Article MASONIC MEMS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Mems.
necessity of fixing these terms with a view to know the approximate number of subscribers , previous to organising the festival . Civil ( evening ) dress compulsory . " Printed forms of vouchers for dinner tickets arc now ready , and may be had afc the office of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE by such members of the Order as will forward their application , together with their
Masonic certificate , or certificates , in a registered letter , or by book post parcel , together with a post-office order for sixteen shillings . The voucher and documents will be returned , prepaid and registered , without any further charge , within three clays .
Exocn LODGE ( NO . 11 ) . —The last meeting of this lodgo for the present season took piace on Wednesday , the 10 th instant , nt the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , when Mr . Herbert JVIarsland was initiated into Freemasonry . Bro . G-reaves , P . M ., afterwards raised Bro . C . King Hall in his usual correct , careful , and effective manner . Other Masonic business having been attended to , the brethren retired to a most liberal and admirable banquetprovided band personallattended to b
, y y y the indefatigable and gentlemanly manager , Bro . Gosden , of this wonderfully improved tavern . The W . M ., Bro . Thomas Ferguson , presided , supported by Bros . H . Potter , Dale , Greaves , C . Watson , P . Matthews , F . Ledger , Moutrie , P . M . ' s , and thirty brethren , including as visitors Bros . W . H . Taylor ( Unity ) , E . R . Ware , Ganz , C . Hall , C . Slomair , & c . During tho evening Bro . Ganz played with thorough artistic talent anil spirit tho
brilliant transcription of his own beautiful composition , " Tho Nightingale ' s Trill , " which enraptured all present , as did another of his wonelerful executions later in the evening . Tho vocal abilities of Bro . W . H . Tayler were most pleasing , seconded by Bros . C . Watson , C . Hall , Keeling , & c , causing a delightful evening to pass with true Masonic enjoyment and pleasure . Bro . Moutrie is the steward from this loelge for the Girls' Festival , which will take
place in the New Hall on the Sth of May . THE UNION OP WATERLOO LODGE ( NO . 13 ) . —This lodge met on Tuesday tire 9 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Woolwich , when Bro . A . H . Tattershall , AV . M ., presided , and initiated one gentleman , passed three brethren , and afterwards raised one brother to the third degree . Several visitors were present . ROBERT BTJUNS LODGE ( NO . 35 ) . —This , one of the most Einnerous lodges in London , held tlie monthly meeting on the 1 st inst . at the Freemasons' Hull , Queen-street . The AV . M ., Bro . F . W . Hartley , having taken his seat , supported by his
officers and a large board of P . M . ' s ., proceeded to open lodge , which was duly performed . The next business was the confirmation of the minutes of last meeting , which was carried in trie usual way amongst Masons . Some discussion then took place upon a previous motion for alteration of by-laws . It was proposed by Bro . Dyte , P . M ., aud seconded by Bvo . Farmer , P . M . and Treas . , "That from and after tho 1 st of January , 1 S 6 Stho initiation fee shall be seven guineasand the joining
, , fee four guineas ; that all professional anel country members ' subscription bo one guinea per annum ( excepting the present professional and country members ); and further , that the sum of four shillings per annum be paicl out of the subscriptions to the fund of benevolence of the loelge . " The next proposition was , "That a summer festival be given to the ladies , at the Crystal Palaceto take place on the 27 th day of Juno next . " AVe
, are pleased to record that no discussion took place upon this proposition , which met with a hearty concurrence , it being carried unanimously . These matters being satisfactorily settled , the- working of the lodge was resumed . Bros . Edwards and Pretty were placed before the W . M ., and the brethren being satisfied with their responses , they were entrusted with the Fellow Craft degree , after which Bros . James , Chambers , and
Bayne were similarly questioned , and impressively raised to t ' . ie third degree in Freemasonry . This was followed liy tho initiation of four gentlemen , Messrs . Charles Kirby , George T .-iylor , W . H . Ward , and A . D . Francis , well and worthily recommended , who received tho first step in the Order with becoming modesty . Business ended , the lodge was closeel . LODGE OF JCTSITOE ( NO . 1-17 ) . —This lodge met at tho AVhite Swan , Deptford , on the lOfch inst ., Bro . G . Chapman , "W . M ., in the chair , when Bro . Brown was passed to tlie second degree . There were present Bros . G . Bolton , P . M . ; T . Llovd , P . M .: J .
Bavin , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Lightfoot , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M . ; N . Wingfteld , P . M . ; and visitors , Bros . AV . Simmons , P . M . 5 S 4 ; II . Whittle , . T . D . S 71 , and many others . LODGE OE COKEIDENCE ( NO . 1 D 3 ) . —This lodge may congratulate itself on heing under the rule of a Master erudite in his lodge duties , anel full of all those amenities which so well fit a brother to preside at the banquet board . Bro . Samuel
AA ebb , the WM . , on tho Sth inst . combined tho attributes of which we have just spoken in the most eminent manner . His inductions of Mr . Ashley and Mr . Ilolyoake into the vestibule ofthe Masonic Temple were marked by dignity , solemnity , and correctness ; anel well the recipients of the earlier mysteries seemed to appreciate the exhortations of their mentor . Labour concludedrefreshment succeed eelarid an admirably provided
, , banquet graced the festal board . It was such as ever proceeds from the cuisine of the Blessrs . Clemow , and more need not be said . The P . M . ' s present were : —Bros . Bobbins , I . P . M ., Birch , Warno , I . Rogers , and Friday Rogers ; while the guests availing themselves of tho hospitality of the lodge were Bros . Avliss , 201 ; Park , 3-1 ; Jones , 108 ; Robinson , 201 ; Dunn , 21 ; Charles Sloman 25 ; Birdseye 715 ; anel Jeffrey 201 . Bro . C . Sloman
, , , , in his usual impromptu effusions , introduced the names of the brethren , and the detail of the evening , after his well-known efficient style . MERCHANT NAVY LODGE ( NO . 781 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on the 10 th inst ., at the Silver Tavern , Buvdett-road , Limehouse . Bro . C . Iv . Killick , W . M ., presidedsupported by Bros . D . A . DavisW . M . eleetS . W . ;
, , , Br . icebridge , J . AV . ; Sutton , S . D . ; Helps , J . D . ; Bradbury , I . G . ; Read , Hon . See . ; AVright , Daniell Potts , Kindred , and Steadman , Past Masters ; and many other brethren and visitors , amongst whom were Bros . Hieks , P . M . 174 ; Clark , P . M . 534 ; Bellaby , AV . M . 65 ; Grellat , J . AV " . 507 ; Self , S 9 S ; Lincoln , S 9 S ; Jenkins , 72 ; and Storey , 1 , 076 . The loelge having been openeel in due formand tho minutes of the last regular lodge and
, lodges of emergency read and confirmed , Bro . Potts then toolc tho chair , and Bro . Davis , W . M . elect , was formally presented to receive at his bands tbe benefit of installation . Bro . Davis having given his assent to all the qualifications for AV . M ., the brethren below the degree of Installed Masters were requested to
retire . A Board of Past Masters was formed , and he was duly installed into the chair of K . S . The brethren were then readmitted and the new AV . M . received the congratulations of the brethren and the usual salutes . The AA . M . then appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . Bracebrielge , S . W . ; Read ( late Sec ) , J . AV . ; Sutton , S . D . ; Bradbury , J . D . ; Armstrong , I . G . ; Medium ! , Sec . ; Potts , Dir . of Cers . ; Gibbs , Steward . Bros . AVright , P . M ., invested as Treas . ; and Hoare , Tyler . Bro . Potts then
delivered the customary address in a most impressive manner , which elicited from all the brethren the warmest approbat'oa . Bro . AVright , P . M ., then informed the brethren a very pleasing duty devolved upon him , that of presenting their Immediate Past Master , Bro . Killick , with the jewel voted by the brethren at their last regular lodge meeting , he , Bro . Wright , having had the pleasure of initiating Bro . Killick into Masonry some years sincefelt an irresistable desire to solicit from their AV . M . the
, honour and privilege of placing this jewel on tho breast of Bro . Killick , and in doing so , in feeling terms , expressed the gratitude of the brethren for his courteous bearing and uniform , kindness during his year of office ; likewise passing a high eulogism upon his excellent working , and concluded by expressing a hope that he might be spared many years to continue his mission of usefulness to Masonry , anel to the Merchant Navy Lodge particularly . Bro . Killickin acknowledging the high
, compliment passeel upon him by Bro . Wright , stated ho hael certainly made the interests anel harmony of the lodgo his constant study , and was happy to find he had succeeded to the satisfaction of the brethren , but he wished also to remind them he had been materially assisted by the kindness and ability of Bro . AVright , P . M ., who was always ready to come to his aid with counsel and advice , he also wished to remind the brethren
that he had in Bro . Roid a most efficient Secretary , one who had shown himself very zealous in his duties , anel which was of great assistance to a Master , he therefore heartily thanked the brethren for the kind token of their esteem , and assured them that lie should ever wear it with pride , he hoped an honest and becoming pride , feeling that whenever he went he carried with him the fraternal nndbesfc wishes of the brethren of Merchant Navy Lodge . Nothing further being offered , the lodge , as customary , closeel with solemn prayer , all the business proper of this lodge having been transacted at a lodge of emergency called
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
necessity of fixing these terms with a view to know the approximate number of subscribers , previous to organising the festival . Civil ( evening ) dress compulsory . " Printed forms of vouchers for dinner tickets arc now ready , and may be had afc the office of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE by such members of the Order as will forward their application , together with their
Masonic certificate , or certificates , in a registered letter , or by book post parcel , together with a post-office order for sixteen shillings . The voucher and documents will be returned , prepaid and registered , without any further charge , within three clays .
Exocn LODGE ( NO . 11 ) . —The last meeting of this lodgo for the present season took piace on Wednesday , the 10 th instant , nt the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , when Mr . Herbert JVIarsland was initiated into Freemasonry . Bro . G-reaves , P . M ., afterwards raised Bro . C . King Hall in his usual correct , careful , and effective manner . Other Masonic business having been attended to , the brethren retired to a most liberal and admirable banquetprovided band personallattended to b
, y y y the indefatigable and gentlemanly manager , Bro . Gosden , of this wonderfully improved tavern . The W . M ., Bro . Thomas Ferguson , presided , supported by Bros . H . Potter , Dale , Greaves , C . Watson , P . Matthews , F . Ledger , Moutrie , P . M . ' s , and thirty brethren , including as visitors Bros . W . H . Taylor ( Unity ) , E . R . Ware , Ganz , C . Hall , C . Slomair , & c . During tho evening Bro . Ganz played with thorough artistic talent anil spirit tho
brilliant transcription of his own beautiful composition , " Tho Nightingale ' s Trill , " which enraptured all present , as did another of his wonelerful executions later in the evening . Tho vocal abilities of Bro . W . H . Tayler were most pleasing , seconded by Bros . C . Watson , C . Hall , Keeling , & c , causing a delightful evening to pass with true Masonic enjoyment and pleasure . Bro . Moutrie is the steward from this loelge for the Girls' Festival , which will take
place in the New Hall on the Sth of May . THE UNION OP WATERLOO LODGE ( NO . 13 ) . —This lodge met on Tuesday tire 9 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Woolwich , when Bro . A . H . Tattershall , AV . M ., presided , and initiated one gentleman , passed three brethren , and afterwards raised one brother to the third degree . Several visitors were present . ROBERT BTJUNS LODGE ( NO . 35 ) . —This , one of the most Einnerous lodges in London , held tlie monthly meeting on the 1 st inst . at the Freemasons' Hull , Queen-street . The AV . M ., Bro . F . W . Hartley , having taken his seat , supported by his
officers and a large board of P . M . ' s ., proceeded to open lodge , which was duly performed . The next business was the confirmation of the minutes of last meeting , which was carried in trie usual way amongst Masons . Some discussion then took place upon a previous motion for alteration of by-laws . It was proposed by Bro . Dyte , P . M ., aud seconded by Bvo . Farmer , P . M . and Treas . , "That from and after tho 1 st of January , 1 S 6 Stho initiation fee shall be seven guineasand the joining
, , fee four guineas ; that all professional anel country members ' subscription bo one guinea per annum ( excepting the present professional and country members ); and further , that the sum of four shillings per annum be paicl out of the subscriptions to the fund of benevolence of the loelge . " The next proposition was , "That a summer festival be given to the ladies , at the Crystal Palaceto take place on the 27 th day of Juno next . " AVe
, are pleased to record that no discussion took place upon this proposition , which met with a hearty concurrence , it being carried unanimously . These matters being satisfactorily settled , the- working of the lodge was resumed . Bros . Edwards and Pretty were placed before the W . M ., and the brethren being satisfied with their responses , they were entrusted with the Fellow Craft degree , after which Bros . James , Chambers , and
Bayne were similarly questioned , and impressively raised to t ' . ie third degree in Freemasonry . This was followed liy tho initiation of four gentlemen , Messrs . Charles Kirby , George T .-iylor , W . H . Ward , and A . D . Francis , well and worthily recommended , who received tho first step in the Order with becoming modesty . Business ended , the lodge was closeel . LODGE OF JCTSITOE ( NO . 1-17 ) . —This lodge met at tho AVhite Swan , Deptford , on the lOfch inst ., Bro . G . Chapman , "W . M ., in the chair , when Bro . Brown was passed to tlie second degree . There were present Bros . G . Bolton , P . M . ; T . Llovd , P . M .: J .
Bavin , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Lightfoot , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M . ; N . Wingfteld , P . M . ; and visitors , Bros . AV . Simmons , P . M . 5 S 4 ; II . Whittle , . T . D . S 71 , and many others . LODGE OE COKEIDENCE ( NO . 1 D 3 ) . —This lodge may congratulate itself on heing under the rule of a Master erudite in his lodge duties , anel full of all those amenities which so well fit a brother to preside at the banquet board . Bro . Samuel
AA ebb , the WM . , on tho Sth inst . combined tho attributes of which we have just spoken in the most eminent manner . His inductions of Mr . Ashley and Mr . Ilolyoake into the vestibule ofthe Masonic Temple were marked by dignity , solemnity , and correctness ; anel well the recipients of the earlier mysteries seemed to appreciate the exhortations of their mentor . Labour concludedrefreshment succeed eelarid an admirably provided
, , banquet graced the festal board . It was such as ever proceeds from the cuisine of the Blessrs . Clemow , and more need not be said . The P . M . ' s present were : —Bros . Bobbins , I . P . M ., Birch , Warno , I . Rogers , and Friday Rogers ; while the guests availing themselves of tho hospitality of the lodge were Bros . Avliss , 201 ; Park , 3-1 ; Jones , 108 ; Robinson , 201 ; Dunn , 21 ; Charles Sloman 25 ; Birdseye 715 ; anel Jeffrey 201 . Bro . C . Sloman
, , , , in his usual impromptu effusions , introduced the names of the brethren , and the detail of the evening , after his well-known efficient style . MERCHANT NAVY LODGE ( NO . 781 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on the 10 th inst ., at the Silver Tavern , Buvdett-road , Limehouse . Bro . C . Iv . Killick , W . M ., presidedsupported by Bros . D . A . DavisW . M . eleetS . W . ;
, , , Br . icebridge , J . AV . ; Sutton , S . D . ; Helps , J . D . ; Bradbury , I . G . ; Read , Hon . See . ; AVright , Daniell Potts , Kindred , and Steadman , Past Masters ; and many other brethren and visitors , amongst whom were Bros . Hieks , P . M . 174 ; Clark , P . M . 534 ; Bellaby , AV . M . 65 ; Grellat , J . AV " . 507 ; Self , S 9 S ; Lincoln , S 9 S ; Jenkins , 72 ; and Storey , 1 , 076 . The loelge having been openeel in due formand tho minutes of the last regular lodge and
, lodges of emergency read and confirmed , Bro . Potts then toolc tho chair , and Bro . Davis , W . M . elect , was formally presented to receive at his bands tbe benefit of installation . Bro . Davis having given his assent to all the qualifications for AV . M ., the brethren below the degree of Installed Masters were requested to
retire . A Board of Past Masters was formed , and he was duly installed into the chair of K . S . The brethren were then readmitted and the new AV . M . received the congratulations of the brethren and the usual salutes . The AA . M . then appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . Bracebrielge , S . W . ; Read ( late Sec ) , J . AV . ; Sutton , S . D . ; Bradbury , J . D . ; Armstrong , I . G . ; Medium ! , Sec . ; Potts , Dir . of Cers . ; Gibbs , Steward . Bros . AVright , P . M ., invested as Treas . ; and Hoare , Tyler . Bro . Potts then
delivered the customary address in a most impressive manner , which elicited from all the brethren the warmest approbat'oa . Bro . AVright , P . M ., then informed the brethren a very pleasing duty devolved upon him , that of presenting their Immediate Past Master , Bro . Killick , with the jewel voted by the brethren at their last regular lodge meeting , he , Bro . Wright , having had the pleasure of initiating Bro . Killick into Masonry some years sincefelt an irresistable desire to solicit from their AV . M . the
, honour and privilege of placing this jewel on tho breast of Bro . Killick , and in doing so , in feeling terms , expressed the gratitude of the brethren for his courteous bearing and uniform , kindness during his year of office ; likewise passing a high eulogism upon his excellent working , and concluded by expressing a hope that he might be spared many years to continue his mission of usefulness to Masonry , anel to the Merchant Navy Lodge particularly . Bro . Killickin acknowledging the high
, compliment passeel upon him by Bro . Wright , stated ho hael certainly made the interests anel harmony of the lodgo his constant study , and was happy to find he had succeeded to the satisfaction of the brethren , but he wished also to remind them he had been materially assisted by the kindness and ability of Bro . AVright , P . M ., who was always ready to come to his aid with counsel and advice , he also wished to remind the brethren
that he had in Bro . Roid a most efficient Secretary , one who had shown himself very zealous in his duties , anel which was of great assistance to a Master , he therefore heartily thanked the brethren for the kind token of their esteem , and assured them that lie should ever wear it with pride , he hoped an honest and becoming pride , feeling that whenever he went he carried with him the fraternal nndbesfc wishes of the brethren of Merchant Navy Lodge . Nothing further being offered , the lodge , as customary , closeel with solemn prayer , all the business proper of this lodge having been transacted at a lodge of emergency called