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Bro . WARD , after gratefully acknowledging the way in ivhich his name had been proposed and received , said , ere he resumed his seat , he claimed the privilege of proposing the toast of the day , " The Health of the AV . M . " Bro . Goodyear hacl been a member of the lodge for some six years , and after passing through subordinate offices , and discharging those duties with zeal ancl fidelity , had by his merit reached the chair . From experience of his conduct in the loclge , and a knowledge of his excellence as a man , he ivas perfectly
assured that Bro . Goodyear ivould be an ornament ancl a benefit to the lodge , and he had therefore much pleasure in proposing his health . —The AVM ., after thanking the brethren for tlieir kind reception of his name , claimed allowance for any deficiency on his first night as a Master ; the kind encouragement given to him would be a stimulant for the future , and he trusted , being able to acquit himself to the satisfaction of the lodge . Did he want any aid , he was assured he should have ifc in the worthy and excellent brother who
preceded him . He had also additional satisfaction in the ability of the excellent Masons who had accepted office at his hands . He hoped he should prove worthy the confidence of the brethren , and that , at the close of his year of office , equal measure of kindness would be meted out to him . —The W . M . then said , it was with great pleasure he proposed "The Health of the immediate P . M . of the Lodge , " who had set him such an example he could hardly
hope to sustain . In the preceding year there had been a large amount of business , and they had seen how efficiently he had conducted the ceremonies . Bro . Finch had discharged the duties of Master in a manner that had elicited the warmest commendations of the lodge , and , as the representative of the sentiments of the brethren , he tendered his worthy predecessor the united thanks of the brethren . — -Bro . FINCH , on rising , saicl ifc was an eventful clay to himasin giving up the high office to which lie had . been
, , elevated , he might be called to give an account of his stewardship . If he had been instrumental in carrying out the principles of Masonry in that lodge , if he had assisted in supporting that , as Bro . Ward hacl told them ivas the best of country lodges , his exertions ivere amply rewarded . Having saicl this much for himself , ho
then oilered Ins thanks to the officers of the preceding year for the -assistance they had rendered him during his Mastership .- —Bro . Finch saicl thafc he was deputed b y the W . M . to propose " The Health of the Visitors , " which he did with great pleasure , as one among their guests ivas one highly distinguished in the Craft , a member of the loclge to which he himself belonged . Bro . John Udall was cordially Avelcomed by the AVatford Loclge , and was one to whom all young Masons looked for instruction . Another visitor
, Hro . Thompson , of a loclge at Calcutta , had left , and he would unite ivith the tonsfc , Bro . IIOAA * , who , although an honorary member , and not strictly within the category as a visitor , was , 'as a Mason of long standing , always gladly welcomed in the AVatford Loclge . —Bro . How , being desired by Bro . Udall to respond , said , he did so with much gratification , as Bro . Udall was an acquaintance of twenty years' standing ; and he ivas satisfied that worth
y brother must have been especially pleased to see so young a Mason as Bro . Finch go through the arduous duties of the day in so efficient a manner . —The AV . M . then gave " The Officers , " to which Bro . Layton , S . AV ., in reply , said he trusted by zeal ancl attention to do something for the credit of the loclge , ancl those who had gone before them ; and he hoped that next year the brethren would greet their names with as much approbation as on that day . —The
W . M . saicl , they must not omit to notice two officers to whom the odge was indebted [ for special services , —he alluded to the Secretary and Treasurer , and referred to the assiduity evinced by both those worthy brethren in their several capacities . —Bro . BURCHELL HERNE first rose to acknowledge the toast , and expressed his satisfaction that his efforts were approved of . He further said be should have as much pleasure in serving under the present W . M . as those
who had preceded him . He ivas pleased to see Bro . Udall there , as himself and that worthy brother ivere together Stewards for the Girls' School many years ago . —Bro . ROGERS , as Treasurer , acknowledged the kind way in which tho AV . M . had made mention of his services . He was especially gratified at seeing Bro . Goodyear presiding over the lodge . He hacl the happiness " of knowing " the W . M . for many years , -. 11111 could confidently say that a better man or better Mason did not exist . —TheTyler ' stoastconcliidedapleasantclay .
KENT . DOVER . —Lodge of Peace and Harmony ( No . 235 ) . —The annual installation meeting was helcl on Monday , Sth of April , at the Royal Oak , Dover . The lodge was opened at seven p . m . b y Bro . Cox , AV . M ., attended by his oflicers , the members , and several visitors , among whom were , Bros . Dobson , D . Prov . G . M . of Kent ; Everest , P . Prov . G . D . C . ; Vanderlvi ) , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; Alfred Pratt , AV . M . No . 22 ; H . Miiggcridsre , P . M . No . 227 ; Haywood , P . M . No . 149 ; Clarke ancl Hay , P . Ms . No . 1-17 ; Stock , P . M . No . SOI ; AVhite , Humphreys , and others . After the confirmation of the minutes of
the preceding lodge , Bro . Henry "Muggeridge assumed the chair , and the AV . M . elect ., Bro . George Adamson , being presented , he ivas duly installed . Bro . Muggeridge ' s admirable manner of performing the imposing ceremony of installation , and delivery of the addresses to tho Master ancl Oflicers , affording much gratification to the brethren present . The folloiving are the officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Yanderlyn , S . AA " . ; Coram , J . AV . ; Prescott , S . D . ; DallimoreJ . D . ; GreenwaldI . G . All business endedthe
, , , lodge ivas closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . On the cloth being removed , the AV . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts most felicitously , and the D . Prov . G . M ., in a lengthened speech , pointed out the beauties of Masonry , dilating on its many excellences , and urging the brethren to persevere in maintaining its great aim and end—Charity . The room in ivhich No . 235 meets is acknowledged to be the finest lodge-room in the
province . BAMSGATE . —Royal Navy Lodge ( No . 621 ) . —On Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., this loclge was honoured by a visit from Bro . Dobson , D . Prov . G . M . of Kent , a goodly number of brethren , of the Margate and Deal Lodges as ivell as of this loclge , being present . The lodge having been opened , the D . Prov . G . M . n as duly saluted in the accustomed manner , after which Bro . Darby was examined , entrusted , and raised to the sublime degree of M . M . and Bro . Sanders examinedentrusted ,
, , and passed to the degree of F . C , both ceremonies being mosfc ably performed by Bro . Finch , AV . M . The loclge was then closed , ancl the brethren made their ivay to the banquetting room , where a sumptuous repast ivas aivaiting them , prepared by our esteemed Bros . Hiscocks . After the usual loyal toasts had been given and drunk , Bro . Finch , AV . M ., rose to propose the toast of the evening— " The Health of Bro . Dobson . " He expressed the pleasure ivhich the
brethren ancl himself felt in being honoured ivith the acquaintance of so distinguished and stanch a Mason , and hoped that his visits among them ivould be frequent . He concluded by proposing "The Health of the R . AV . D . Prov . G . M . "—Bro . DOBSON rose ancl saicl , AV . M . and brethren , I indeed feel honoured by the very flattering manner in ivhich my name has been received this evening , and beg sincerelto thank you for kind expressions towards
y your me . It is , as you know , the duty either of the Prov . G . M ., or his deputy , occasionally to visit the lodges ; knowing the multifarious occupations of his lordship , I volunteered to take this parfc on myself , and this is the first occasion that has brought me among my brothers of Loclge 621—the mosfc numerous , I believe , in East Kent . AVith regard to the working , I have been more than pleased ;
for not only did the AV . M . most ably perforin the two ceremonies , but the whole of his officers seemed equally ivell acquainted ivith tho work , and this is the more gratifying from the fact of their all being young Masons . Your success I attribute solely to attendance at the Loclge of Instruction . I ivas rejoiced to hear that you have one , as it is there alone that Masonry can bo fully worked out , its principles dived into , its characteristics examined , ancl its beauties discussed : let me ask all of to continue in constant
attenyou dance there as often as possible , particularly the Past Masters and older brethren , Avithout whom there Avould be a dearth of that nourishment and Avarmth Avhich young plants always require . Moreover , it is to these former that ive must look for the firm setting of those truly bright ornaments of the Mason ' s crown—honour , truth and virtue ; to them we also look for the inculcation of all true Masonic princiles—princiles whichif once
p p , rooted in our breasts , will not only raise our socialposition , and tend to the amelioration of our nature here , but will inevitably expand our hearts , increase our love towards God and man , and finally obtain for us an entrance into those mansions which the G . A . O . T . U . has prepared for those ivho serve and obey him . —Bro . Dobson again rose ancl saicl , brethren , I have now to propose "TheHealth of tho AA ' " . M . " I am glad to perceive that he is no lukewarm Masonbufc
, one that has it at his heart , has persevered in the good work , and Avon the esteem and regard of all his brethren . The healths of Bros . Beeching , P . M ., Treas . ; Hiscocks , P . M ., Sec . ; Snowden , S . AV ., Prov . G . Reg . ; Phipps , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . AV , and of several other brethren , were also drunk and responded to . The Secretary ' s and the Tyler ' s toasts having been given in due form , the proceedings of avery agreeable meeting were brought to a close .
MIDDLESEX . U . X 15 R 1 DCE . —Royal Union Lodge ( No . 536 ) . —The members of this lodge met afc the Chequers Hotel , Uxbridge , on Monday , the 15 th inst ., ancl proceeded to business with thafc punctuality ivhich seems part and parcel of theis AA . M ' s ., Bro . Newall ' ' existence . The business on that occasion ivas confined to initiations , and three gentlemen , Messrs . AVools , Williams , and Spier , were
most ably received into the Order . There were also several Dispositions for joining , and the loclge , which six months ago numbered but some ten or twelve members , now consists of more than thirty , many of them being ivell-known London ivorking Masons . The
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro . WARD , after gratefully acknowledging the way in ivhich his name had been proposed and received , said , ere he resumed his seat , he claimed the privilege of proposing the toast of the day , " The Health of the AV . M . " Bro . Goodyear hacl been a member of the lodge for some six years , and after passing through subordinate offices , and discharging those duties with zeal ancl fidelity , had by his merit reached the chair . From experience of his conduct in the loclge , and a knowledge of his excellence as a man , he ivas perfectly
assured that Bro . Goodyear ivould be an ornament ancl a benefit to the lodge , and he had therefore much pleasure in proposing his health . —The AVM ., after thanking the brethren for tlieir kind reception of his name , claimed allowance for any deficiency on his first night as a Master ; the kind encouragement given to him would be a stimulant for the future , and he trusted , being able to acquit himself to the satisfaction of the lodge . Did he want any aid , he was assured he should have ifc in the worthy and excellent brother who
preceded him . He had also additional satisfaction in the ability of the excellent Masons who had accepted office at his hands . He hoped he should prove worthy the confidence of the brethren , and that , at the close of his year of office , equal measure of kindness would be meted out to him . —The W . M . then said , it was with great pleasure he proposed "The Health of the immediate P . M . of the Lodge , " who had set him such an example he could hardly
hope to sustain . In the preceding year there had been a large amount of business , and they had seen how efficiently he had conducted the ceremonies . Bro . Finch had discharged the duties of Master in a manner that had elicited the warmest commendations of the lodge , and , as the representative of the sentiments of the brethren , he tendered his worthy predecessor the united thanks of the brethren . — -Bro . FINCH , on rising , saicl ifc was an eventful clay to himasin giving up the high office to which lie had . been
, , elevated , he might be called to give an account of his stewardship . If he had been instrumental in carrying out the principles of Masonry in that lodge , if he had assisted in supporting that , as Bro . Ward hacl told them ivas the best of country lodges , his exertions ivere amply rewarded . Having saicl this much for himself , ho
then oilered Ins thanks to the officers of the preceding year for the -assistance they had rendered him during his Mastership .- —Bro . Finch saicl thafc he was deputed b y the W . M . to propose " The Health of the Visitors , " which he did with great pleasure , as one among their guests ivas one highly distinguished in the Craft , a member of the loclge to which he himself belonged . Bro . John Udall was cordially Avelcomed by the AVatford Loclge , and was one to whom all young Masons looked for instruction . Another visitor
, Hro . Thompson , of a loclge at Calcutta , had left , and he would unite ivith the tonsfc , Bro . IIOAA * , who , although an honorary member , and not strictly within the category as a visitor , was , 'as a Mason of long standing , always gladly welcomed in the AVatford Loclge . —Bro . How , being desired by Bro . Udall to respond , said , he did so with much gratification , as Bro . Udall was an acquaintance of twenty years' standing ; and he ivas satisfied that worth
y brother must have been especially pleased to see so young a Mason as Bro . Finch go through the arduous duties of the day in so efficient a manner . —The AV . M . then gave " The Officers , " to which Bro . Layton , S . AV ., in reply , said he trusted by zeal ancl attention to do something for the credit of the loclge , ancl those who had gone before them ; and he hoped that next year the brethren would greet their names with as much approbation as on that day . —The
W . M . saicl , they must not omit to notice two officers to whom the odge was indebted [ for special services , —he alluded to the Secretary and Treasurer , and referred to the assiduity evinced by both those worthy brethren in their several capacities . —Bro . BURCHELL HERNE first rose to acknowledge the toast , and expressed his satisfaction that his efforts were approved of . He further said be should have as much pleasure in serving under the present W . M . as those
who had preceded him . He ivas pleased to see Bro . Udall there , as himself and that worthy brother ivere together Stewards for the Girls' School many years ago . —Bro . ROGERS , as Treasurer , acknowledged the kind way in which tho AV . M . had made mention of his services . He was especially gratified at seeing Bro . Goodyear presiding over the lodge . He hacl the happiness " of knowing " the W . M . for many years , -. 11111 could confidently say that a better man or better Mason did not exist . —TheTyler ' stoastconcliidedapleasantclay .
KENT . DOVER . —Lodge of Peace and Harmony ( No . 235 ) . —The annual installation meeting was helcl on Monday , Sth of April , at the Royal Oak , Dover . The lodge was opened at seven p . m . b y Bro . Cox , AV . M ., attended by his oflicers , the members , and several visitors , among whom were , Bros . Dobson , D . Prov . G . M . of Kent ; Everest , P . Prov . G . D . C . ; Vanderlvi ) , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; Alfred Pratt , AV . M . No . 22 ; H . Miiggcridsre , P . M . No . 227 ; Haywood , P . M . No . 149 ; Clarke ancl Hay , P . Ms . No . 1-17 ; Stock , P . M . No . SOI ; AVhite , Humphreys , and others . After the confirmation of the minutes of
the preceding lodge , Bro . Henry "Muggeridge assumed the chair , and the AV . M . elect ., Bro . George Adamson , being presented , he ivas duly installed . Bro . Muggeridge ' s admirable manner of performing the imposing ceremony of installation , and delivery of the addresses to tho Master ancl Oflicers , affording much gratification to the brethren present . The folloiving are the officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Yanderlyn , S . AA " . ; Coram , J . AV . ; Prescott , S . D . ; DallimoreJ . D . ; GreenwaldI . G . All business endedthe
, , , lodge ivas closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . On the cloth being removed , the AV . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts most felicitously , and the D . Prov . G . M ., in a lengthened speech , pointed out the beauties of Masonry , dilating on its many excellences , and urging the brethren to persevere in maintaining its great aim and end—Charity . The room in ivhich No . 235 meets is acknowledged to be the finest lodge-room in the
province . BAMSGATE . —Royal Navy Lodge ( No . 621 ) . —On Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., this loclge was honoured by a visit from Bro . Dobson , D . Prov . G . M . of Kent , a goodly number of brethren , of the Margate and Deal Lodges as ivell as of this loclge , being present . The lodge having been opened , the D . Prov . G . M . n as duly saluted in the accustomed manner , after which Bro . Darby was examined , entrusted , and raised to the sublime degree of M . M . and Bro . Sanders examinedentrusted ,
, , and passed to the degree of F . C , both ceremonies being mosfc ably performed by Bro . Finch , AV . M . The loclge was then closed , ancl the brethren made their ivay to the banquetting room , where a sumptuous repast ivas aivaiting them , prepared by our esteemed Bros . Hiscocks . After the usual loyal toasts had been given and drunk , Bro . Finch , AV . M ., rose to propose the toast of the evening— " The Health of Bro . Dobson . " He expressed the pleasure ivhich the
brethren ancl himself felt in being honoured ivith the acquaintance of so distinguished and stanch a Mason , and hoped that his visits among them ivould be frequent . He concluded by proposing "The Health of the R . AV . D . Prov . G . M . "—Bro . DOBSON rose ancl saicl , AV . M . and brethren , I indeed feel honoured by the very flattering manner in ivhich my name has been received this evening , and beg sincerelto thank you for kind expressions towards
y your me . It is , as you know , the duty either of the Prov . G . M ., or his deputy , occasionally to visit the lodges ; knowing the multifarious occupations of his lordship , I volunteered to take this parfc on myself , and this is the first occasion that has brought me among my brothers of Loclge 621—the mosfc numerous , I believe , in East Kent . AVith regard to the working , I have been more than pleased ;
for not only did the AV . M . most ably perforin the two ceremonies , but the whole of his officers seemed equally ivell acquainted ivith tho work , and this is the more gratifying from the fact of their all being young Masons . Your success I attribute solely to attendance at the Loclge of Instruction . I ivas rejoiced to hear that you have one , as it is there alone that Masonry can bo fully worked out , its principles dived into , its characteristics examined , ancl its beauties discussed : let me ask all of to continue in constant
attenyou dance there as often as possible , particularly the Past Masters and older brethren , Avithout whom there Avould be a dearth of that nourishment and Avarmth Avhich young plants always require . Moreover , it is to these former that ive must look for the firm setting of those truly bright ornaments of the Mason ' s crown—honour , truth and virtue ; to them we also look for the inculcation of all true Masonic princiles—princiles whichif once
p p , rooted in our breasts , will not only raise our socialposition , and tend to the amelioration of our nature here , but will inevitably expand our hearts , increase our love towards God and man , and finally obtain for us an entrance into those mansions which the G . A . O . T . U . has prepared for those ivho serve and obey him . —Bro . Dobson again rose ancl saicl , brethren , I have now to propose "TheHealth of tho AA ' " . M . " I am glad to perceive that he is no lukewarm Masonbufc
, one that has it at his heart , has persevered in the good work , and Avon the esteem and regard of all his brethren . The healths of Bros . Beeching , P . M ., Treas . ; Hiscocks , P . M ., Sec . ; Snowden , S . AV ., Prov . G . Reg . ; Phipps , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . AV , and of several other brethren , were also drunk and responded to . The Secretary ' s and the Tyler ' s toasts having been given in due form , the proceedings of avery agreeable meeting were brought to a close .
MIDDLESEX . U . X 15 R 1 DCE . —Royal Union Lodge ( No . 536 ) . —The members of this lodge met afc the Chequers Hotel , Uxbridge , on Monday , the 15 th inst ., ancl proceeded to business with thafc punctuality ivhich seems part and parcel of theis AA . M ' s ., Bro . Newall ' ' existence . The business on that occasion ivas confined to initiations , and three gentlemen , Messrs . AVools , Williams , and Spier , were
most ably received into the Order . There were also several Dispositions for joining , and the loclge , which six months ago numbered but some ten or twelve members , now consists of more than thirty , many of them being ivell-known London ivorking Masons . The