Article NOTES ON LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND ART. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Notes On Literature, Science, And Art.
Majesty , Head Master of Rngby School , Chaplain to the Right Hon . the Earl of . Denbigh , and one of the authors of Essays and Reviews , has ready for publication Sermons Preached in Rugby School Chapel in 1858 , 1859 , 1860 . The Rev . John Dunmore Lang , D . D ., has a neiv work jnsfc on tlie eve of publication , entitled Queensland , Australia : the Future
Cotton Field of Great Britain ; with a Disquisition ou the Origin , Manners , and Customs of the Aborigines . Dr . Lang ' s name is a sufficient guarantee for the book . Mr . Charles Dickens is fco preside at the anniversary dinner of the Neivsvender's Benevolent and Provident Institution , which is to take place at Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday , May 23 rd .
The Dnke of Manchester is editing Tlie Court and Society from Elizabeth to Anne , illustrated from the Papers and Portraits at Kimbolton . Mr . Woolner has completed Ills marble bust of Professor F . D . Maurice . The monument to James Montgomery , including a statue bj * Mr . John Bell , is expected shortly to be placed over the poet's
remains at Sheffield . The bis-annual exhibition of fine arts at Geneva ivill take place this year , at the Electoral Palace , from fche 1 st to 31 st of August . Amongst the new works announced for publication is The Experience of a Scripture Reader among the Colliers of South Staffordshire .
Mr . F . G . Trafford ' s new novel , City and Suburb , is just out . Mr . Mudie has at present a thousand copies of the Quarterly Review in circulation , containing the critique on Essays and Reviews .
Trumps is the title of a new novel , by Mr . George William Curtis , on the eve of publication . We are glad to find the Art Journal lor the present month thus commenting on the ridiculous new monumental brass in fche north aisle of the nave of Westminster Abbey , which purports to commemorate the late General Sir Robert Wilson , S . C . B . and M . P ., ancl the Dame Jemima his wife : — "Admirably although this brass
is executed , it is the strangest example of mistaken zeal for mediaeval usages , ancl of equally mistaken sympathy with mediaival feeling , that ever has fallen under our notice ; indeed , ifc is a blunder so truly absurd , thafc we are equally at a loss to account for its having been designed by Mr . Powell , and produced by Messrs . Hardman , and also for the Dean and Chapter of
Westminster having permitted it to be placed in the Abbey . The brass consists of the figure of a knighfc , fully equipped in the armour of the early parfc of the reign of Henry IV ., ivith another figure of a lady , also , apparently , a Lancastrian ; beneath the feet of these effigies are tivo groups of fifteenth century children , seven boys ancl six girls ; ancl above them rises a rich double canopy , apparently
about contemporary ivith 'the Dame Jemima , ' ivhich is effectively enriched with a shield of arms , richly emblazoned in enamel . Such an absolute mockery of all monumental consistency can scarcely fail , we trust , to be so far valuable thafc it must lead all sensible medicevalists to the conviction that the gothic of this "Victorian age must be a living style , historically eloquent ancl truthful , ancl not an unmeaning copyist of certain relics of the past . We now
value fche old brasses , hecause we know them to be faithful illustrators of their own times ; but this unfortunate parody is worse than worthless , because , if it conveys any signification at all , ifc simply misrepresents and misleads . " Professor Holler has recently discovered a hitherto unknown manuscript by brave John Huss , ivho Avas burnt alive , nearly four
centuries and a half ago , for teaching , in Bohemia , the doctrines of our own John Wycliffe . The manuscript is a portion of a diary kept by the great reformer during his imprisonment at Constance , and has been found in the Imperial Library at Prague . Lady Charlotte Bury , the author of some once-fashionable novels , & c , of very flimsy material , has departed this life . Her literary reputation departed long ago .
Tlie Editor is noi rct-ponsillefoi' the opinions expressed ly Correspondents A LOST CHAETEE . TO THE EDITOU 01 ! TEE TKEEMASONS MAGAZINE AND ATASO . VIC 3 IIKB 0 K . DEAE SIE AND BEOTIIER . —Erom the widely spread
circulation of your MAGAZINE , and the fact of its gaming access to almost every part of the Masonic ivorld , induces me to solicit a space for the following in your next publication , as it may not only be interesting to many of your readers , but probably your MnutoRmay east some ray of light on a long lost document , and be the means of restoring to a worthy society of Masons their oriinal Grand Lodge Warrant
g , dated 1732 , a treasure which would be prized as invaluable by the members of the Medina Lodge ( Kb . 41 ) , West Cowes , Isle of Wight ; and at the same time could not fail to be a source of great gratification to any party who may be so fortunate as to be able to convey such a boon to a community of brethren . The following is a copy of the Warrant of Confirmation , which not only sets forth the vicissitudes to
which the lodge was subjected in its early days , but also certifies as to its patriarchal age , and a sojourn of a hundred years in the old sea-port of Cowes , where it still retains a healthy vitality , and the Worshipful Master to whom the Warrant of Confirmation was granted still continues to be an active ivorking member of the lodge . Trusting in your liberality , very faithfully and fraternally
yours ,, GEOEGE WYATT , P . Prov . S . G . W . Newport , Isle of Wight , April 16 , 1861 .
AUGUSTUS FBHXEBICI * , G-. M . To all and every our Bight Worshipful , Worshipful , and loving Brethren , Prince Augustus Frederick of Brunswick Lnnenburgh , Duke of Sussex , Earl of Inverness , Baron of Arklow , Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter &
e , c . GRAND MASTER of the most Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of England , Send greeting . — Whereas , ifc appears by the Records of our Grand Lodge , that a Warrant , bearing date the Sevenfceeth of February , One thousand seven hundred and thirty-two , was issued
under the Seal of Masonry , enabling certain brethren , therein named , to open ancl hold a Lodge of Freemasons , at the Theatre Tavern , Goodman's Fields , in the City of London , and which Loclge was then No . Ill , ancl in the year One thousand seven hundred and thirty-eight , removed to the Fleece Tavern , Goodman's Fields , at the time of alteration of numbers . In One thousand seven hundred and forty , became No . 99 , in One thousand seven hundred and forty-one removed to the Angel and CrownWliitechapcl . In
, One thousand seven hundred and fifty , removed to the City of Norwich , Wentworth-street , Spitalfields . By the alteration of numbers , in One thousand seven hundred and fifty-six , became No . 57 . In One thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight , removed to the Queenhithe Coffee House , Queenhithe . In One thousand seven hundred ancl sixty-one , removed to West Cowes , in the Isle of
Wight . By the alteration of numbers in One thousand seven hundred and seventy , became No . 39 . In one thousand seven hundred ancl seventy-eight , ifc took the name or title of the Medina Loclge . By the alteration of numbers in One thousand seven hundred and eighty-one , became No . 33 . By the alteration of numbers , in One thousand seven hundred and ninety-two became No . 31 , and ivhieli Lodge , in consequence of the union of the tivo Fraternities of Masonson the twenty-seventh DecemberOne
, , thousand eight hundred and thirteen , became , and is now , registered No . 48 . And whereas , the brethren composing the said Lodge have , by their memorial , represented to us thafc their saicl Warrant hath , by some accident , been lost or destroyed , ancl they have , therefore , prayed us to grant them a Warrant of Confirmation . Now , know ye , that Ave being satisfied of the reasonableness of the saicl requestdo herebgrant onr Warrant of Confirmation unto
, y our right , trusty , and well-beloved brethren , Thomas Osborne , Charles Miller , Richard Kendall , Richard I'inhorn , George Woodyear , George Corke , Jun ., William Edmunds , and others composing ; the . said Loclge , authorising and empowering them ancl their successors to assemble and hold a Lodge of Free and Accepted
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notes On Literature, Science, And Art.
Majesty , Head Master of Rngby School , Chaplain to the Right Hon . the Earl of . Denbigh , and one of the authors of Essays and Reviews , has ready for publication Sermons Preached in Rugby School Chapel in 1858 , 1859 , 1860 . The Rev . John Dunmore Lang , D . D ., has a neiv work jnsfc on tlie eve of publication , entitled Queensland , Australia : the Future
Cotton Field of Great Britain ; with a Disquisition ou the Origin , Manners , and Customs of the Aborigines . Dr . Lang ' s name is a sufficient guarantee for the book . Mr . Charles Dickens is fco preside at the anniversary dinner of the Neivsvender's Benevolent and Provident Institution , which is to take place at Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday , May 23 rd .
The Dnke of Manchester is editing Tlie Court and Society from Elizabeth to Anne , illustrated from the Papers and Portraits at Kimbolton . Mr . Woolner has completed Ills marble bust of Professor F . D . Maurice . The monument to James Montgomery , including a statue bj * Mr . John Bell , is expected shortly to be placed over the poet's
remains at Sheffield . The bis-annual exhibition of fine arts at Geneva ivill take place this year , at the Electoral Palace , from fche 1 st to 31 st of August . Amongst the new works announced for publication is The Experience of a Scripture Reader among the Colliers of South Staffordshire .
Mr . F . G . Trafford ' s new novel , City and Suburb , is just out . Mr . Mudie has at present a thousand copies of the Quarterly Review in circulation , containing the critique on Essays and Reviews .
Trumps is the title of a new novel , by Mr . George William Curtis , on the eve of publication . We are glad to find the Art Journal lor the present month thus commenting on the ridiculous new monumental brass in fche north aisle of the nave of Westminster Abbey , which purports to commemorate the late General Sir Robert Wilson , S . C . B . and M . P ., ancl the Dame Jemima his wife : — "Admirably although this brass
is executed , it is the strangest example of mistaken zeal for mediaeval usages , ancl of equally mistaken sympathy with mediaival feeling , that ever has fallen under our notice ; indeed , ifc is a blunder so truly absurd , thafc we are equally at a loss to account for its having been designed by Mr . Powell , and produced by Messrs . Hardman , and also for the Dean and Chapter of
Westminster having permitted it to be placed in the Abbey . The brass consists of the figure of a knighfc , fully equipped in the armour of the early parfc of the reign of Henry IV ., ivith another figure of a lady , also , apparently , a Lancastrian ; beneath the feet of these effigies are tivo groups of fifteenth century children , seven boys ancl six girls ; ancl above them rises a rich double canopy , apparently
about contemporary ivith 'the Dame Jemima , ' ivhich is effectively enriched with a shield of arms , richly emblazoned in enamel . Such an absolute mockery of all monumental consistency can scarcely fail , we trust , to be so far valuable thafc it must lead all sensible medicevalists to the conviction that the gothic of this "Victorian age must be a living style , historically eloquent ancl truthful , ancl not an unmeaning copyist of certain relics of the past . We now
value fche old brasses , hecause we know them to be faithful illustrators of their own times ; but this unfortunate parody is worse than worthless , because , if it conveys any signification at all , ifc simply misrepresents and misleads . " Professor Holler has recently discovered a hitherto unknown manuscript by brave John Huss , ivho Avas burnt alive , nearly four
centuries and a half ago , for teaching , in Bohemia , the doctrines of our own John Wycliffe . The manuscript is a portion of a diary kept by the great reformer during his imprisonment at Constance , and has been found in the Imperial Library at Prague . Lady Charlotte Bury , the author of some once-fashionable novels , & c , of very flimsy material , has departed this life . Her literary reputation departed long ago .
Tlie Editor is noi rct-ponsillefoi' the opinions expressed ly Correspondents A LOST CHAETEE . TO THE EDITOU 01 ! TEE TKEEMASONS MAGAZINE AND ATASO . VIC 3 IIKB 0 K . DEAE SIE AND BEOTIIER . —Erom the widely spread
circulation of your MAGAZINE , and the fact of its gaming access to almost every part of the Masonic ivorld , induces me to solicit a space for the following in your next publication , as it may not only be interesting to many of your readers , but probably your MnutoRmay east some ray of light on a long lost document , and be the means of restoring to a worthy society of Masons their oriinal Grand Lodge Warrant
g , dated 1732 , a treasure which would be prized as invaluable by the members of the Medina Lodge ( Kb . 41 ) , West Cowes , Isle of Wight ; and at the same time could not fail to be a source of great gratification to any party who may be so fortunate as to be able to convey such a boon to a community of brethren . The following is a copy of the Warrant of Confirmation , which not only sets forth the vicissitudes to
which the lodge was subjected in its early days , but also certifies as to its patriarchal age , and a sojourn of a hundred years in the old sea-port of Cowes , where it still retains a healthy vitality , and the Worshipful Master to whom the Warrant of Confirmation was granted still continues to be an active ivorking member of the lodge . Trusting in your liberality , very faithfully and fraternally
yours ,, GEOEGE WYATT , P . Prov . S . G . W . Newport , Isle of Wight , April 16 , 1861 .
AUGUSTUS FBHXEBICI * , G-. M . To all and every our Bight Worshipful , Worshipful , and loving Brethren , Prince Augustus Frederick of Brunswick Lnnenburgh , Duke of Sussex , Earl of Inverness , Baron of Arklow , Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter &
e , c . GRAND MASTER of the most Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of England , Send greeting . — Whereas , ifc appears by the Records of our Grand Lodge , that a Warrant , bearing date the Sevenfceeth of February , One thousand seven hundred and thirty-two , was issued
under the Seal of Masonry , enabling certain brethren , therein named , to open ancl hold a Lodge of Freemasons , at the Theatre Tavern , Goodman's Fields , in the City of London , and which Loclge was then No . Ill , ancl in the year One thousand seven hundred and thirty-eight , removed to the Fleece Tavern , Goodman's Fields , at the time of alteration of numbers . In One thousand seven hundred and forty , became No . 99 , in One thousand seven hundred and forty-one removed to the Angel and CrownWliitechapcl . In
, One thousand seven hundred and fifty , removed to the City of Norwich , Wentworth-street , Spitalfields . By the alteration of numbers , in One thousand seven hundred and fifty-six , became No . 57 . In One thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight , removed to the Queenhithe Coffee House , Queenhithe . In One thousand seven hundred ancl sixty-one , removed to West Cowes , in the Isle of
Wight . By the alteration of numbers in One thousand seven hundred and seventy , became No . 39 . In one thousand seven hundred ancl seventy-eight , ifc took the name or title of the Medina Loclge . By the alteration of numbers in One thousand seven hundred and eighty-one , became No . 33 . By the alteration of numbers , in One thousand seven hundred and ninety-two became No . 31 , and ivhieli Lodge , in consequence of the union of the tivo Fraternities of Masonson the twenty-seventh DecemberOne
, , thousand eight hundred and thirteen , became , and is now , registered No . 48 . And whereas , the brethren composing the said Lodge have , by their memorial , represented to us thafc their saicl Warrant hath , by some accident , been lost or destroyed , ancl they have , therefore , prayed us to grant them a Warrant of Confirmation . Now , know ye , that Ave being satisfied of the reasonableness of the saicl requestdo herebgrant onr Warrant of Confirmation unto
, y our right , trusty , and well-beloved brethren , Thomas Osborne , Charles Miller , Richard Kendall , Richard I'inhorn , George Woodyear , George Corke , Jun ., William Edmunds , and others composing ; the . said Loclge , authorising and empowering them ancl their successors to assemble and hold a Lodge of Free and Accepted