Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 3 of 3 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 4 →
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and other brethren of the same loclge . The brethren afterwards adjourned to refreshment , when tbe usual loyal , Masonic , and complimentary toasts were gii'en , and responded to in the fraternal and kind manner which distinguishes the Craft in general .
HERTFORDSHIRE . BERKHAMPSTEAD . —Berkhampstead Lodge ( No . 742 ) . —A meeting of this loclge ivas held on AA ednesday , the 3 rd of April , at the King's Arms Hotel ; Bro . H . G . Lane , AV . M ., presided . Bro . Isidore Levinson , AV . M . 72 , was unanimously admitted a joining member ; another gentleman was proposed for joining . Bro . George Lambert , S . AV ., moved , " That , in addition to five pounds voted to fche Girls ' School last yeara like sum be iven from the funds of the lod
, g ge , thus entitling the lodge to votes during its existence . " The motion , being seconded by Bro . John AVebber , P . M ., ivas carried unanimously . After the transaction of sundry routine business , the lodge was closed . The usual agreeable banquet followed . WATIORB . —Watford Lodge ( No . 580 ) . —The annual festival was held on Friday , 5 th of April , in the Freemasons' Hall . The loclge ivas opened at three o'clock by Bro . H . C . Finch , AV . M ., assisted by
his officers , P . Ms ., and other brethren . After the minutes of the preceding loclge had been read and confirmed , Bros . W . A . Rogers , G . B . York , ancl F . Powell were raised to the third degree . Bro . John Goodyear , P . S . AV ., ivas then presented as AV . M . elect by Bro . George Francis , P . M ., for installation , and he ivas duly placed in the chair by Bro . Finch . The W . M . then appointed , as officers , Bros . H . C . FinchP . M . ; Captain C . E . LaytonS . W . A . T . BrettJ . AV . ;
, , ; , Rev . Robert Branson , Chap , and Dir . of Cers . ; H . H . Burchell Heme , P . M ., Sec ; H . G . Martin , S . D . ; Rowell , J . D . ; lies , LG . ; H . Miles , P . M . Steward . Bro . Thomas Rogers , P . M ., re-elected Treas . and Bro . ' . Thomas , Tyler , ivere also invested . All business being ended , the lodge ivas closed , and the brethren , twenty-five in number , at six o'clock gathered around the AV . M . at the social board . —The cloth having been removed , the AA . M . called on the brethren fco do
honour to the toast of " The Queen and the Craft , " observing thafc , independently of her claims on their loyalty as a Sovereign , she was fche daughter of a Mason and the mother of a Prince whom ifc was confidently expected would ere long be received into the Order . The toast ivas one always joyfully hailed by them . " The Health ofthe M . AV . the Grand Master" followed , fche AV . M . remarking that although , as a country Mason , he had no personal knowledge of Lord Zetland ' s qualifications , yet fche fact of being re-elected for the seventeenth time proved that he iriusfc have had the esteem and confidence of fche Order . —The AA . M . again rose and saicl , in
proposing the next toast , " The Earl of Dalhousie ancl the rest of the Grand Officers , " he hacl the pleasure of including an honoured guest of fche AA * atford Loclge , Bro . John Udall , P . G . D ., ivhose exertions in the cause of Masonry , particularly the charities connected with the Institution , were well known and acknowledged . —Bro . UDALL saicl it gave him great pleasure to acknowledge the toast ; he served the office of Grand Steward the same year as Lord Dalhousie—then Mr . Fox Maule—and it so happened he was called on fco fill the chair in
the absence of the Duke of Sussex . He was a liberal supporter of the charities , and on three occasions presided as the chairman . Bro . Udall , in speaking of himself , as one of the House Committee of the Girls' School , could not bufc notice the gloom that now overshadows that noble institution in the distressing affliction of the valued Secretary , Bro Crew . How ivould the approaching Festival appear and he absent ! He urged the support of the brethren he addressed on that occasionandas far as lay in their powerfco supplthe loss
, , , y that their esteemed Secretary ' s illness might create . Bro . Udall concluded by saying as a Mason of long standing he ivas happy to say that the AA'iitford Lodge supported the high character he had always heard attributed to it . —Bro . THOMAS ABEL AVAPVD then rose and said , as the D . G . M . it was his duty , as it ivas his pleasure at all the meetings in the province , to propose the health of their respected chief . It ivas unnecessary in the AVatford Lodge to dilate at
any length on the claims fche Prov . G . M . had on the esteem and regard of thefraternity ; hissteady support of theinstitufcionandhis high character as a gentleman ancl a Mason endeared him to all within his circle ; and with regard to his government , ifc was quite impossible that any province was so ivell ruled . — " The Health of Bro . AVilliam Stuart , the Prov . G . M ., " was hailed with enthusiasm . —Bro . GEORGE FRANCIS , P . Prov . D . G . M . of Surrey , and Prov . G . Reg ., then said
he was desired by the AV . M . to propose the next toast , that of the esteemed D . G . M . of Hertfordshire . In the AA ' afcford Loclge this was always an agreeable duty , as afc an early period , under Bro . AVard ' s guidance , the lodge hacl arrived at that high status , that the Duke of Sussex said the AVatford Lodge was the first in the kingdom , and further to show his approbation , H . R . H . desired fco have his name enrolled as an honorary member . For this high testimonial the lodge was indebted to the exertions of Bro . AVard , and of ivhom he could say further , as the Deputy Grand Master , he hacl ivon the good Avill and respect of ei'ery freemason in the province . —
Oman and Knibbs , of No . 203 ; Archbell , of No . 248 ; George Corner , of No . 112 ; James Kindred , of No . 812 ; A . Deacon of No . 1017 ; Robert Clark , AV . M . No . 1017 ; AA . Pike , W . M . No . 1055 , & c . The AV . M . appointed , as his officers for the year , Bros . AV . Strong , S . AV . ; N . Hamilton , J . AV . ; D . JPotts , Sec ; T . B . Daniels , S . D . ; J . Marsh , J . D . ; T . Benet , I . G . Bro . Mantonivho ivas elected Treasurerancl Bro . T . A . Hoare
, , , the Tyler , were also invested . Proposals for new members were made , and a . lodge of emergency was called for the day following , to dispose of certain business Avhich could not be clone in this meeting , and the lodge ivas then closed . The brethren , members , ancl visitors , numbering nearly fifty , afterwards gathered around the AV . M . at the social board .
CORNAVALL . LATTNCESTON . —Dunheved LodgeQXo . lOQT ) . —Themonfchlymeetingof this loclge ivas helcl at the King ' s Arms Hotel , on Thursday , March 28 th . The lodge Avas opened in due form by the AV . M ., Bro . Michael Frost , assisted by his officers and the brethren present . The minutes of the last regular lodge having been read ancl confirmed , Mr . Joshua Farthing was admitted to the light of Masonryand
, Bro . Crisser passed to the second degree . The loclge ivas then closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment . The cloth berng ^ removed , "The Queen , " "The M . AV . G . M ., " "The R . AV . Prov . G . M ., " and " The R . AV . D . Prov . G . M . " were duly honoured . Bro . Derry Pearse then rose , and in a neat speech coirveyed the united and grateful thanks of the loclge to Bro C . T . Pearce , for his very able occupancy of the chair during the last year , and then presented
him , on behalf of the Dunheved Lodge , ivith a handsome P . M ' s . jewel , following it up by remarking how very much the members ,, one and all , felt , indebted to Bro . C . T . Pearce for the valuable aid they had experienced by his useful instructions , and the kind manner in ivhich , from the first existence of the lodge , he had invariably rendered his assistance . The object of presenting him with thislittle token was also engraved on the buck of the jewel . Bro . C . IV Pearcein a most feeling speechexpressed how fully he appreciated
, , tbe compliment , ancl in lvarm terms , and with a heart full of the grand principles of Masonry , sincerely thanked the brethren for their kind appreciation of his services , which ( he stated ) should afc all times be rendered them wifch brotherly love . Having spent a mosfc delightful evening , the brethren separatedalittlebefore twelve .
ESSEX . COLCHESTER . —Angel Lodge ( No . 59 ) . — -For some years past the newly initiated and other members of this lodge who have been in the habit of attending the Lodge of Instruction connected ivith it , have derived considerable advantage from the experienced assistance of Bro . William Slaney , a Past Master , and the present Treasurer of Lodge 59 . In acknowledgment of this assistance , a resolution
wasrecently come to of presenting to Bro . Slaney some enduring token of esteem and gratitude , and the subscription , which was strictly limited to the members of the Loclge of Instruction , amounted to nearly £ 7 . The articles selected were a very handsome fish knife and fork , in case , on the lid of ivhich was the following inscription engraved ou a silver shield . — " Angel Loclge , No 59 . Presented to Bro . AV . Slaney , P . M ., and P . Prov . J . AV ., by the members of the loclge of Instructionas a sincere tribute for his great and valuable
, services to the Lodge . Colchester , 9 fch April , 1861 . " The testimonial was presented at the animal banquet , at the Cups Hotel , Lodge , who the 9 th , by Bro . John Pattison , AV . M . of the Angel on Tuesday , presided on the occasion , and was supported by a numerous muster of brethren .
DURHAM . SOUTH SHIELDS . —SI . Hilda ' s Lodge . ( No 292 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge ivas held at the Golden Lion Hotel on Monday , the Sth ult ., the W . M . ( Bro . J . AV . Buckland ) presiding , assisted by Bros . Roddam , S . AV . ; H . Hedley , J . AV . ; ancl other assistant officers . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read ancl confirmedand a ballot for initiation takentwo brethren were
, , passed to the second degree , and a gentleman initiated , by the W . M ., in his usual expressive and excellent manner . In tbe course of tbe evening a Rev . Bro ( T . Featherstone , Chaplain of the Tyne Sailors ' Home ) was invested by the AV . M . with the collar and jewel of Chaplain . Some propositions having been made , the loclge was closed in solemn form . There ivas a very strong muster of the brethren on the occasion , ancl the AV . M . was honoured by the
presence of P . M . ' s Potts and Tashach , P . Prov . S . G . AVs . ; Ridley , P . Prov . J . G . AV . ; Forster , P . Prov . G . P . ( Durham ) , and Oliver , J . W . Mayson , P . Prov . S . G . AV , and Twizell , P . Prov . J . G . D . ( Northumberland ) ; E . Shotton ( AV . M . 624 , W . Shields ); P . M . Tulloch , 624 ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
and other brethren of the same loclge . The brethren afterwards adjourned to refreshment , when tbe usual loyal , Masonic , and complimentary toasts were gii'en , and responded to in the fraternal and kind manner which distinguishes the Craft in general .
HERTFORDSHIRE . BERKHAMPSTEAD . —Berkhampstead Lodge ( No . 742 ) . —A meeting of this loclge ivas held on AA ednesday , the 3 rd of April , at the King's Arms Hotel ; Bro . H . G . Lane , AV . M ., presided . Bro . Isidore Levinson , AV . M . 72 , was unanimously admitted a joining member ; another gentleman was proposed for joining . Bro . George Lambert , S . AV ., moved , " That , in addition to five pounds voted to fche Girls ' School last yeara like sum be iven from the funds of the lod
, g ge , thus entitling the lodge to votes during its existence . " The motion , being seconded by Bro . John AVebber , P . M ., ivas carried unanimously . After the transaction of sundry routine business , the lodge was closed . The usual agreeable banquet followed . WATIORB . —Watford Lodge ( No . 580 ) . —The annual festival was held on Friday , 5 th of April , in the Freemasons' Hall . The loclge ivas opened at three o'clock by Bro . H . C . Finch , AV . M ., assisted by
his officers , P . Ms ., and other brethren . After the minutes of the preceding loclge had been read and confirmed , Bros . W . A . Rogers , G . B . York , ancl F . Powell were raised to the third degree . Bro . John Goodyear , P . S . AV ., ivas then presented as AV . M . elect by Bro . George Francis , P . M ., for installation , and he ivas duly placed in the chair by Bro . Finch . The W . M . then appointed , as officers , Bros . H . C . FinchP . M . ; Captain C . E . LaytonS . W . A . T . BrettJ . AV . ;
, , ; , Rev . Robert Branson , Chap , and Dir . of Cers . ; H . H . Burchell Heme , P . M ., Sec ; H . G . Martin , S . D . ; Rowell , J . D . ; lies , LG . ; H . Miles , P . M . Steward . Bro . Thomas Rogers , P . M ., re-elected Treas . and Bro . ' . Thomas , Tyler , ivere also invested . All business being ended , the lodge ivas closed , and the brethren , twenty-five in number , at six o'clock gathered around the AV . M . at the social board . —The cloth having been removed , the AA . M . called on the brethren fco do
honour to the toast of " The Queen and the Craft , " observing thafc , independently of her claims on their loyalty as a Sovereign , she was fche daughter of a Mason and the mother of a Prince whom ifc was confidently expected would ere long be received into the Order . The toast ivas one always joyfully hailed by them . " The Health ofthe M . AV . the Grand Master" followed , fche AV . M . remarking that although , as a country Mason , he had no personal knowledge of Lord Zetland ' s qualifications , yet fche fact of being re-elected for the seventeenth time proved that he iriusfc have had the esteem and confidence of fche Order . —The AA . M . again rose and saicl , in
proposing the next toast , " The Earl of Dalhousie ancl the rest of the Grand Officers , " he hacl the pleasure of including an honoured guest of fche AA * atford Loclge , Bro . John Udall , P . G . D ., ivhose exertions in the cause of Masonry , particularly the charities connected with the Institution , were well known and acknowledged . —Bro . UDALL saicl it gave him great pleasure to acknowledge the toast ; he served the office of Grand Steward the same year as Lord Dalhousie—then Mr . Fox Maule—and it so happened he was called on fco fill the chair in
the absence of the Duke of Sussex . He was a liberal supporter of the charities , and on three occasions presided as the chairman . Bro . Udall , in speaking of himself , as one of the House Committee of the Girls' School , could not bufc notice the gloom that now overshadows that noble institution in the distressing affliction of the valued Secretary , Bro Crew . How ivould the approaching Festival appear and he absent ! He urged the support of the brethren he addressed on that occasionandas far as lay in their powerfco supplthe loss
, , , y that their esteemed Secretary ' s illness might create . Bro . Udall concluded by saying as a Mason of long standing he ivas happy to say that the AA'iitford Lodge supported the high character he had always heard attributed to it . —Bro . THOMAS ABEL AVAPVD then rose and said , as the D . G . M . it was his duty , as it ivas his pleasure at all the meetings in the province , to propose the health of their respected chief . It ivas unnecessary in the AVatford Lodge to dilate at
any length on the claims fche Prov . G . M . had on the esteem and regard of thefraternity ; hissteady support of theinstitufcionandhis high character as a gentleman ancl a Mason endeared him to all within his circle ; and with regard to his government , ifc was quite impossible that any province was so ivell ruled . — " The Health of Bro . AVilliam Stuart , the Prov . G . M ., " was hailed with enthusiasm . —Bro . GEORGE FRANCIS , P . Prov . D . G . M . of Surrey , and Prov . G . Reg ., then said
he was desired by the AV . M . to propose the next toast , that of the esteemed D . G . M . of Hertfordshire . In the AA ' afcford Loclge this was always an agreeable duty , as afc an early period , under Bro . AVard ' s guidance , the lodge hacl arrived at that high status , that the Duke of Sussex said the AVatford Lodge was the first in the kingdom , and further to show his approbation , H . R . H . desired fco have his name enrolled as an honorary member . For this high testimonial the lodge was indebted to the exertions of Bro . AVard , and of ivhom he could say further , as the Deputy Grand Master , he hacl ivon the good Avill and respect of ei'ery freemason in the province . —
Oman and Knibbs , of No . 203 ; Archbell , of No . 248 ; George Corner , of No . 112 ; James Kindred , of No . 812 ; A . Deacon of No . 1017 ; Robert Clark , AV . M . No . 1017 ; AA . Pike , W . M . No . 1055 , & c . The AV . M . appointed , as his officers for the year , Bros . AV . Strong , S . AV . ; N . Hamilton , J . AV . ; D . JPotts , Sec ; T . B . Daniels , S . D . ; J . Marsh , J . D . ; T . Benet , I . G . Bro . Mantonivho ivas elected Treasurerancl Bro . T . A . Hoare
, , , the Tyler , were also invested . Proposals for new members were made , and a . lodge of emergency was called for the day following , to dispose of certain business Avhich could not be clone in this meeting , and the lodge ivas then closed . The brethren , members , ancl visitors , numbering nearly fifty , afterwards gathered around the AV . M . at the social board .
CORNAVALL . LATTNCESTON . —Dunheved LodgeQXo . lOQT ) . —Themonfchlymeetingof this loclge ivas helcl at the King ' s Arms Hotel , on Thursday , March 28 th . The lodge Avas opened in due form by the AV . M ., Bro . Michael Frost , assisted by his officers and the brethren present . The minutes of the last regular lodge having been read ancl confirmed , Mr . Joshua Farthing was admitted to the light of Masonryand
, Bro . Crisser passed to the second degree . The loclge ivas then closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment . The cloth berng ^ removed , "The Queen , " "The M . AV . G . M ., " "The R . AV . Prov . G . M ., " and " The R . AV . D . Prov . G . M . " were duly honoured . Bro . Derry Pearse then rose , and in a neat speech coirveyed the united and grateful thanks of the loclge to Bro C . T . Pearce , for his very able occupancy of the chair during the last year , and then presented
him , on behalf of the Dunheved Lodge , ivith a handsome P . M ' s . jewel , following it up by remarking how very much the members ,, one and all , felt , indebted to Bro . C . T . Pearce for the valuable aid they had experienced by his useful instructions , and the kind manner in ivhich , from the first existence of the lodge , he had invariably rendered his assistance . The object of presenting him with thislittle token was also engraved on the buck of the jewel . Bro . C . IV Pearcein a most feeling speechexpressed how fully he appreciated
, , tbe compliment , ancl in lvarm terms , and with a heart full of the grand principles of Masonry , sincerely thanked the brethren for their kind appreciation of his services , which ( he stated ) should afc all times be rendered them wifch brotherly love . Having spent a mosfc delightful evening , the brethren separatedalittlebefore twelve .
ESSEX . COLCHESTER . —Angel Lodge ( No . 59 ) . — -For some years past the newly initiated and other members of this lodge who have been in the habit of attending the Lodge of Instruction connected ivith it , have derived considerable advantage from the experienced assistance of Bro . William Slaney , a Past Master , and the present Treasurer of Lodge 59 . In acknowledgment of this assistance , a resolution
wasrecently come to of presenting to Bro . Slaney some enduring token of esteem and gratitude , and the subscription , which was strictly limited to the members of the Loclge of Instruction , amounted to nearly £ 7 . The articles selected were a very handsome fish knife and fork , in case , on the lid of ivhich was the following inscription engraved ou a silver shield . — " Angel Loclge , No 59 . Presented to Bro . AV . Slaney , P . M ., and P . Prov . J . AV ., by the members of the loclge of Instructionas a sincere tribute for his great and valuable
, services to the Lodge . Colchester , 9 fch April , 1861 . " The testimonial was presented at the animal banquet , at the Cups Hotel , Lodge , who the 9 th , by Bro . John Pattison , AV . M . of the Angel on Tuesday , presided on the occasion , and was supported by a numerous muster of brethren .
DURHAM . SOUTH SHIELDS . —SI . Hilda ' s Lodge . ( No 292 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge ivas held at the Golden Lion Hotel on Monday , the Sth ult ., the W . M . ( Bro . J . AV . Buckland ) presiding , assisted by Bros . Roddam , S . AV . ; H . Hedley , J . AV . ; ancl other assistant officers . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read ancl confirmedand a ballot for initiation takentwo brethren were
, , passed to the second degree , and a gentleman initiated , by the W . M ., in his usual expressive and excellent manner . In tbe course of tbe evening a Rev . Bro ( T . Featherstone , Chaplain of the Tyne Sailors ' Home ) was invested by the AV . M . with the collar and jewel of Chaplain . Some propositions having been made , the loclge was closed in solemn form . There ivas a very strong muster of the brethren on the occasion , ancl the AV . M . was honoured by the
presence of P . M . ' s Potts and Tashach , P . Prov . S . G . AVs . ; Ridley , P . Prov . J . G . AV . ; Forster , P . Prov . G . P . ( Durham ) , and Oliver , J . W . Mayson , P . Prov . S . G . AV , and Twizell , P . Prov . J . G . D . ( Northumberland ) ; E . Shotton ( AV . M . 624 , W . Shields ); P . M . Tulloch , 624 ,