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The Nemesis: A Tale Of The Days Of Trajan.
Bacchanal , Lais Avas a Bacchanal , and Phryne was a Bacchanal . " Caius moved not , made no sign of wonderhe had to learn nothing that could astonish him now .
" Mark you , Caius , you do not marry that woman . " " Rest easy , my lord , I will not marry her . " " So far , so good . Now Balbus dies , convicted of the crime of fostering Bacchanalism .
Sempronia ' s name must never be mentioned in Rome . Few know her fate , and those Avho know it , have every reason to conceal her shame . Hide it in your heart , or rather forget ifc . NOAV , you have been seen much in the company of Balbus , who
has not failed to spread abroad the news of your marriage Avith Phryne . Balbus condemned for forbidden practices , the people will fancy that you too were a Bacchanal . "
" I ? " cried Caius indignantly . " Yes , you . Our Romans are censorious . You will command the guard at his execution . " Caius made a gesture of dissent , Avhich Trajan took no notice of , but calling for his attendants , said on quitting the room— "We command our lieutenant Caius Fabius to see the sentence
executed upon the culprit Balbus . This Avas an order Avhich . he dared not disobey . Accordingly descending the stairs he made his Avay to the prison Avhere Balbus Avas confined , and there found Dentatus and a guard . DentafcUs after
salutation , said : " We waited for you , Caius . " " What is the manner of his death ?"
" To be Avhippecl Avith rods , till nearly deadthen beheaded , and his body cast into the Tiber . " " A fearful death , " said Caius , shuddering . " Do you think so ? " said Dentatus , with a cold smile . " To my mind I would have him die a
less speedy death . For * his crime an eternity of punishment could not expiate it , or Avin from me a single upthumb . Now that you are here , we may as better march . " Balbus was led forth into the open air , his
maimer cool and collected . He looked steadily before him and recognised no one . A great crowd of people , attracted by the neAvs of the crime , and the position of the criminal , had gathered round the prison . On a platform above the doorway
the executioner and his assistants stood , the latter Avith virgis , or * rods , in their hands . Balbus Avas led thither , and his hands tied to a post . Then
The Nemesis: A Tale Of The Days Of Trajan.
the cruel punishment commenced ; assistant after assistant raining doAvn blows that echoed a ar off , and covered the doomed one ' s back with blood and mangled flesh . Not a word , not a groan , not even a motion did that terrific torture Avring from
Balbus . His face greAv pale , and the cold perspiration stood in beads upon his brow . He was otherwise a stone , or rather like some wild beast at bay , helpless to defend himself , he had resolved mutely and unflinchingly to die . Caius grew pallid
at the ghastly spectacle , Avhile Dentatus , close to the flagellists , watched the effect of every WOAV . At length the young Roman , sick of the blood and WOAVS , called upon the executioner to do the last office .
" He has not received half enough , " cried Dentafcus , savagely ; " beat on . " " Hold , " cried Caius , as an assistant raised his hand to strike . " I command here . The Emperor ' s orders have been carried out to the letter . See , even the people are sick of it . Finish the execution . "
Balbus Avho had been in a slight sAVoon heard these Avords , and a gentle feeling entered his eyes as he turned them upon the young Roman . If he loved anyone besides Lais , it was Cains , and that love amid the anguish of death , the clouds of
a guilty conscience , bubbled up to his eyes , and Avent forth in a single tear . Caius had said truly , the people Avere sick of the dull thud of blows , and many of them had turned their faces away from the platform . Two persons , hoAvever , had
crushed forward to the first rank to glut their eyes with the spectacle , and as Balbus Avas placed in position to receive the executioner ' s stroke he saAV them . As the sword rose , one , a woman , turned with a laugh to her companion . Balbus started ,
he recognised Lais and Murfcius—the hand that had betrayed him was revealed—the next instant his head fell to the ground . ( To he continued . ) [ Tho Author rosorvos tho right of roproelnction and translation . ]
Masonic Notes And Queries.
ELEUSINIAN MYSTERIES . A quantity of matter from ancient authorities on the Eleusinian and other mysteries is to be found in " Van Dael cle Oracnlis , " which has very curious plates . I founded a summer lodge for Smyrna at Ephesus , called the Eleusinian , where initiations have been held on the site where initiations into the mysteries of Eleusis likewise took place . The mysteries of Eleusis figure in the Masonic literature of the Continent in the last century . — HVDE CLARKE .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Nemesis: A Tale Of The Days Of Trajan.
Bacchanal , Lais Avas a Bacchanal , and Phryne was a Bacchanal . " Caius moved not , made no sign of wonderhe had to learn nothing that could astonish him now .
" Mark you , Caius , you do not marry that woman . " " Rest easy , my lord , I will not marry her . " " So far , so good . Now Balbus dies , convicted of the crime of fostering Bacchanalism .
Sempronia ' s name must never be mentioned in Rome . Few know her fate , and those Avho know it , have every reason to conceal her shame . Hide it in your heart , or rather forget ifc . NOAV , you have been seen much in the company of Balbus , who
has not failed to spread abroad the news of your marriage Avith Phryne . Balbus condemned for forbidden practices , the people will fancy that you too were a Bacchanal . "
" I ? " cried Caius indignantly . " Yes , you . Our Romans are censorious . You will command the guard at his execution . " Caius made a gesture of dissent , Avhich Trajan took no notice of , but calling for his attendants , said on quitting the room— "We command our lieutenant Caius Fabius to see the sentence
executed upon the culprit Balbus . This Avas an order Avhich . he dared not disobey . Accordingly descending the stairs he made his Avay to the prison Avhere Balbus Avas confined , and there found Dentatus and a guard . DentafcUs after
salutation , said : " We waited for you , Caius . " " What is the manner of his death ?"
" To be Avhippecl Avith rods , till nearly deadthen beheaded , and his body cast into the Tiber . " " A fearful death , " said Caius , shuddering . " Do you think so ? " said Dentatus , with a cold smile . " To my mind I would have him die a
less speedy death . For * his crime an eternity of punishment could not expiate it , or Avin from me a single upthumb . Now that you are here , we may as better march . " Balbus was led forth into the open air , his
maimer cool and collected . He looked steadily before him and recognised no one . A great crowd of people , attracted by the neAvs of the crime , and the position of the criminal , had gathered round the prison . On a platform above the doorway
the executioner and his assistants stood , the latter Avith virgis , or * rods , in their hands . Balbus Avas led thither , and his hands tied to a post . Then
The Nemesis: A Tale Of The Days Of Trajan.
the cruel punishment commenced ; assistant after assistant raining doAvn blows that echoed a ar off , and covered the doomed one ' s back with blood and mangled flesh . Not a word , not a groan , not even a motion did that terrific torture Avring from
Balbus . His face greAv pale , and the cold perspiration stood in beads upon his brow . He was otherwise a stone , or rather like some wild beast at bay , helpless to defend himself , he had resolved mutely and unflinchingly to die . Caius grew pallid
at the ghastly spectacle , Avhile Dentatus , close to the flagellists , watched the effect of every WOAV . At length the young Roman , sick of the blood and WOAVS , called upon the executioner to do the last office .
" He has not received half enough , " cried Dentafcus , savagely ; " beat on . " " Hold , " cried Caius , as an assistant raised his hand to strike . " I command here . The Emperor ' s orders have been carried out to the letter . See , even the people are sick of it . Finish the execution . "
Balbus Avho had been in a slight sAVoon heard these Avords , and a gentle feeling entered his eyes as he turned them upon the young Roman . If he loved anyone besides Lais , it was Cains , and that love amid the anguish of death , the clouds of
a guilty conscience , bubbled up to his eyes , and Avent forth in a single tear . Caius had said truly , the people Avere sick of the dull thud of blows , and many of them had turned their faces away from the platform . Two persons , hoAvever , had
crushed forward to the first rank to glut their eyes with the spectacle , and as Balbus Avas placed in position to receive the executioner ' s stroke he saAV them . As the sword rose , one , a woman , turned with a laugh to her companion . Balbus started ,
he recognised Lais and Murfcius—the hand that had betrayed him was revealed—the next instant his head fell to the ground . ( To he continued . ) [ Tho Author rosorvos tho right of roproelnction and translation . ]
Masonic Notes And Queries.
ELEUSINIAN MYSTERIES . A quantity of matter from ancient authorities on the Eleusinian and other mysteries is to be found in " Van Dael cle Oracnlis , " which has very curious plates . I founded a summer lodge for Smyrna at Ephesus , called the Eleusinian , where initiations have been held on the site where initiations into the mysteries of Eleusis likewise took place . The mysteries of Eleusis figure in the Masonic literature of the Continent in the last century . — HVDE CLARKE .