer . Nothing coulcl excel the able manner in which this ceremony ivas performed by Bro . Farmer , and Bro . Amos ' s arrangement of the music elicited the highest meed of approbation . Bro . FAIOIEI ! , then in due form installed Bro . Ireland as the first AV . M . The A \ . M ., appointed his officers as follows : — -Bros . Potts , S . AA . ; Underwood , J . AV . ; J . R . Warren , Sec . ; Farmer , Treas . ; Bates , S . D . -. Palmer , . 1 . 1 ) . ; the I . G . ivas not appointed . Messrs . Hayward and Dennison ivere then introduced , and in a very
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . THE SEW GP . AND OEFICEBS . Amongst the neiv Grand Ollicers to be appointed next week , in addition to -the Earl de Grey and Ripon , already announced as D . G . M ., we'hear that Bros . Gregory , C . E ., and Mclntyre will be G . D ' s . ; Bro . Jno . Symonds , Asst . G . D . C . ; and Bro . Hyde Pullen ,
D . Prov . G . M ., Isle of Wight , G . S . B . We also hear rumoured ; tbe names of the Rev . Dr . Senior and the Rev . Ryland Bedford , as G . Chaps . For the office of Wardens , ive hear so many names thafc we abstain from mentioning any . The installation of the new Prov . G . M . for "West Yorkshire , the Earl cle Grey and Ripon , ivill take place at Leeds , on the 2 ' 2 nd May
We believe that the ceremony will be performed by the M . W . G . M ' The concluding portion of the first Prestonian Lecture will be delivered in the Grand Steivards' Lodge , by Bro . Warren , P . M ., on Thursday , the 23 rd of May , instead of Wednesday , the 29 thas originally announced , that being the Derby-day , in the enjoyment of which Freemasons are as ardent as other classes of Her
Majesty ' s subjects , ' The Prov . G-rand Lodge of Oxfordshire ivill be held on Friday , 21-th May , instead of Wednesday , the 29 th , in consequence of Epsom races . The Cceur de Lion Encampment , for the same reason , will hold their festival on the 23 rd , instead of the 2 Sth . At the Board of Be nevolence on Wednesday last , Bro . H . Faudel P . G . D ., presiding , thirteen petitioners were relieved ivith various ennis , amounting to £ 160 .
Boys' School.
A Quarterly Court of the Governors and Subscribers of this . school was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Monday last , Bro . John Symonds , V . P ., in the Chair . The minutes of the various Committees ancl of the last Quarterly Court having been read and confirmed , Bro . THISELTON , the Secretary , asked to be allowed to make a
personal explanation . He hacl seen in the FBEEMASONS MAGAZINE what lie considered to be a personal attack upon himself . He begged to assure the brethren that he had no knowledge of the course Bro . Cabbell ivas about to take to put an end to the late special meeting , and that , though he had known him for five-andtwenty years , he hacl never ventured to suggest to him fche course it would be desirable to pursue on any given motion . Bro . Cabbell was re-elected Treasurer .
Twenty brethren were elected to act on the General Committee , n conjunction with the Vice-Presidents and Governors . The routine business having been gone through , the election of seven hoys for the School , out of a list of thirteen candidates , Avas 2 ) roceedeil with—Bro . Udall taking the Chair , in the place of Bro . ¦ Symonds , ivho was about to leave , and Bros . Robins , Barrett ,
Robinson , Hewlett , and Savage acting as Scrutineers . At the close the poll ivas declared as follows : — ELECTED . Browne , Wm ., Swindon 3061 Ashfieid , E . T ., London 3050 Rebbeck , A . AV ., London 2745 Cuke , J . C , Northampton 255 S
Long , H . C , London 2-516 Clatworthv , J . M „ Brixham 246 S Campbell , A . C , Usk 22-19 NON-ELECTED . Ridgway , C . , T ., Huntingdon 20 S 2 Smith , A ., Southsea 1752 Osborne , F . C , London 1676 Chase , Henry C , London 1579
Mariner , . 1 . P ., London 230 Lidstone , F . B ., Plymouth 120 Votes of thanks to the Scrutineers anil Chairman closed the proceedings .
The Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Masons And Their Widows.
Lodges and Subscribers who have not disposed of their votes lor the Widows' Fund , are requested to forward their proxy papers to Bro . Henry G . Warren , at the Office of THE FBEEIIASONS MAGAZINE , on behalf of Mrs . Sarah AVeymouth , of 9 , St . Martin ' s , Leicester , widow of Thos . AVeymouth , late of 23 , Duke-street , St . James's , poulterer .
Mrs . Weymouth is noiv in her sixty-fourth year , having been born January 27 , 17 S 9 . She was married on the 1 st July , 1821 , ancl her husband died on the 29 th May , 1845 . The late Bro . Weymouth ivas initiated in the Lodge of Faith , No . 165 , on fche 26 th August , 1828 , and paid to June , 1841 , a period of thirteen years . The only means of support of Mrs . Weymouth is described
to be needle-work , and , being afflicted ivith rheumatism , she can clo but little . Bro . AVarren , in making this appeal , begs to assure the brethren thafc he knoivs nothing of the case beyond Avhat is stated in the balloting-papers , and that he is induced to take ifc up purely from
seeing that Mrs . Weymouth has been a candidate for seven years and yet has made but little progress towards snccess . To th brethren of the Lodge of Faitli ive particularly appeal , feeling sure that , though but few , if any , of the present members may have known the late Bro . AA eymouth , they ivill nofc , upon having their attention directed to it , long allow the widow of a deceased brother of their lodge to linger in poverty , the poignancy of which
must be increased by Hope deferred . As Mrs . AVeymouth is a resident of Leicester , we hope ive shall also have the support of the brethren of that province . The brethren generally are reminded that every lodge has votes , and every subscription of five shillings gives eiglit votes , ancl if the subscribers will only mark one of the eight to Mrs . Weymouth ,
it ivill ensure her election . About 1000 votes , wifch those brought forward , will carry the election ; and as every five shillings will purchase eight votes , Ave shall be happy to receive that amount from brethren , ivho have nofc already subscribed , towards aiding the object of taking from tbe balloting papers such an item as " Seventh Application . " Towards
the 1000 , we thus head the list—A ' otos . Bro . AA arren 72 Mrs . AA arren 16 Bro . Cooke , Matthew ( 10 s . ) 16 „ Gaball , , T . II . ( 5 s . ) 8 „ States , G . ( 5 s . ) S
C ' ONSECBATION 03 ? THE DALHOUSIE LoD & E ( NO . 1162 ) . On Thursday , April 11 , the new Dalhousie Loclge ( No . 1162 ) ivas consecrated at the Duke of Kent , Old Kent-road , in the presence of Bros . Wafcson , P . M . 23 ; J . 11 . Warren , P . M . 234 ; Dickie , P . M . 53 ; Harris , P . M . 33 ; Thomas , P . M . 745 ; James , S . W . 85 ; Birch , P . M . 19 ; Salmon , P . M . 205 ; Piatt , W . M . 168 ; Moore , W . M . 206 ; Hurt 1 G 5 ; Holmes 11 ; GurderW . M . 745 ; NunnP . M . 85
, , , , ; Rands , 1115 ; George Tedder , 11 ; Purbrool :, P . M . 10-14 and 1136 Hodson , 745 ; Gardner , S . D . 1022 ; II . Thompson , S . D . 206 ; Amos , 1044 ; ancl several other brethren . The Most AVorshipful the Grand Master nominated Bro . Farmer to perform the ceremony of consecration , the musical arrangements being under the direction of Bro . Amos , assisted by Bros . George Tedder , Holmes , and Tate . Shortly before four o ' clock , the brethren having assembled in an
ante-room , proceeded in procession to the lodge-room , headed by Bro . D . It . Farmer , the presiding officer , who opened the loclge in the different degrees , followed by solemn music and prayer . Nothing coulcl excel the able manner in which this ceremony ivas performed by Bro . Farmer , and Bro . Amos ' s arrangement of the music elicited the highest meed of approbation . Bro . FAIOIEI ! , then in due form installed Bro . Ireland as the first AV . M . The A \ . M ., appointed his officers as follows : — -Bros . Potts , S . AA . ; Underwood , J . AV . ; J . R . Warren , Sec . ; Farmer , Treas . ; Bates , S . D . -. Palmer , . 1 . 1 ) . ; the I . G . ivas not appointed . Messrs . Hayward and Dennison ivere then introduced , and in a very